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tter no■
″The Simple Fu● re tense is used to say that something will haPpen in tlnc ftlture′ a■

′TO make positive sentences in the simple fu● re tense uSe η:″ and the base Form ofthe verb Oftn′ the
vclbし ′is uscd with an adiecllVe′ noun or place Fo1lo■ v tllis Pattern:

Subject Will Verb(Or)Bc tt AdiectiVe′ Noun′ Place

I′ You′ c(,n,o worヽ ド(,

He′ She′ Iし w口 1 いe bus, いo haPP,
We′ They いr a teache■ いc atthe park

CONIRACT10NS: I+Ivill‐ I′ 11, he+will― he′ 11, e+wi11‐ she′ lL it+Ivill‐ it′ 11,

you tt will― yOu'11, we+will‐ lve′ lL tlncy+will=tlley′

“ 11, Ivill+not‐ won′ t

′TO matt negative sentences in the simple future tensc use″ ″′″01 or ηθll● (the COntraction)and tlle base
form ofthe velb Olten,tl■ e velbあ θis used wnh an adject市 ■ oun or Place Follow this pattrn:

Subject Negative N7erl・ (or)BC tt AdiectiVe′ Noun′ Place

wni n(,t PlaV dii1lk Rii、
He′ She′ Iし いて、sad be late
(WOn′ t)
ンVc They bc teachers l・ c at st11001

Some words alld Phrases are often used with the simple future tense These ph■ ases can be used at the
beginning or tl■ e end oFa sentence HeF ale some examPleS:
10′ γθ裂, ″・■
● じた ′

10ttθ rЮ υ ″θγ ″″g `oじ
,で ,′ ス′″′ '″
,″ ′ 燿′
Fθ l1 0rЮ 7●
●│′ /″ ω ″ ″ ,“ 1“ ′ 力I..″ ο,Iル S
`χ `s″ `ア "′

If the action is in the ftlturら you can also usei

″おヴ ο
ο is.・ ● ル
.・ わ″妙 ′
`″ " `力 “ =
ExAMPLES: lle wnlsee them`θ niま■
I win call my lliend″ F T17`s″ ′ノ

He■ vill corne′ ″′ωο7″ ο

CHAPTER :]:i'ト ゥ The silnple Future Tense:``Will''

Yes/No Questions&Answersin the Simple Future Tense

V TO make yes′ ■O questions h ale simple flllll“ teltsc ttse ω ′十stlblect+tl■ e base Fonn Ofthe verb O魚 、
the l erb b`is used wlu■ an atteCtlVc noun or place F0110,v tlus
`′ Pattenl:

Wlll SubieCt Velb(Ol)Be tt Adleca.e7Noun7 Place

Wlll sl■ e visit?
be caleftll'
they be atthe bank2

v FO110w this Patem to answer yes/no questiOns llt tl■ e simple future tel■ sc

Ye, L yOu/ will

hc she′ ic
will m)t
we′ they
(WOn′ t)

QueStiOn_wOrd QueStiOns ill the Siinple Future Tense

∪ Ъ mab ttettOn‐ wO■ d ques● ors/"t●equxstP∬ yeS/n。
q■ les● o応 (nOt all verbs and wOlds can be used wi TLttAl潟 ″Ⅷ 鮮 i獅 轟 露1郎

QueS● On wOrds い 111 SubleCt ■7erb(or)Be+Adleci市 。 Noun7 Place




ltllere write?
WЪ en go,
INhO be llllngヮ ?

ァ We be a stlldellt●

How they be at ule llbra● ?

CHAPTER tt ThesimpleFutureTense:`6Will''

I)ositive`じ Negative Sentences

Use■ e st・ edules below and Pramce negative and pOsitive selltences witll yOl■
l■ r Parll■ e■ ゝvltt・ h and repeat

□IAい嘔at willJOhn dO 口IA■ハat will Lisa al■ d VLce

toltlolro■ morl■ ng? dO― ?
B He′ B They′ 1l be at home
He won′ tl■ ln ln tlle park They wOrtbe bu率
A lthat willJOhn dO ヽ
ヤ■at will Lisa and VInce

tomclrЮ w aftemoon? do m壺延 堕 ?
B He'1l be at wclrk Tl・ e/n dean the house
He wOn′ t直 kニュユ friend n.ey won′ t do laund″

