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Activity BINGO
follow a 30-second
10-minute jog 20 arm circles 10 toe touches yoga video side planks x3

10 toe-touch
sit-ups 10 lunges 1-minute wall sit x3 10 bridges 20 lateral raises*

follow a FREE CHOICE! step up on chair

20 bicep curls* 10 crunches
HIIT video
bike, skate, play a sport,
jump on a trampoline... 10 times

20 over-head follow a fitness 30 seconds 30-minute walk

50 punches high knees x3
raises* dance video

10 push-ups 5-minute
stair climbs 20 jumping jacks 10 squats 20 torso twists

* If you don’t have access to hand weights, try: soup cans, water bottles, milk jugs, or books!
Copyright 2020 by Creative Access on Teachers Pay Teachers. Licensed for single-individual or single-family use. Icons by Flaticon.

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