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I Am Elon with Emma Spencer ’22

By Eliza Worrall | October 22, 2020

Emma Spencer ‘22 painting in her bedroom at Elon University.

Hobbies become passions. Passions will become dreams.


If she is not in class or participating in her extracurricular activities, you can find Emma Spencer
constantly working on her artwork projects. She has been doing art since she was a little girl. Her
artwork consists of graphic designs, sketches, paintings, and drawings, ranging from patterns to
people. A creative and fashionable young woman has turned her hobby into her passion since
coming to Elon.
“Elon has taught me to find my voice as a designer and really owning my designs,” she says. My
professors have pushed me to take challenges, be open to new opportunities, learn from
mistakes, and be confident in the work I do. I thank them for that.”

Elon’s small knit community is what drew Spencer to come to this school. As a Communication
Design major with a minor in Business Administration, she has taken the extra step to take her
talent and implement it to the extracurricular activities Elon offers. As a Layout Designer for the
Edge Magazine, she works with fellow design team members to design layouts and illustrations
for both print and online articles. Not only does Spencer spend her time with the Edge Magazine,
but she is also the Assistant Art Director of Leading Women in Audio.

“I love working with both organizations because it is so energizing and powerful to work
alongside other college designers who share the same interest as me,” she says. “We are
constantly growing from each other by sharing our skills and teaching each other new ways of
expressing our artistic styles.”

The most valuable lesson Spencer has learned about herself since being at Elon is that you need
to be independent and stick to who you are as an individual. “Instead of trying to blend myself
with everyone else at this school, Elon has taught me to push myself to become my own true
self.” At the end of the day, she is the happiest to know that this close-knit community of
friendships and relationships with professors has given her the chance to connect with personnel
from all walks of life and allow herself to grow from these experiences.

Blurb: An artistic and passionate student has made her own personal mark, here at Elon, with
the help of friends, professors, and most importantly, her self-confidence.

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