ルトs schedじ le ι15o oぃ a Vlnce
0 ● ● ●

heく 十rhυ「sdヘ
.ぃ etise 4+1卜 03、 い

。 ・レ
e att h。 ヽC
Fttt ftギ 楚 F“ ■
│げ rM o■ crn。 。

―be qtt worK
clea、 十ht hoJse
― T―てヽ4■ た

Y● 。

・Jm,I・ 4。

「h フ
生daЧ s
・ fi、 ぃ、 Ca r
・CWar叶¬ お

。svヾ ee7■ 07・ キlo
.て ョ ざ L_よ ぃ を ,一 ギ ト ¬


CHAPTER 〔ユ]:lレ The simple Future Tense:` ■∼lll''

団 ロ □
YoOr dド 114● eゝ 丁へ、 T● ぃ o● LヒC
耐雙 _埜 1生 _StheJり 、 '十 hヽ nss t。 `。・

「士 │
・ ,C aキ SCh。 ,1 :… r・

―ヤ― o、ィ 計 2 ._■ ._手「‐18,


i● 3●■ [,311S
・T」 石 こ
υ弄5・ r
,``勢 2-・ ・ ―
― ―

□ 回 回

Ч 場雰つ ?itqS W∝ k SChedulQ Yoor so、

ギ ler、 ∞ 、
● W er 十 C P卜 。
ヽ い。
:郷 `Aう ドデ
・十、?t― le甲・
lomOfrow alキ 興
ni4 へ r`?。 r十
.ら ,、 こ ■ に F・ 7611
。一十 一

:lilli〔 [:l※ lili)』lill


Ask yOuI Partner what he/she and

PeOple in his/her tamily wJl do next
、veek′ next month′ next yeaし in two day
in three hours′ etc Switch and lepeat


CHAPTER ::i:), The siinple Future Tense:“ Will''

ヽcs/ヽ ol_luc,、 li`)ns
Use■ e picttlrcs be10w al■ d pradice u■ e conversations witl■ your Partl■ er Answer nclifthele is a
led X over the picture Swittll and lepeat

■ A Wlu Rila visit helttrentS □ A VV ll your children be dOctO,s □ A Vill you bc at theFalk

next ulednesdュy? In■ ventェyears? in thlee hOuls?
B No′ she won′ [ B tts′ they wn! B No l won′ 〔

Rita your children you

vis t her parents be doctos be atthe park

nex VVednesday in twenty years in three hours

Mike and Sue your father Alice

be atthe playgrOund pay b‖ ls make dinner

lomorrow at 3 p m next week in five hours

your brothers you 」ohn and Rita

look for an apartment explain the lesson to me be at the restaurant

next Tuesday tomorrow tonight at 5 p m

it Tom yOur ch‖ dren

be hot practice guitar give you a present

tomorrow in Ms hours next ChHstmas


CHAPTER [さ The simple Future Tense:“ ltill''

Brad and Debby the test the students

renlemberto brush the rteeth be easy memOnze the new wOrds

lonight next week tomorro、 v nighi

your parents Kate it

open a restaurani be atthe mal raln

next March ln four hours omorrow afternoon

Mr and Mrs Lee you and yOurfamily your husband

rest move to Texas speak to his son

nexl Fr day next spr ng in a Few m nutes

your son― in― law Ted and Karen your son

be famous have a party inarγ h S gi‖ f"end

in a fet・ v years in three mOnths next year

Sttldents(Or teams)write what

youl ci,will be like and what
people ivill dO in hfty years
顎濯 円 置
Tell the otl■ er students

⑩ TheSilnpleFutureTense:``lVill''

Use tl■ e pictules below and Pr.lctlce the conversations wi■ your Parher SWitch and repeat

■ A Whatw‖ ML and MIs Lee坐 tomOIЮ w? □ A llllat wi1l you do next week?
B They'11 listen to music B I′ ll sttldy
AW■ ett wm llley hsten to music? A Whatw口 l you study?
B They′ ll listen to m■ lsic at hOme B I′ H study mau■

Mi and Mrs Lee′ tomorrow you′ next、 veek

lsten to music study

θ ぼ

Where… ? at home VVhat… ? math

A:eX′ in three hours you and your mother/ne責 Saturday

help hls friend make a dress

How long… ? foriive hours Who with? wnh my grandmother

Luke,Mike,and Brad/tOmorrow your uncle/next month

90 Sul[mming ieach

Where… ? at the lake What ? englneer ng

CHAPTER 〔:i:〕レ The simPle Future Tense:“ Will''

