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Q1) Tell about the formation of Pakistan.

A) On During the 20th century, many nations fought for their independence and succeeded, Pakistan is
one of them.14th August 1947 (27 Ramzan), Pakistan appeared on the world map and the Muslims got
an independent state for themselves.

Q2) Tell about the background of formation of Pakistan.

A) During the 20th century, many nations fought for their independence and succeeded, Pakistan is one
of them, but Pakistan was not formed on the basis of language, culture, and race like other nations, but
on the basis of religion, which is Islam.

Q3) Define the ideology of Pakistan.

A) Pakistan came into being on the basis of a strong ideology. The basis of ideology of Pakistan is Islam,
unlike other nations. Islam guides the Muslims in all fields of life. Islamic system comprises the
fundamental principles of sociology ethics, politics religion and economics. The guidance is provided in
the light of the teachings of the Holy Quran and sayings of the Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). This system
became the base of our beloved Pakistan.

Q4) Tell about the Background and reason for the formation of the Pakistan.

A) For a thousand years Muslims were in rule, but due to the negligence of the Mughal Empires, the
Sub-continent was captured by Britishers, Muslims like other people of the sub-continent were living like
slaves during their rules. They wanted an independent sovereign state. But after getting freedom from
Britishers, there was no hope of achieving their objective. The rule of Hindus majority was evident. After
great consideration, the Muslims decided to establish a Muslim state in of those areas where they were
in majority. The Muslims started a gigantic movement for the establishment of Pakistan. It became their
objective that led to the establishment of Pakistan.

TQ: - 3) Write a note on the factor and aims for the Demand of Pakistan.

A) Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947. The Muslims of India had scarifies there wealth honor
& life to make a Pakistan reality. Struggle for attainment of Pakistan started very after the war of
independence 1857.

.) Aims & Objectives of the Creation of Pakistan:-

After the war of Independence the Muslims were greatly pressed by the Hindus as well as the British.
Social, political and economic conditions of the Muslims were totally changed. That is why they
demanded for a separate state of their own. Following were the Aims & Objectives that led to the
creation of Pakistan.

1) Communal Riots:-

The communal Riots on every other day made it clear that the Hindus could monopolies
the politics after the departure of The British. The lives of Muslims could never be safe in the united
India. The Hindu organizations had again and again asserted that Hindu Raj would be imposed on India
after the independence. So to get rid of these atrocities the Muslims demanded their separate state.

2) Social & Political Development of Muslims:

After the war of Independence 1857, the social environment was totally changed. The Muslims were
scared of the caste system and other discriminations. They could enjoy neither political nor social
liberties; therefore, they preferred to have a separate homeland in which they could live according to
the teachings of Islam.

3) Two Nation Theory:

The Muslims claimed separate nationhood for themselves and they were determined to maintain a
separate entity for all times to come. The Muslims believe in separate religion, practice different
traditions, and have their own history and their cultural heritage. Their claim was absolutely true. It was
their right to keep their separate entity alive and to enjoy all human rights. This was not possible in
undivided India.

4) Establishment of Islamic State:

Islam is a complete code of life. The Muslims wanted to implement the system practically. This could not
be attained in United India therefore; they passed a resolution and demanded an Islamic state in the
North East and North West of South Asia.

5) Islamic Culture and Civilization:

Success of congress in elections of 1937 and capturing the leadership was an

enough proof that the Hindus wanted to demolish Muslim civilization and culture. Every now and then
new intrigues were hatched to destroy the Muslim’s religious values. The breeding of cows and to
worship them was the reckoned culture of Hindustan. The Hindu community was planning to prevail
upon Muslims in their customs and ceremonies. The Muslim ceremonies were interfered whereas the
Hindu festivals of Diwali, Lorhis, and Dasehra were celebrated with great pomp and show. In short, if
India were not divided, this country would have become a pure Hindu State and the next generation of
Muslims would have been Hindus.

6) Social & Political Development of Muslims:-

After the war of Independence 1857, the social environment was totally changed.
The Muslims were scared of the caste system and other discriminations. They could enjoy neither
political nor social liberties; therefore, they preferred to have a separate homeland in which they could
live according to the teachings of Islam.

7) Protection of Muslim Language:-

The Hindus did the best to replace Urdu by Hindi. But they did not succeed during British
period. If South Asia had got freedom without partition, the Hindu majority could very easily declare
Hindi, the official and national language. The Hindu government could wipe out all signs of Muslim
culture; therefore, the Muslims had no choice except putting a demand for Pakistan.

8) Congress Ministries:-

The Congress ran the government in a number of provinces from 1937 to 1939. During
Congress Ministries, the Muslims were maltreated and deprived of their rights. Hindu did everything to
crush the Muslims in all spheres. The humiliating attitude of Hindus forced the Muslims to strive for a
separate homeland for themselves.

Q5) Tell about the names of the personality, who adopted the ideology of Islam as Ideology of

A) The names of the personalities are following:-

1) Hazrat Mujjadad Alif Sani

2) Hazrat shah Wali Ullah

3) Hazrat Syed Ahmed Shaheed

4) Hazrat Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

5) Allama Iqbal

6) Quaid e Azam.

(TQ: - 2) (Q6) Write a note on Quaid e Azam and Ideology of Pakistan. OR

Explain the Ideology of Pakistan in the light of sayings of the Quaid e Azam.


Quaid-e-Azam was the liberator of the Muslim nation in Sub-Continent. He struggled for the separate
state on the bases of Islamic Ideology. He himself explained this basic ideology. -
1. Foundation of Muslim Nation:-

Once Quaid-e-Azam said,

“Pakistan came into being the very day when the first Hindu became a Muslim.”

2. Pakistan and the Holy Quran:-

In the annual meeting of 1943 at Karachi Quaid-e-Azam said while clarifying the relation of Pakistan and

“What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body? What is that rock on which the structure of
Muslim Nation is restored? What is that base which has secured the safety of the boat of this Muslim
Nation? That relation, rock and base is the Holy Quran.”

3. Islam is a complete code of life:-

While addressing the students, in March, 1944 he said,

“Our guide is Islam and this, is the complete code of our life. We neither need any red or yellow flag nor
do we need any Socialism. Communism, Nationalism or any other ism”

4. Elimination of differences:-

On 21 March, 1948 while addressing the people in Dhaka and said,

“I want not to see you to talk as a Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and Bengali. What is the fun of saying that we
are Punjabi, Sindhi or Pathan? We are only Muslims.”

5. Need of division of India:-

While addressing at Aligarh he clarified the ideology of Pakistan in these words:

“What was the motive of the demand for Pakistan and a separate electorate for Muslims? What was the
cause of the division of India? Its cause is neither the narrow mindedness of Hindus nor the tactics of The
British but is the basic demand of Islam?”

6. National Identity of The Muslims:-

In the light of the history of the subcontinent Quaid-e-Azam argued that Muslims have never been a
minority. They are a perfect nation and have the right to establish an independent state in those areas
where they are in majority.
7. Pakistan, A practical laboratory for Islamic system:-

While addressing the students of lslamia College, Peshawar on 13 January 1948 Quaid-e-Azam said,

“We did not demand Pakistan just to own a piece of land but we infact wanted to have a Laboratory for
experimenting the true teachings of Islam.”

8. Protection of Muslim culture:-

Addressing the army officers, in October, 1947, Mr. Jinnah said,

“Our object was to create such a state where we can live freely, our culture and civilization get
flourished, and where Islamic concept of social justice can flourish exactly.”

