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eT, EARLY WAR BA NN ane Crt) Wits br Wipe Taner Phosrphy Baxleont Sraio ion er Succ, Joba. al Brig Tetin Modeling Nak Ha, Adar Sinan Jen Bay Abin Rca Chambers Pil Yates Wb Sper Bake Cates Mike Haight, Chis Townley Pf Bde: Rael Bye Gary Marin let Goose The Bary Comaander Gochen Schr) ‘Gag Sis, Na Sih The Regiment Simon MeBei) Sey FOW Spice (Dai Gph Din Coney Davies The Sheds (Chats Subs), Pah Glory Games (Rian os Minit eign Bra Ne, Ti Adcock, Kel Clerman ‘Aaa Des Rts (Tore Wel) Cnr Ars Vice Wat Phurapapla Bande, National Library of New Zea Insert Nl Ben Westen, Rady Elio, Waren May Tmperil War Mascum, Boog Tak Masc Mii: Panu Brown Josey Paes, Mae Paras ‘sedan War Merl Roger Key Pete Colleton, Avion Minit nig Free, Dee Fest Bob Pace, 'NARA, Nivonal Archives OF Canada Cardo api, Dani Linde CONTENTS — $+ — ~ — ‘World War I d Leichte Panzerkompanie Brigadier J C ‘Jock’ Campbell ... 110 The Benghaai Handicap. Mitre Panzerkompanie. ....... 62 Corporal John Jack’ Edmondson, 117 Tntrodaction Schitaenkompanie Armoured Regiment +++. 12 Basing Your Army Panverschitenkompanie.....+.. 68 Crusader Armoured Squadron... 16 Using a Company Kradschienkompanie Honey Armoured Squadron... 18 Morey Reconnaissance MG-Kompanie vee ‘Armoured Car Syadron 120 The Italian Army Leichte Pionietkompanie........76 Jock Column va The German Army. : Infanteriekompanie Infanary Tank Company Ds The Beitish Army. 8 Sritpunke Divisional Cavalry Squadton.... 130 The British Empire 19 Divisional Support 87 Rille Company .... 34 ITALIAN Garmits Ane tet Commonwealth Rifle Company . 138 The New Roman Empire. 20 German Special Rules ..... ‘Tobruk Strongpoine. 142 Capitano Sergio Falletti 26 ppimist British Divisional Support 147 8 Million Bayonets ‘Operation Crusader. «. British Arsenal 153 ‘Compagnia Carri... British and Commonwealth British Special Rules 156. Compas Beralier Forces and Special Rules Gas eererapaia Mocelind 7* Armoured Division Reece a: Posizione di Fucle Bight Amy... Hellfire and Back Foriications... 169 Divisional Support $0008. eevee Minion Special Rules #s0< 1 gm alan Arse Ginady 5 ree Rn ree ia Taian Special Roles. Indian... Dastup Mission 1178 GERMAN Australian seeeee ‘Witchis Cauldron Mission 179. Hela Safar New Zealand sores Italian Painting Guide. ... 180 eralmsjor Erwin Rommel Neti 9 Garmin Paitin Cade 2 a Gefreter Arnold Hubner South Africa : 9 British Painting Guide 184 "This a supplement for Flames Of War the World War Hf mintatures game. Acopy ofthe rulebook for Flames Of Wars necsary oflly ae the comet ofthis book "Fil ight ecrved. No part ofthis publication may be wproduced, red ina resol system, or tansmied, in any ‘or by any means without che prior writien permission ofthe publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of bindings cove ther than that in which pushed and wichout simi conion bing imped on the brevet Pah a) pred _THE FALL OF FRANCE IDs 10 May 1940 Belgium, Holl Se Aedes (German panzer divisi B19 May, curting off she ns reached hi British E English Channel on editionary Force (BER) Bret wore Peer Oren) ve Dana aid gear in by 3 June mans tured ch Tine on the oon 14 June and Fran was divided in ewo, in the south. Brita For more information, read Bi ‘With the war raging in Europe, little attention was paid to North Africa. The British kept a presence in Egypt to look: her own interests in the Suez Canal, an important link for Britain berween Europe and its colonies and dominions in ASHI and the Pacific. However, tay had significane interests in North and East Africa and war was about to attve ITALY DECLARES WAR (On 10 June 1940 ley threw it lor in wy and declared war on France and Great Britain. The following day the armoured cars of the British 11° Hussars crossed 4 rough fight against elite French alpine oops. Theee da over the border into Italian controlled Libya from Egypt. Jacer France signed an armistice with Italy, rwo days aaa” so The declaration of war by the Italians had made the British nervous about their intentions towards the Suet Canal. The 11" Hussars were soon causing havoc amongst the Italian troops on the border. British raids continued along the ns call, Canadians were sene to Britain to guard againgt Libyan border chrough July and August while attention was i rvasionyanat Alsralicne; New ZeslcNiaieaaa focused elsewhere, British and Halian naval forces clashed in the Mediterranean and the Italians invaded. British Somaliland (northeen part of present-day Somali). MEDITERRANEAN eeiernca inyzy MALTA Tey’ rst srike against Britain came on 11 June 1940 when Italian island of Sicily and North Affica, The struggle fi the Italian ar force launched whar was co become thefirst of Malta was important because the RAF (Royal Air Force) a ‘many air aids on the Mediterranean island of Malta, Malta Royal Navy ane-shipping squadrons and submarines posed il ‘was an important factor for the control ofthe Mediterranean _sigaificane threat o Axis supply and communications, Mal a5 British Naval and Royal Air Force base of operations, was besieged by the Axis until 1942, Ie ly in the strategically important location between. the The carly campaigns in North African in 1940 and 1941 are described as “The Benghasi Handicap This name was by Australian troops to describe the fast retreat of the ish forces when Rommel fist astived in 1941 because i Tike a horse race. “The Benghazi Handicap’ became a meral erm to describe the two 5 wg backwards and FALIAN INVASION OF EGYPTIGD (sw pare 20) g by Mussol i Kalan commander Libya, Mareiallo (Field Marshal) Rodolfo Graziani nched an invasion of Egypt with the Ialian Tenth Army. had a lot of men at his disposal, but the lalians ‘woefully overestimated the British Foss they were and advanced cautiously into Egypte 16 September the Italians had taken Solum ‘Barrani against light opposition eral Sie Archibald = e British Command. ie, Middle-East Pls set abour making plans wo oust the em back into Libya. How on hay ITALIAN INVASION OF GREECE sober 1940 the Italians invaded Greece from Albania without even watning their alles the Mussolini was ani x, other yed that the’ Germans had occupied ting him, so he invaded 10 show Italy could also ac unilaterally without consulting its allies as Romania without cor I. Unforeunately it proved a bad move, the Iealians fo the Greeks tough opponents. The Greeks, though under equipped, were more motivated and used what they had well. They soon had the Iralians on the back foot, pushing them back into Albania TARANTO RAID On 12 November the Italians were reeling from another blow. The British Royal Navy Fleet AieArm had launched a surprise raid from the aircraft carrier HMS Ilustrious on the Hralian naval port of Taranto, the headquarters for the Italian fleet, The torpedo aircraft wreaked hayoc on the Italia fleet anchored in the port and crippled the fleet. Ironically the Japanese drew inspiration for their attack on Pearl Harbor from the British success. at Taranto, OPERATION COMPASS@®isec page 21) Wavells plan to push the Italians back to Libya was designated ‘Operation Compass and initially intended to disrupt Italian [Peparacons forfurtherartacksin Egypeandasa reconnaissance Jn force. Operation Compass began on 9 December 1940 tnd the Taian focifed camps were quickly overwhelmed, Soon the Italians were cleared from Sidi Barrani and by 17 December Sollum was back in British hands. Liewtenant- rl Richard O'Connor, commander of the Western Force, soon had his two divisions chasing the Iaians border ‘Things quickly developed and in a space months O'Connor's forces had swept 500 mi _ the Australian 6% Division ten Ti} oo OPERATIONS IN NORTH AFRICA, SEPTEMBER 1940 - JANUARY 1942 Open Soasenblu February the entire Taian ‘Army had been destroyed after the 7 Armoured Division thet escape with a roadblock at Beda Fomm, ROMMEL ARRIVES ‘Too late to help the Halian ‘Tenth Army, Genenll (ieutenani-General) Erwin Rommel arrived in Teipli 12 February with orders from Hitler t0 stop the Bri taking Libya, He was soon followed by the fist ‘oops and the Dewsches Afrikukorps was officially form 19 February 1941 INTERVENTION IN GREECE 4 Despite the Greeks’ able defence of their country from invading Taian, the threat of German intervention lo lange. On 1 March 1941 Bulgarian troops mobilised @ the Greck border and German troops started moving ‘Romania into Bulgaria. Invasion scemed imminent. Maitland Wilson, and consisted of the 6 Australian Divi the New Zealand Division, and the British 1* Armo Brigade. ‘The expedition had the effect of reducing what available to fight in Libya and Egypt. ROMMEL ATTACKSEQi See pore 0) ©n 24 March 1941 the Deuaches Afibatorps andthe d for che first time in North Africa when El “ mity of the British positions was FT aT again, thie time they manocuvied the 2~ Armoured jsion support group out oftheir positions ar Mersa Brega. 2 April the Germans had taken Agedabia and German ops were teating across the desert. Rommel sent one force land towards Mechil. gman motorcyle troops led the Italian Brescia Division up coastal road, taking Benghazi and pushed on co Demna by Api. This forced the * Australian Division, who had just laced the 6* Australian Division, vo withdraw with grea through Dera and finally into the defences at Tobruk while, Rommel’ inland thrust scatcered the Bricsh BY Armoured Brigade before it ran into determined defence m the 3” Indian Motor Brigade at Mechili, The Germans hheld up uncil 7 April, allowing the Australians time 0 thdrav. ‘The last Australian battalion entered Tobruk on ‘April pmmel had swept through Cyrenaica (eastern Libya) and) taken ic back, except Tobruk, nine days before he was {0 report his plans to the high command. (0 TOBRUK the Aussies flowed into Tobruk their able commander, jor General Leslie Morshead and the senior British imander in the field, Brigadier John Harding, cook mmmand of the situation and set about shoring up the rsh defences based around Tobruk. Two brigades of ralians set about preparing the Tobruk defences, while forces held a line running from Gazala to Actoma, 10 April the Australians already had wire and mines in face and had taken over che ring of fortified poss constructed the Italians. Romoel was impatient, he hounded his Kommanders, and an attack was launched on 14 April, but fire from the 51" Field Regiment, Reyal Artillery and the fachine-gunners of the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers ppped it in its tacks In 6 April 1941 the Germans invaded Greece to secure fils in ange of Romania, and is importa oiled, and protect their southern lank fora Future invasion of the Eyiet Union, The Greck army was enveloped and destroyed “The British force (New Zealand Division, Australian Division and 1" Armoured. Brigade) were Brown back to the Peloponnesus Peninsula. Briish forces Bier: evacuated from Greece co Crete, leaving much of their fheavy equipment, such as guns and tanks, behind. ROMMEL'S SECOND ASSAULT ON TOBRUK ARAS EL MADAUUR) (see pase 33) $01 30 April 1941 Rommel launched more than 150 German i Iealian tanks, backed by several regiments of infancy, at ‘Australian defences in the Ras El Madauur area of the BTobruk perimeter. ‘The Ras El Madauur (Point 209) was Whe highest poine in the area and would allow the Germans fexcellent observation of the Australian defences. Flanking. ks launched by the Italians covered the main thrust by ers. British and Australian artillery fire and armoured counterattacks held the Axis advance of 30 April, Attacks che following day made no more gains, and by 4 May Romnicl abandoned the assault. Some ground had been taken, but General Morshead and the Australians acted ‘quickly to setup defences around the silent OPERATION BREVITY MD (se nese 55) British Operation Brevity began on 15 May and was planned asa short, sharp, blow against the weak Axis fmt in the Sollum-Capizz0-Bardia area on the Egyptian-Libyan border, Although the operation gor off to a good start by throwing che German command into confusion, most of its caly gains were lost to local counterattacks by German panzer forces. Rommel rushed reinforcements co the font (Operation Storpion)limiving any further succes, which ‘caused the Briish to call off the operation after only a day GERMAN AIRBORNE ASSAULT ON CRETE In a daring stroke the Germans launched 2 sea and alrbome assaule on the island of Crete on 20 May 1941, German Falichirmjiger and Gebigyiiger units were parachuted) and air ransporeed on to the island against 41,500 lighty quipped New Zealand, Australian, British and Greek troops. The fighting was ferocious and the Fulchiomger took: heavy casualties. On 28 May the Britsh began 10 ‘evacuate Crete. ‘The battle had a high cost for bot sides. Too high for Hitler who forbade any further mass ait assaults by the Falchirmjger. BRITISH