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‫االسبوع الثاني‬

19 Oct-2020 ‫المحاضرة االلول‬

1.1 Introduction

Heat transfer is the science that seeks to predict the energy transfer (heat) that may
take place between material bodies as a result of a temperature difference.
The temperature difference is the driving force for heat transfer.
The energy transfer is always from the higher temperature medium to the lower
temperature one, and the energy transfer stops when the two mediums reach the
same temperature.
In similar way, the pressure difference is the driving force for fluid flow and the
voltage difference is the driving force for electric current flow.
Heat transfer is a vector quantity has magnitude and direction.

Convection Heat Transfer

‫انتقال الحرارة بالحمل‬
‫نتطر ق في هذا المحاضرة الى مراجعة النتقال الحرارة بطريقة الحمل لغرض فهم طبيعة‬
. ‫انتقال الحرارة بالحمل و كذلك الظواهر النتقال الحرارة قي المواضيع القادمة‬
We begin by developing our understanding of the nature of convection.
1- Flow may be external or internal and
2- Convection heat transfer may be natural (free) or forced convection.

-Internal versus External Flow
A fluid flow is classified as being internal and external, depending on
whether the fluid is forced to flow in a confined channel or over a surface.
The flow of an unbounded fluid over a surface such as a vertical or
horizontal plate, cylinder, or sphere is external flow.
The flow in a pipe or duct is internal flow if the fluid is completely
bounded by solid surfaces. Water flow in a pipe, for example, is internal
flow, and air flow over an exposed pipe during a windy day is external
flow, water flow in rivers and irrigation ditches are examples of external

Laminar versus Turbulent Flow

Some flows are smooth and orderly while others are rather chaotic. The
highly ordered fluid motion characterized by smooth streamlines is called
laminar. The flow of high-viscosity fluids such as oils at low velocities
is typically laminar.
The highly disordered fluid motion that typically occurs at high velocities
characterized by velocity fluctuations is called turbulent. The flow of
low-viscosity fluids such as air at high velocities is typically turbulent.
The flow regime greatly influences the heat transfer rates and the required
power for pumping.

‫ جريان صفائحي لو جريان مضطرب‬-

‫ و بسهولة التعرف‬.‫ممكن يكون الجريان هادئ و على شكل طبقات و جميع المعادالت معروفه له‬
.)Reynolds number( ‫على هذا النوع من الجريان من خالل حساب عدد رينولدز‬
‫و ممكن يكون الجريان مضطرب و غير هادئ و تكون المعادالت غير معروفه اال من خالل‬
.‫اجراء التجارب العملية لغرض الوصول الى المعادالت المطلوبة‬
.‫اشكال السرع في حالة الجريان الطبائقي و المضطرب مبين في االشكال ادناه‬

‫‪2- Convection heat transfer may be natural (free) or forced‬‬
‫‪-2‬الحمل الطبيعي لو الحمل القسري‬
‫يكون انتقال الحرارة اما عن طريق الحمل الطبيعي اي بان الفرق في درجات الحرارة يودي الى‬
‫تغير في كثافة السائل اي عند ترتفع درجة حرارة السائل سوف يقل كثافته و يقل وزن الجزيئات‬
‫و بذلك ترتفع الجزيئة الى االعلى و يحل محلها جزيئة باردة ‪ .‬و بهذه الطريقة تتم انتقال الحرارة‬
‫و تكون طريقة االنتقال بطئيه و مثال على ذلك المشعمات الحرارية الموجود في شعبكم و كذلك‬
‫طريقة تبريد االجهزة االلكترونية و الحاسبات‪.‬‬
‫ اما الحمل القسري فيكون نتيجة الفرق في درجات الحرارة و بوجود مصدر حركة مثل المضخة‬.
-:‫ و مثال على ذلك‬.‫ يكون انتقال الحرارة بهذه الطريقة اسرع‬.‫او مروحة‬
‫ منظومة التبريد و التكييف المركزي و كذلك‬-
.‫ الهيترات الكهربائية المزودة بمراوح‬-
.‫اي تكون حركة الهواء الساخن عن طريق سرعة الهواء‬