9. Criticism of the Western Economic system:-

On the eve of inaugurating the State Bank of Pakistan on 1 July 1948, the Quaid said,

“The Economic system of west is creating unsolvable problems for humanity. It has failed to provide
justice to the people. We are to present an economic system based on original Islamic concept equality
and social justice.”

10. A Staunch supporter of the Two Nation Theory:-

He was a great supporter of two-nation theory and he considered the Muslims a separate nation from
every aspect. He said:

“The Muslims are a nation by every right to establish their separate homeland. They can adopt any mean
to promote and protect their spiritual, moral, economic, social, political and cultural interests”.

11. Origin of Pakistan:-

In his address at Ahmedabad on 29th December 1940 Quaid-e-Azam said,

“Pakistan existed from centuries. North West remained a homeland of Muslims. Independent states of
Muslims should be established in these areas so that they might live according to the teachings of

12. Separate Status of The Muslims:-

In his address at Lahore on 23rd March 1940 it was clearly mentioned,

“No Act or Law would be acceptable which deny the separate status of the Muslims.”

13. Demand for the Separate Homeland:-

Quaid-e-Azam said in his presidential address at Lahore on 23 rd March about the demand of separate
homeland for the Muslims as:

“Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religions based on totally different beliefs, and present the
different ideologies. They have different epics, different heroes and different history. Therefore, the union
of two nations is fatal for the sub-continent, because it is not based on equality but on numerical
minority and other as a majority. It would be better for the British government to partition the sub-
continent by keeping in view the interests of the two nations. It will be a correct decision religiously and

14. Promotion of Islamic Ideology:-

On 1st October 1947, while addressing the officers of the Government of Pakistan, he said,
“Their mission is the establishment of a state where they could live like free people in
their own socio-cultural set up necessary for the promotion of social justice and Islamic ideology”.

15. Muslim Unity:-

Quaid-e-Azam once said while clarifying the root of Muslim unity.

“What is the relation which has made Muslims a single body? What is the rock on which the structure of
Muslim Nation is standing? What is the base which has secured the safety of the boat of this Muslim
Nation? That relation, rock and base is the Holy Quran.”

16. The Constitution of Pakistan:-

The Quaid-e-Azam while talking to an American journalist said about the making of constitution of

“Pakistani constitution is yet to be made but I can say for sure that it would be of democratic type and
would consist of the basic principles of Islam. These principles can be implemented on our practical life
as they were 1300 years ago. ”

17. Destination of Muslims:-

During the Congress rule from 1937 to 1939, the treatment to the Muslims convinced them of their
destination. Quaid-e-Azam in clear words said:

“The Britain wants to rule India, Mr. Gandhi and the Congress want to rule India and the Muslims. We
say that we will not let either the Britain or Mr. Gandhi to rule Muslims, we want to be free”

18. Strong Belief of Muslims:-

Quaid-e-Azam had a strong belief in achieving his goal. He said:

“We cannot be moved or diverted from our purpose and objective by threats or intimidations. We must
be prepared to face all difficulties and consequences, make al the sacrifices that may be required of us to
achieve the goal we have set in front of us”

19. Pakistan & United Nations:-

With the will of Allah, the Muslims were able to establish Pakistan. ON that occasion, on 15 th August,
1947 he said:

“Muslims of India have shown to the world that they are a united nation, their cause is just and
righteous which cannot be denied. Let us, on this day, humbly thank God for His bounty and pray that we
might be able to prove that we are worthy of it. This day marks the end of a painful phase in our national
history and it should also be the beginning of a new and a noble era”.

20. National Solidarity:-

Quaid-e-Azam wanted to establish such a Pakistan which is strong & united from every respect. Once he
said after the creation of Pakistan.

“The people who think that they will demolish Pakistan they are foolish & not in their senses. There is no
any power in the world who demolishes Pakistan. The roots of Pakistan are very deep & strong”

.) Conclusion:-

In the light of above mentioned facts we can easily conclude that the Quaid-e-Azam was truly
aware of the basic demands of an Islamic state and he struggled for it. According to his ideas Islam was
the only base of The Ideology of Pakistan.

Q8) Tell about Allama Iqbal and ideology of Pakistan.

A) Allama Iqbal categorically stated that the Hindus and the Muslims can’t live together in one state and
that the Muslims would succeed in making their own separate state sooner or later. He rejected the idea
of one nation in the sub-continent and advocated the separate nationhood of Muslims. Declaring Islam a
complete code of life. Allama Iqbal in the annual session of All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930
demanded a Muslim state in the North West of the sub-continent. He made it clear:-

“India is not a country, it is a sub-continent of Human

beings belonging to different languages and practicing different religions. Muslim nation has its own
religion and cultural identity and it is the duty of every nation to respect the culture and religious
principles of Muslims.”

(TQ: - 1) (Q9) Write a note on the significance of Ideology of Pakistan. OR What are the basic principles
of Ideology of Pakistan.

A) The significance of ideology of Pakistan:-

1) Basic principles:-

The Muslims of the sub-continent acquired a separate state to give practical shape to the absolute
sovereignty of Allah Almighty, so that an Islamic system is established which is based on the teaching of
Quran and Sunnah (S.A.W).

Islam is not merely a collection of rituals but it is a complete code of life that is capable of meeting all
the needs of human life. It has all the guide lines to achieve all the objectives of economy, morality and
politics. Islamic system is applicable in every period to meet the modern needs.

2) Promotion of Democratic values:-

Counseling is the base of Islamic state and society. It Promotes

democracy in an Islamic state. The state ensures equality and equity for all the citizens, irrespective of
their caste, color, language, and race. The government performs all duties, for the welfare of all people
and follows the commands of Allah. It is not only accountable to Allah, but also to the citizens of the
state. In an Islamic state the opinion of every citizen is respected and importance is given. The citizen
also has the full right to criticize the government. All the decisions which are taken by the state should
be according to public interests.

The first caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) made it clear to the people, not to follow his orders if they are
contrary to the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

The concept of Islamic democracy is totally different from that of the west. Quaid e Azam described the
objectives of the establishment of Pakistan in Sibi as:-

Let us promote democracy according to the

Islamic principles. Allah Almighty has taught us to settle the issue of the state by mutual consultation.”

3) Beliefs and prayers:-

The demand for Pakistan was made to enable the Muslims to live according to
their belief, and feel not any problem in the performance of their prayers. Beliefs on Tawheed,
Prophethood, Day of Judgment, angles and revealed books are necessary. Prayers include namaz, fast,
zakat, and Hajj. Great importance is given to Jihad (struggle) in Islam and the Muslims of the Sub-
continent struggled to protect their faith and believe and to live their life according to their religion

4) Equality and Fraternity:-

Islam is a religion if of peace and security, and promotes equality and fraternity
among the Muslims. Fraternity encourages love, sincerity sacrifice, generosity, and affection. All
Muslims are brothers. One’s grief is the grief for all and ones joy is the joy for all the Muslims. Muslims
fulfill needs of one another. These excellent virtues strengthen the Islamic state.

5) Social Justice and Equality:-

Islam teaches peace, equality and fraternity. Equity is the soul of society
based on justice. The Muslims of the sub-continent desired to establish the true Islamic social order to
ensure justice, equality and social welfare, which is necessary to make Pakistan a model for the modern
world so that the other nations of the world may follow it.