INVADE VICHY FRENCH SYRIA (On 8 June 1941 a force of 20,000 British, Indian, Australian and Free French troops invaded Syria held by 35,000 Vichy French troops. ‘the British wanted ro ensure Syria did not fall into German hands. Operation Exporter, as it was kknown, was litle eeported in the press, despite some fierce fighting berween the Allies and Vichy forces. ‘The battles saw the frst clash between two units of the French Foreign, Legion. Damascus fell to 5* Indian Brigade Group and 1* Free French Light Division on 21 June and on 15 July the 7* Australian Division entered Beirut. OPERATION BATTLEAXE(Q)( = pare 55) “The goal of Batcleaxe was to clear eastern Cyrenaica off German and Irlian forces and 10 lift the Siege of Tobruk “The operation begin on 15 June 1941. However, all di not go to plan, British forces launched thei ini assaules against strong defensive positions at Halfaya Pass (known by British troops as ‘Hellfire’ Pass). The British lst over hal of their tanks on the first day. Only one of their three chruss was able to gain its initial objectives. The following day they fared le better, British forces were pushed back on thelr ‘western flank, but fought off a major German counterattack in their centre, On the third day che British narrowly avoided outright disaster by wichdrawing just ahead of a German encirclement that would have cut off their retreat. Rommel ‘was unable to exploiis success further due to critical supply ns and the ever-present threat of che Tobruk gartison On 22 June 1941 General Sir Archibald Wave was replaced by General Sir Claud John Eyre Auchinleck ss Commander in-Chief, Middle East Command faunch another arack ul his forces were Fully equipped and rested, The Western Desert Force was officially named the Eighth Army and was placed under the command General Sir Alan Gordon Cunningham in August 1941 Auchinleck refused 0 THE AUSTRALIANS LEAVE TOBRUK The Australians were gradually withdrawn by sea in August 1941. The Australians, Indians and British coops who had been fighting for Tobruk since April wote gradually replaced by Polish and Czechoslovak. troops, land Ociober, the British 70° Infantry Division and the 32° Army Tank Brigade arrived in Tobruk. Loscs sustained by the Royal Navy during the withdrawal led to the hale of the operation leaving co battalions of Australians still in Tobruk. They remained there until the siege was lifted. and in September OPERATION CRUSADER) (se pore 96) Tn the meantime Rommel was preparing for another assault fn Tobruk. On the other side of the fronties, the British Were reinforced and reorgsnised and preparing for another Olensve agains his forces (On 19 November 1941, just days before Rommel’ planned attack on ‘Tobruk, the Eighth Army launched a surprise offensive, Operation Crusader. A confusing scries of tank Battles took place cast of Tobruk with Rommel often faking direct command of units ro. stop British attacks. ‘On 23 November—Torensonmiae, the holy Sunday of the Dead—the Afrikckorps and their Italian allies scattered the remnants ofthe British armour Rommel ordered his rwo panzer divisions ro race (0 the Egyptian froncer to cut off what he thoughe were the beaten femnants of the British army. Ic was a big mistake, ‘The Eighth Army was sal fighting on, Rommel “tace to the salt} sin’ wore down Wi pate On RUNS oe cea Libyan desert before rearing the Tobruk one, Wi fighting continued to rage The Afakaars nas to daily, Rec. Reine! eegl ap eees aa Gal and hen ELA TOBRUK BREAKOUT plan for Crusader. The stength of 70* Divisions anil surprised theifopponents, Rommel having anderestimagll the garrisons Sze and pacticulaly ies armoued sts Fighting was intense asthe three-pronged attack adanodll {0 capture 2 series of sttongpoines leading to El Dudas Ori DN consolidated and the corridor widened in the hope ii Fighth Army would link up. On 26 November Sci cn the El Duda ridge and inl November the Tobruk gari@mni met up with a small foes of New Zealanders. 4 rember General Scobie ordeted the position tail ordered a successful at carly morning hours of AFTER CRUSADER Once again the Bish supply ine was stretched hin whi Rommel received reinforcements. Ignoring his eal lis, Rommel struck ou in January 1942 with Operas Armoured Divi vas caught by sueprise and routed back co Gara, Thiel The baal ended in «resounding victory forthe Axis, However, de in subsequent barley Real hth Aa Theseus. The inexperienced British | to the Bartle of Gazala in May and June 1942. of effective armoured force was unable to pursue and decisively defeat the in Feype The British reired all che way back to El Alamein in Egy where they would prepare a hardy defence, and final break the tide of Affikakorps that would lead vo its ule defeat. FLAMES OF WAR Flames Of War, you wake on the role of a company Rbmmander manoeuvring your troops across the battlefields far II. This classic period of warfare is broughe fe in your own game room. Helle and Back provides ‘core armies in the form of Intelligence Briefings. These © Briefings allow you to field forces from the Tealian jan arms and thei British and Commonalth book. ‘The rulebook contains all the rules that you need SF fight miniacure World War II battles. WHY COLLECT A FORCE FROM HELLFIRE AND BACK? shing the Italians back into Libya. They had the Italians nthe run. However, as soon as the Italians were routed the [As the war in the desert escalated troops from all over the British Commonwealth flooded in while che Germans and. Italians buile up their forces in response. You'll find this great varity of forces and nationalities in Helle and Back ready for you to take command. Can you match the exploits of Rommel and O'Conner? Do you have: what ie takes to repeat their successes? Or can you reverse history halting Italian, German or British attacks wich better HOW THIS BOOK WoRKS This book is divided into a section for each army. Each army: has intelligence briefings for tank, motorised infancry, and infantry companies. Each company has easy-to-use chars, highlighting available platoons which ae the fighting units of your company: Each plicoon diagram visually displays whae tcoops are included in the platoon. ‘A deailed arsenal at the end of each section describes che specific ratings for your units and the weapons they use. From tanks to infantry, this book contains everything you need to get started! All ofthe Forces in this book are based on historical amples that fought in 1940 and 1941 To find out more, visit your local gime store or visit our informative website at ww. FlemesOfWar com. Care Platoon, HOW To BUILD A FORCE Flames Of War uses a point system when setting up and Playing games. Typical games are around 1500 points but are certainly not limited to any value! Play any point value youand your opponent decide. You can play small 600 point {games over a short period, or you can play mammoth games tusing armies that are 3000 or 5000 points! In most Flames OF War games you will command a company With several platoons. Each company includes: ‘+ Company HQ—The company headquarters platoon is fequired. Without ic you have no command! When you choose your force the first thing you must purchase with your points is your company headquarters platoon, * Combat Plaroons—Usually, a least wo combat platoons are required. Whatever your battle plan requires, the Combat Platoons are the ones you rely upon to get the jb don * Weapons Platoons— Weapons platoons come from your ‘own battalion. They are not required, but can offer your Company excellent support, such as heavy machine-guns, ‘mortars and anti-tank weapons. * Support Platoons—Support platoons are loaned to your company by the regiment, division or corps. ‘These platoons give you extra support in many forms, ranging from tanks to artillery Motorised Hawitzer Battery Aa pe D) Carri Platoon PLATOONS SPECIAL RULES In Flamer OF War, there are many special rules that gh phyers the flavour of playing each individual nation the Second World War The special rules reflect the SOM Each platoon dlagram indicts the equi cams that yi rast ave to make that unit a combat-worthy fore th ttoops in black in each dgram are escnil and aul included. Thos oops in grey ate oprional rope thal special weapont and equipment wo the platoon, of training and equipment the soldiers of each nation as wel as the fighting spirit of che men, Remember each nation’s special rules found after each nation’s aise ‘When cleverly used, these special rules will give you the ef needed co bring glorious victory to your armies! SAMPLE ARMY (Compagnia Cars, Page 28) Company 11 (Cony Hedger) ‘Command M13/40 Carti Platoon (Compulsory Combat Platoon) 5 M13/40 tanks Carri Platoon (Compulsory Combat Psion) 5 M13/40 tanks Carri Platoon (GoosbatPatooa) 5 M13/40 tanks Bersugler Platoon [eee atta HQ Section with 3 Bersagi “Motorised Howitzer Batt (Support Platoon) oe HQ Section with 4 100/17 guns Squads 65 points 325 points 325 points 325 points 110 points 165 point ONES eee ont Miniatures packages Flames Of War proviucts to give you everthing you ned ro asmble your fore as quickly Bland accurately as possible, Our blisters and box sets are packaged to give you all ofthe options available to build your army. JOW TO BASE DIFFERENT TYPES OF UNITS: army organises is plaroons differently, and the organisation diagrams reflect this. For example, a Schitzen squad in a erman Schiitzen Platoon has ren men spic into two MG teams of five soldiers, while a Rife Squad in a British Rifle Platoon ‘ight men split into two Rifle/MG teams of four men cach. Of course units in combat rarely matnain their theoretical» th, We reflect this by allowing you to take fewer squads fundameneal building blocks of an infantry platoon are the various types of infantry teams, The most common ones are ‘below wich a brief description oftheir function and organisation, ‘A Command team is made up of an offcer, an NCO and a rifleman on. WR a small base. There are often options to upgrade your Command team with a diferent weapon, To do so, simply replace the rifleman with the chosen upgrade. You can sce an example of this on the following page. Rifle teams are the basic form of infantry. All the miniatures in a rifle ‘cam will normally be armed wich rifles: Some squads may have a single machine-gun, but its effet is diluted by the number of rifles in the squad. Base your rifle eams on a medium base. Rifle/MG reams Rifle? MG teams are organised lke rifle eams, except that every squad of RIA WAAR hss machine gan. Bs RuleMG sxe on a moti be with the second base normall MG teams are better armed than Rifle/MG teams. Every MG team has RAR RA nachine gun. Base MG teams with a machine-gun team and «wo € three riflemen on a medium base. Light Mortar teams are made up of a miniature armed wit ‘mortar and a Joader on a small base AA Pioneer team retains the characteristics ofits type, ¢g-a Rifle team on ‘a medium base, and gains extra abilities such as an increased anti-tank J rating and the ability to lear mines and demolish fortifications. Pioneer teams are modelled with one or two pioneers in place of rfleme ‘A Flame-throwet team has one miniature armed with a flame-thrower and three or four riflemen based on a medium base. ‘The primary: armament of the team is the flame-throwes, the other soldiers are there to protect the flame-thrower operator and ensure they reach the target. ib Ah whemenietatecee el fives Gian nace peer ered are an me ‘A Motoreycle Reconnaisance team retains he characteristics of ts =) a 4 + + eee ~ fiery bateres, machine-gun, ansi-tank gun, and infantry gun platoons combine command infantry teams with gun S.Infotmation on basing gun teams can be found in Basing Your Miniatures in che Flame Of War rulebook. Esscoially -packed gun teanis are mounted like infantry teams on a medium base, anti-tank and infantry guns are mounted on a Thedium base facing the narrow end, and artilery is mounted on a large base facing the narrow end. Bach platoon diagram indicates the required squads and teams you must have to make that unit eombat-worthy. T Black are the core of the unit. Troops in grey are optional supporting weapons and vehicles that you ean add to give more punch or mobility. Many platoons also include options that allow you to improve the equipment or capabilities FS0m ‘of the teams, The platoon entry will also list che special rules cha the platoon follows Bach platoon entry in a Flames Of War book reflects the historical make-up of the platoon, and tells you how to base dl blister or box sce tha represents that particular unit, The following exampleshows a Schitzen Platoon from page 65 and 10 assemble ie using one Schiizen Platoon blister, one Kfe 15 field car and four Kfz 70 truck blisters SCHUTZEN PLATOON PLATOON (eS HQ Section wit are AR a fo Command Lightmorar Kf 15 ld car ‘Options ale yeas Replace Command MG team with a Command : fe 70 wuck SMG eam at no cost ‘Add an And-tank Rifle team for +20 points, = mE MEH A cond Ks 70 ruck eh 05 in Rar ants eee MG team MGteam Kfe70%ruck tee ognn nep st aig [AYA OA Ah the rifleman on the Command MG team with an SMG eee 8 armed miniature, the eam is upgraded to a Command SMG MFRS team. UNTER AU Gila ATTA qin MGteam — KieTOuck —-MGtam—Kir70 EMP (ea Optional ba?