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Chapter 9 – Mental Models

Identifying How Mental Models or Assumptions Influence Behavior and Decisions

1. See the Mental Models Worksheet at the end of this exercise. An example of a mental
model associated with the “fighting fires” management style in the context of a health
services organization is followed by actions associated with that mental model. Next, an
alternative (different, opposite) mental model for this type of management style is offered,
followed by associated actions.
2. Choose a TOPIC and the mental model that currently influences you or that you would like
to influence your behavior as an accounting student. Using the example as guide, describe
your actions as an accounting student if your behavior was driven by this mental model.
3. Think of an alternative mental model about studying approach and style and describe what
might be your actions/decisions if your behavior was driven by this alternative mental model.

Topic: “Fighting Fires” management style
Mental Model: Putting out “fires” at work makes me feel important—like I have really
accomplished something today.
 Look for fires.
 Act in a reactive, rather than proactive, manner.
 Manage day to day rather than strategically.
 Encourage employees to depend on the manager to solve problems.
Alternative Mental Model
If I am constantly putting out fires, some work or management processes are not working well.
 Prevent problems rather than react to problems in the workplace.
 Improve work processes rather than continually treat symptoms of process breakdowns.
 Encourage employees to solve problems and participate in improvement efforts.

1) Handling group activities in school
2) How to study and pass accounting subjects
3) How to manage research projects
4) Proper budgeting and managing cost of college education

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