The Muslims of the sub-continent put more emphasis on justice and equality by establishing a just social
set up. They determined to give equal status to all human beings without any discrimination of caste,
color, language, and culture. The objective was the establishment of equality for all. Independent
judiciary and the rule of law are the basis of it. Islam is emphasis on the supremacy of law. Khulfa-e-
rashdeen strictly followed the principles of Quran and Sunnah.

Islam even provided rights to women for the first time by introducing the idea of “Paradise under the
feet of mother” and gave her share in her inheritance. Islam also safeguards her social, economic,
cultural, and domestic rights.
Hence, Islam protects the rights of poor, needy, everyone and see everyone equally in the eye of justice.

6) Rights and duties of citizen:-

With the establishment of Pakistan the importance of the rights and

protections of the citizens was realized along with their duties. In an Islamic state the right of one is the
duty of another. A person is entitled to get rights by performing his duties. Hence, the balance of rights
and duties makes an Islamic state successful.

Fundamental rights are also given by the Islamic state to all the citizens without any discrimination.
Rights are those privileges which are given to the citizens by their states so that they may live a better
life in a society. Their life, wealth and honor are protected and they are helped to acquire education and
health. Centuries before, Islam declared those human rights which the west world gave in the twentieth

Islam also prevents racism among Black and white, Arabs and Non- Arabs, etc. and other social evils.

The establishment of Pakistan was a great step for the establishment of Islamic society so that the
Muslims may live their life according to their religion.

Q10) Write a note on Aligarh Movement.

A) Britishers and Hindus did everything to crush the Muslims after the war of Independence 1857.
Though large parties of Hindus were with the Muslims but they backstabbed the Muslims and showed
no support for them and played neutral role.

Hence, Muslims were defeated badly and were made the target by the government. The steps which
were taken against the Muslims are following:-

1) The Muslims were massacred and their properties were confiscated.

2) The Muslims were expelled from their government jobs and they were deprived of their Jagirs.

3) The doors of government educational institution were almost closed for them.

4) The Muslims were crushed socially and economically.

5) The masjids and madrassas were locked.

6) The Muslims were thought to be less, down trodden and suppressed race.

Some English authors have portrayed the gloomy pictures of the plight of Muslims in the following

.) W.W Hunter:-
“The properties of Muslims were distributed among the Hindus and the Sikh, and to be a
Muslim was considered a crime.”

.) Lord Roberts:-

“I passed through the Chandni Chowk Delhi. There were heaps of dead bodies lying

.) Bosworth Smith:-

The British soldiers were like blood hounds. They entered one house after the other and
looted the belongings of Muslims.”

.) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan wrote about the misery of Muslims:-

“No devil from the sky has descended on

earth before ransacking the house of a Muslim.”

.) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh movement:-

Allah Almighty sent Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to protect the

Muslims. His vision was enlightened and he immediately looked into the future of his nation. He found a
great movement to save the Muslim Umaah from extinction.

.) Sir Richard Symond wrote in his book that claim of Pakistan was absolutely true and Sir Syed was
among the founders and builders of Pakistan. A galaxy of stars like Maulana Hali, Maulana Shinli
Nomani, Maulana Chiragh Ali, Mohsin ul Mulk and Viqar ul Mulk were around him.

They contributed in the following fields:-

(TQ: - 7) Write a note on the educational services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

1) Educational Services:-

Education was the top most priority for Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. He advised that honor
of the nation could be achieved only by education. He advised the Muslims to get the most modern
western education of science and declared English education a ladder of success for Muslims so that
they can compete with Hindus socially and economically. The steps he took to promote education are

a) Educational Institution:-

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established the educational institutions in Muradabad in

1859, and Ghazi Pur in 1862. The arrangement of teaching of English language and modern sciences
along with Persian was made in these institutions.

b) Scientific society:-
Sir Syed established a scientific society in Ghazi Pur in 1863 for the translation of the
books written in western language to Urdu. Later on the office of the Society was shifted to Aligarh. Sir
Syed with the help of his accomplice’s worked day and night in his scientific society for the progress of
Muslim Umaah of the Sub-continent.

c) Modern western education course:-

Sir Syed motivated the new generation to learn English language so

that they could learn the western sciences. In a short time, a great treasure of western literature and
science was transferred in Urdu, and it developed a lot due to the service of the Society.

d) Aligarh institute Gazette:-

Under the supervision of the scientific society, Gazette’s of Aligarh

institution were published in 1866, through which the students were given awareness about their
current problems and politics and suggestion were given to resolve those issues. This method helped the
students a lot in awareness of current affairs.

e) M.A.O University:-

The M.A.O. School Aligarh established in 1875 was later on, ungraded to a college,
this institution became a Muslim University Aligarh in 1920. The Services of versatile English teachers
like Arnold, Morrison, and Archibold were hired for these institutions.

f) Muhammaden Educational Conference:-

Sir Syed established another institution named Muhammaden

Educational Conference 1886. The Conference helped in making the arrangement of finance to meet the
educational needs of Muslim nation. Some personalities also worked on the same pattern in their
respective areas.

The following Institutions were founded on the line of Aligarh College:-

Islamia College Lahore, Sindh Muslim

Madrassa Karachi, Islamic College Peshawar, and Haleem College Kawnpur.

2) Literary Services:-

Sir Syed himself was prolific writer. Luckily he was supported by a group of
intellectuals. He used literature for the national progress. The following publications brought a great
revolution in the life of Muslims.

a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:-

1) Khutabat-e-Ahmadia.

2) Tabbian ul Kalam
3) Ain Akbari

4) Aasar ul Sanadeed

5) Tafseer e Quran

6) Risala Tehzib ul Ikhlaq

b) Maulana Shibli Nomani:-

1) Seerat un Nabi

2) Al Farooq

3) Al Ghazali

c) Maulana Nazeer Ahmed:-

1) Maraat ul Uroos

2) Toba tun Nasuh

3) Ibne ul Waqat

d) Maulana Hali:-

Mussadas e Hali, Diwan e Hali, Moazana Dabeer o Anees.

3) Social and Economic Services:-

Sir Syed took many steps to regain the lost status of the Muslims.
Risala-e-Asbabe-Baghawat-e-Hind, Loyal Muhammadans of India and Tabiyan ul Kalam were writings of
Sir Syed in which he tried to construct a bridge between the Britishers and the Muslims. He succeeded in
getting the victimization of Muslims stopped and opened many door of employment. The revengeful
attitude was finally changed and the Muslims, once again, joined the main stream.

