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Simple Paths to Learn Anything faster

“If only I could have learned Spanish three years ago…”

“If only I learned about investing when I was still in my early twenties…”

If only.

For many of us, there are more things we want to learn than we have time for. And as
information becomes more readily accessible online, the number of things we want to learn has
only increased. That means that the only variable we can actually control is the time we spend
learning them.

Shortening the learning curve is a topic that’s been studied for many years, and this guide will
cover the fundamental core principles of learning faster. Were these principles perfectly in place,
you could leverage them to push yourself to learn faster and master any category of learning,
including languages, business skills, musical instruments and more. To quote Tony Robbins:
"One skill you want to master in this day and age we live in, if you want to have an extraordinary
life, is the ability to learn rapidly."

So, here are those principles:

1. Combine All Learning Modalities.

All of us have preferred learning modalities: Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing and Kinaesthetic
(VARK). If you are a visual person, you will find learning a lot easier if you see the new material
presented visually, such as through pictures, diagrams or PowerPoint. If you learn best by
listening, then you will love podcasts, interviews, and audiobooks. Those with a reading or
writing modality learn best when they can read the information and write down notes. If you are
kinaesthetically-inclined, you learn better when you can use your hands and physically touch or
try something out for yourself

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By understanding what your preferred learning modality is, you can speed up your absorption of
information by choosing a learning system that supports your modality . For even faster learning,
combine all modalities. For example, if you are reading about coding skills from an article, read
it out loud to yourself and draw a mind map while you are doing this. Then immediately try the
code on your website.

2. Don't Reinvent the Wheel.

Why reinvent a wheel that’s already been created? The common tendency we all have when
learning something new is trying to master it alone and underestimating the amount of time and
effort that can be saved by getting help from someone who’s already learned it.

Think back to a time when you first learned how to speak a new language or obtain a new
skill. You probably had a steep learning curve initially, but after a few years or even months of
experimenting and making mistakes, you could design a shortcut to help a friend avoid those
same mistakes you made early on.

In order to achieve mastery faster, our first step should be to consult the top players in the field,
and model the path they have already carved out for us. As Robbins puts it: "Many great leaders
have proven that the fastest way to master any skill, strategy or goal in life is to model those who
have already forged the path ahead. If you can find someone who is already getting the results
that you want and take the same actions they are taking, you can get the same results

"It doesn’t matter what your age, gender or background is," Robbins continues. "Modeling gives
you the capacity to fast track your dreams and achieve more in a much shorter period of time. In
this day and age, it’s possible to retrieve almost any solution that’s out there in the form of
books, blogs, training videos, consultants, someone in our network -- the list goes on."

To quote yet another wise individual, this time Pablo Picasso: "Good artists copy. Great artists

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3. Spend time with your loved ones

If you want optimal cognitive abilities, then you’ve got to have meaningful relationships in your
life. Talking with others and engaging with your loved ones helps you think more clearly, and it
can also lift your mood.

If you are an extrovert, this holds even more weight for you. At a class at Stanford University, I
learned that extroverts actually use talking to other people as a way to understand and process
their own thoughts.

I remember that the teacher told us that after a personality test said she was an extrovert, she was
surprised. She had always thought of herself as an introvert. But then, she realized how much
talking to others helped her frame her own thoughts, so she accepted her new-found status as an

4. Eat right–and make sure dark chocolate is included

Foods like fish, fruits, and vegetables help your brain perform optimally. Yet, you might not
know that dark chocolate gives your brain a good boost as well.

When you eat chocolate, your brain produces dopamine. And dopamine helps you learn faster
and remember better. Not to mention, chocolate contains flavanols, antioxidants, which also
improve your brain functions. So next time you have something difficult to do, make sure you
grab a bite or two of dark chocolate!

Now that you know how to train your brain, it’s actually time to start doing. Don’t just consume
this content and then go on with your life as if nothing has changed. Put this knowledge into
action and become smarter than ever!

So devote 30 seconds and tell me in the comments: what are you going to do in the next three
days to give your brain a boost?

