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Name: ____________________________ Date:__________________________

Section: ___________________________ Teacher:_______________________
Instruction: Encircle the letter of the BEST answer.
1. A student is researching an element that is ​NOT A CONDUCTOR​ of heat or electricity but is ​SHINY​ like a metal.
Which category does it likely belong to?
A. Metals B. Nonmetals C. Metalloids
2. Most of these are shiny (lustrous).
A. Metals B. Nonmetals C. Metalloids D. Compound
3. Which of the observations best helps you know a substance is a metal?
A. It is black and heavy. C. It breaks easily
B. It does not conduct electricity D. It conducts electricity
4. Which is TRUE of nonmetals?
A. They are conductors of heat and electricity
B. They are found along the stair-step line of the periodic table
C. They are found to the right of the stair-step line of the periodic table
D. They are on the left side of the stair-step line of the periodic table
5. Which of the following properties is TRUE for metalloids?
A. Is a semi-conductor with properties of both metals and non-metals
B. Always conducts electricity and is shiny
C. Never conducts electricity and is dull
D. They are not elements
6. Majority of the elements in the periodic table belongs in this category.
A. Compounds B. Metalloids C. Nonmetals D. Metals
7. Which location shows where metalloids can be found on the
periodic table?
A. 3 B. 3 and 4
B. 1 D. 1 and 2

8. If a metal is _____________ it can be drawn into a wire.

A. Conductive B. Malleable C. Magnetic D. Ductile
9. _____________ describes the way a substance reflects light, or SHINES.
A. Magnetism B. Brittleness C. Lustrous(Luster) D. Ductility
10. _____________ describes how well the substance can be hammered into sheets.
A. Malleability B. Conductivity C. Ductility D. Luster
11. If a substance breaks easily, it is said to be ___________
A. Magnetic B. Conductive C. Brittle D. Ductile
12. Non-metals are usually GOOD conductors of heat and electricity.
A. True B. False
13. Which of the following describe metals?
A. Solids, liquids or gases at room temperature C. Malleable and Ductile
B. Dull and brittle D. Semi-conductors
14. ________________ are dull, brittle and poor conductors.
A. Nonmetals B. Metalloids C. Metals D. All of the above
15. Metalloids are best known for being ________
A. Elements B. Good Conductors C. Dense D. Semi-conductors
16. Which of the following is an example of a non-metal?
A. Carbon B. Aluminum C. Sodium D. Boron
17. Which of the following is an example of a metalloid?
A. Silicon B. Lead C. Neon D. Hydrogen
18. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Metals are generally located on the right side of the periodic table
B. Nonmetals are generally located on the right side of the periodic table
C. Nonmetals are generally located along the stair-step line on the periodic table
D. Metalloids are generally located on the left side of the periodic table
19. Which of the following is a metal?
A. Ca B. C C. O D. Cl
20. A student tests an object. It is shiny, bends easily, and conducts electricity. The object is a __________
A. Plastic B. Metal C. Metalloid D. Nonmetal
21. If an object has luster, it:
A. is dense B. can conduct heat C. can be stretched D. is shiny
22. Compare to metals, sulfur easily melts when expose to a lighted alcohol lamp due to its
A. Low melting point B. High melting point C. Poor conductivity D. High density
23. Why do you think some metals are used to make kitchen utensils?
A. Make food tastier B. Poor conductor of heat C. Good Conductor of heat D. Cook faster
24. Group 3-fic was asked to identify an unknown element. They placed it over a flame to examine its
characteristics. They concluded that it was a metallic element. What observation led them to that conclusion?
A. It became liquid and evaporated
B. It broken into pieces
C. It glow at the hotter end
D. It easily burned and turned into ashes.
25. Which property exhibited by a substance that easily broken into pieces?
A. Dull B. Poor Conductor C. Brittle D. Ductile

Instruction: Use the information given to complete the table below about the three categories of elements.
● Are brittle, not malleable or ductile and poor conductors of both heat and electricity. Some are liquids.
● Are important because of their unique conductivity which makes them valuable in the semiconductor and
computer chip industry
● Are solid, shiny, good conductors of electricity and heat. They are ductile and are malleable.


“If God is for me, who can be against me” – Romans 8:31

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