4) Political Services:-

Sir Syed advised the Muslims to remain away from politics but he himself took important
political steps in this regard and fully concentrated on the acquisition of education for their socio-
economic restoration so that they might acquire the status equivalent to Hindus.

a) Hindu Muslim reconciliation:-

Hindus Muslim reconciliation was another objective. Sir Syed took steps
to bring the 2 nations closer to one another. He recruited Hindu teachers and allowed admission to
Hindu students in his educational institutions, but Hindus started their campaign to make Hindi the
language of administration against Urdu, which disheartened him a lot.
b) Hindi-Urdu controversy:-

In 1867, when Hindus started their campaign to make Hindi the language of
administration against Urdu, which disheartened him a lot. This controversy changed the view of Sir
Syed and from onward he talked about the rights of Muslims. He changed his mind and on the basis of
“2 Nation Theory” he decided to solve the political problems of the sub-continent. He believed in the
separate culture, tradition, customs and religion of Muslims who are a perfect nation in all respect.

c) British Indian association:-

In 1866, Sir Syed launched an association named “British Indian Association” to

protect the rights of the Muslims of the Sub-continent. This association was made to protect the right of
Muslim by establishing good relationships with the British government. The president of this association
was a Hindu ruler “Jay kashan das” and secretary Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Another association was made
like this named “Indian Patriotic association”.

d) Indian national congress:-

Sir Syed wanted to keep the Muslims away from politics. Therefore, he kept the
Muslims away from Indian National Congress established by an English A.O Hume and Lord Dafrin in
1885. When Sir Syed was invited in this party he baldly refused to join because was worried about the
Muslims and made his own associations to support the Muslims of the Sub-continent.

e) William Wallace Huntre Book:-

William Wallace Huntre wrote a book named “Our Indian Muslims in

which the he described the injustice on Muslims after the events of 1857. In his book some writings
were offensive for the Muslims, so Sir Syed decided to reply him and defended the Muslim through a

(TQ: - 4) (Q11) Write a note on All India Muslim League. Or

Why Muslim League came into existence. Explain 3 objectives of the Muslim League.

A) All India Muslim League was established in 1906 at Dhaka where the annual session of Muhammaden
Educational Conference was held. In the final session it was decided by the participants, on the request
of Nawab Salim Ullah of Dhaka, to hold a special meeting to discuss exclusively the political issue. In the
meeting, all the delegates agreed to form a permanent political party to look after the political interest
of the Muslims.

Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan and Nawab Salim Ullah
Khan supported the proposel. The Meeting was presided over by Nawab Viqar ul Mulk. Sir Aga Khan and
Viqar ul Mulk were elected president and secretary of the political party. The Headquarter was
established in Aligarh and its branches were organized in all the provinces.

Syed Ameer Ali was appointed the President of London branch.

.) Causes of the Establishment of Muslim League:-

The causes of Establishemnt of Muslim league

are folliwng:-

1) Establishment of Indian National Congress:-

It was actually not a national party. It only worked for the

interests of Hindus. The extremists had captured the top positions of the party. These extremists were
against Muslims and were suppressing them so Muslims were compelled to form their own political
party to face the challenges of National Congress.

2) Communalism:-

The Hindus proved their grudge against the Muslims. The extremist organizations like
Sanghtan, Shudhi, Arya Samaj, and Hindu Mahasaba endangered the life of Muslims. The Muslims were
scared of all their activities and they decided to form All India Muslim league.

3) Partition of Bengal:-

The partition of Bengal created new situation in politics. The new province of East
Bengal was created by the Government on administrative grounds by dividing the province of Bengal
into 2 parts. It was just a chance that East Bengal was predominantly of Muslim region. The partition
proved a blessing for Muslims. The advantage for Muslims was not tolerated by Hindus. Therefore, they
protested against the partition. Hence, this opposition also became the cause of the establishment of
political party of Muslims.

4) Urdu Hindu Controversy:-

The Hindu organizations including Indian National Congress demanded to replace

the official language Urdu by Hindi. They were also favoring devangri script in place of Arabic or Persian
script. British governors of 2 provinces, the Bengal and the united province came to their help. The
Muslims started a movement to support Urdu and establish Muslim league to strengthen their causes so
that the demands and feelings of Muslims might be presented to the government.

5) Political Reforms:-

The Liberal party won the elections in England and announced the implementation of
certain political reforms. The chances of the reformation of political institutions provided an opportunity
for the Muslims to form a political party to protect their representation.

6) Simla Deputation:-

A deputation of Muslim leaders led by Sir Aga Khan called on Lord Minto, the
Viceroy on 1st October, 1906 at Simla, presented a Memorandum to avail the basic political, economic,
cultural and other rights of the Muslims. One of the important demands was to introduce a system of
separate electorate for the Muslims. The response of Viceroy was encouraging. On the Way back the
members of Deputation seriously felt the need of a Muslim political party. So All India Muslim League
emerged on the scene.

.) Objectives of all India Muslim League:-

The objectives are following:-

1) To create an understanding between the government and the Indian Muslims, and to promote the
feelings of loyalty among them.

2) To co-ordinate with other nations and political parties for general welfare of the people.

3) To protect the rights of the Muslim nation, and to interact with the government and other agencies
for this purpose.

.) Conclusion:-

Muslim league under the leadership of Agha Khan, Viqar ul Mulk and Quaid e Azam
worked very hard to get a separate entity and rights of Muslims accepted by the government. In 1909,
the law of separate electorate was introduced and separate quota for Muslims were fixed in the
legislative assembles and dialogues were made with other parties for the future of the sub-continent.

After the entire struggle, Muslim league succeeded in getting Pakistan for Muslims.

(TQ: - 5) (Q12) Write a note on Khilafat Movement 1919. Or

Why was Khilafat Movement started? Explain its 3 objectives.

A) Background:-

1) The World War-1 broke out in 1914. U.K, U.S.A, France, Russia, and Italy were allied against Germany,
Austria, and Turkey.

Turkey was the Centre of Islamic World in those days and the Khalifah of Turkey was owned as Khalifah
of the Islamic World. Turkey was going to suffer through an attack, which would eradicate the Khilafat.
Hence, the Centre of the Muslim world was in serious danger.

2) It looked evident that the Sultanate of Turkey would be partitioned after the war and Turkey would
lose sovereign Status. The boundaries of Turkey were extended to the whole of North Africa, the Middle
East and in a large area of Eastern Europe. Hijaz-e-Muqqadas was in Turkish domain. In case of defeat of
Turkey, both of the sacred cities, Makkah and Madina could go in the possession of Christian allied
forces. Keeping all the apprehensions in view, the Indian Muslims organized a big movement in 1919
called the Khilafat Movement.

.1) Formation of Khilafat movement:-

a) Majlis-e-Khadaam-e-Kabba:-

Under the leadership of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Maulana Shaukat Ali,
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Dr. Ansari, Maulana Hasrat Mohani and Maulana Abul
Kalaam Azad Majlis-e-Khadaam-e-Kabba was organized under to solve the issue of Khilafat Movement
by setting internal affairs aside.

b) Khilafat Committee:-

Khilafat Committee was also established under Muslim scholar’s leadership.

Activities were started on a very large scale. A delegation was sent to England to convey the feeling of
the Indian Muslims to Prime Ministers and other notable political personalities.

The delegation comprised on Maulana Abul Bari, Maulana Muhammad Ali. They had a series of
meetings with British politicians. A number of public meetings were also arranged in England and in
some other Western countries.

Khilafat Movement expressed the feelings of the Muslims and for that matter special meetings were
conducted and processions were taken out in all the cities of the Sub-continent.

Khilafat Movement in acknowledged as the biggest of all movements in the sub-continent.

2) Objectives of Khilafat Movement:-

The Muslims, for the time being, kept All India Muslim League
aside and started Khilafat movement. Following were the objectives of Khilafat Movement.

a) To keep the institution of Khilafat intact, and Khalifah to carry out the business of government as

b) Restoration of Turkey’s grace as it possessed before and during World War- 1 and no change to occur
in the boundaries of Turkey.

c) The Sanctity of Makkah and Madina should be maintained and Non-Muslims forces should not be
allowed to enter in these 2 sacred cities.) (TQ: - 5)

3) Activities of Movement:-

a) Delegations were sent to U.K and other Europeans countries to convey the feelings of the Muslims to
the British government.

b) Doctors, nurses and medicines were dispatched to Turkey for the treatment of wounded Turkish

c) A large amount of money, gold and silver was collected in the general meetings to give financial aid to
d) Large processions were arranged, protest meetings were held and strikes were observed in all big and
small cities in the sub-continent. The Muslim volunteers presented themselves to the police for arrests.

