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" O£STiO.


A [rarler !l.1Jne<J Phil had 1.....1\ struggling ..... ith hl~ trading fur many
years, wlable to rise abu,-.. mediocre results. It ..... as ub,ious, however, af-
ler our first session together that the problem was clearly refl{'Cled in the
cho;""" h~ made in his thoug.h\.S, Plnl ..... ,," quick 10 talk about ttl" "egati,-c,
and ca~cr 10 look for ways 10 prov" tha! he ''''.. wron~cd by Ihe markets
and by ",'ery,,", .. around hi"'_ When Phil looked in the mirror, all he saw
WaS a "ien"" lI is poor perfomlancc "'as a p.'rfect ",·lIc'..1;ol\ of his self·
flefeating ""[f·taU,, What PhU n~ed to d" was to a.;tually hsten to hl~ own
self-talk to see how he sabotage<! ItI5 own suc""","

!Ouiu] lu" , n UHIS{, 1·II~ il l\'t'. I ,lfl'-'\m rlllill~.

\'ol i\-~ l i ll~ S,' lf-T;IJ k

You may nol Ix- able 1o""" your words in a mirror, but you can c<'rtainly """
H'ei. cIT,'<.-'IS 0" your fae..... How Can you SlOp Cht>OSing ncgativ~, sabotaging
""I r· t.~1 k?

• The first step l~ to start Iww you lalk 10 yourself when you are
nol fullowing your rul"" in trading. Do nol lJ)' to cen"or your though ....
Just observe them. What are you really telling yo""",l/"? It helps to write
down whal you are saymg to you"",lf to discoV{'r what is rl'a1ly going
on in your ""nd, Rememb<.'r, your ""or<ls will aff...:t your en"'tio",", and
~'O"T " " 'olions will aff...:! yuur l>erion'~~nc.,. So, h~t.e" carefully .
• Onc.e you have spent sume time obsen.;ng anrllistenlng to yuur own
self talk, it is time to correct it When you hear yourself saying some-
thing "egative, correct il with a positive staWmenL For example, 'f you
hear you "",If saying, "11,erc I go again, doing sometlting stupid,- cor·
r<'Ct ~'oufsdf w'lh a slatcnl<'nl such as, "I I~am u&'full.""",ns from my
• ~:ach
'j",c ~'ou sa~' sun'Ctil;ng positive, pro,.,., yourself by saying, "g()()(1· to anc h"r in the ,ww l>ehaviur.
• Continue listening to your self-talk and t" the 5(' "f olhers, and il
will make you even more aware of negati"e talk. This will eventually
cause you to translate your negative self-talk into positive staWment

(: IIOOSI\:f~ IIO W \ '0 1.. T,\lO: f: \K E

01' \ 'OUt nn:R sm,I': \ 'O L K

Once again, looking d~~ply into Ihe ",j.-roT, yuu ca" se~ rel\...:t~><J the'" the
peace or bck of it that c.o"'ps from having c.u iU\,afffi a spirit""J life or n"t

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