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Joslin Quintana 

Reflection of Instructional Video  

The purpose of this instructional video project was for us to guide 

and help an audience complete a task successfully. This project required 

us to have visual and sound elements in the video, whether drawings, 

photographs, videos, or moving images. I did my project by taking multiple 

videos and put them together. I took the videos on my phone and 

downloaded an app to put all of them together. This project was a lot 

more challenging than I thought it was going to be.   

I did my instructional video on how to make soft and chewy peanut 

butter cookies. I used a recipe that my mom had saved. I did a 

mini-interview and asked her all about the recipe. My primary source was 

my mom, and my secondary source was a youtube video explaining how to 

make peanut butter cookies. It wasn't too hard to do my research since I 

got ideas from people on the chart in the google drive, and I immediately 

thought that peanut butter cookies would be a great option.  

The primary audience for my video was people that like to bake! It 

was for beginner chefs. I thought that a video uploaded to YouTube would 

be the best way to reach my audience since many people like seeing 

instructions visually. I know that I would search for making a particular 

type of cake on youtube because it is quick, easy, and convenient.  

When gaining feedback from those in my group, I feel like it helps a 

lot. Hearing a different perspective from three other individuals helped me 
make big decisions in the way I formatted and said things. I got feedback 

on my first draft instructions in my first draft when it said it is optional to 

make a crisscross pattern in the middle using a fork. Those instructions 

weren’t self-explanatory in writing, but in my video, I felt as if I could 

include it because they can see what I am referring to.  

This project challenged me to think about giving clear, 

understandable instructions to an audience that doesn’t know anything 

about what I am doing. When first thinking about this project, I felt that it 

would be easy since all I had to do was make a video, but it wasn’t just that 

simple. Instead of making one continuous video of making the cookies, I 

made about 25 different videos. There were parts that I had to redo 

because I didn’t like the way I said things and how my hands looked etc.  

I also had to think hard about how I would do a voiceover since I’ve 

never had done one before and I was scared that I would mess up when I 

was speaking, I would mess up, and that app lets me put transitions, 

words, as well as music in the background. I loved how we had class time 

to work on our projects. It helps tremendously since we can also hear 

feedback from our peers.  

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