‫في جميع الحاالت اعاله فنحن بصدد ايجاد كمية الحرارة المنتقلة بالحمل‬
Q= h As (Ts-T∞)
‫ اي معامل انتقال الحرارة‬h ‫بتعبير اخر نحن بصدد ايجاد قيمة‬

Dimensional analysis
π1= hL/kf =Nu
π2= ρUL/μ =Re
π3= βg ρ2L3 ΔT/μ2 = Gr
π4= Cpμ/kf = Pr
General form of convection from the results of dimensional analysis is:
Nu= f ( Re, Gr, Pr)
Natural (or Free) versus Forced Flow
A fluid flow is said to be natural or forced, depending on how the fluid
motion is initiated.

In natural (free) flows

Natural, or free, convection is observed as a result of the motion of the
fluid due to density changes arising from the heating process.
The buoyancy forces that give rise to the free-convection currents are
called body forces.
i.e. Δρ due to ΔT with body force (gravity)

Nu= f (Gr, Pr)
To check whether the flow is laminar or turbulent:
If Ra =109 is critical Rayleigh No.
If Ra < 109 Flow is laminar
If Ra ˃109 is Flow is turbulent
Where Ra=Gr Pr

In forced flow, a fluid is forced to flow over a surface or in a pipe by

external means such as a pump or a fan.
Nu= f ( Re, Pr)

Surface Heat Flux

Recalling Newton’s law of cooling, we see that:

Therefore, the rate of heat transfer through a fluid is much higher by

convection than it is by conduction.

Type of convection heat transfer (forced or free) are based on the

following criteria:
If Gr/Re2 =1 both convections types are working
If Gr/Re2 < 1 only forced convection is working
If Gr/Re2 ˃ 1 only free convection is working
We know from thermodynamics that:

The convection heat transfer coefficient, h is not a property of the fluid. It is an
experimentally determined parameter whose value depends on all the variables
influencing convection such as the surface geometry, the nature of fluid motion,
the properties of the fluid, and the bulk fluid velocity.

1-Internal Flow
Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts is commonly used in heating and
cooling applications. The fluid in such applications is forced to flow by a fan or
pump through a tube that is sufficiently long to accomplish the desired heat
transfer. We will pay particular attention to the determination of the friction factor
and convection coefficient since they are directly related to the pressure drop and
heat transfer rate, respectively.
These quantities are then used to determine the pumping power requirement and
the required tube length.
There is a fundamental difference between external and internal flows.
- In external flow, the fluid has a free surface, and thus the boundary layer
over the surface is free to grow indefinitely.
- In internal flow, however, the fluid is completely confined by the inner
surfaces of the tube, and thus there is a limit on how much the boundary
layer can grow.
The Entrance Region
The region from the tube inlet to the point at which the boundary layer merges at
the centerline is called the hydrodynamic entrance region, and the length of this
region is called the hydrodynamic entry length,( Le).
Flow in the entrance region is called hydrodynamically developing flow since this
is the region where the velocity profile develops. The region beyond the entrance
region in which the velocity profile is fully developed and remains unchanged is
called the hydrodynamically fully developed region as shown in Fig.(1).

Fig.(1). Laminar, hydrodynamic boundary layer development in a

circular tube.

Now consider a fluid at a uniform temperature entering a circular tube whose

surface is maintained at a different temperature.
This time, the fluid particles in the layer in contact with the surface of the tube
will assume the surface temperature. This will initiate convection heat transfer in
the tube and the development of a thermal boundary layer along the tube. The
thickness of this boundary layer also increases in the flow direction until the
boundary layer reaches the tube center and thus fills the entire tube, as shown in

Fig.(2).Thermal boundary layer development in a heated circular

Again, the velocity profiles for laminar and turbulent are shown varies over the
cross section and there is no well-defined free stream, it is necessary to work with
a mean velocity Vm when dealing with internal flows as shown in Fig.3.
Mass flow rate= mean Vmean A

Fig.(3). The velocity profiles for laminar and turbulent.