-284 es at Command MGteam Command SMGteam Light Mortar Ant-tank fz 70 ruck team Rifle eam meee | aOens MG team MG team #ife2¢ | mire MG team ‘MG team fz 70 uuck — Kfz 70truck Kiz7Owuck fz 70truck Kfe0tmuck ke 7Dtruck dh force begins with the Company Diagram, which demonstrates the company organisation graphically in an easy-to-read mat. This simple diagram will help you create your Flames Of War company and get you playing in no time at all! SCHOOSING YOUR COMPANY Bibs first step is entirely up to You. There are a wide variety of companies, including infantry, reconnaissance, mechanised, INSTRUCTIONS — Ince you have decided which company ro build, OEM Tave a look at the small box that contains the 8 structions you will need co build your force bps A will also talk about any divisional variants chat the: Eompany might have. The example co the right cells thar there are three variants: Australians, New linders, and South Africans. When building a orce with variants, choose one variant and follow the instructions for variant forces below. Pithe British Crusader Armoured Squadton, However, ther companies have several variants based on. Papecific divisions, such as the Commonwealth Rifle i [Company representing the Australian, New Zealand fd South African forces, BBE Your Corapany HQ. and all of your Combat, Besps acd ew Support platoons must march the Bian you have chosen. To help, we have Included i Sit Hlvisional symbols ro distinguish the | BUILDING YOUR COMPANY Fou wil nosice that che Company Diagram consists Sof several black and grey boxes, each containing Bithovcite of soldicrs, guns, or vehicles. Fach of these BBboxes are platoons available to your force Bach rn pry bones er opoaal plfpont, You nag | Held one plaroon from each box shaded grey PAGE REFERENCE —~ - ach platoon box will have a page number. Use this to find he plaroon and ies points value ALLIED PLATOONS SGermans can often be supported by lalian and Luftwaffe Blatoons. These options can be easily identified by special Mpaional symbols found to the right of che platoon vide in the company diagram Allied platoons follow Allied platoons rules found in the Blames Of War rulebook. LSAT eae m ULL EALTT Cue ia ae | SPECIAL PLATOON OPTIONS Sometimes a platoon box in the company diagram will have special platoon options available co a specific variant. These are always marked with the variants symbol to che left of the platoon name, Only forces ren cod Ce based on the sime variant as the special option may take thar pla The example below (from the: Commonwealth Rifle Company ‘on page 138) demonstrates that whileany ofthe Commonwealth Rifle Company variants may | field a Matilda Tank Platoon ot lky Platoon (providing that they share a Variant Symbol) only a New Zealand Company (WM) can field a Valentine Tank Platoon, ea) cy oa a Divisional eo MAAN EUS O11 8 ee T have chosen to field 2 Commonwenth Rifle Company {found on page 138) using the New Zealand ( BJ) variane T chose New Zealand because ofits dramatic sory through Greece, Crete and North Attic Reading the instructions, I nced to field at least a Company HQ and two Riffe Placoons in the black boxes, From there Viladd some of the optional platoons in grey boxes. T chose New Zealand (B) as my vatiant, s0 all of my combat, weapons and suppor plaoons should maid symbol, unless noted otherwise foe of the‘ opconal lasooatt would Mo ml Commonwealth Carrier Patrol (page 140) This means 1 Peed suse the pone lied nthe clam marked (BA) Gpsmaich my vslae, Thete are hee aralable aes, Ausrlan, New Zealand and South Afican, Since | lane hover New Zealand ar my van, | sue ute he esl Praked with my diviion (ee example blow), When building my New Zealand force I use the points in the centre column, TH need some artillery to help my infantry out, so I've seleceed a Field Battery, Royal Artillery (pages 150 to 151), Here there are four available variants, but T have to choose the New Zealand variant he only non-New Zealand support choices I ca take as New Zealand Commonwealth Rifle Company are indicated in the company instructions, these ae the Matilda and Valentine Tanke Paroons, which ae 8° Army wg Bilis Py bas Neat, I would also lke to take another Rife Platoon 16 bulk fut my infantry. New Zealand forces can also include New Zealand Maori Commonwealth Rifle Platoon. In the British and Commonwealth Special Rules section (see pages 104 109), some National Variants is given exceptions, allowing, them co field variants other than their own in this instance, Finally, I want co add some tanks. I could take a Madidgie Tank Platoon shar Austin, New Zealand and South B°A" African companies can all take of take the Valentine Taikagp=*) Platoon availble to New Zealand (marked B) only, Bo the Matida_and Valentine tank platoons are from i 8* Ariny ({Q) and ies divisional symbol does not mal iy division. However, since the platoon option (ee b cxample) inthe company diagram has my divisional y and Tm told I am allowed to do. this. in the comp Instructions gan take i in my’ company. Cee Pee italia From this support box Ausralians would be able to field ther a Matilda Tank Platoon or « Divisional Cavalry Platoon thas has an Australian Variant (se page 132). A New Zealand Company may field a Matilda Tank Platoon, a Divisional Cavalry Platoon thes bas a New Zealand Variant (sce page 132) or a Valensine Tank Platoon, A Sauth African company may onky field a Matilda Tank Platoon. Theres not an option for a South African variant of a Divisional Cavalry Platoon Once Ihave selected all oF my platoons and ouled Opa points, I juschave to find an opponent up abated and sat playing! INFANTRY Bik Ce Pera) zo Eotyy terion tn) Occasionally, some options will have a vaciane in brag after the platoon name. ‘This means that che platoorl available o the company’ a8 an exception to the usual a selection, and that the platoon listed in the diagram mi bee taken as the variane in brackets, as shown by the opti above from the Tobruk Strongpoint on page 142. oreyces were used in North Alia in large numbers by Germans and Italians. "Their speed makes chem perfect breading the way during the long desert advances Mororeycle Reconnaissance teams are Infantry and Gun \ teams prefixed with the word Motorcycle. Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams do not have separate motorcycle Transport reams. Instead, they are Cavalry teams combining OD bo rider and vebicles into she same team. As such they have a 3+ Infantry Save BD Note: Motorcycle and Sidecar seams are sill Transport eas just lke a Kfe 15 feld car or any other commander vehicle, As Transport teams they have a 5+ Unarmoured Vehicle Save. BASING MOTORCYCLES Because each motorcycle can only carry ewo soldiers in addition co its driver, most veams have two movorcycles, one camtyinga machine-gu and che other carrying the rest ofthe crew and extra ammunition. ‘Motorcycle Command teams, Ansi-tank Rifle terms and Light Mortar teams are carried on a single motorcycle or ‘maroreyle and sidecar based om a medium base facing the narrow end, All other Motorcycle infnory and gu teams are carried on two ‘motoneces or motorryeles and sidecars based on a large base \ facing dl MOTORCYCLE TEAMS Command Motorcyle SMG team Motoreyle Anti-tank Rifle team Motongele Light Mortar eam Command. Anti-tank Rifle, and Light Mortar Motoreyele teams are motinted on a medi base Other motores eas are bsed on lage bases ihe biggest advantage of motorcycle-mounted infantry is A ticir speed of movement across good terrain, but they are then Cary ams ORCYCLE RECONNAISSANCE ‘Motorcyclists quickly learned to use their speed and recon- Malssance skills to survive. Moaroce Recmntvanc tans are Rece teams and Motorcyle Reconneisance platoons are Reconnaissance Platoons while they are mounted on their meoryces, When a Motorcycle Reconnaissance platoon dismounts it stops being a Reconnaissance Platoon. If the platoon sas Reorganizing after having Disengaged last turn (see the Flames Of War rulebook), te continuet to Reorganice when it dismounts. DISMOUNTING FROM MOTORCYCLES Motorcycle reconnaissance units move mounted, but } | I their Vehicles to the rear. dlismount to fight, sendi Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams may dismount and sen their vehicles to the rear at the sar of your Movement Step. Uf they do so, replace all Motorcyle teas in the platoon with ‘the equivalent Infntr teams placed anywhere under the area eavered by the Motorcycle tear it replacen Ax an example ‘4 Command Motorcycle SMG team would dismount as an SMG team and a Mororgcle MG team would dismount as an MG team. ‘Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams may only dismount if you Ihave Infantry or Gun teams for the dismounted soldiers 0 replace them with, otherwite they must stay on their vehicles When a Bogged Down Motorcycle Reconnaiwance team Aismounts, it immediately ceases 0 be Bogged Down, German Motorcycle Reconnaisance teams can abo dismount at she stars ofa Stormeroopers move. Italian Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams can ali dismount ar the tart ofan Avanti move, | When mororeycliss are called on to defend their gains, they Jn and sen You may start the game with all of the Motorcycle ‘Reconnaitsance teams ina platoon dismounted by replacing each Motorgcle team with the equivalent dismounted j j Machine-gun-armed motorcycles mount their weapons the sidecar allowing the gunner to fie on the move, Mooreycle Reconnasance teams have a field of fire extending 180 degres acs the front oftheir base, Unlite horsedcavatry, German Motorcycle MG, Rifld MG, sand SMG tears can fre at full ROF while mounted and Jire at full ROF when moving. German Motoreyele HM@ teams fire as MG teams (ROF 3) while mounted. ‘talian Motorcyle MG, Rifl/MG, SMG, and Rifle teams ‘may not shoot at all unless they remain stationary, but then Jie with ther fidl ROE Italian Mororyele Mod 37 AMG: seams fire as MG teams (ROF 3) while mossnted, alry, Motoreycle MG, Rifle!MG, SMG, Rifles teams can shoot up to heir full Range while Unlike ‘and some small assistance from our German Allies, the Regio E idership of Il Duce, Benito ita is bringing back the power and the glory of the ancient Roman Empire. _ 28 Tank Company Bthe Corin, or tankers, of the Compagnia Carri, che tank Kompany, are undoubtedly the most dashing Italian troops. BWith their small tanks, they have little choice Bthe enemy and desray them at short range, They are backed anillry unis. 30 she Infantry Company Berger are Waly cquivalent of Britain's Rifle Brigade fare superbly trained light infantrymen. Alkhough have fewer tucks than they would like, a Compagnia ier fighe mostly on foo. These light infantrymen are fen fighting alongside the tanks of the armoured groups, so have the suppor: of tanks, cankettes and flamethrower ako all on clte mocoreycisty i eg ia Carvi tank company pu COMPAGNIA MOTOCICLISTI Motorcyle Infantry Company The Motecieliti are the teuly mobile arm of the Bersagie: These elite motorcyclists are famed for their prowess on a motorcycle, often performing displays of trick riding before the King and Mustolini. Bach Bersagieri Regiment has one: motorcycle company to be used for reconnaissance and fast astack, With every pair of men mounted on a mocorcycle they lareable vo quickly dash around the batclefeld. For supportthey call on tanks, Bersagier, avery and anti-tank platoons. POSIZIONE DE FUCILIER! 38 Infantry Position While the Carrst and Bersagler! are the g the Fucilir, the riflemen, who spend their days in che fromt- Tine tenches, boiling the desert hea. A Poszione de Fuciler, fn infancry position, may not be glamorous, but it can still fight, and fight hard, Each company forms a strongpoint with ‘and anti-tank guns in fortified pits or pa 0p is ‘machine-g ‘uenches protected by minefields and barbed wite. A Posigone er ean either be regular infantry Fier, Black Shire Jor native Libyan troops. Sea TS ee sr Siaiaaes ceetaiclaaen aia toe DD A ug CL al ee Rommel’ Afikakorps started life as an adboc collection of battalions and regiments made available asa sperrierband (blocking force) to top the British advancing farther into Libya, However, Rommel soon mould 4s int an elite fighting fore of three German divisions ewo of which he created with the forces he was sentall —— LEICHTE PANZERKOMPANIE. Light Armoured Company The backbone of Germanys two panzer divisions in Norch Africa are the light armoured companies of the panzer regi ments. Equipped with a mix of medium Panzer III and light Panzer II tanks they re a formidable fighting force. They can also call on suppore from th panies as well as fast mobile infantry, armoured cars, pionects, arilery, and anti-tank platoons. The Luftwaffe also lends a hand in the sky and on the ground. 