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11/14/2020 Add raster feature


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Add raster feature

The non-modal ( Add Raster Feature
tool can add a specific feature to a raster layer
( by modifying raster cell values along
or within selected shapes (i.e., lines, polygons, and points). The tool creates a new output
raster layer ( with the same cell size and
extent, rather than altering the original raster file.

Common applications of this tool include representing different terrain conditions in an

existing DEM (, such as cutting or filling the
existing grade to match the proposed design grading, setting a constant elevation or
offset ( depth to create a levee or channel
and adding a storage pond into the existing topography, as in this example

The tool supports various feature types and masks are created from the selected entities
( of any single vector layer
( or shapes drawn with the Ruler tool.
If entities from multiple vector layers are selected, only the ones from the active layer in
the Layers panel ( are used to define a
feature. By selecting entities, masked cells are identified, which are then used to add the
desired raster features.

A buffer ( can optionally be specified to

widen the mask, essentially creating a larger polygon around the selected entity(s). Cell
mask status for points, lines, and polygons are described below. 1/10
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For points, a cell is masked if it contains any selected point.

For lines, a cell is masked if any of its four edges intersects any selected line.

Polygons can be the selected ones in a polygon layer or created by buffering points,
lines, or polygons. For polygons, a cell is masked if its center point is within any selected

Add Raster Feature dialog 2/10
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Raster layer
Select the input raster layer to which a feature will be added. Only open background
layers ( that are read-supported
raster file types (/79187/layer-file) will be included in the dropdown list.

Feature type
Select a type of feature to be added. Supported feature types for the masked cells are
Replace, Cut, Fill, Offset, Connect, and Storage Pond. The non-masked output cells will
have the same values as the input raster layer. A taper style can be optionally applied
with all feature types except Storage Pond.

Description (without a Taper style)

Replace Replace the input cell values with the specified Value (e.g., a fixed elevation).

If an input cell value is greater than the specified Value, the output cells are
Cut set to this Value. Otherwise, cell values are unchanged from the input raster
layer. 3/10
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If an input cell value is less than the specified Value, the output cells are set
Fill to this Value. Otherwise, cell values are unchanged from the input raster

Offset the input cell values by the specified Value, which can be positive or

Perform a linear interpolation along selected lines using the two elevations
at the first and last vertices of each selected line.
This only works for line shapes and will throw an error for point or
Connect polygon shapes.

Both start and end vertices of a selected line must have input cell values
that are not NoData. Otherwise, the interpolation cannot be performed.

Add a storage pond to the output raster based on a single selected polygon.
If multiple polygons are selected, an error message will be thrown. Note
that the Taper style does not apply for this feature type.

Select a operation to perform. Supported operations for the masked cells include Cut,
Fill, and Cut&Fill.

Operation Description

Replaces the input cell values with the specified Value (e.g., a fixed
Cut & Fill
elevation, offset depth, or other).

If the newly calculated Value of a cell is less than the original Value, the
Cut cell is set to this Value. Otherwise, cell values are unchanged from the
input raster layer.

If the newly calculated Value of a cell is greater than the original Value, the
Fill cell is set to this Value. Otherwise, cell values are unchanged from the
input raster layer.

Output cell value that applies to Replace, Cut, and Fill feature types. It can be positive or
negative. 4/10
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Output cell value that applies to Offset and Connect feature types. It can be positive or

Buffer distance
A buffer distance applies to the selected entities, which can be points, lines, or polygons.

A positive buffer distance will create buffer polygons around the selected points, lines,
or polygons.

A negative buffer distance will create inward buffer polygons around the selected
polygons, and will not create buffer polygons for the selected points or lines.

The created buffer polygon is then used to define a feature. If no valid buffer polygons
can be created using the Buffer distance (e.g., a negative distance on points or lines), the
output raster layer will be the same as the input layer and no feature will be added.

Taper style
A taper style defines a transitional shape from the polygon boundary inward for an input
taper width. It only works with polygons, which can be the selected from a polygon layer
or buffered using selected entities and a buffer distance.

Taper Style Description

None No taper style will be applied to define a feature.

Linear interpolation using equation


Exponential interpolation using equation

Exponential 5/10
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S-shaped interpolation using equation


The Z calculation is the same for feature types Replace, Cut, Fill, Offset, and Connect, and
does not apply to Storage Pond.

For the Cut feature type, if Z is greater than the input cell value, the output cell value is
set to the input.

For the Fill feature type, if Z is lower than the input cell value, the output cell value is
set to the input.

Taper width
The width (horizontal projection ( over
which the transitional raster features are defined.

Only used with the Exponential taper style.

Taper examples
A range of taper styles is shown below, with the raster illustrated in the left panel and a
cross-section view (using the Ruler tool) in the right panel. The first example shows a
Replace feature in which cell values are replaced with an elevation value of 355 and a
buffer of 100 ft (i.e., cells that are within 100 ft of the black line are assigned an elevation
of 355 with no taper). In each subsequent example, a taper width of 100 ft is used. 6/10
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Save raster as
Specify the output raster layer filename.

Add button
Apply the Add Raster Feature tool to create the output raster layer.

Close button
Close the dialog and do not apply this tool.

Storage Pond feature options 7/10
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Bank data
Bank data consists of multiple rows of pond embankment zones known as bank
segments. The layout of each segment is entered by the user, proceeding sequentially
from the lowest segment (pond bottom elevation) to the highest segment (top of
embankment elevation).

Bank data favorites can be saved for quick recall.

Save the Bank Data table as a favorite.

Remove the saved Bank Data favorite.

Bank Segment 8/10
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Width - width of a bank segment.

Slope - slope from the inner polygon perimeter to the outer.

Multiple bank segments can be defined. The first row in the Bank data table accepts the
innermost bank segment width and slope and the last row accepts the outermost bank
segment, as shown in the schematic below:

End Point
The End Point represents the outer perimeter of each bank segment polygon. Three
parameters ( are automatically
calculated by PCSWMM once the bank segment information has been entered.

Height gain at the outer polygon perimeter of a bank segment above the
Invert elevation.

Elevation at the outer polygon perimeter of a bank segment (i.e., Invert

elevation + Height).

Area Area of the bank segment polygon. 9/10
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Invert elevation
Elevation of the cells within the innermost bank segment polygon (i.e., the bottom of the
storage pond).

Outside grading slope

The external pond embankment slope, which proceeds from the selected polygon
boundary and ties into the existing terrain outside of the pond.

The elevation difference between the desired freeboard water level in the pond and the
selected polygon boundary. The estimated storage pond volume (Vol in screen capture
below) is calculated each time a new Freeboard depth is entered, without generating an
output raster layer. Selecting the Add button will generate the output raster layer, and
more accurately calculate the storage pond volume as well as the Cut/Fill quantities.
These quantities can then be copied to the clipboard by selecting the Copy button.

Can this article be improved? 10/10

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