In a fully developed flow, the critical Reynolds number corresponding

to the onset of turbulence is: 2300.
Under most conditions, the flow in a pipe is said to be
laminar for Re <2300, turbulent for Re >4000, and transitional in between.
Re= ρVmL/μ where μ= dynamic viscosity.
Re= VmL/ υ where υ= μ/ρ= Kinematic viscosity, m2/s
For Laminar flow
Vm = 0.5 Vmax.
For turbulent flow
Vm = 0.83 Vmax.

Flow in Pipes
Laminar flow
For fully developed laminar flow in circular pipe
Circular tube, laminar (Ts=constant):
Nu = hD/k=3.33
Circular tube, laminar (qs=constant):
Nu = hD/k=4.36

Turbulent flow
- For Turbulent, fully developed, 0.6 < Pr<160, ReD> 10,000,
(L/D)> 10, n =0.4 for Ts> Tm and n=0.3 for Ts< Tm
Where Ts is surface temperature and Tm is mean temperature. h is the
average heat transfer coefficient. Oct 19
NuD=0.023 ReD 4/5 Prn

- For Turbulent, fully developed, 0.7< Pr<16,700, ReD >10,000,

L/D=> 10
NuD=0.027 Re D 4/5 Pr1/3 (μ/μs)0.14

Oct 21 ‫المحاضرة الثانية‬

2-External flow
In this article we focus on the problem of computing heat transfer rate to
or from a surface in external flow. In such a flow boundary layers develop
freely, without constraints imposed by adjacent surfaces.

a- Flow over flat plates

Consider the parallel flow of a fluid over a flat plate of length L in the
flow direction, as shown in Fig. (10).

Fig.(10). Flow over flat plate.

The x-coordinate is measured along the plate surface from the leading
edge in the direction of the flow. The fluid approaches the plate in the x-
direction with uniform upstream velocity V and temperature Tœ. The flow
in the velocity boundary layer starts out as laminar, but if the plate is
sufficiently long, the flow will become turbulent at a distance xcr from the
leading edge where the Reynolds number reaches its critical value for

The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the surface
geometry, surface roughness, upstream velocity, surface temperature, and
the type of fluid, among other things, and is best characterized by the
Reynolds number.
The Reynolds number at a distance x from the leading edge of a flat plate
is expressed as
Re= ρVmL/μ
Re= VmL/ υ where υ= μ/ρ
Note that the value of the Reynolds number varies for a flat plate along
the flow, reaching Re=VL /υ at the end of the plate.
For flow over a flat plate, transition from laminar to turbulent is usually
taken to occur at the critical Reynolds number of
Recrit.= 5x105
There are several forms of equation which give the values of h or Nusselt
number for different cases.
Laminar Flow over an Isothermal Plate:
Local Nux=0.332 Re1/2x Pr1/3 Laminar Pr> 0.6 …..(1)
Average Nu=0.662 Re1/2x Pr1/3 Laminar Pr> 0.6 …..(2)
Nux= 0.564 Pe1/2 Laminar Pr <0.05, Pex> 100 …..(3)
Turbulent Flow over an Isothermal Plate
Nux=0.0296 Re4/5 x Pr1/3 Turbulent, Rex < 108, 0.6<Pr < 60 …..(4)
Flat Plates with Constant Heat Flux Conditions
For laminar flow
Nux=0.453 Re1/2 x Pr1/3 Pr > 0.6

while for turbulent flow
Nux=0.0308 Re4/5 x Pr1/3 0.6 < Pr < 60

Mixed Boundary Layer Conditions

In the mixed boundary layer situation Fig.(8). Single equation may be
used to obtain the average convection heat transfer coefficient for the
entire plate. By Integrating over the laminar region (0 < x <xc) and then
over the turbulent region (xc < x < L), this equation may be expressed as

where it is assumed that transition occurs abruptly at x= xc. Substituting

from equations for hlam and hturb, respectively, we obtain
Integrating, we then obtain

where the bracketed relations indicate the range of applicability and the
constant A is determined by the value of the critical Reynolds number,
Rec. That is,

Unheated Starting Length

All the foregoing Nusselt number expressions are restricted to situations
for which the surface temperature Ts is uniform.