Jav and Mary/next summer your sister′ tomorro、 v night Kim/next Fnday
paini the deck run
団 Shg a me meder 回

who wnh? w th the rfr ends How ong ? for one hour VVhere… ? in the park

you/tonight your nephew′ in■ vo hours Ted and Karen/next saturday

my klds a story
。°d° WntOwn
回 田 Vacuum 回

How iong ? for th"m nutes VVhal ? the whole house VVho 、
v th? by themselves

Wlite a list OF tllings you and pooPle

in your family lvill do tOmOrloぃ ぅnext
Weet and next yean Cive the listto
youI Paru■en Your Paru■ er asks
question―、vOrd ques● Ons about your
list ゝvitth and ePeat
1鵠 ,
、 (摯


CHAPTER The SimPle Future Tense:“ Will''

1‐ 1‐ 1‐ ││‐

′Read the sto理

Hi′ my nameis
" Ka(n Next weet l willbe ve,bus,From MOnday to FIidaン I、vJl wolk in tl e
moming and afternoon On Monday nishし ll makO dinner at 6:00 0n Ttlesday night I′ 1l buy lood

Onヽ Vednesday nighし 1l clean■ c house with Ted on Thursdayl■ 18hし lleXercise atthe gym On
I′ 1′

Friday nighし I′ 1l be tiled′ s01′ ll gO to bed at 9100

Hし my nameis MarI Next Satulda,I wOn′ tbe busy On Satulday momn,I wOn't make breakfast
,ay will make breakfast and l will祀 st On Saturday afternoon′ I′ 11 8o lo a mOVie with Jay O■ Satllrday
nighl lll be at home l'1l read a b00k Jay wnllisten tO music
Ht my name is Rita Next Satulcla,John and l will go to Los Angeles We′ ll visit our relatives We'11
be home on MOnday morning Mike and Sue willstay ivith■ eir fliends Tlley′ 1l sttldy in the afternoon
Ai nigllし they′ l10nly watch TV rOr tlltte hOurs

′Answer tlle questions with a complete sentence

1)W11l Kalen work next Monday mOrning?
2)Whattime win Kalen make dinner on Monday nigllt?
3)WhO will Karen dean the house witln On v`ednesday night?
4)W■ ett Will KaFn exelt‐ lse on Tl■ ursday nittt?

5)WIH Malv be busy next Saturday?

6)ヽヤ■at Will Mary do next Saturday aftem00n?

7)Whele Will Ma,be next Saturday niま t?

8)Where■ Vill Rita and,ohn gO next Satulday?

9)ν √
hen will Rita and John be hOme?
10)HOW 10ng wll Mike and Sie watch TV?

′Write rive questiOns abOut the slo,and ask your partller tlle questions

′Look at the Piclure bul l10t tlle stO,and tell llle slo,10 your parlller You doll′ t have to be exact

,Wit a● 0,abOutvvhat yOu a■ ■d PeoPle■ ll youF faml,W・ll dO nett week and next moヽ h Read tlle
S10,tO your Parinen

CHAPTER tt ThesilnpleFutureTense:“ Vrill''

Rcal Life― Plane rlights

Use dle pictuFs and vocabulaFy below and Practice■ E cOnversations be●t eel■ a tra■ eller and an ainine
employee Tl■ e εOnversal■ ons mighi gO■ ke■ is:

A rdl去 e to re“ Ⅳ e a seat A I wanttO make a reseⅣ ation

B Illlele will ytlll go? B ttre lAl■ el■ wil ycl■ l depa■ ?
AI′ 118010 New brk Ciリ AI′ 1l go on April 18tll
BIヽ11l tllat be a ro■ ll■ d trip? B How willyou ny?
A Ves′ it will′ and I′ d Lke to ny direct AI′ n"cOacl.

lv)arrit (v)checkl● ggage り car"on Ьaggoge


stoP over +,cke+

roond十 rp

蜃 巡
ois e seat windOw sea十 be rdandOЬ 時 be non refundobる (v)IGkC OFF (ゆ land

,11、 ・lon

′Discuss tlle last time you new in an ailplane ll■ lere did you 807 How was the flighi?

′Wlll you ny in a plane soon?Where will you 80?HOW win yOu ny'

′ What are sOme 800d and bad Points abOut nying,Do yOu like to nメ Why Or why■ ol?


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