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TPACK Template


Subject Mathematics

Grade Level 1st Grade

Learning 1.9 The student will investigate the passage of time and
Objective a) tell time to the hour and half-hour, using analog and digital clocks; and
b) read and interpret a calendar.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to circle and drag
clock times, in order to recognize the difference between analog and digital clocks and learn
about telling time by the half-hour and hour.

Activity First, the students will watch the video: “Telling Time for Children-
Learning the Clock” to introduce the difference between analog and a digital
clock and understand the basics of telling time.
Second, the students will make their own clock using the worksheet “Make a
Clock”. The students will color their clocks, cut out and glue the numbers in
the correct spots, and cut out their hour and minute hand. The educator will
use a brass fastener to punch through the middle of the clock, so the students
are able to move the hour and minute hand to tell time with their clock.
Third, the teacher will show the students how to work their clock and
understand the meaning of the hour and minute hand. The educator will call
out times and the students will use their clock to display that specific time.
For example, the teacher would say 12:00 o’clock and the students will place
the hour and minute hand on the number 12.
Fourth, the students will get into groups of 2-3 students. The teacher will
give each group a laminated clock mat and time strips in a bag. Each student
will draw out a time strip from the baggie and write the correct time on the
laminated clock mat. The time strips include the hour times, half-hour times,
and written versions of the time. The students will complete this activity until
the students run out of time strips in the baggie.
Fifth, the students will individually complete the “Telling Time” worksheet.
The worksheet contains four clocks, and the students will need to write the
correct time that is being displayed by the clocks in the pictures. This will
allow the educator to see what the students know based on their own
Sixth, the students will sit on the carpet facing the white board. As a class,
the educator will go through the “Telling Time” flipchart. The educator will
randomly call on the students to come up to the board to circle the correct
time on the clock being displayed, write in the correct times, or draw the
hour and minute hand on the clock. The activity depends on the instructions
on the slide in the flipchart.
Sixth, the teacher will end the lesson by going over the monthly calendar by
addressing the month, day, year, and season. The educator will go over the
calendar daily, in order for the students to understand how to read and
interpret a calendar.


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