All leaders were sent behind bars but the momentum of the movement could not be diminished.

e) The role of Muslims journalism was tremendous, Zamindar (Newspaper) by Zafar Ali Khan, Al-Hilal of
Azad and Comrade and Hamdard of Jauhar played a vital roles in the movement. They inculcated a sense
of sacrifice among Muslims.

4) Role of Gandhi:-

Gandhi got a golden chance to exploit the Muslim power for his own purposes. He supported
the Khilafat Movement and participated in the meetings of the Muslims. Indian National Congress also
expressed solidarity with Khilafat Movement. It was again as per Gandhian policies, Indian National
Congress itself tried to bring the British government to its knees before its own movement like:-

Disobedience Movement, Non-Cooperation Movement, and Swedeshi Movement.

By supporting the Khilafat, Hindu’s secured a cooperation of the emotional Muslims for his own
purposes. Gandhi advised Muslims to:-

a) Surrender the titles awarded by the government.

b) Resign from government job.

c) Come on the street against the government by quitting the educational activities.

d) Present themselves for arrests.

e) Refrain from paying the taxes.

f) Refuse to receive financial grants from the government.

g) Migrate to Iran, Afghanistan and other Muslims countries.

The Muslims leaders could not comprehend the conspiracy of Gandhi and followed his guidelines. It
affected the economy, education and social conditions of the Muslims very badly. Millions of Muslims
families migrated to Afghanistan after selling their properties to the Hindus. Afghan government refused
to give shelter to them. On their return poverty, helplessness, shortage of food and humiliation troubled

5) End of Khilafat movement:-

The Muslims leaders and masses co-operated with Gandhi and Indian National
Congress during World War- 1. Gandhi exploited them fully but when he was sure of Allied victory, he
abruptly and with consulting Muslims leaders, called off the movements. His step greatly disappointed
the Muslims.

When Turkey was about to lose the battle, Mustafa Kamal Pasha, a Turkish General, came to power and
abolished Khilafat. Pasha gathered the forces once again and promoted new courage among them. The
rivalry between Russia and U.K saved Turkey from total humiliation then Ghazi Mustafa Kamal Pasha
took over turkey and formed a force and signed a pact with the Allied forces at Lausanne and the
sovereign positions of Turkey survived.

Hijjaz-e-Muqaddas was also handed to Sharif Hussain of Makkah, but the control of Turkey on Middle
East, North Africa and Eastern Europe was lost.

6) Effects Khilafat movement on Muslims:-

1) Accordingly, an All-India Khilafat Conference was held at Amritsar in 1919. A Khilafat Deputation met
the Viceroy in January, 1920.Maulana Muhammad Ali went to England to explain the feelings of the
Indian Muslims to the British Government. But he found them adamant to all Khilafat demands.

Hence, on his return he appealed to his followers to leave India as it was a “Dar-ul-Harb”, a land of war
for the Muslims. Thus began the tragic “Hijrat” movement and migrated to Afghanistan, which was a
complete disaster and Millions of Muslims families died and became poor because Afghani refused to
give shelter to Muslims.

2) Another dreadful event occurred in Jallianwala Bagh. The congress non-co-operative movement took
a bloody turn at Amritsar in Jallianwala Bagh. At that time, a meeting was held to protest against a reign
of terror which British army and police had launched in Punjab against the non-cooperative movement.

The British commander, named General O’ Dyer, mercilessly opened fire and thousands of Hindu-
Muslims were killed in Jallianwala Bagh.

Hence, the Muslims had borne the brunt of the non-cooperation movement, launched by Mr. Gandhi
and his Congress; they got nothing from their Hindu compatriots.

Indeed, the whole Khilafat Movement was a misconceived adventure and a very far cry from the Indian
and international realities.

3) On the advice of Gandhi, many Muslims protested on street and refused to pay bill and those Muslim
who were well settled in government resigned. But, when the Khilafat Movement ended, the Muslims
suffered a huge damage to their economy.

4) Dual personality of Gandhi and Congress was revealed.

5) Political awareness was obtained by Muslims through this movement.

(TQ: - 6) Q13) Write a note on Pakistan Resolution (1940). Or

Write down 3 points of the Pakistan Resolution. What was the Hindu Reaction after its passing in the

A) The historical annual session of All India Muslim League was held in “Iqbal Park” (Minto Park) Lahore
on 23rd March 1940. The meeting was presided over by the Quaid-e-Azam and a large number of
Muslims came from all the provinces to attend the meeting. Maulvi Fazal-ul-Haq (Sher-e-Bengal) a
renowned Bengali leader presented the resolution. They passed the resolution with great zeal. The
Muslims set clear goal on that historic day. Minar-e-Pakistan has been built to commemorate the
historic day.

.) Background of Pakistan Resolution:-

The Muslims decided to create a separate state after a lot of

considerations and deliberations. The decision was neither abrupt nor sentimental.

The Muslim leaders were worried about national future, ever since the Muslims lost the War of
Independence 1857. The only goal before the leaders was to provide peaceful, safe and graceful
environment to the Muslim nation. The future looked bleak and unsatisfactory. The presence of Hindu
majority on the soil of British India was the root cause of their worries. Different suggestions were
presented by different leaders. Many eminent Muslim personalities hinted the creation of a separate
state in their speeches and writings.

Many eminent Muslims personalities hinted the creation of a separate state in their speeches and

1) Syed Jamal ud din Afghani.

2) Abdul Haleem Sharar

3) Maulana Mohammad Ali Jahaur

4) Khairy Brothers

5) C.R.Das

6) Lala Lajpat Rai

7) British intellectual Blunt

8) John Bright

9) Iron man of Russia Joseph Stalin, anticipated the division of India.

.)Important points:-
1) Allama Iqbal in his presidential address at the annual session of All India Muslim League in 1930,
declared that the establishment of a separate state in the North West of the sub-continent for the
Muslims, the goal of the Muslim nation.

2) As a student of Cambridge University, Chaudhry Rehmat Ali, distributed pamphlet among the
participants of Round table Conference in 1933. The title of the pamphlet was “Now or Never”, in which
he suggested the division of the sub-continent into a few states.

3) The Sindh Muslim League passed a resolution in its annual Session of 1938 and demanded partition
into Hindu India and Muslims India.

4) Syed Hassan Riaz wrote that, the Quaid e Azam had made up his strong mind to have a separate state
for the Muslims in 1930 and till 1940 he kept on preparing the minds of the Muslims.

.) Quaid-e-Azam Presidential address:-

In 1940 in the Lahore session of Muslim League the Quaid-e-Azam in

presidential address clearly indicated the direction of the Muslim struggle. He said,

1) Muslims, by definition of the word, are a nation and possess their separate culture, social and
religious system and sound traditions.

2) The sub-continent is not one country and Hindu Muslim issue is an international issue. It is not an
issue of communal nature. The solution of this problem is the creation of more than one state in South

3) The rights of the Muslims will be unsafe in undivided India.

4) Partition of a land into 2 or more than 2 states is not an unprecedented idea. The Iberian Peninsula
was divided into Spain and Portugal, Ireland was separated from United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia
came into existence, because of partition. Referring to all such examples, he asked for the partition of
British India. He termed it logical and just.

