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Saturday, 10 October 2020 5:58 PM


A polygon is a closed figure where the sides are all

line segments. Each side must intersect exactly two
others sides but only at their endpoints. The sides
must be noncollinear and have a common endpoint.

A polygon is usually named after how many sides it has, a

polygon with n-sides is called a n-gon. E.g. the building
which houses United States Department of Defense is
called pentagon since it has 5 sides.

Sides Polygon

3 triangle
4 quadrilateral
5 pentagon
6 hexagon
7 heptagon
9 nonagon
10 decagon

October 10, 2020 Page 1

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October 10, 2020 Page 4
Congruent polygons
Saturday, 10 October 2020 6:42 PM

Two polygons are congruent if their corresponding sides

and angles are congruent.
Note: Two sides are congruent if they have the same
length and angles are congruent if they have the same

Now try one by yourself. If you want to see the answer,

Consider the polygon shown below.

Determine which could be congruent to the above parallelogram.




From < >

Congruent Polygons
and the Effect that
Scaling has on Area and Volume
In this lesson we will work on recognizing polygons that are congruent, matching congruent sides and
angles. We will also see how the area of a region changes when the dimensions of the sides are all
changed by a constant scaling factor. We will also look at how the volume of a solid changes when the
dimensions of the solid are all changed by a constant scaling factor.
First we look at congruent polygons.
Definition (Congruent Polygons)
Two polygons are congruent if their corresponding sides and angles are congruent.
Note: Two sides are congruent if they have the same length and angles are congruent if they have the
same measure.
We indicate that angles are congruent by putting the same number of slash marks through each
angle. Congruent polygons necessarily have to have the same shape and the same size. They also have to
have the same number of sides. We can think of congruent polygons as coming from the same
stamp. The location where they reside may differ and rotating or flipping congruent polygons does not
change the fact that they are congruent.

Example 1
Consider the polygon shown below.

Determine which could be congruent to the above parallelogram.




October 10, 2020 Page 5


First notice that polygon A has three sides while the given polygon has 4 sides. These cannot be
congruent. Polygon B has the correct number of sides, but the congruent angles in polygon B are adjacent
(next to each other) while the congruent angles in the given polygon are opposite angles. In fact Polygon
B is a trapezoid, while the given Polygon is a parallelogram. Polygon B cannot be congruent to the given
polygon. Polygon C has four sides, and the opposite angles are congruent, just like the given
polygon. Polygon C could be congruent to the given polygon. Notice that Polygon C has a vertex
pointing downward while the given polygon does not. This is irrelevant, since rotating a polygon does
not change which polygons it is congruent to.

Now try one by yourself. If you want to see the answer, put your mouse on the yellow rectangle and the
answer will appear.
Exercise 1
Consider the polygon shown below.

Determine which could be congruent to the above parallelogram.





Once we have determined that two polygons are congruent, we can then look at corresponding sides and
corresponding angles and state that their measures are equal. You can tell which side is equal to which
by following the order that the vertices are stated.
Example 2
Polygons ABCDEF and GHIJKL are congruent. which sided is congruent to the side CD?

October 10, 2020 Page 6

Circle and its parts
Saturday, 10 October 2020 7:14 PM

Radius Or Radii
Minor arc
Major arc

A segment that intersect a circle at
exactly two point, wherein the points
located in the circle are also the end point
of the segment.
• Diameter is the longest chord in the

a line that intersects a circle at exactly
two points on the circle.

Infinite number of secants.

A line that intersects a circle at
exactly one point on the circle.

The intersecting point is called the

Point of Tangency.


October 10, 2020 Page 7

Naming an Arc
Saturday, 10 October 2020 7:52 PM

Minor arc is arc AVG, what is the major arc?

Major arc is arc __ __ __

October 10, 2020 Page 8

Saturday, 10 October 2020 8:02 PM

• Closed figures
• sides are all line segments
• Intersect exactly two other side but only at their
end points
• They are usually named by how many sides they

Congruent polygons
Two polygons are congruent if their corresponding
sides and corresponding angles are congruent.

• A shape but not a polygon.
• Parts of a circle
○ Diameter
○ Radius or radii
○ Arc (minor and major)
▪ Naming an arc
It should have three points: 1st endpoint,
mid-point, 2nd end point.
○ Center
○ Chord
○ Secant
○ Tangent line
▪ Point of Tangency
○ Semi-Circle

October 10, 2020 Page 9

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