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SNAP Program

Digital Inclusion Service

Meet Kelli

Kelli lives in Springfield, is a proud mother of two beautiful daughters- an 18 month old and a
child due in April 2021. Prior to the pandemic, she worked at the Eugene Airport. She enjoyed
meeting people from all over the world and hearing about their journeys.

Some of her favorite parts of working in customer service is being helpful and resolving the
customer’s problems, whatever they may be. The laptop will be a huge asset in her life. Due to
the shutdown of so many services and school opportunities, she had been trying to take care of
all those needs while using only her cellphone. Having the laptop will increase her accessibility
to the technical world of doing most business virtually and online from home.

With the laptop, she will have the opportunity to take the skills assessment tests needed to
prepare her to attend Lane Community College. Her long-term goals are to gain employment in
the field of Medical Billing and Coding. She would like to work from home until things return to
normal. In the meantime, the laptop will allow her to learn online, develop skills, and work on
certifications towards her long-term employment goals.

Through a partnership with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission and Free Geek, OED’s SNAP program provides a digital inclusion service to eligible SNAP participants which allow them the opportunity to participate in skill
development and training, job search classes, networking opportunities, and more. Digital Inclusion Service includes a refurbished laptop, 12-months technical support, 12-month warranty, and digital literacy components from
Free Geek. Funding provided by the Oregon Department of Human Services, United States Department of Agriculture, the State of Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission, and the Oregon Employment Department.
USDA is an equal opportunity employer, provider, and lender.

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