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- Unicellular
- Mostly flagellated/Ciliated
- Hetero/Autotrophs

Phylum Sarcomastigaphora (Flagella/Pseudopodia)

Subphylum Mastigophora (1 or more flagella)

Class Phytomastigophora (Plant like flagellates w/ chromoplasts)

Class Zoomastigophora (Heterotrophic)

Subphylum Sarcodina (Amoeboid)

Class Lobosea (Lobe-shaped Pseudopodia)

Class Granuloreticulosea (Reticulated Pseudopodia)

Phylum Apicomplexa (Parasitic, apical complex to penetrate)

Class Sporozoa (Form Oocytes)

Phylum Ciliophora (Largest group w/ cilia)

Class Oligohymenophora
- Lowest form of multicellular animals (no tissue/organs)
- Filter feeders
- Asexual (Budding, Fragmentation, Gemmule formation) or Sexual

Taxonomic Bases
a. Endoskeleton (Calcareous, Siliceous or Spongin Fibers)
b. Spicules
i. Type of Deposit (Calcium/Silicon)
ii. Size or Function
iii. No of Axes or rays (Mono, Tri, Tetra or Polyaxon)

Parts Functions

Pinocyte - Skin Cells (Lining)

- Leathery and Rough

Choanocyte - Interior body lining

Flagella - Pumps Water inside the system

Collar - Absorption of nutrients (group of microvilli)

Mesenchyme - Connective tissue (where other parts are embedded)

Archeocyte - Totipotent cells

- Ingest/digest food
Sclerocyte - Secretion of spicules

Porocyte - Surrounds the opening

Ostium/Oscula - Opening/Exit

Canal Systems

a. Asconoid
 Simplest
 Ostia on surface
 Lined by flagellated choanocytes

b. Syconoid
 Incurrent canals (non flagellated, lined by pinocytes with prosopyle (opening)
 Radial canals (flagellated lined by choanocytes with apopyle (opening)

c. Leuconoid
 Folded body wall (Most complex)
 Small flagellated chambers with choanocytes
 Spongocoel is reduced

Class Calcispongiae
 Calcium Carbonate

Class Hyalospongiae (Hexactinellida)

 Deep sea dwellers
 Siliceous
 Syconoid/Leuconoid
Class Demospongiae
 Siliceous/spongin fibers
 Leuconoid

Class Sclerospongiae
 Caves, crevices or deep water
 Thin living layer
 Leuconoid
- most primitive of eumetazoans
- Diploblastic
- Organized tissue level
- Epitheliomuscular type
- Polymorphic (Polyp/Medusa)
- Radial / Bilateral Symmetry

Parts Description

Mesoglea - Gelatinous matrix

Protoneurons - True nerve cells

Statocysts & Ocelli - Sensory organs

Nematocysts - Self defense

- Capturing prey

Cnidocytes - Stinging cells

Class Hydrozoa
 Solitary/Colonial
 Polyp & Medusa
 Fresh/Marine water

Class Scyphozoa
 Solitary
 True jellyfish
 Thick mesoglea
 Medusa & Polyp (Scalloped/notched)

Class Cubozoa
 Polyp & Medusa (Cup/Bell)
 Velarium
 Deadliest (Millions of nematocysts)

Class Anthozoa
 Solitary/Colonial
 Polyp
 Evident Mesoglea
 Marine Water

Subclass Zoantharia
o Hexacorallia
o 8 simple unbranched tentacles
o solitary

Subclass Ciriatiphartharia
o Unbranched tentacles with unpaired mesenteries
o solitary

Subclass Alcyonaria
o Octocorallia
o 8 tentacles
o 8 complete mesenteries
o colonial
 Unsegmented roundworms
 Lives in seawater, freshwater and terrestrial environment
 Triploblastic
 Covered with cuticle bearing hairs (Seta), spines (Absence of Cilia)
 Complete digestive tract and Peritoneal Cavity (Pseudocoelom lacks lining)
 Dioecious - Males are smaller than females

Class Aphasmidia (Adenophorea)

 without phasmids (sensory organs found in the posterior part which sense chemical in water)

Class Phasmidia (Secernantea)

 with phasmids and amphids (found in the anterior portion)
Platyhelminthes Gr. Platus - flat/broad; helminths – worms
 Lack Body Cavity
 INC Digestive tract
 Bilateral Symmetry
 Triploblastic
 Lowest Phylum to have an organ system
 Distinct Head (Sense Organs)
 CNS (brain, 2 cords)
 Monoecious or hermaphroditic
Class Turbellaria
 Free living w/o suckers
 Marine/fresh water, terrestrial
 Ciliated Epidermis, Rod like rhabdites (Secretory products discharged for defense, mucous glands)
 Excretory system: Protonephridia (flame cells)
 Sexual/Asexual

Order Tricladida
 Intestine w/ 3 branches and each with many lateral branches

Classs Trematoda
 Flukes (Parasitic)
 Unsegmented body (leaf like) with cuticle and no cilia
 Suckers - oral and ventral (Acetabulum)
 Intestines w/o anus

Order Digenea
 Requires 2 or more hosts in their life cycle
 2 suckers w/o hooks
 Asexual/Sexual
Class Cestoda
 Tapeworms
 Scolex (hooks/suckers for attachment) proglotids (immature, mature and gravid) ; most distinguishable
 Epidermis with cuticle but no cilia
 Hermaphroditic

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