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Humans of Education

Ariana Nguyen
Inspired By Brandon Stanton
“When we transitioned to covid, learning
online, I didn't take that very well. I guess
you could say I failed at transitioning and i
went from an A and B in each respective
class to basically an F in both with a sub 20%
and I fail. Time management not very good.
But right when the finals came up, our
professors assigned homework number six.
We basically get two days to cram in number
Add photo here six because we're already doing number
five. We've just barely scraped by the class
with a C minus on the final. I took a class
called public speaking and we were in
corona time. Normally I'm kind of fine with
speaking in front of a group of people cause
I have somewhere to look, but man, public
speaking to a camera was terrible and to
make it worse. So I guess you can say i
learned to accept it with each interview.”

- Alex Dao
“We had this grand practical for
anatomy and physiology. We had to
study everything from cells up until
muscles.We had to learn how to do
injections. You have to practice on our
classmates. that was hard because you
have to find the vein and some people
are really, really skinny and you can't
find the vein, so you have to poke
multiple times. I had to stab my
classmate and that's out of my comfort
zone because I've never hurt someone.
The day of my exam, I had a quick little
cry because I was like, I'm gonna fail.
But then I didn't fail. I did really well on
the practical. But, you know, I'm proud.”
- Danielle Morallon
“For my international business class we had to
work in a group. When it comes to group
projects, we've got to make things clear. And
It's kind of like having an implied contract in a
way, like know your responsibilities, know
that other people depending on your work. I
didn't really see myself as a leader.But I've
always wanted to join the Vietnamese Student
Association Club because my sister was in that
club at her university. And I, thought it was a
really cool club because she made a lot of
friends from it. In my school, we didn't have a
club like that.So we started that club, I
became the vice president. The next year I
became president. I've never done anything
like that before and I've never really thought
of myself as a leader. And I think what I learn
from that experience is that it's good to step
out of your comfort zone and do something
that you wouldn't think that you do.”
- Hillary Ton

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