60 MITTLERE PANZERKOMPANIE.. 2 Modium Armoured Company “The medium a light companies, but they pack plenty of punch. Equipped with powerfully armed Panzer TV tant Tan Il light anks, they can deal with any enemy tank force They are supported by all the resources ofthe Pencerdivision, fiom motorised infantry and pioneers to acillery, antitank and ured companies are not as numerous as aswell asagile Panzer connaissance platoons, SCHUTZENKOMPANIE.. Rifle Company The panzer divisions infantry are mororised in trucks to move the vast distances required in the desert. Each infanery squad has cwo MG-34 machine-guns for maximum firepower, These hard fighting infantry fight alongside the pancets sup Ported by their own heavy weapons and the other assets of the division 64 PANZERSCHUTZENKOMPANI| Armoured Rifle Company The 5. Leichte Division (later 21. Panzerdivision) bad two eompanies of armoured infantry in Sd Kfe 68 1 half-tracks, hile 15. Pancerdivision also fought with one company of armoured infantry. The added armoured protection provided to these troops made them ideal for working in close coor dination with the panzers. They have superior firepower and ‘an seize any enemy positions with support Pine KRADSCHUTZENKOMPANIE..... Motorcycle Rifle Company The true tip of Germany's armoured spear-thrusts are tied ‘motorcycle companies and their supporting armoured ai Fast and mobile they often fight alongsi Kradichiszen coropanies outmanocuve the enemy, speed through gaps in thei lines to capeuse key objectives “ MG-KOMPANIE ....0. Machine-gun Company Heavily armed with light and heavy machine-guns, Machina gun Battalion 2 and Machine-gun Bavalion 8 formed core of 5. Leichte Division’ infantry before the divisidill was reorganised in September 1941 co have three bart ions, These truck mounted machine-gun troops infantry or heavy. machine- They fight alongside panzers and tank-hunters with furdl support from arilery and the Lufiw dismounted ithe LEICHTE PIONIERKOMPANIE.. ight Pioneer Company The pioneers of 15. Panzendivision are well equipped demolition tanks years ahead of their opponents, The Hight Pioncer companies clear the way for asaules on defensive a sitions, often taking part in the assault themselves, As well thei own enginccring tanks they were supported by panda tank-hunters,infancry, artillery and the Lufiwafe INFANTERIEKOMPANIE.. Infantry Company Not all the infantry in North Aftica was motorised, A. gr variety of infantry battalions and regiments wete draw together to be sent to Libya. These were pulled together 0! form the Afrika Division, These solid infantry fight well ii defence and are supported by the t STUTZPUNKT ero Sirongpoine German strongpoints were formed along the Egypt Libyan frontier to slow British countcr-offensives la from Egypt. At Halfaya Pass their Laftwafé 88cm Fl guns made light work ofthe then undefeated Briish Matilda Each Shitspunkt was based around a key fori position held by entrenched infantry supported by machines guns, anti-tank guns and the devastating. Lafnoafe Lurking behind, the stongpoints are arillery a ‘estes of panzers and mocorisd infaery. tanks. the jewel in the British crown, the Suez Canal and India. Only the British 74 Armoured Division aided by the tough soldiers of the British Commonwealth will ensure the empire is not cast into darkness. \OURED REGIMENT Be armoured regiments uphold the strong cavalry tradi- fons of the British Army. These dashing troops raced across desert with speed and daring during the pursuit of the fallan Tench Army in 1940. Their light, but well-armed, finks will make shore work of the enemy's armour. If they Rave not raced roo far ahead of the division they can call the support of the troops of the 7 Armoured Division's fippore group which includes motor infantry, armoured artillery and anti-aircraft platoons p CRUSADER ARMOURED SQUADRON....... 116 Jate 1941 new types of tanks were arriving ia North ica to re-equip some ofthe armoured fegiments. The new usader tanks were supplied vo four armoured regiments This new tank offered improved armour and high speed. 118 0 in lace 1941 the Americans started co supply the British ith some of their tanks. The regiments of the 4* Armoured FP srigide foughe with American ‘Honey’ Stuart light ranks hese tanks are fast and able to easily nip around the enemy's JONEY ARMOURED SQUADRON 20 ‘Armoured Car Squadrons of the Western Desert Force id Eighth Army were in the thick of the fighting from the start of the desert campaign, raiding Italian camps and king troop columns. ‘These elite reconnaissance troops ‘mastered desert warfare and the at of manoeuvre. They fiow not ro attack the enemy defences, but bypass them harass the enemy’s fear areas. They often fight with the BP Armoured Division's support group. if JOCK COLUMN. 122 Phe Jock Column is essenvially a motorised infantry company. based around che motor companies of the Brigade support group. With the armoured brigades often esring off doing cheir own thing, the companies of the port group quickly learnt to operate independently. The fipport group has plenty of supporting platoons available fro each Jock Column including armoured cars, tanks, elite Royal Horse Anillery anti-tank, artillery and anti-aircraft ‘Armoured + 4 ae INFANTRY TANK COMPANY. 128 Britain leads the world in heavy tank development. nthe desert the Matilda Il an almost indestroctible behemoth, In late 1941 ic is joined in the desert by the Valentine infantry cank, which is nearly as tough as che Mailda Ih These heavy tanks are used 10 support che infantry assault= ing enemy defences. Because they work with the infantry divisions they gain their support from them in the shape of infantry, reconnaissance, anti-tank and artillery. DIVISIONAL CAVALRY SQUADRON.........130, The divisions of Australia and New Zealand have their own reconnaissance regiments in the form of divisional cavalry Despite their old fashioned name, these eavalry have no horses. Instead they fight from modern tacked carvers, light tanks and armoured cars. Although they have nothing of their own heavier than a machine-gun or an anti-tank rifles your Divisional Cavalry Squadron can call on the infantrys artillery and anti-tank guns fora heavy punch. RIFLE COMPANY. The 4* Indian Division and only infantry in Egype when the Italians declared war. This mnix of long sevice Indian troops, professional regulars and hard guardsmen would soon make the Talians regret their decision. Every rifle battalion has its own armoured Fore i the form ofits Bren Gun Caries, Whether stoic Guardsmen regulars, Indians, or even highlanders marching «o bate ‘with the sktl of pipes, you can rely on a well-equipped Rifle ‘Company wo hold its positions against all comes. COMMONWEALTH RIFLE COMPANY ......138 Australians, New Zealand and South Affican infantry also fought with distinction in North Africa. These colonials foughe with all the same equipment and training as the British, combined with their own unique national sprit TOBRUK STRONGPOINT. 142 When the 9® Australian Division took command of the defence of Tobruk, they stood alone asthe last bastion against. Rommel’: Afrikatorps, while the rst ofthe British retreated to the Egyptian frontier. They manned the od Ialian stron. points, improvised captured weapons and tenaciously held against Rommels onslaught. They are supported by various other units tha aio escaped into Tobruk. ‘he British Empire is the lagest the world has ever seen. It ‘occupies a quarter of all ehe lands ofthe Earth quartet of the planer’s population, The sun nev British Empire sets on the When war broke out volunteers from throughoit the Empire flocked to the flag ready to fight, Australians, Burmese, Canadians, Englishmen, Indians, Irishmen, New Foundlanders, New Ze Scotsmen, South Africans, L nders, Nigerians, Rhodesians, indans, and Welshmen fought Side by side against Hitlers unfounded aggression, Although all once British colonies, the various couneries ‘making up the Empire have very different national characters. Canada South West Arn South Africa All ofthe atmics in the Empire were organised the sime: and all had the same basic taining and equipment, theie fortunes in batt and perhaps most importantly the backgrounds of dei circumstances of their employme 104 co 109 atempis to reflec battlefields of Flames Of Wa you to customise your force as som making up the Empire's armed forces. Biya Torry Ne ¢ nel Protectoroto PP rica FALY’S EMPIRE fore 1939 Italy had been busy expanding fussolini. Iraly had been building an and when Mussolini came co power he HE WAR IN THE DESERT BEGINS 10 June 1940, honouring its pact with Germany, Italy ce and Britain. The next day Tealian ops faced the very first British raids fom Fgype into Libya By the armoured cars ofthe 11" Hussars. The Italian troops the border were taken by sh as they had nor yet been informed they wet en compared to the the British had must OPERATIONS IN NORTH AFRICA, SEPTEMBER 1940'~ JANUARY 1942 ITALY INVADES EGYPT frontier skirmishes with the Brith throughoue July and August 1940, it wasn't until after ‘much prodding from Mussolini tha che Italian Tenth Army invaded Egypt. On 13 September 1940 the Italians advanced: ¢ Halfaya Pass co Sollum, The British withdrew in front ‘of them, harassing the Italians as they went. “The massive Ialian Tenth Aniny cick track our of Halfaya Pas thro down the narrow ollum and slowly moved ‘ast, By dusk on 16 September i had reached Sidi Baran “The elias fortified a number of camps option Conner the Tallans out of © Fgypt Ie called for the 4 to push through the gap that ay between he lian camps south Bareani. The div would then take the Italian camps from behind, while the 7 Armoured Division would the Telia from the south and west. A small fr Brigadier A R Selby would advance along, he coastal road towards behind and screen off ii Barra Ac 0500 hours on 9 December. the 11 Indian Brign attacked the Italians at Nibeiwa camp. Matilda tankstled the {attack againse the Libyans and Ialians of Grappo Malet The Italian tanks were quickly overrun, but the rest of th bya sand storm, the 5® Indian Brigade attacked the Timmar West camp at 1335 hours, where the infantry ran nto heavy fie, The bate lasted «wo houts with bayonet and “geenade and nerted ovee 3000 Ialian prisoners. An Talian _ tounterattack from the Tummar East camp, Dut was halted ed. “he rst of the British artack had pushed beyond the most Escly of the Italian camps by 1140 hours. Resistance was nits simply slipped away ahead ofthe Oh 10 December che 4 Indian Division took back Sidi Batrani The following day the Italians were in full retreat. eS Neb tie. ee Bin El Gust — ites Perer on ae Gase SALEH Onc the th had ogee) a the [alaneacronf he boned a Passed vey and ltwast long belo BH a€ the gates of Bardia. Over 20,000 Tralian soldi The 4* Indian Divison was withdrawn on 12 Dec and replace in the Feld by the 6! Australian Divisio Australians were given che job of storming Bardia The assault was launched at dawn 3 Jafuary 1941, ‘Ausran 164Briade attacked fom the west of Bardi a brie bombardment. They advanced through thew overran the fist our poss, Orher Fain posts ui fl ‘Ar 0630 hours 7 Royal ‘Tank Regiment Matilda af joined the asault and swung right along the posts. Ttaians fought back, but there was ile ther light weapons could do against the Mati Talian atllery positions fought to che last man, the sug of the Australian assault was almost overwhelming, as prisoners were streaming tothe rear in great numbers. The Australian 174 Brigade joined the attack and th ‘were soon advancing through the wire, Progress vs the 17* Brigade, in some sectors the Italians defi ‘The next day the assault continued and the 16 took Bardia town, but progress remained slow On the morning of 5 January the assaule was renewed, § Marilda tanks and the Brigade joining in added weight was too much forthe Italians and they. surrendering in large numbers and the battle ended, Australians captured over 38,000 prisoners and nis ae F DUNN helt ice ite rs rd Caley CV Pont 90 PaaS Coeur Ws 6 Jnwary clements ofthe Bish 7» Armourc Divison fst of Tobruk Like Bardia, Tobruk was defended by Be ting of fortificd posts, minefields, anti-tank ditches, and BEB bss wire. Tobruk was garrisoned by 32,000 Talans made fip of 61" Sie Division and gazion oops: They manned Bs postin 30 mile (48 kn) rng around the port supported fy 200 guns 45 tankers, snd 20 medium ranks Australian plan was co attack between two posts in the theast of the perimeter where che anti-tank ditch was allow. Supporting them was the 7* Armoured Division, screened the west and south. 