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Step 5: Evaluate Solution

By:Harjas Singh

Reflect on your work and consider ways that the final product or process could be improved.
Use the following questions to help guide a thoughtful reflection. Be sure to go beyond just
yes/no responses and give insightful comments with your “why” for your answers.

1. Does the final product align with your design statement?- ​Yes and no, because it
does align with my design statement. It follows the rules and has everything that was
needed and what I planned on how the box to look and be and it can close and open like
it is supposed to. The reason no, is because I had to redesign the box top part of it and
edit it to make it just right because my other design would have had blocked my box from
opening correctly so I had to design the whole top part of the box which is the lid and
had to redesign my idea of my hinge and how the two components will work with each
other flawlessly.

2. Did you meet all of the criteria and constraints?- ​Yes, I did meet all of the criteria and
constraints of the project. I met the constraints of the height, width, volume, design and
etc that I had somewhat for myself and what I planned out to make the whole time.

3. Was the customer satisfied with the final product?- ​I don't know but I am pretty sure
he will be satisfied when I give him his protective case/box. I made the protective
case/box as a birthday gift for my cousin and haven’t shown it to him yet. I’m just waiting
for when we hangout next and pass out the presents. .

4. Could resources (time or material) be used more efficiently at any step of the
process?- ​Yes, for time if I knew how to work Fusion 360 a lot more fluently and better I
believe I could have fixed the small mistakes I made before and work a lot faster.
Another thing is if I understood and realized that my first design wouldn’t have possibly
worked due to the design of my hinge supporters being a problem and possibly not let
the box to fully open like I designed it. With that Mrs. Behr and I worked together to
redesign the whole hinge system to make it perfectly fit and work in which if I designed it
a better way and had a really good idea of how to Fusion 360 a good hinge and etc. I
could have saved my own time but also Mrs. Behr’s. For materials me and Mrs. Behr
caught the mistake early so we just had to 3D print my project once because we fixed
the previous mistake which helped us save material and helped me print out the
case/box just once. But the size of the box was huge, taking a lot of material and even
taking 20 hours in total to make the box and the lid itself.
5. What did you find to be the most challenging part of this project? What about the
easiest?- ​The hardest part of this project is actually thinking of the perfect/ good hinge
idea for it to come to life on Fusion 360 and to actually just prepare it really, get the right
sizing and just find where I can put the hinge and how I can design it to fit and work
flawlessly. The easiest thing about the project was coming up with the design, how I
want it to look, documenting the information and then cutting/ taking off the excess 3D
print material so the box can look fully complete.

6. What Problems did you run into while designing and making your Protective
case/box?- ​I had quite a few problems when it came to this project. First of all it wasn’t a
problem at all but I changed the idea of what was going to be printed on my box. My first
concept only had the idea of printing 16th, Harf, and 2020 but at the last minute while
drawing my isometric sketch I decided to add Singh as well which made me go from
having 4 faces of my box to having 5 faces of my box have something printed on the
face. The rectangle box is made up of two components. The first issue I encountered
when designing is the box and the second one is the lid. The lid is the top part of the
box. So that being said the lid had Harf printed on it, with the front side having Singh
printed on it while the opposite side Singh had 2020 printed on it leaving the two small
sides having 16th printed on them. The first real big issue was after I made my first
Fusion 360 design of the whole box which had two components: the body of the
rectangle box and the lid that is supposed to be functional. While getting it approved with
Mrs. Behr and talking to her about it she pointed out that the two little rectangles I made
that I extruded out which holds the hinge might cause issues and might not work which
means that the box will not open all the way or at all due to the rectangles preventing it.
After discussing it and going back and forth we decided to redo the whole top piece. So
Mrs. Behr and I talked about different ideas and decided to base the hinge of the
precision dial vernier caliper box that it comes in and started working on it. We remade
the hinges, redesigned the top and made sure that everything fit. We also measured the
rod that will go through the hinges to help the box open and close to make the dial
caliper which helped us make our holes for the rod to fit which was a little bit of a hassle
due to it not working that well on Fusion. Which we eventually figured it out and made it
to what we wanted. The second big issue was that after re-doing the top we had to
re-type Harf on top of the box but the font I wanted Mrs. Behr didn’t have any. We tried
to find it but we couldn’t so we just went to a nice box type font for his name which made
me go from having three different fonts to having 4 different fonts because we couldn’t
find the font I used before on Mrs. Behr Fusion 360. The third issue is that when Mrs.
Behr sent me back the file to edit and to get my drawing paper from. I couldn’t do it
because Fusion 360 was giving me an error and administration code/problem that I
couldn’t even edit my drawing, put Harf in the font I had before, or even look at it or
anything. I can’t find the volume, density, area, mass and calculate for it due to it being
super big and for me not to have all the resources that I need/want to get some of the
information That means that I can't calculate for price or list all the information. For the
last issue like I said I can’t get a drawing aspect of my box, but Mrs. Behr was able to
send it to me which is nice but I couldn't do it myself if I wanted to. Finally, the project
and box came out really nice but just these small issues and problems that I ran into
made it a lot harder than it usually is from calculating the size to making the hinge to
make two components work together and etc. I had to fix each of them so it would be
able to open and close and meet the project requirements. Despite not having full
access to the documents and to edit it myself that much was one of the biggest issues
but the project got completed and came out really beautifully which is really nice.

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