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5. Prioritizing the Time

First and Foremost principles are prioritizing the time means generally humans shows an
interest towards a work for a short period of time though professionals, so categorize the time in
chunks and start your work.

For example if someone teaches you for a long period of 50 minutes , ask them to teach for 10
minutes and then give break and then continue teaching instead of wasting 50 min completely
we can learn at least for 25 minutes.

6. Do something different repeatedly.

By actually doing something new over and over again, your brain wires new pathways that help
you do this new thing better and faster.

Think back to when you were three years old. You surely were strong enough to hold a knife and
a fork just fine. Yet, when you were eating all by yourself, you were creating a mess. It was not a
matter of strength, you see. It was a matter of cultivating more and better neural pathways that
would help you eat by yourself just like an adult does. And guess what? With enough repetition
you made that happen!

But how does this apply to your life right now?

Say you are a procrastinator. The more you don’t procrastinate, the more you teach your brain
not to wait for the last minute to make things happen.

Now, you might be thinking “Duh, if only not procrastinating could be that easy!” Well, it can
be. By doing something really small, that you wouldn’t normally do, but is in the direction of
getting that task done, you will start creating those new precious neural pathways.

So if you have been postponing organizing your desk, just take one paper and put in its right
place. Or, you can go even smaller. Look at one piece of paper and decide where to put it: Trash?
Right cabinet? Another room? Give it to someone?

JALA Technologies offers Job Guaranteed Programs for Fresher’s to 12 years’ experience with salary range of 2-16 lakhs per
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You don’t actually need to clean up that paper; you only need to decide what you need to do with

That’s how small you can start. And yet, those neural pathways are still being built. Gradually,
you will transform yourself from a procrastinator to an in-the-moment action taker.

7. Write things down

This isn’t just opening up notepad on your phone or laptop and jotting a couple of bullet points,
but rather physically taking out a pen and a piece of paper to commit to memory. As noted in a
study by Betsy Sparrow of Columbia University, when we rely too heavily on a computer to
remember things, we’re less likely to commit to it ourselves.

8. Exercise your brain

A brain is just like any muscle in your body -- the more you exercise it, the more effective it
becomes. Try learning something new, set yourself a new challenge or use fun resources like
BrainHQ and Lumosity to increase your attention, memory, cognitive abilities and brain speed.
The more you train and exercise your brain, the faster your learning will be.

9. Get hands-on experience

Nothing beats learning like actual hands-on experience. Textbook knowledge transforms into
something much more useful when we can combine it with practical knowledge.

For example, you can read as much as you want about share investing but until you actually buy
your first shares of stock, you won’t understand what the process actually entails and what it is
like to put real money on the line.

Another alternative is to fully immerse yourself in the experience of learning. For example, if
you were trying to learn Spanish, spend a few months living in Mexico and don’t allow yourself
to use any English while you are there. You will pick up the language a lot quicker than using
audiobooks and textbooks

JALA Technologies offers Job Guaranteed Programs for Fresher’s to 12 years’ experience with salary range of 2-16 lakhs per
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10. Teach someone else what you are learning

When you teach someone else what you are learning, you retain approximately 90 percent of
what you have just learned, especially if you do this immediately after yourself.

By sharing your knowledge with someone else, not only are you helping someone else but you
will also discover quickly how well you know your subject and discover any gaps.

Build these ten habits into your learning and you will be amazed how quickly your learning
speed will increase.

11. Create Mental Associations

You can shorten your learning time by creating mental associations to link what you already
know to new information. Techniques such as using a familiar acronym or rhyme to help you
remember different types of marketing sequences, using favourite colours to help you remember
algorithms or visualizing something interesting about a client to help you remember their name
are all ways for you to create mental associations.

The more mental association techniques you know how to employ, the easier it will be for you to
increase your learning speed.

JALA Technologies offers Job Guaranteed Programs for Fresher’s to 12 years’ experience with salary range of 2-16 lakhs per
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