A common exception involves existence of an unheated starting length
(Ts= Tœ) upstream of a heated section (Ts not= Tœ). As shown in
Fig.(3), velocity boundary layer growth begins at x= 0, while thermal
boundary layer development begins at x=ζ. Hence there is no heat
transfer for 0 < x <ζ.
Velocity and thermal boundary layers are shown in Fig.(11).

Fig.(11). Velocity and thermal boundary layers.

it is known that, for laminar flow

It has also been found that, for turbulent flow,

The Convection Boundary Layers for External Flow
- The Velocity Boundary Layer, δ
To introduce the concept of a boundary layer, consider flow over the flat
plate of Fig.(1). When fluid particles make contact with the surface, their
velocity is reduced significantly relative to the fluid velocity upstream of
the plate, and for most situations it is valid to assume that the particle
velocity is zero at the wall. These particles then act to retard the motion
of particles in the adjoining fluid layer, which act to retard the motion of
particles in the next layer, and so on until, at a distance y= δ from the
surface, the effect becomes negligible. This retardation of fluid motion is
associated with shear stresses τ acting in planes that are parallel to the
fluid velocity (Figure 6.1). With increasing distance y from the surface,
the x velocity component of the fluid, u, must then increase until it
approaches the free stream value Uœ. The subscript (œ)is used to
designate conditions in the free stream outside the boundary layer. The
quantity (δ) is termed the boundary layer thickness, and it is typically
defined as the value of y for which u=0.99 Uœ. The boundary layer
velocity profile refers to the manner in which u varies with y through the
boundary layer.

Fig.(1). Velocity boundary layer.

The Thermal Boundary Layer, δt
Just as a velocity boundary layer develops when there is fluid flow over a
surface, a thermal boundary layer must develop if the fluid free stream
and surface temperatures differ. Consider flow over an isothermal flat
plate Fig. (2). At the leading edge the temperature

Fig. (2). Thermal boundary layer.

profile is uniform, with T(y) =Tœ. However, fluid particles that come into
contact with the plate achieve thermal equilibrium at the plate’s surface
temperature. In turn, these particles exchange energy with those in the
adjoining fluid layer, and temperature gradients develop
in the fluid. The region of the fluid in which these temperature gradients
exist is the thermal boundary layer, and its thickness δt is typically defined
as the value of y for which the ratio [(Ts-T )/(Ts-Tœ)]= 0.99. With
increasing distance from the leading edge, the effects of heat transfer
penetrate farther into the free stream and the thermal boundary layer
Relationship between velocity and thermal boundary layers.
For gases → δt=δ
For liquid → δt<< δ
For solid (melting) →δt >> δ
Typical velocity and temperature profiles for natural convection flow

over a hot vertical plate at temperature Ts inserted in a fluid at temperature
Tœ. is shown in Fig.(5).
Note that as in forced convection, the thickness of the boundary layer
increases in the flow direction. Unlike forced convection, however, the
fluid velocity is zero at the outer edge of the velocity boundary layer as
well as at the surface of the plate. This is expected since the fluid beyond
the boundary layer is motionless. Thus, the fluid velocity increases with
distance from the surface, reaches a maximum, and gradually decreases
to zero at a distance sufficiently far from the surface. At the surface, the
fluid temperature is equal to the plate temperature, and gradually
decreases to the temperature of the surrounding fluid at a distance
sufficiently far from the surface, as shown in the figure. In the case of cold
surfaces, the shape of the velocity and temperature profiles remains the
same but their direction is reversed.

Fig.(5). Typical velocity and temperature profiles for natural flow


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