21 January gaps were blown in the wire and the Brigade’ lead battalion pushed on co attack the Italian ons, ‘The suxiden assault rook the lalian defenders by ise and by 0645 hours the batalion had raken five posts. Fe Sipporting tanks followed and just over an hou later 21 19% Brigade attacked behind a creeping barrage at (0 hours. They were soon overrunning posts as quickly as Bitheir 16° Brigade countrymen: As the assaule developed the BMustralian battalions fanned our and attacked posts further frig the perimeter. By 1400 hours they were ready (0 inland. By nightfall the Australians had capcured the bru airfield, held a sgnificanc proportion ofthe perimeter following day, the 7* Armoured Division joined the fay € beoke in from the west and the 16% Brigade pushed to up with them, Auscalians and supporting Matilda eanks ered Tobruk rown a by noon all resistance had ceased Hip a whirlwind asauk the Australians and Brsish had seized WRB tic imporcant port of Tobruk. They took 25,000 prisoners Bas well as capcuring an arsenal of guns, tanks, and trucks, many of which would he put to use in the coming months Once again casualties for the Australian and British forces PEED) the 22. January the 6% Avsinlian Division and BE Amount. Oven - na, wish theit ultimate goal to be Benghazi. The British “Armoured Brigade clashed wich elements of che Italian bini Armoured Group, before besieging them in the old ite fort at Mechili, An attack on 27 January found the fort sted, the Italians had escaped during the night. were sent westwards cowards PMesnwhile, che Australians advanced on Derna to support Bethe 7» Armoured Brigade who had run into Taian defences Bee Marcuba. The Australians quickly overran the atfields at BMactuba and Sirer el Chricha (on the outskires of Dersa) on BA Janwary, before going on to attack Derma on 25 Januar. Bike Australians entered the town on 29 January, but found Ik was clear the Italians were cvacuating Cyrenaica Lieutenant-General ©’ Connor, the British field commander instituted a bold plan to drive the 7* Armoured Division across the desert between Mechili and Msus and on co the ‘coustal road to cut the Talian escape, while the Australians took Benghazi “The 7 Armoured Division set our across the desert at dawn: con 4 February. The terrain was tough, the frst 50 miles (60 kam) was strewn with boulders broken up with soft sand. Once clea ofthe boulder field the armoured cars raced ahead of the division, clearing Msus of ftalian stragglers at noon, Ir soon became obvious the tanks were having, vouble with the rough terrain and progress was low. The division Commander, Major-General: Creagh, decided 0 send fast wheeled force ahead of his tanks to head off che Kaan ceeape. Combefore, under Leutenant-Colonc John Combe ofthe 11 Hussars, was made up of elements of the divisions Support group including armoured cars, motorised riflemen, dnd che guns of the Royal Horse Anillry (RHA) ander Jock Campbell, Combeforce lef the division at sunrise on 5 February. They reached Sidi Suleb around midday: The road south was empey and they quickly sx-up a roadblock SIDI SALEH AND BEDA FOMM ‘Onthceastern side ofthe road wasa smal hill 7 miles (11 kim) north of the roadblock, which was quickly christened dhe Pimple. The Pimple would soon become the focus of much fof the fighting, The ground running from the road «co the coast was sandy but lar and frm, A numberof ridges and Small rises ran from north to south, The British riflemen had only juse dug-in and laid’ a few ‘mines when the first Kalians arrived ac 1430 hours. A long. column of about 5000 troops rolled down the road mounted in trucks. A few trucks hit mines before the roadblock opened fire on them. Armoured cars and 25 pdr guns knocked outa» few more before the column was brought to 2 halt “The Italians had concentrated their strength at che tear of the column to protect it from the following Australians. The main fighting strength at the fronc came from the 10° Bers Regiment who immediately began attacks on the roadblock. Combeforce threw three successive attacks back, while the 11 Hussar armoured cars raced up and down the Kellan column shooting any targets thac presented chemsclves. The British 4* Armoured Brigade arrived in the late afternoon t0 help relieve the pressure on the roadblock and attacked the eastern flank of the column, The Italian General ‘Barba Blerrica’ (Electric Whis ‘named for his magnificent moustache) Annibale Bergot was ordered to break past the roadblock and open route south. Bergonzoli mounted a holding artackon the roadblock, while he sent an armoured fo around the Pimple to take the positions in Bank and reat A whirling battle developed wich the Pimple exchanging hands ow ‘several occasions, Ialian breako SIDISALEH, Ielian 10° Army. The Italians bombarded, barcered and flanked the roadblock of Gombeforce, bur they sternly held. During the day the British 4° Armoured Brigade knocked our 40 Italian tanks, but lost several of their own, Also that day the Australians had taken Benghazi in the north, putting pressure on the Ialians to push south. Wich his ided co use his la 30 tanks ina final desperate attempt, The fo 7 February, the Tealians launched this last attempt at esa ‘The Italians hie che positions of RHA 37mm B akout plan filing, Bergonzoli dec at about 0630 hours. They smashed through the gun | OPtRATIONS In NonTit AFRICA, | SEPTEMBER 1940 = JANUARY 1942 | gic Jock Caynpbell ee page 110) was ded the Distinguished Seryice Order (DSO) for his par inthe destruction ofthe ITALIAN vast (CHONOR VLE IVE Lenn ALY eee A EBRU ARYA eZee’ Deity Pers lost six of their tanks. “They chen ran into che withering fire of Jock Campbells The last alan tank was knocked out just 20 yards (18mm) from the mess tent behind the roadblock. With the loss of their last tank the Ialians lose heart and began to surre riflemen, bi par guns The British had destroyed the Htalian Tench Acmy with just two divisions, However, just as these lst Talians’ were surrendering at Sidi Saleh and Beda Fomm, German General Erwin Rommel had arrived in Tripoli. A flood of German a Italian reinforcements would soon be follow AYOLSIH BUA ca ssa el awe ey eae COTE DT eae Dee Pee atte LeY Sergio Faller wis born in Turin in 1899. He was a student in 19 Fight in the First World War, After the war he spent some time in Italian Somalia farming before return ing to Iealy in 1939 vo become Vice Federale di Torino (deputy chief ofthe Turin fascist). when he interrupted his studies to With the outbreak of the war in 1940 he volunteered to fight and went to the western front co take part in the attack on France. He was then a member of the Commisione d’Armistzie con la Prancia (Commission for Armistice with France), He then requested a ‘North Aftica and landed in Tripoli, Libya in 1941 to take command of a company in Reggimento Fanteria (2 the Pavia division transfer Infantry Regiment) of While commanding a defensive position in ee i ay Se IPS Gomer are Dea cppotied by a Under his command his men resisted for four days. He urged his men c6 fight, infusing hem with self-confidence and daring, He was always present where the greatest danger lay, marshalling his men to. where the resistance was needed the mos. On sceing the last machine-gunner wounded he ddd not hesitate to take-over the gun himself and fire nto the enemy until the last round was pen. Although he was surrounded and wounded he continued ro fight, firing his submachine-gun from a trench and urging his men on. He was morally wounded by another ‘enemy burst of machine-gun Grey but stil ‘managed callin artillery and mortars on his own stronghold. His position was now partially occupied by the enemy. However, he continued to resist and rallied the few surviving men in his location for one final stand. He was killed in action on 24 November 1941. He was later posthumously awarded the Medaglia dove al talor miliare (Gold Medal for Military Valour). ee CHARACTERISTICS Capitano Sergio Falleci is a Warrior and a Company Command SMG ceam raved as Fearless Veteran. Fallecti may replace the Company Command Rifle team in a Posizione di Fucilieri HQ (on page 39) for +35 points ee ed SPECIAL RULES Fight my brave boyst: Falleti was an inspiration to his men and kept them fighting when under lesser leaders they would have given up. Falls and amy platoon he joins pases Moroation tess on a 34 Til man that gan: While wounded, Falletti took over a ‘machine-gun to keep it fring on the enemy. When one of your MG or 47132 Nests within 6°71 Sem of Faller is Destroyed ata result of enemy shooting, rola die. Ona 4+ you ‘may instead Destray a friendly Infantry team within $7100 of that Next i demanded an army eight million strong to create his new Roman Empire. The rapid expansion needed for this fo reservist officers being recalled ro the colours with little extea training. Aftet 20 years of civilian life, some were still soldiers, however mast were not! To reflor the variable quality of Kalian officers, Italian platoons are vated as Regular, Elite, Arllery or Libyan. After deploy ‘ment, but before the first turn, rola de for each platoon and is attached teams and consul che Eary-war 8 Million Bayonets Leable to determine their Training and Motivation characteristic EARLY-WAR 8 MILLION BAYONETS TABLE Roll Regular lite Astllery Libyan Reluctant Consctipe Reluctane Trained Confident Trained Reluctant Conseripe Reluctant Trained Reluctane Trained Confident Trained Reluctant Trained Reluctane Trained Confident Trained Fearless Trained Reluctant Trained Reluctant Trained Confident Trained Fearless Trained Reluctant Trained Confident Conscripe Fearless Conseript Fearless Trained Confident Trained Confident Trained Fearless Tiained Confident Veteran Confident Trained. CARRI FUCILIERI & BLACK SHIRTS: The Carve, or tankers, of the “The conscrpe siflemen ofthe Mallen 132° avisionecoraecata Puce and che Fascist anifldamen ries (132° Armoured Division af the CCNN (Black Shir) only Ram’) are brave, though inexperi hhave very basic training, and much ARTERY) “They have the latest in Ialian of tha is very old fashioned, i larmour technology, the M13/40 Many officers are old Fst World ‘War veterans and have been called up to lead men again, Some fill their woops with a fighting spi, others do nos, ‘medium tank, With this they plan hone their fighting skllsn Libya against the invading British _ BERSAGLIERI & MOTOCICLIST| ———_LIBYANS Arumber of Berger battalions Many ofthe fala’ Libyan colonial P joined the Iaian regular and E troops have experience fighting Elonial troops that invaded Egypt the native tribesmen of the Libyan id They provided the cite backbone. interior. However, this fighting has ‘Both the Compagnia Bersaglier ‘more in common with the fighting. aand Compagnia Motociclisti have of the 19" Century and has not thigh morale. However they ar sil prepared ther to fight a eruly | Fearning their wade in the ways of ‘modern wat, modern war ARTILLERY “The hardest fighting troops in the Italian army are the artillerymen. ‘They are selected from the best Cen | eetuits and have the mose intense, technical and professional training, They als fight very bravely, ‘ofien defending their guns co the last man, ; | Despice their old fashioned First World War guns they hold their own against any enemy. PCr Peto joes Bersaghert Paton ‘COMBAT PLATOONS pring rete rane Ben TU - rN oad ov ITALIAN Ce) Peete) HEADQUARTERS OPTION + Arm Command tank with an AA MG for 65 point egnia Carr (tank company, pronounced kom-pan- arte) is armed with the M13/40 tank, the lacest dium rank to be produced by Italian industry. With the : of many of the Italian tanks orginally stationed in Libya during the British defeat of the Tenth Army, 2" Aricie Armoured Division in February 1941 is a welcome boost to the Italian foreés in North Afica, } ; as Coreen) re 4MI3/40 Pree OPTION * Arm any or all anks with an jalan canker was brave, but not experienced. the M13/40 tanks gun and armour were for the British cruiser tanks, allowing to hak British thrusts when concentrated EEN Eh OAL IA [ee Bs INFANTRY ULL Eocene owe rund ii Creed Corey INFANTRY Us Coed rend EY Pcie Pea ae Id rote be Ponte rd eee) ol pa) ITALIAN ore MeN N SAT Le) HEADQUARTERS CO OPTION + Add Solothurn anti-tank rifle eam for +15 points or 25/72 gun for +20 points men of a Compagnia Beragier (ight infantry company, ounce kom-pan-yce-ah bearrsah-yearr-e) fight a pat fthe motorised and armoured divisions with great bravery n when facing overwhel 25/72 (25mm SA-34) guns were issued to give them c protection from the hordes of Bridsh Cruiser ranks hat roamed the desert. fd cy iit GE) CEO COMBAT PLATOONS