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Nelson Martins 

to Nikola Tesla
5 mins · 
Lakhovsky Georges 1925 - 1944: a Russian engineer who had immigrated to France before
World War I. Lakhovsky discovered in 1924 that all living cells in plants, animals, people,
germs and parasites were able to send and receive minute electric wave currents and
display resonance. He used components of Tesla's free energy machine system to invent the
Multi-Wave Oscillator. The MWO works by producing a broad range of high frequency
pulsed signals that radiate energy into the patient via two round resonators: one resonator
acting as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. Lakhovsky also discovered that the cells
of disease causing organisms, within an infected person, produced frequencies that were
different from normal, healthy cells. By matching the resonant frequencies of an organism
with his MWO machine, he claimed to be able to heal diseased plants and sick humans.
Lakhovsky claimed over 90% success in using his MWO machine to treat cancer patients.

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