.) Basic points of the resolution:-

1) The contiguous units in different areas to be re-demarcated as such that the Muslim majority areas of
north East and North West be established as independent Muslim States.

2) No Scheme other than partition of the sub-continent will be accepted.

3) After the partition of the rights of the Muslim minority will be protected, and suitable arrangements
will be made for this purpose.

.) Reaction on Resolution:-

1) Immediately after the passing of the resolution, the Hindu journalists and leaders expressed their
resentment. The demand was rejected by them and they ridiculed it. It was declared impracticable.
Gandhi and Hindus, in particular, criticized it and turned it down in harsh words. The Muslim League
called it the Lahore Resolution but the Hindu press ironically termed it as Pakistan Resolution. The
Muslim Leader adopted the new term. The resolution was, later on, called the Pakistan Resolution in all

2) A large number of theologist’s were reluctant to support the demand for partition. Only a few of
them like Maulana Shabir Ahmed Usmani, Maulana Zafar Ahmed Ansari, Maulana Ashrat Ali Thanvi and
some other others supported the leaders of the Muslim League.

3) The British press did not pay much attention to the Resolution.

British journalist though that this resolution cannot result in the creation of Pakistan, but due
to the determination of the Muslims made it possible.

Q14) Write a note on Cripps Mission 1942.

A) A mission was sent to the sub-continent in 1942 by the Government of Great Britain under the
leadership of Sir Stafford Crips. The Indian Muslims, through the Pakistan Resolution, had already
demanded the creation of Pakistan. The Japanese forces were heading towards South Asia. The war of
(1939-45) seemed to be going in Japanese favor. The preliminary success of Japanese encouraged the
Indian National Congress. The movement against the government by Congress was trouble-some for the
Britishers. Congressites were confident that Japanese would hand over the power to the Indians after
Britain’s defeat.

1) Cripps Proposals:-

The Crips Mission arrived but could not get any support from the Congress. Cripps
brought a few proposals for discussions with the major political forces in the sub-continent.

1) The sub-continent will be given the status of a dominion after the war.

2) All government departments will be handed over to the Indian Ministers including Defense, Foreign
Affairs and Communications.

3) A Central Constituent Assembly will be formed to formulate a constitution. The Constituent Assembly
will be elected by the members of the Provincial Assemblies.

4) Special steps will be taken to provide safeguards to the minorities.

5) After the formulation of the constitution by the Constituent Assembly, it will be sent to the provinces.
The provinces who do not endorse the Constitution will be empowered to create a separate and free
status for themselves.

2) Reaction of Political Parties:-

1) The Quaid e Azam and All India Muslim League expressed thanks to Cripps and the Government of
Great Britain for the promise to the Muslim majority provinces free and independent status. The hint
was a clear indication of the creation of Pakistan.

2) All India Muslim League expressed thanks for the proposed steps for the protection of the rights of

3) All India Muslim League discussed the proposals in the meeting and after long discussions; it decided
not to approve the Cripps proposals as the demand for Pakistan was not accepted in clear cut terms.

4) Gandhi and his political party, Indian National Congress, absolutely rejected the Cripps proposals.
They ridiculed the proposals: “A postdated cheque of a bank that is going to be bankrupt.”

The Congress criticized the right of veto, given to the provinces. It opposed the idea of partition. It
expressed its displeasure for providing protection to the minorities.

5) The Cripps proposals failed. Crips himself took the responsibility and blamed no one.

Q15) Write a note on Simla Conference 1945.

A) After the failure of Cripps Mission in 1942 the Indian National Congress kept on pressurizing the
British government to quit Indian by handling over the rule to the majority party. Civil Disobedience
Movement, Quit India Movement, and other methods were used to force the Britishers to quit India.
Gandhi gave boycott call to the workers. His “Quit India Movement” gained momentum. Processions
and protest meetings were arranged in all cities. Gandhi and his party was expecting the defeat of the
Allied Forces at the hands of the Japanese, therefore, the Hindus continuously built up the pressure
against the government. In all such activities the All India Muslim league was ignored.

The expectations of Gandhi changed his tactics and turned toward the Muslim League. Gandhi Jinnah
dialogues were arranged. The former wanted to entrap the later. Gandhi was now ready to give some
concessions to the Muslims in order to start a joint struggle of the 2 parties. The Quaid very well
understood his mind. He did not agree to enhance the strength of the Gandhian movement. The Quaid
did not budge an inch from his demand for Pakistan.

1) Wavell Plan:-

The Viceroy of India, Lord Wavell chalked out a plan to settle the political issues with the
political parties to introduce a frame work order, under which the elections to federal and provincial
legislative assemblies could be conducted for the formation of future of government. The Plan was a

1) The future constitution will be framed with the consent of all major political parties.

2) An Executive Council will be made and representatives of all major political parties will be included in
the council. The Council will consist of 6 Hindus, 5 Muslims.
3) The Viceroy will preside over the meetings of the Executive Council. The Commander in Chief will be
an ex-officio member of the Executive Council. All the members of the Council will be nominated by the

4) Provincial Executive Councils will also be organized. Governor of the province will be the Chief of the
Council, in each province.

2) Holding of Simla Conference:-

Simla Conference was convened by the Viceroy, Lord Wavell, to have a

dialogue with the major political parties in 1945. The following politicians were invited to participate in
the Conference at Simla, a summer resort, and capital of the Federal government in the summer season.

a) Congress: Pundit Nehru, Beldeve Singh and Azad.

b) Muslim League: Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquet Ali and Abdur Rub Nishtar.

c) Chief Ministers of all provinces.

d) Unionist and other province

3) Failure of the Conference:-

All the delegates participated in the conference with great expectations. The move
was encouraging for Congress. What so ever was the situation, the Congress was going to form the
government on the basis of its majority. Congress joined the conference proceedings with high hopes. It
had also declared before holding a conference that it would not accept partition in any case.

The meetings started to discuss the first point on agenda. The point was related to the nomination of 5
Muslims minister of the Viceroys Executive council. The Quaid-e-Azam vehemently argued that all the 5
would be nominated on the recommendations of All India Muslims League. No other party had a right to
send even a single member. The Viceroy and Indian National Congress wished to nominate Maulana
Azad as, Muslim minister. The Quaid did not agree to this proposal. Now Viceroy asked the Quaid to
accept Malik Khizar Hayat Tiwana, the leader of Unionist party. The Quaid-e-Azam rejected this name as
well and insisted that all the 5 ministers should be given to All India Muslim League. The very first point
created a fuss and further discussion was futile, therefore, the Simla Conference failed in getting any

4) Responsibility for Failure:-

The Indian National Congress held Quaid-e-Azam responsible for the failure.
Lord Wavell also criticized the inflexibility attitude of Quaid-e-Azam. He refuted the blame and disclosed
the trap prepared by Lord Wavell and Gandhi to entrap the Muslims.

.) Conclusion:-

If the Muslim League had accepted this plan, Pakistan would have never been born.
(TQ: - 8) (Q16) Write a note on the Elections of 1954-1946. Or

Why were 1945-1946 general election arranged. What was the gain of the Muslims in the General

A) General elections were imperative in the sense that the government intended to know the real
political force of every political party. The future of the sub-continent was to be decided in the light of
the people’s mandate in the elections. The failure of Simla Conference and its responsibility was the
important issue in those days. The elections could clarify the situation, which political party was holding
the majority.