PLATOON HQ Section wit es or nandifeMG team SE itt thir ATE tith tit TEES EES BERSAGLIERI SQUAD oz) TID VSYAg/VINDVdWO>d “gt SUPPORT PLATOONS Pra tren cea he iamdentbesens PLATOON HQ Section with: 3 Machine-gun Sectio Ld the Bnvm modell 37 Breda light machine- fan improved model that replaced an older and lest ble design, The Beragiert, as par ofthe elite, wete lucky gh to get this more reliable Breda machine gun, which We have the issues with jamming ofthe older weapon: § Breda machine-gun could lay down an impressive 450 per minute, enough firepower to halt any decermined any infantry assault. PY ee rR PLATOON HQ Section wit ‘fa prio) OPTION ‘Add TL37 tractors for +5 points forthe platoon, fe eighr avmone da 47/32 modell 3 gun was idea harsh conditions ofthe desert where it could be picked i the Berugler! and be carried across rough terain. It also be easily concealed as it was only 20°/50cm tall its wheels were removed. Mod 37 HUG TENENTE fit pan od 37 NMG Ce Nee ‘tt gon “BARA. monk gun Peay “BAARA “BAAAL stank gu a Tea eu ele PLATOON HQ Section with | ‘OPTION * Add Transpo: Section fr +5 points TheDopagior ise he longranged movlaio de 81/14 modelo 185 mori, Although similar most other moras of ase, Taian technology bie cell xy OF its foes by using more efficient and powerful rounds to ‘extend its range far beyond that of the British 3" mortar, ave ica greater range ws great at breaking up attacks and pinning dawn enemy defenders before the Bersaglier assaults. Being easy to move and simple to entrench, itis also ideal for supporting the Bersalieri in defensive positions SELF-PROPELLED COASTAL GUN PLATOON PLATOON enrrer arr? The Aurocannone da 102/35 is 1 102mm naval gun mounted (bn aG-1on FIAT 634N truck for coastal defence. Due to the Superior performance of the 102/35 gun ir also saw servic As along-range anti-tank gun, 1 Autocannone da 102/35 Phe Autocamnone da 102/35 was used in Libya by the 1 and GG" Barirics of the X MILMART legion (10" Milicia Avtigleria Marttima, ot Naval Anillery Militia) A the bactle of Bir ef Gubi the Awtocannone de 102/35 was used with great success by the Gionmni Fasciti (Young Fascists) Regiment in November 1941. The 1* Battery was attached tothe Ariete Armoured Division and the 6* Battery fought with the Tiento Motorised Division. aw ad Command Riletesm Observer fille team FST AAutocannane da 102/35 Seif propelled Coastal Gun Platoons ave rated as Axtillery for the Farly-war 8 Million Bayonet: rule on page 27. OEIC ae |OTORCYCLE INFANTRY COMPAN' (MECHANISED COMPANY) Pecety ey Meee ad Pore = HEADQUARTERS Mtns INFANTRY Cd otociis Platoon rrr Peony veri frre nd Corvus pra eted Cg Po Cd corer reer Cela oy x bck Ca Peele rd es rv od eevee rOuErN Tg rid ror rtd LL eel ITALIAN & MOTIVATION AND SKILL (x=) a ein ced hom-pan-yee-ah mob fig Cr: mn | SENESCENT HEADQUARTERS Serene ETON O OE oN MCeMeeXe aU Led HEADQUARTERS in aly i eA NANNISNC TSU} 7 ro Vase rele Ty [eireraretren aero PLATOON HQ Section with ee res Senet een 95 points EERTaIe wit ol tito chico iiater Ware tace Cue teams also equipped with a light Breda mad The Moto Gursi n ane Bere on the handlebars tha allows tc pug ab att brought into action quickly when halted: =. a te cwreyeloRalaG team || Motreyele Rifl/MG teem "ald oll ait ait Motorcycle ile tea Motoreyele ielMG team eI EE) ue) blot boyy MAP LU [oe ny Motocilisti Machine-gun Platoons use the Motor: nce rules on page 14 and are Reconnaisiane Je heavy machine-gunners lebars of their motorcycles ort hale without dismount- aia Command Motoreyele HQ SECTION oi ait Motoreyele Mod 3 HM Motoreyele Mod 37 HMG the machine-guns will help keep an Se siyesecured from enemy infantry. The five Ausoblindo ABA1 armoured cars arrived in the desert Hin December 1941, They belonged to the 3¥ Bauaaion of Hie Niza Cavalry Regiment. This reconnaissance group was eto che: )32" Arete Armoured Division. pian he vast fronts of the North African batt imposible for cither side to completely fortify P the encire length. There simply wasnt the manpan {F equipment. Instead they used series of ‘mii Supporting fortified poss made up of trenches, ma gn and anti-tank gun positions. These were manned by small sections of infantry and could be encircled by a dltches, minefields and barbed wire Italian fortifications around Bardia and Tobruk were DWell-planned. Barbed wire, mincfickls and antictank itches encircled the wo towns. Behind the wire were two ‘of mutually supporting posts. The frant line po sted of three concrete lined nests, or Tobruk Pits, ditch, fie! posts The poss’ firepower and obstacles we to blune the German attacks, Thmely counterattacks em their reserves, and fire from secondary gun lines, used to deal with breakthrough Tewas manned by infantey and ant Guns (including 8.8 FZaK36 guns) and reinforced by would wear down the enemy before eratacks were launched by panzer troops. ofthe nations in Hellfire and Back can use fortified ons ro anchor their lines. Halas have the Po diPuclesi (Infantry Position) sce page 38, German's have BpSilicpunk: (Scrongpoine) sce page 84, and the British Bethe Tobruk Scrongpoine, ee page 142. acts aroun ine tata a Peet sharers ri Ame gee Seer Serr tet a aan er (INFANTRY COMPANY) HEADQUARTERS PM You must fold one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each ener Your Posizione i Fuciier! must be either Fuclier or Black Shirt (marked 4), or Libyan ae et OL a eno aU La pcs iene) recto . ey aie Eee : Cd i. . ee ott aR Be Pe orn INFANTRY i ‘i cy : : 4 Pr eene et Pe eae oe ea ena crt CLL Ce a_i FORTIFICATION LbyVAr Pica iPr Ack cE ea = Ss eam uch of the fighting by the ordinary Htalian infancrymen based around fixed fortified positions or Posisione di in the fig and 3 Gennai 1431DN4AG ANOIZISOd fancry in Libya end on the frontier was made up of colonial troops recruited Inivially afew regular army infantry divisions were in “whose ideas hadnt changed since World War but with the success of the British Operation Com unceratack Mussolini was forced to send reinfore Libya to shore up the defences. Both the XVII Pavia and XV Bologna Division saw heavy fighting during siege and British breakout of Tobruk in late 1941, uimber ofTtalianinfantry divisions lian regular Fucilieri or Fascist volunteer mi BONN (camicie nereor black shir cen I # on HEADQUARTERS 3 eer mare sre) HEADQUARTERS a BUA St ory ray cone Pe penny oor OPTION (Ce) * Add Solothurn anti-tank rifle team for +15 points. «Forifed Compan ON | AOE oc nae rata a aS cer tar eG a at 39 COMBAT COMPANIES rr ce or Apne es ‘Add Barbed Wire Entanglements for +10 points per entanglement ‘Add Minefield for +50 points per Minefield. Replace any Minefields with Anti-tank Obstacles f s per Obstacle, Enon re treet ttt Ble/MG tear Fil oa HG Nest il been planned to defend the two ports from possible eresion. Behind the wite were to lines of mutually pportng defence posts. The font line posts consisted of ied nests each encircled by barbed wire and low dich. Howeves, when the Australians atacked not defences had been completed. lds can also be modelled as shallow anti-tank ditches. News Zealand troops supported by Valenti Yas attack-am Iialian defensive postion. 40 ee eee + Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points. Further behind the second line of defensive posts regimental guns and other arilery were set up so they could be called down on the atackers as they were held up by the posts, The cannone de 65/17 modelo 13 was originally « mountain gun, able to be broken into small loads for transport, Now itis issued as an infantry gun to give the fuilieri close-up Fire support, era e eres OPTION + Add Observer Rifle eam for +15 points. he long-ranged morieio da 81/14 modello 35 gives the y support, Te is breaking up attacks and pinning down the enemy makiag “hem welcomed by all fuclieri company commanders, The 81/14 mortar is only’available to fucilieri and Black units. The Libyans were not issued mortars and rely nthe regimental guns and artillery for fire suppor Fortifications of a Gun’ Passion muse be attached to Be Fcilieri Regimental Gun Platoon, Fucileri Mortar Gannon Battery, or Howitzer Battery. Ye Gun Position must have at leas as many Gun Pits as Be Platoon has Gun teams APlatoon with a Gun Passion anached is a Fortified Platoon, se page 170. All the Platoon’ Gun teams must aeployed in Gun Pits. At the end of deployment any unoccupied gun pts are removed from the table. = SG pig ut ir ee eu g faa Command Ril team PE BAA ‘017 gun WAAL 17 gun SERGENTE Ere SENET cee TENENTE LEGIT PEIN cE ERGENTE 14 morte 814 mrt USNC E CD) A Trench ine farmed with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and each section tivo Breda modello 30 machine-gun. PLATOON HQ Section with OPTION Add Observer Rifle eam for +15 points. Cannon Batteries may not be deployed in Ambush BE) PLATOON BF HQ Section with OPTION ‘Add Observer Rifle eam for +15 points Howitzer Batteries may not be deployed in Ambush Cannon Basteres are rated as Artillery. SERGENTE thn ft RileMG tam Rie team tii it lle tam Rie roam Tit tit fe Command Staffteem fiteteam en 7927 gu ee ewer AA, EE PLATOON Ernie) Pane) Snes EDI: rr2 of tha a Lauda ere) PLATOON ‘ cer 100 points ¥ er) a + Replace one 13/35 tank with a 13/35 Solothurn tank at no cost. en een Flarme-thrower Platoo nor may Flamethrower Pl HQ Section with OPTIONS + Add Observer Rifle eam for +15 Add 3-ton truck and TL37 tractors for +5 points for Motorised may not be deployed in Ambush Motorised Cannon Batteries are rated as Artillery. PLATOON HQ Section with: aT J Options + Add Observer Rill cam for +15 points Add 3ton rk and TL37 tractors for +5 points or Bh thebatery Motorsed Howitcer Bateris may not be defleyed in Ambuch Motorised Ho Some 13/35 tankertes were fitted with fame-throwers and are ideal for clearing out enemy trenches. adcat ‘Seal wom Sea vetiaan At Command Rite eam ‘Staff team pe brstas Wiseman se Pre inaae teres) PLATOON HQ Section with: Serr 1 Demolisher Squad OPTION + Remove Brixia 45mm mortars and upgrade all Rifle teams to RifleIM no cost ‘50m mortar ian Pierre AN tit LULL wm per Demolidher Squad \| Pores: Fitle Paneer Rite | | Prone ile Poneer ile he sart of the game before Demolisher Platoons are rated as Elite. PLATOON HQ Section with ‘nsitank gun ‘anttane gun Antetank gun apg plas 2 4 RiyWoaeteaeuros sean PLATOON Cerrar: cans ‘A Transport Platoon follows the rales for Transport Platoons STOR in the Flames OF Wat rulebook pe Transport Plaoons are rased as Regular. LIGHT ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON fa PLATOON a EL cS Light Anti-aircraft Platoon are nated as Art Gihe Waligns are great proponents of mounting guns on the Bick of trucks for case of movement and deployment. The Hick mounted 20/65 anti-aircraft gun can be transported mobile troops that need protection from the longside an) British RAB Iccan also be used against enemy infantry ‘AIR SUPPORT SPORADIC AIR SUPPORT 7 ha (a [ier react in he Wallan Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air Force, pronounced Aire Bieh-jec-ah ah-ch-roh-now-tee-kah) used the FIAT CRA2 Git c ground B Felco (Falcon, pronounced Fahl-coh) biplane in th Beinack role. ‘They also operated some German buile Ju.87 ‘tera PPcchiielo (pronounced peck-kee-ah-chl-lob, meaning PNuvcer, bur also playing on the Italian word for diver) dive ET bombers out of Libya Armour Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes Weapon Range ROP Ant-ank Firepower TANKS 1305 Halfsracked Tin hull MG 13135 Soloshurn Halfacks 20m Sclahurn ane conb rifle 16am Hall moun. Ths ll MC tid Cas fr ve realy ro B18 tancaomme Tancicfanme Mus» 37140 Miso 782.90 SELF-PROPELLED GUNS itacannone da 102/35 Wheeled 10235 gun 700m SANTI-AIRCRAFT le sow, Hal monte MG, Slow tank, Untlbh Co-ac MG, Tin hl MG, Slow tank Variable layout, Overloaded, Slow tank MG, Hall rar Mé WEHICLE MACHINE-GUNS. isi Mc 16m 3 2 6 _ROFI if inch NG 16htom 2 6) RO the weapon fre Mobily Range ROF-—Anti-tank: Firepower B irs 4Smm mora Man-packed— 16740cm— 2 1 Ping bombardcnts "Gem (Can Ge over endl 0p, Man packed 246mm ROF 2 when pinned down, Manpacked 16 /40em Light 16 40m Gain shield, NOE Light 24" /6bem ‘ Gun sie Marpacked —24J6Oem Lighe 16 I40em 6/1606 Mapldked 48°20 Smoke bomburdnent Light 16 740m Ansara Turntable Heny 24"/60cm Gun shi, Smoke Got Soke bombardment Tmobile 246m 2 Gun shi Pring bombardments 72/1806 5/28 gun Immtile (Gn hil Being bombaninents INFANTRY TEAMS Range Antitank Firepower Notes 640m 2 6 Sildem 2 2 6 476m 1 6 Full ROF when moving $i 6 Flameshromee cannot shoot Moves a Henry Gun tem. ie) ADDITIONAL TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT rr cam are raed an Tank Asa 3. TRANSPORT TEAMS. ‘Armour Mobily Front—-Side Top ‘Equipment and Notes ‘or Dovangue on ack Wheded AIRCRAFT ‘Weapon Toit Anti-tank Firepower _ Notes FIAT CRA2 Feo MG Bombs JEL87 Pichi Boma