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As a young adult, how will you entail responsible sexual behavior?

Being a young adult is not easy. There are temptations everywhere most especially in the aspect
of sexual behaviors. Being sexually responsible simply means respecting your partner, if you have one,
having an open communication towards them in terms of all forms of sexual activities, as well as taking
precautions against sexually transmitted diseases of STDs and unplanned pregnancy which will give
serious consequences in the long run. Responsible sexual conduct is a socially acceptable and intentional
pattern of behavior used in the context of social factors to encourage sexual wellbeing, mitigate risk, and
promote respect for sexual partners. To preserve a term that is useful and productive for assessing
sexual activity, a purposeful redefinition may be required. Therefore, it is specifically considered sexually
responsible to have an understanding of the consequences and handle risks in a way that represents the
personal experiences, beliefs, values and priorities of an individual.

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