There was also a pressure of U.S.A on U.K to find out the solution of political problems of the sub-
continent. To know the people’s mind, the government announced the election schedule. The elections
of Federal Assembly and all provincial assemblies were to be held in late 1945 and early 1946,
respectively. All the political parties welcomed the decision.

1) Manifesto of Congress:-

The Congress highlighted the demand for liberation of United India in its manifesto and
rejected the idea of partition in any form.

‘Akhand Bharat’ was the slogan of Congress.

The Congress asserted that it was the only political party that could claim to be popular among the
people of different communities. The elections had to decide whether the claim of Indian National
Congress was just, and the large numbers of Muslims were in support of it or not.

2) Manifesto of Muslim League:-

The Muslim League entered the arena and made a big claim that it was the only
Muslim political party and the Muslims had no sympathy with any other political party.

The Muslim League highlighted partition in its manifesto. The Quaid-e-Azam termed the elections as
referendum on one issue, and the issue was Pakistan or no Pakistan.

He made it clear that the defeat of Muslim League would mean the burial of the idea of the creation of
Pakistan. And if the Muslims supported All India Muslim League, no power on earth would be able to
stop the creation of Pakistan.

3) Election Campaign:-

All Political parties campaigned during the elections. The 2 major political parties stood
against each other, Congress wanted to check the intentions of Muslim League at every cost. The leader
traveled from North to South and East to West.

Congress even formed an alliance with Muslim parties like Majlis-e-Ahrar, Jamiat-ul-Ulama-Hind and
Unionist party. A big election alliance of 4 parties was formed against Muslim League.
The Muslim League did not form any alliance with any party and contested on all the important seats
single handedly.

The Election was a matter of life and death for Muslim League.

Quaid-e-Azam openly challenged that the Muslim League would prove the demand for Pakistan as the
only option left for Muslims.

Ban ke Rahe Ga Pakistan Ley ke Rehen Gay Pakistan

Were the slogans raised by the Muslims in the street, bazaars, processions and electoral meetings.

.) Result of Elections:-

The elections of federal Assembly were held in the end of 1945 on the basis of separate
electorate. 30 seats were allocated to the Muslims. The Muslims league won all the seats. It was a great
victory. The provincial elections held in early 1946. The Muslim League defeated its rivals on 434 seats
out of 495 Muslims seats. It was again a decisive victory.

Muslim League came out victorious. The claims of Quaid-e-Azam proved true and demand for Pakistan
was supported by majority of the Muslims.

Now no power on earth could stop Pakistan from coming into being.

Q17) Write a note on Cabinet mission plan.

A) The World War-Il was over. In the general elections war hero of the conservative party, Mr. Churchill
was defeated and Mr. Attlee succeeded him as Prime Minister. The victorious Labor Party had made a
commitment, in its manifesto, to settle the future of the sub-continent. He sent a high powered Mission
to India to bring round all the political parties to an amicable formula for the freedom. The Mission
consists of.

.) member of Cabinet Mission Plan 1946.

1) Sir Stafford Cripps

2) E.V. Alexander

3) Sir Patrick Lawrence

.) Dialogue with Parties

The members of the Mission had separate meetings with the major leaders of the political parties. They
also tried to know the points of view of the Governors and Chief Ministers of different provinces.
Governor General was also taken into confidence. Both the major political parties were very much clear
about their opinions. The Muslim League was emphasizing that partition and creation of Pakistan was
the only solution of all political problems. The Indian National Congress vehemently opposed it. It could
never accept a formula based on the division of the sub-continent into two or more than two
independent states. Congress out-rightly rejected the demand for Pakistan and the two Nation Theory
on which the Muslims’ stand was based upon.

Tension arose during the discussions. The Prime Minister, before sending the Mission, declared in the
Parliament that no minority would be given veto power; and the hindering of the political process by
any party would not be tolerated. The Quaid-e-Azam vehemently criticized the statement hut Congress
expressed its pleasure. The Quaid categorically stated that the Muslim League was performing the duty
of protecting the rights of the Muslims. He further explained that Muslim League was trying to resolve
the problems on the basis of Two Nation Theory. During his meeting with the members of the Mission,
the Quaid-e-Azam made it clear that the sub-continent was neither a country nor inhabited but one
nation. The Muslims have a separate identity and, they have every right to determine their future course
as a separate nation.

Cabinet Mission Proposals

Cabinet Mission presented the following proposals before the political parties:

1) Indian Union

The sub-continent vil1 be given the status of a union. The union will consist of man\
provinces and princely states. The system will be federal. The Centre will deal with Defense, Foreign
Affairs and Communications. All other departments will be handed over to the provinces. All taxes will
be levied by the Centre.

2) Groups of Provinces:-

The provinces will be grouped as under:

Group A: - Bombay, Madras, U.P. Orissa and C.P, Bihar

Group B: - Punjab, Sindh and NWFP

Group C: - Bengal and Assam

Nature of the federation was unique in which three tiers were to exist, Centre, group of provinces and
province. Three different organizations at all these three levels would be formed. One point was quite
strange that the powers of central and provincial organizations were specifically mentioned in the
Cabinet Mission Plan but the powers of ‘Group of Provinces” was not defined. This matter was left to the
provincial and group organizations to solve themselves.

The provinces will get representation in the Federal Assembly and Federal Cabinet as per their
respective population.

3) Constituent Assembly:-
The members of all provincial assemblies will the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent
Assembly will formulate a constitution for the whole sub-continent. After that three provincial groups
will frame their respective constitutions.

4) Interim Government:-

The Interim government will immediately he installed and it will run the system of
government till the formation of the constitution. The representatives of major political parties will be
included in the interim government. No Britishers will be the minister. The cabinet will be powerful in
administrative matters.

5) Separation from the Group:-

If a province likes, it will be authorized to quit the group to which it is being

attached. Such a province would be free to join any other group of choice.

6) Separation from Indian Union:-

One or two groups of provinces will be authorized to quit the Indian Union after ten years. It means that
group ‘B’ or ‘C’ or both will be able to maintain their sovereignty. The two groups were of Muslim
majority provinces. Possibility of the creation of Pakistan was just N) years away, and this was the
demand of Pakistan.

7) Veto Power:-

The option to reject the Cabinet Mission Plan was given to every political party but that party
would not be able to join the interim government. The right to join the interim government was given
only to the parties who supported the plan. Congress was pleased to see, this condition as the Muslim
League ‘was not allowed to veto the Plan. In case it vetoes, it would be kept away from the government.


1) Indian national congress:-

The immediate reaction of Indian National Congress was

extremely positive. The party leaders welcomed it. The Hindu journalists expressed their satisfaction and
congratulated one another. ‘The plan was a defeat of the Muslim League.

.) The statement of Pundit Nehru was published in National Herald:-

“The Cabinet Mission Plan has buried

Pakistan of Mr. Jinnah.”

.) Observer observed that:-

“the Congress would accept the plan as it has smashed the dreams of the

2) All Indian Muslim Leagues:-

The party workers were totally disappointed from the Cabinet Mission Plan. They considered the plan a
victory of the Opponents of Pakistan. They felt that the ‘idea of Pakistan was totally ignored and the
demand of the Muslim League was rejected.

The Quaid-e said:-

“I am sorry to see that the demand for Pakistan has been ignored by the Mission Plan. We
still believe and say with full confidence that the solution of political problems lies in the creation of two
Independent sovereign states.”

