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LG 2.

5: Hedging Navigate Task

NAME: Christopher Tyrese dela Cruz SECTION: Einstein DATE: 9/23/2020

Rewrite each sentence below and replace the underlined absolute claims with hedges. (5/5 POINTS)

1. Among the five discourse functions of personal pronouns, stating results or claims and elaborating an
argument are the most assertive.
Among the five discourse functions of personal pronouns, stating results or claims and
elaborating an argument appear to be the most assertive.

2. Students used first-person pronouns in elaborating an argument and stating results and claims
because they attempted to establish relational ties.
Students used first-person pronouns in elaborating an argument and stating results and
claims because they presumably attempted to establish relational ties.

3. The students’ use of first-person pronouns is attributed to their lack of knowledge in the conventions
of academic writing.
The students’ use of first-person pronouns is often attributed to their lack of knowledge in the
conventions of academic writing.

4. In high school, they did not have opportunities to write using university conventions.
In high school, they possibly did not have opportunities to write using university conventions.

5. There is a wide gap between the conventions required in college writing and those that are taught in
secondary schools.
There appears to be a wide gap between the conventions required in college writing and those
that are taught in secondary schools.

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