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Article Review

Please update me your article review, include the following:

- Title of article
- A little bit of the article content
- What topic it covers (what chapters in the syllable)
- Your ideas on the writing
- The link to the article

1. Tittle of article

Quality and operation management in food supply chains.

2. A little bit of the article content

Food quality, including safety, has been a major concern faced by the food industry, partly due to a
series of food safety crises and scandals . Quality of the food products continuously changes as they
move along the supply chain, which can lead to significant social, economic, and environmental
consequences. Food spoilage is one of the major issues related to food safety and quality.

3. What topic it covers ( what chapter in the syllable)

Supply chain management ( Chapter 9)

4. Your ideas on the writing

Looking for articles on food supply chain related to operations management. Summarize the article and
critique it, whether I agree or disagree of this article. Then, I need to give recommendation for improve
if is it possible.

5. The link to the article

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