3) Gandhi:-

Gandhi in his press statement talked about the supremacy of the Parliament and expressed
his opinion that Parliament would be empowered to bring changes in the system, introduced by the
government on the basis of the Cabinet Mission Plan. It means that Hindu majority in the Parliament
would dictate its terms. The safeguard provided by the Cabinet Mission to the Muslims could be
withdrawn by the Hindu majority Parliament. The statement of Gandhi further aggravated the
frustration of the Muslim nation.

>) Final Decision:-

The first reaction of the two political parties was totally different. It looked clear that
Congress was going to give its consent and the decision of the Muslim League would be contrary to it.
The matter was widely discussed in the general councils of both the parties. The council of Muslim
League gave full mandate to the Quaid-e-Azam to declare the policy. He, contrary to the expectation of
all the political circles, declared to accept the plan and Congress was put to an embarrassing situation.
The Quaid declared the he accepted the plan with the idea that the demand for the creation of Pakistan
would be in a position to establish their independent sovereign state comprising of Assam,

Britishers were about to leave the sub-continent, and could play havoc with the Muslim nation.

The Quaid-e-Azam exchanged views with his party leaders and then discussed the forthcoming problems
of the Muslims with the Viceroy. On his repeated requests, the Quaid-e-Azam honored his invitation and
joined the government. Pundit Nehru had also appealed to the Muslim League but the Quaid-e-Azam
gave the whole credit to the Viceroy.

The Muslim League withdrew its call for the Direct Action. The five members of the Muslim League who
took the oath of office as Minister were:

.) Name of representatives of Muslim leave for interim Govt. 1946:-

i) Liaquet Ali Khan

ii) Abdur Rab Nishtar

iii) I.I. Chundrigar

iv) Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan

v) Jogindar Nath Mandal

The last one belonged to the minority: The Muslim League actually wanted to show that it was looking
after the interests and rights of all the minorities. This step was taken to counter the decision of the
Congress that had nominated Maulana Azad as one of the six ministers, to prove that Congress was also
representing the Muslims.

Q18) Write a note on 3rd June 1947 Plan.

A) Background:-

Both Simla Conference and Cabinet Mission Plan failed to produce an amicable solution of
the constitutional and political problem of India. Lord Wavell could not unite the parties, and the British
government had to replace him with Lord Mountbatten. Half of the Cabinet Mission Plan could be
implemented but hardships were there. The grouping of the provinces was abandoned. The Muslims
League joined the Interim government but did not participate in the constitution; therefore, the dream
of making a constitution could not be realized. Hence, the whole system was suspended.

The joint venture of Gandhi and Wavell miserably failed.

1) Appointment of Lord Mountbatten:-

On 20 th February 1947, the British Prime Minister declared that British

rule in South Asia would come to an end by June 1948. The whole process of transfer of power was to
be conducted by the new Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten who immediately took the charge.

2) Important Points of the June 3, 1947 Plan:-

The June 3, 1947 Plan was an elaborate one. It covered the whole of
the sub-continent. The government took final decision to divide it into two independent states. The
principle of partition was approved. Now the details are in the following:-

a) Non-Muslim Majority Provinces:-

C.P, U.P, Urrisa, Bombay, Madras and Bihar were non-Muslims

majority provinces. All these provinces were to be included in Bharat.

b) Province of the Punjab:-

The decision was taken to divide Punjab provinces into 2 parts. The Muslims
majority areas would go to Pakistan and non- Muslim majority area to Bharat, respectively. A
commission was created to draw the line of demarcation between Pakistani Punjab and Bharati Punjab.

c) Province of Bengals:-

The principal approved for Punjab was also approved for Bengal. The province was
to be divided into East Bengal and West Bengal. East Bengal was pre-dominantly a Muslim area while
Hindus were in majority in West Bengal.

A Boundary Commission for the demarcation of the boundary was created by the British government.

d) Province of Sindh:-

The member of Sindh Provincial Assembly got the right to join Pakistan or Bharat by a
majority vote.

e) Balochistan:-

Balochistan had not yet been given the status of a full-fledged province. It was decided
that Shahi Jirga and Municipal Committee Quetta would decide the future of Balochistan by the majority
vote of their members.

f) Sylhet:-

Sylhet was one of the districts of Assam. A very large majority of the district were Muslims. The
people living in the District, Sylhet had to decide their own future through a referendum. They had to
choose either Pakistan or Bharat.

g) North Western Frontier Province (Kyber PaktunKhwa):-

The people of NWFP had to decide their fate by a

referendum. They could either join Pakistan or Bharat.

h) States:-

There were about 6 hundred princely states in the sub-continent where Nawab’s and Rajas
were ruling over their areas and people with internal sovereignty. The external sovereignty was lying
with the British government. Each state was given the right to join Pakistan or Bharat, keeping its
geographical position and special circumstances in view.

2) Implementation of the Plan June 1947:-

a) Sylhet:-

The Non-Muslim majority provinces were included in Bharat. In the district Sylhet the people
took part in a referendum. A very large majority favored Pakistan and Sylhet was included in Pakistan.
Hence, Sylhet became a part of Pakistan.

b) Sindh:-

The members of the Sindh Assembly voted for Pakistan and Balochistan became a part
of Pakistan.

c) Balochistan:-

The Shahi Jirga and Quetta Municipality voted for Pakistan and Balochistan became a part
of Pakistan.

d) K.P.K (N.W.F.P):-

A referendum was held in N.W.F.P, the people had to choose either of the two,
Pakistan or Bharat. A dominating majority voted for Pakistan and N.W.F.P joined Pakistan.

e) Punjab & Bengal:-

The Provinces of the Punjab and Bengal were to be divided into 2 parts. Sir Radcliffe, a British
Lawyer was appointed the Chairman of the Boundary Commission. Two members each were nominated
by the Congress and Muslim League to help the Chairman.

The 2 provinces were divided into 2 parts. Sir Radcliffe was in contact with Nehru and Lord
Mountbatten. He conspired and did injustice with Pakistan. As a result, many Muslim majority areas
were given to Bharat and Pakistan was deprived of its right share. As the Muslim League had accepted
Sir Radcliffe as arbitrator, so the Quaid-e-Azam did not raise objection to the decision of the Boundary

f) Princely States:-

The Princely states were opted to decide in the favor of either Pakistan or Bharat. While
taking the decision, every state kept its geographical position and special circumstances in view.
Disputes erupted in the States of Hyderabad Deccan, Junagarh, Manavadar, and Jammu & Kashmir.

The majority of the first 3 states were Non-Muslims and the ruler were Muslims, by faith. All three
Muslims rulers thought either to maintain their independent states or to join Pakistan.

Bharat took advantage of the circumstance and invaded all the 3 states by force.

But the Position of Jammu Kashmir was the opposite, the majority was Muslims and the ruler was a
Hindu. Hence, he joined Kashmir with India and India held its forces on Kashmir. Hence, the first war of
1948 was started and because of the braveness of the tribal areas, Pakistan was able to capture half of
the Kashmir.

From 1947- till today the disputes of Kashmir is still un-solved, although many war were fought in 1948,
1965, and 1971.
The issue can only be resolved through negotiation.

Q19) what is the Law of Independence.

A) The British government got the approval of Parliament on 18 th July 1947 to divide the sub-continent
into 2 countries on June 1948. The law was formulated in the light of the 3 rd June Plan. But Pakistan got
the independent sovereign status on 14 th August and Bharat on 15th August 1947. Pakistan in spite of
strong opposition and many conspiracies came into being on 14 th August 1947.

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