Range Notes 24"/6dem 6 ‘ Tobruk it, ROF 2 when pinned down 24°460em & Tobrak ple “The Regio Esercito, the Royal Army, was unprepared for war in 1940, despite Mussolini's call for an army of 8 bayonets’. The resulting force is very uneven—some officers are excellent, whi ‘others are simply abysmal. The ‘of ther soldiers also varied from battalion to battalion. The following special rules reflect this. AVANTI! Bi ais iy erie nny tabs fro tae Weel Biers che Gotan the took the compo speed Bef bya bnelchrough operations. Fra i Feach Bp gute she sechnque of methodical dearuction ofthe ry defcces, The ruling doctrine eaphasoed bile fie ad demanded rapid movement ino conc with I rey bine blog manic Fic prc Rae pe Bend aloe poaionars once mre Uy Hien plcton with « Command oe way anempe fs Asem move atthe srt of ts Shoting sep tsa of Rolla Skill west for each platoon + Ifthe test is succesful, the platoon may move another 410em, + Otherwise the platoon cannot move this step All of the normal rales apply for this movement. Platoons cannot make Avanti moves if they are Pinned Down or ‘moved At the Double. Bogged Down or Bailed Ous vehicles ‘cannot make Avanti moves. HEROISM. The Italian army's lack of modern equipment gave its off plenty of opportunities to display eroisme, hero in extremis, Because these great deeds were usually fatal the hero, it was impossible ro know in advance who heroes were, though if their comrades survived, their ¢ would be enshrined in heroic prose and a medal sent to dearest When your company firs bas a Command team Desroyed by enemy shoosing or assault (bus not asa recut of a filed Platoon Morale Check), roll a Motivation test for that Command ream. This test can never be re-roled for any + Uf they pass the Morivation test, the ofcersorugs of his wounds shouts encouragement to his men anda challenge to the enemy and fights om as an Unknown Her. On any other rol, the Command team ie Destroyed ar normal and you rll again to discover your hero the next time a Command team is Destroyed. Once you have found your Unknown Hero, stop rolling. There can only be one Unknown Hero in your company in cach game. Ifthe Unknown Hero is an Infantry team, bring the seam back into play Ifthe Unknown Hero was a Tank team, the ‘hero transfers to anyother tank in bis platoon that is within Command Distance making that the Platoon Command. team. If na suitable tank is within Command Disanc, ‘the Unknown Hero is out of the battle and removed from the game, ‘An Unklon Herida plavon led by bi lays pas ‘Morivation tens ora ra of 2s, Ifthe Unknown Her is Desraye while eading a paivon, te platon will continue [i 1 wal Motion tnt if edb the Unknown Hero Lathough all cher penal for‘bing Out Of Command using. proposals to send German oops wo aid the lian invasion of Egypt. Bue negative reports on the supply on in Libya and Mussolini lace of enthusiasm for scheme put eatly plans on hold. However, by January en to the lalans so ae Trpoliania cking detachment) was dispatched to Tripoli codenamed wenblume (Sunflower). tion of units were detached from the 3. Panzerdivision $8 Armoured Division) and formed into a new unit calles under General o promised a full panzer division the Italians could hold Tripolitania rather than withdraw the way back to Tripoli. On 19 February 1941, Hier ally named the new formation the Dewaches Afribakorps sman Africa Corps). snes Streich. Hitler a ER THE DESERT FOX jenal der Pancereruppen (general of moured troops) Erwin Rommel called up by Hider so ROMMEL ATTACKS On 24 March, Rommel launched is Afiahorps ino (Cyrenaiea. Facing him were the thrce recently arrived British a ee oso hyve ‘ gener © F ind Commonwealth unics: the 3% Indian Motor Brigade, 24 Armoured Division, and 9® Australian Division, Fist vo feel the might of the Afrikatorps was dhe support group of the 2"! Armoured Division holding a line at Mersa Brega ‘hey were attacked by a combined fo Tealian tanks and motoreyele infantry supported by Ju-87 Seuka dive bombers. The supy Withdraw when the division's fall e of German and Fe group was forced to Armoured Brigade was tunable to aid them due to “The riexc day Rommel pushed his oops on towards Agedabia. He then divided his forces sending one column up the road towards Benghazi and the other inland cross the desert towards Tengeder and Mechili. Strong. Italian Teinforcements were brought forward and pushed up the {coastal road, On 2 April, Rommel sent a Kampferuppe (battle group) Tunder Oberst-leurnam (licutenant-colonel) von Schwerin feonsisting of an Tealian infantry battalion and German ‘signals and anci-rank troops through Maaten el Grara and Into the British rear. Meanwhile, talian and German troops headed up the coaseal toad towards Benghazi. Benghazi fell on 4 April to the allan 27* Brecia Division and German 3. Auftlarungrabrcilung Reconnaissance Battalion). The Germans and Ialians headed cast rowards Dera and Mechil and elements of the Italian 132" Ariete Armoured Division, drove from the coast eastwards chrough Maus sie TT Ee oe OPERATIONS IN NORTH AFRICA, ‘SEPTEMBER 1940 - JanuaRy 1942 the Belch commander LeulenaneGeneal planned wihdraw ta line between Dera eat back and hold the escarpment at Barce where they were 104 hold the Kalians and Germans advancing from Benghazi. The British 3 Armoured Brigade, also ordered to withdrayl fon Mechili, was caughe between the flanking moves Kampfgruppe von Schwerin and the 5. Panzeregiment and forced to retire. However, ic became scattered in sha fuel shortages and breakdowns hindered its movement. 3* Armoured Brigade disintegrated during the withds the Britis lost their only available armoured brigade Confusion reigned throughs ‘command with conflicting reports of German mavemenis sending the coordinated withdrawal of the 2"! Armout Division into coral confusion, Rommel pushed his troops forward, but the Germ and lean wer nor withou thee own shortages. § caught up for ref On 6 April, the 36 under attack by the converging C They madea stand and delayed Rommel for rwo crucial da as he desperately tried to hurry forward On the same day, the 9° Australian” Divi pressure and lacking transport, started a skilled drawal through Derma towards Tobruk. During the o of the 2 Armoured Division's withdrawal both Neame O'Connor, who was advising, were captured, leaving tel ‘command of the Western Desert Force in the hands of they senior staff officer Brigadier John Hardingp nt coe diby the 9 Australian neal Lelie Morthead otor Brigade at Mechili bought the Australians the time Peeded to withdraw, As the Australians arrived in rule they secabout occupyirig and reinforcing the Iain es around the port. The last Australian battalion dered the Tobruk perimeter on 10 April, where theses of the perimeter posts and we dy for the closely following Germans. ‘The Australians soon joined by other stragglers from the 3°! Tank Mhigade, 3% Indian Motor Brigade, and reinforcements AUSTRALIANS HOLD TOBRUK had been defeated Rommel was fre tol Uupiwith his other forces at Dera. He immediatly organ- sed another Kampferuppe ner the rcenty arsived General-Major von Prieta, who had arrived ahead of his 15. Penzerdivsion, and sent the mixed force of reconnaissance, imotoreyele infantry, and cays EDIE Corporal Jack Edmondson ( ig on aes Coren) sho i ae ig a OS tegen Poe Sear ‘Rommel’ other forces continued on to the Egyptian bor cutting off Tobruk Kampferuppe von Pritowiee began probing she Tobruk perimeter on the nighe of 13 April. They were joined by 5. Panzerregiment and supported by the Italian arillery of the Brescia division, Rommel ordered. yon Pritoyicr to attack immediately. At 2300 hours on 13. April the ‘encountered rough resistance from che Australian infant bu by the early hours ofthe following morning the &. M gun Battalion) broke chrough The 5. Panzere followed three hours later, after being misled by a guide. They supporting infantry were pinned down, but the panaers wed forward As the day dawned they were engaged by Australian and Briish arillery and anti-tank unis Finally, with no support and taking heavy fir, the panzers returned to the breach ‘where the German infantry were holding their ground. Von Prtewitz had not survived the battle, killed when his field ‘ar was bie by an anti-tank round. Funher assaults were made on the Aust though April, bu zhe Australians held By ts month, Rommel decided to wait for 15. Pancertiviion to artve before making his next move. ArrLUls ecco ror) ern RAS EL MADAUUR arrival of reinforcements Rommel decided ro assault Tobruk once more letime he cargered the sector arouind Ras El Madauus where Point 209 would give gor observation of the defences. Ou the night of 30 April/1 May infantry massed P uhile pioneers cleared mines and wire. They. then advanced under heavy artillery Fuppore through the Australian fortifications. 5. Panterregiment btoke through the gp towards Tobruk town, but were stopped when they hit a minefield. Antitank Bn firethen forced them to withdraw. ried to, widen the breach during the morning, but the Australian fy. Infantry and tank counterattacks from the Australians and British salle ch Armour continued chroughour the day southeast of Ras El Madauur Ding the evesing, the British and: Aust login thrusts vo the south of Ras Hl Mi haw beyond the perimeter: The Germans sil had foothold inside orshead acted quickly to seal off hc salient with new defences ABER 1940 - JANUARY 1942 peel Pasieal areas aie eae —> i eee eee oe ier acento aii OPERATION BREVITY BIDespe Rommel’ lure ro rake Tobruk atthe beginning of May, he had consolidated his hold on the rest of Cyrenaica all the way co the Egyprian border. The goal of British Operation Brevity was to push Rommel back from the order, dislodging che Axis forces from their positions at Hialfaya Pass and Fore Capuzzo, and ultimately to relieve the siege of Tobruk The operation began on 15 May 1941 with an attack on the Italians holding Halfaya Pass who were quickly overrun German troops holding Fort Capurzo were temporarily Pushed out, but arrived. turned as soon as theit panzer support IAs the balance of forces became unfavourable o the British, P they withdrew to Ha Byeeks before it fell to a German counterattack. Following Pike British withdrawal, Rommel fortified the frontier with Imineficlls and 8.8m FlaK36 anti-aircraft guns faya Pass. ‘The pass was held for two (OPERATION BATTLEAXE Me failure of Operation Brevity did not put off the British rom their esi to life the slege of Tobruk: They planned Ho take Halfaya Pass and Fore Capuzzo using the 4° Indian Division and 22™ Guards Brigade, while the 7 Armoured BeDivision would give support and advance to the Hafid Rlge, heyond Fort Capurz0, where they would head off any P German and lala irmoured counterattacks, OPERATIONS IN NORTH AFRICA, SEPTEMBER 1940 - JANUARY 1942 petition sieuation, Rommel’ forces were growing and included 15, Pancerdviion, Newly artived Ttalian divisions all him co maintain ce ge of Fabra, while resing up mobile German units to strike against any Beish tempts to elie Tobruk. 