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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1: Continuity Equation

The first principle that we are concerned regarding basic fluid flow is about principle of conservation of
mass. Simply stated, it says that the net rate of change of total mass of the fluid in a control volume is
equal to the difference of rate of mass flow in and out of the control volume.Mathematically,


= Velocity Field

For an incompressible flow, above equation reduces to:

div = 0

1.2: and Laplace Equation

If the fluid flow is such that it is irrotaional i.e Curl = 0 , then we can write

Furthermore, for an irrotational and incompressible flow,

= 0

= 0

Thus ,velocity potential ( ) obeys laplace equation in this case.It turns out that the streamfunction (
also satisfies laplace equation fo this case. The solutions of laplace equation are called as harmonic
functions. These harmonic functions have two important properties listed as follows :

Laplace equation is linear. Thus, any linear combination of solutions of laplace equation is itself a
solution of laplace equation.

The solution to laplace equation in some volume is uniquely determined if f is specifed at boundary
1.3: Uniform Flow
Consider a uniform flow with velocity, m/s oriented in positive direction. It is easily shown that
a uniform flow is physically possible incompressible and irrotational flow. Hence, we can obtain
by solving the pde:

The solution has following form:

We can drop the constant term without any loss of rigor , since the derivative of constant equals zero and
we are only concerned with velocity field.

Finally, we arrive at :

Similarly, solving stream function equations i.e :

we have:

In Polar Coordinates we have:

1.4: Source Flow
Source flow is a two dimensional incmpressible flow where flow originates from a single point and
moves radially out . The magnitude of velocity decreases as fluid moves away from the source point.
Mathematically we have,


It is easily seen that such a flow is also a irrotational flow (by calculating its curl), and thus we can find

The Solution is:

In Cartesian System,

Similarly, solving stream function equations

We have,
Chapter 2: Rankine Flow
2.1: Stream Function
Since laplace equation is linear, we can add any number of solutions to get a new solution or type of
fluid flow. We consider a uniform flow with single source and single sink separated by distance (2b=
0.6m). The Stream function for this type of flow is given by :



In Cartesian Coordinate System,

2.2: Stream Lines
The stream lines are obtained by setting stream function = constant, i.e,


On Plotting,
The Velocity Potential also obeys Laplace equation, thus it can be added for this problem. Thus,

The plot of are called equipotential lines. On plotting we have,

2.4: Velocity Field
The Velocity field is obtained via the equations:

Plotting the velocity field,

2.5: Stagnation and Max velocity Points

The Stagnation points are obtained by setting which gives following equations,

On solving we have , (

Thus, stagnation points lies 0.3711 units from origin on X-axis.

The maximum velocity occurs at following points in the flow ,


On solving, we obtain the solutions to be at (0,0)

The first point is obviously the stagnation point, the minimum velocity point.

At point (0,0) the velocity vector is: = with magnitude 10.71361 m/s , which is
the maximum velocity point.
2.6: Object Shape and Size


This is an equation of oval, rankine oval to be exact. On plotting,

Clearly, length of theOval extends from one stagnation point to the other. Thus, length = 2 * 0.371142 =
0.7422 m

When x = 0, y =
Thus, breadth = 0.338 m
2.7: Flow Net
We Finally plot Stream lines and Equipotential lines together to get flownet.
Chapter Three: Matlab Codes
% Streamlines for Rankine Flow
clear all;

m = 3.5; % Source Strength in m^2/s
U = 7;% velocity in m/s
b = 0.3;% semi separation distance

% Generation Of Mesh Grid

x = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000);
y = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

% Stream Lines (Color: Black)

psi= U.*Y-((m/(2*pi)).*atan(2*b.*Y./(X.^2+Y.^2-b^2)));

hold on;
contour(X,Y,psi,50,'black'); % 50 stream lines

%Axes Properties
title('Stream Lines: Rankine Flow');
legend('Stream Lines');
hold off;

% Flownet for Rankine Flow
clear all;

m = 3.5; % Source Strength in m^2/s
U = 7;% velocity in m/s
b = 0.3;% semi separation distance

% Generation Of Mesh Grid

x = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000);
y = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

% Stream Lines (Color: Red)

psi= U.*Y-((m/(2*pi)).*atan(2*b.*Y./(X.^2+Y.^2-b^2)));

% Equipotential Lines (Color: Black)

phi = U.*X+(m/(4*pi)).*log(((X+b).^2+Y.^2)./((X-b).^2+Y.^2));

hold on;
B = 0.2;
C = 0.25;

contour(X,Y,psi,50,'red'); % 50 stream lines

contour(X,Y,phi,50,'black'); % 50 equipotential lines

%Axes Properties
title('Flow Net: Rankine Flow');
legend('Stream Lines','Equipotential Lines');
hold off;

% Shape of Object : Rankine Flow
clear all;

m = 3.5; % Source Strength in m^2/s
U = 7;% velocity in m/s
b = 0.3;% semi separation distance

% Generation Of Mesh Grid

x = linspace(-0.3,0.3);
y = linspace(-0.3,0.3);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

% Stream Lines (Color: Red)

Z_1= U.*Y-((m/(2*pi)).*atan(2*b.*Y./(X.^2+Y.^2)));
hold on;

%Axes Properties
title('Shape of Object: Rankine Flow');
legend('Size of Object');
hold off;

% Velocity Field: Rankine Flow
m = 3.5; % Source Strength in m^2/s
u = 7;% velocity in m/s
b = 0.3;% semi separation distance

% Generation Of Mesh Grid

x = linspace(-1,1,20);
y = linspace(-1,1,20);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

% Velocity Components
U = 7 + 0.2785 .*(2.*X+0.6)./((X+0.3).^2+y.^2)-0.2785 .*(2.*X-0.6)./
((X-0.3).^2+y.^2) ;
V = 0.2785 .*(2.*Y)./((X+0.3).^2+y.^2)-0.2785 .*(2.*Y)./
((X-0.3).^2+y.^2) ;

%Velocity Plot
hold on;

%Axes Properties
title('Velocity Field: Rankine Flow');
legend('Velocity Field');
hold off;

% Equipotential lines for Rankine Flow
clear all;

m = 3.5; % Source Strength in m^2/s
U = 7;% velocity in m/s
b = 0.3;% semi separation distance

% Generation Of Mesh Grid

x = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000);
y = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

% Equipotential Lines (Color: Black)

phi = U.*X+(m/(4*pi)).*log(((X+b).^2+Y.^2)./((X-b).^2+Y.^2));
hold on;
contour(X,Y,phi,50,'black'); % 50 equipotential lines

%Axes Properties
title('Equipotential Lines: Rankine Flow');
legend('Equipotential Lines');
hold off;

4.1: Conclusions
We conclude that a uniform flow superimposed with a source and a sink is equivalent to flow of fluid
past rankine oval, with the shape of oval given exactly by .The flow that starts out from source
and is within the oval is swallowed by the sink.

Thus, the flow created by source-sink pair lies exactly within oval and the flow outside can be treated as
uniform flow past rankine oval with normal component of the velocity of fluid at the boundary junction
( ) equal to zero.

4.2: References

Submitted By:
Name: Rijan Niraula

Roll No: 076MSMDE014

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