4 The British launched dheir attack on 15 June 1941, The 233 Guards Brigade quickly stormed Fort Capuzzo and fought off a counteracack. However, the 7% Armoured D Matilda infantry anks and supporting Indian infanery into Rommel carfilly laid ou defence of Halfya The pass soon earned its nickname ‘Hellfire Pas’ whet vancing Matilda tanks. The German gun positions were ai well prepared that they were barely visible. They had beet dlug-in to the hard rock floor of the pass, with their guilt barrels sitting just above the ground making them effect Invisible from a distance, ‘The advance into ‘Hellfire Pass! was a disaster and all buE gH Matilda tank was lost. The supporting infantry fared lie better, without supporting tanks they were thrown back ‘ounterattacking German infantry and armoured car, The British Cruiser canks advancing on Hafid Ridge intense anti-tank gun fire rather than the pancers d ‘expected. By midday on 16 June, across the whole {rode three-quarters of the 200 British tanks had been destroyed Rommel was ready 10 exploit his defensive success immediately launched a easive. The 15. Pancerdvision atacked Fort Capuzza from i north while the 5. Leichte Division draveee to encircle the 7* Armoured Division, At Ba Capuzzo, the Guards held the actackl pancers. ‘The attacks of 5. Leichte Divi failed co encirele chem, but puta great sail ‘on the 7* Armoured Division as they slow ran out of tanks. By nightfall on 17 June the British were Forced to retreat ‘peritoneal oan a Somciecharnun) | Cerf ese | x rw Car Piss: World War and in 1940 commanding Pin France, was summoned by Hitler in February Malians had been defeated by the British in North sing Lib DF the Deusiche Comps Panzerdivision 1941. The Ati, and nceded help. Rommel was given command Afrikakorps (DAK), the Getrnan Africa Phe force, consisting of 15. Panzerdivivion and 5. Leichte Division, wes placed under Italian command, with orders to fence at Mersa El Brega. Bi mcteristically disregarded his orders, and launched an attack ay. on the Rommel char under the codename Sonnenblume, routing British forces From Libya in a whislwind advance. His tactical cunning Bisickly Earned him the nickname ‘the Desere Fox the speed of the advance was such thae the 9! Australian BBivision was cut off and surrounded in the port of Tobrak. In fiseries of see-saw battles on the Egyptian borer (Operations and Sonimermacheensur) the Brevis Bateleaxe Pe Bech id Germans attacked in turns Po Rommel’s Afiikttorps ceceived fresh tanks and anti-tank igus and 5. Leichre Division became 21. Pé P September 194 Mobruk. On 19 November 1941, just days before Rommels planned attack on Tobruk, the British Eighth Army launches surprise offensive codenamed Crusader Rommel prepared for renewed assault A confusing series lf tank battles took place east of Tobruk with Rommel often faking direce command of units o stop British attacks. On B3 November the Afritahorgs and their Italian allies scattered Bhe remnants of the British armour. he Desert Fox now made a rash decision, He ordered his Bio. panzer divisions to race to the F, ut off what he cho British arm ptian frontier, wo were the beaten remnants of the However, the Eighth Army was still fighting fon, Rommel was forced to return co the Tobruk front, where Fighting continued to rage, Now severely weakened, Rommel CHARACTERISTICS Generalmajor Erwin Rommel is a Wartior and a Higher ‘Command Transport team rated as Fearless Veteran Rommel is mounted in Greif (meaning both Grifin and Aeack), his Sd Kf 250/5 half-rack, and can join any Leichte Panzerkompanie (Page 60), Mitcere Panzetkompanie (Page 62), kompanic (Page 68), Kradschiitzenkompanie (Page 70), MG age 76) in kompanic (page 74) of Leichte Pionicrkompanic Hellfire and Back for +70 poins _ SPECIAL RULES Fingertip Feeling: Rommelissaid tohave Fingenpitengeftthh a fingertip feling for bal One German platoon within 8°/20em of Rommel may make fir both det have 4 normal move within ies deployment a Ueplayed bus before any Reconnaissance Deployment move Rommel at the Poi cry in the Afrikahorpe where Rommel led from che front 1s ‘Rommel an der Spitee’ was a common, Any G Tats on rll of 3+ and may re-roll al filed Skill Testo make rman platoon that Rommel joins pases all Motivation Boas aie Mammut: As well as Greif, Rommel also ravelled in a Mammut (Mammoth), a captured Dorchester Armoured (Command Vehicle, named Max. Feel frce to model Kim with Max rather than Greif, but keep the vehicle characteristics the same as for Greif. idl. ober was'born Ta 1919; the son of a Fine World War veteran with bot it Cross, In 1939 he was Arafted into the Luftwaffe. Afecr service with Luftwaffe com struction units in Poland he transferred lasses of he Flak artllerie [Pla Regimene 33 and spent the early part of 1941 stationed in Holland. i 1940, After training he was assigned to 3. Barter Hibner’s unic was eransferred co Libya in 1947 and in May ie was in action providing supporting fire during Rommel’ afticks onthe British at Mersa Breya. On 25 May 1941 he was a Iron Cr awarded 2 2+! Class for his part in the action. {©n 16 Jonc, during Brisih Operation Batdeaxe, Habner Band his fllow Hak gunncrs were occupying Point 208, Tocky sie positioned out in the dese. This important Postion was held by his 8.8m Flak batcery, anti-tank Tray atlry fre before an axcack was launched by British Matilda Ul tanks. Haber and his fellow gunners opened fre Afrious exchange continued for about half an hour before theMailda ranks withdrew. Atthe end of fanks were lee smoking on the batleficld. The previously fnyulnerable Matilda Il tanks had met their match in the Bio HeK36 scu-accrale fever tanks and he was a B July 1941 for his pace in the bate ‘exchange eight sun, Hiibner’s gun destroyed Jed an Iron Cross 1" Class on Heevoncinued his excellent gunnery throughout the campaign land on 20 August 1941 received the Flak Kampfabecichen (Anii-sireraft Bale Badge) Tn December 1941 Hiibner was in the thick of the action fanning, his gun against the British offensive, Operation (Crusader. His regiment was attached tothe 21. Panzentivisi forthe operation, defending the line around Bardia. During the fighting Hiibner’s gun destroyed eight enemy bring his personal total to 24 during 1941. His calmness Bander fre allowed him to carefully select is ks, 10 pets, making ry shor count. His outstanding performance-and thac of gunner Erich Heinze, brought them to the atention Lat oll aes) cosh Sl ‘of Rommel who suon recognised theif talches by award cach a Knight’ Cross, making them the first private soldi of the Aftikakorps to be awarded so In February Flak Regiment 33 reeuened to. Germany ia March 1942 Gefreiter Amold Hib 1° Cross in a ceremony ar the regimen refi¢ and test. On received his K tidak aes a — CHARACTERISTICS corporal) Arnold Hubner is a Waetior anda 8.8m FlaK36 gun team rated as Confident Veteran Hiibner replaces an 8.8em FlaK36 a Heavy AM Aircrafe Gun Platoon (Page 89) in any German company Helire and Back for +60 points. Since Hiibner always hi cight crew and ROF 3 you do not have to spend an ex +10 points to uperade h er SPECIAL RULES Cool Under Fire: Wher Cross his coolness under fire was noted. He remained calm and Hubner was awarded his Knight took his shots with car Hilbmers 8. Sem FlaK36 slays bas ROP 3 even ROF of 3. Hauer: Gn tea laoon it Pinned Down Gunnery Ace: Arnold Hilbner was a deadly gunner, whetban against tanks or aircraft, destroying 24 British tanks during his time in North Africa Hidbnerr-rol: filed To Hit ole with hic 8.8 FaK36 gum Warrior Gun Team: Arnold Hilbner isa Warrior Gun cea {fthe enemy Desroys Hidbner, they rll di On a voll of 4+ Hidbner skilled oF seriously wounded and dh teapiis Destred, Otherwise, the German player may nominase any ooher 8 FUK3E gum team within 6°/15em of Hitbner as bit neva ean, Hi orginal 8, Bem Hak gun tn is sre “ Sealant era ean ead catia cecal aOR aecien eo keen Wes COMPANY) Poco ‘COMBAT PLATOONS Coe Oe id ETL ee DIVISIONAL SUPPORT PLATOONS wg “ath lage Pn Pond ma Py. Sey ANTI-AIRCRAFT by Lufrwa rat i d Ri nas fei fs rated as Confident Veteran. HEADQUARTERS ees ers eae Options + Add Sd Kfz9 (180) recovery + Upgrade cither or both Panzer II (late) of G tanks to Panzer III H for +55 points per tank: In 1941 cach Ponscr Abelng in Nowth Afi consied of Bo Leche Pancerkompanieandone Minor Pancerhompeti Hie silo of tans bring te impiealve Seu Kore [Panzer cither later For new G models PNW os) PLATOON Sree ane) ron Pres aeons} eee Cerny en OPTIONS: * Upgrade any or all Panzer II F (late) or G to Panzer INV foe +55 polnes per rank. Replace one Panzer III F (late) or G tank with a cap- ‘tured ‘Honey’ Stuare tank for -20 points, captured (Cruiser Mk VI Crusader tank for -25 points, a cap ‘tured Valentine IT tank for +60 points or a captured Matilda TT tank for +155 points ree 5 Panzer IC (late) ea ke eka Ausf C with its 2em KwK 30 1155 cannon, co- jal MG34 and light armour, was the second most numerous serving in the panzer regiments of the Afikakorp, but apable than the Panzer IIl and IVs, However, with skill frontline roles, ms having thre fotrerd Coie FEARLESS USN OE) GERMAN 5 - Eos ey » SINVdWONMAZNVd 3 LHDIFT ws a eat re imal ® Mittlere Dan} rae ma \ eee k seed si DP dL nn eet? < (TANK COMPANY) Poretcr) Te ee: erie HEADQUARTERS ‘COMBAT PLATOONS Coo Pee ig EY Pre T Td pit Pazerspah Platoon Ce German companies can be supported by Luftwaffe Platoons who retain their own ratings. Lafreaffe Platoons count ee ea ee Ty at 3 MOTIVATION AND SKILL Cover The elite Mitlere Pi Rene eg HEADQUARTERS Piano ease) HEADQUARTERS UAE By rea a) ena 150 points Options Add an Sd Kfe 9 (18%) recovery halftrack for 45 points Upgrade either or both Panzer IV D to Panzer IV E for +70 points per tank. COMBAT oreo rayne coro Ty esa) pena) Ce ets en OPTION + Upgrade any or all Panzce IV D to Panuer IV E for 470 points per tank. ea rene Eres ro | Panzer ILC (late) and 2 Panzer I vines a grace es kel rey 4 Port) Pore Cee) COMBAT PLATOONS roi fresh ‘own ratings. Ly Plazoons (se the Flames OF War rulebook) we] chitsenkompanie RIFLE COMPANY (INFANTRY COMPANY) Trt te Pree Porter ct TS Ceuoric ret DEN Proce Ty Tad a ot rect Cond son rear Eee nd Ca eet enon Cee Lwlene Panzer Paton Ce Peed ey Cee eed Std a olLLy a Se) ert! ANTIAIRCRAFT Sal Edie rary Cee red eed ead pet lr ete Arley Battery Priel past ror MOTIVATION AND SKILL B RELUCTANT | CONSCRIPT The mororsed infanery ofthe Deutsche Afrikakorps ci alongside the tanks ‘CONFIDENT | TRAINED oO) Panzer Regiments, A Si eis rated as Cor pronounced shyoot-sen ? Tyee aa.0) SCHUTZENKOMPANIE HQ HEADQUARTERS Ggion ul) Sian nica gma] | AYA ind 155 supported che panzers Of the 15% and 21" Panzer | CO™eGyy Command Motorcycle 24 tom ons. Forerunners of the famous pancergrenadier their ‘was to be mobile light infanery and in North AMfica they not only the enemy but also the desert’ sun and sand. COMBAT PW yereNG Ecard kolo PLATOON HQ Section wth TT 7 EGS) OPTIONS MG team team Bein Command MG sie wih » Coca qaag SMG team at no cost. KeTtruck * Add an Anti-tank Rifle team for +20 points. EG * Adda second Kfz70 truck tocach squad for +5 points UNTEROFIZIER UNTEROFFIZIER ea for the platoon, Wh oma MG team AYA am AYN gig IT The MG teams of a Schitzen Platoon dismount from their ae ene nee Me oe oe i cera VN] ays or EIS lAley INEvAnel: eh9 |Add Kf 15 field car and Kf 70 trucks for +5 points for the platoon, Schitzen Machine-gun Platoons may make Combat Atsachmens to Sehiszen and Panzerschilszen Plasoons Machinengewebrkompanie of Machine-gun Company. The P2000 Machinengewehr 35 or sMG34, was the fist real fpencral purpose machine-gun. It was able to be ised as a tinted on its eipod. Automatic weapons such as this had Bbe extremely well maintained in North Africa as dust and OPTION + Add KG 15 field car and Kz 70 trucks for +5 points for the platoon, Machinengewebrkompanie also has a heavy mortar roon equipped with six Sem GW34 sohwere Granarwerer, f heavy mortars. These accurate weapons can be readily Bansported and quickly set up to provide the batalion cor tery. The mortars had a SS me) Fear per rm kona Se et rn et tt 4771 er cS ool litle alltel edited PN oN Command SM team ECRTaICN ED 7ARaD. ‘G34 HM MoM HMG 7A ‘an MG MOA HM Saree its SCHUTZEN MACHINE-GUN PLATOON feu Tin ANA Baa Command fem awos SMteom moter ax lt Rawr ier ivaeeden fl Meccras Rasim oodedeon |i Rel Barr Rar ton Gwas tem owas Bar Rar PLATOON | HQ Section with ‘i } | Perec points | OPTION + Add motorcycle and sidecar and Kfz 70 trucks to the platoon for +5 points, Each of the thtce Schitgew battalions in the Regiment has a Schwere Kompanie orheavy company of which the Panzeniager for anti-armour platoon was a part. It was equipped with three 3.7em PaK36 guns and thelr Kfe 70 light tractors, ‘hese lightweight and highly mobile guns are most effective ar short ranges, and were defensively placed to protect the where the terrain or conditions indicated a tank attack was likely ro take place, The PaK36 is more than able {0 deal with British cruiser tanks in North Aftica in 1941 OPTION + Adal Kfe 15 field car and Kf 70 trucks for +5 points for the pltoo B Each Schitzen Regimens hasan Infameriegeschitzkompanie or Infantry Gun Company. These have ewo light gun placoons fach with two 7.Sem leIG18 light infantry guns. These Bare light and manoeuvrable, short range guns built by Rhcinmetal, They can immediately provide both deer and EEE support 10 a commander who needs the momentum Gofhis atack maincained withoue having ro call on heavier, sonal arillery suppor. RENAAN OU SA Reet PLATOON HQ Section with: OPTION * Add Kfs. 15 field car and Sd Kf 11 half-tracks for Infenteriegeichitckompanie aso had a heavy infantry gun moon which was equipped with two 15em sIG33 hi guns were extremely hea d dependable, able o take on che most heavily fortified ponent wich direct or inditec fi ad PNT LEUTNANT AA Command SMG team MTA 27cm Paks TURE GUN'SECTION “aah ‘Jem Pak3s a Command SMG team “SRSA. ‘Tem Paks ae Observer Riteteom Motoreyele and lceear ESET waar 15cm elG18 gin na SECTION AYA command SMGteom mE “phtas. em 1633 gun UNTEROFFIZIER Tebadr. 75 elB18 gun Re Observer HO SECTION Matoreycle tnd sdbear aan ae rn tie) eI aley| dee & pl eiraeca LL ng EVM oy ata a Nt hea amen: (MECHANISED. Cae Pore Coe Pan 3] Potent itr NT Panzersehitzen Platoon) Seed og Bud eee CL etd box shaded grey Pret ETS oe = Sour retry BI on) Poe rad ek rend Bons Perey Ertan Gun Platoon rr Cond Ea Ped row Elmen ) Sa eet ety Oy feed Se ise ead ea Cet eae oer BLL ad eet Risrerge.s PU ag ay Ng CY Coan MOTIVATION AND SKILL erschiizen (armoure fers CONFIDENT | TRAINED ee md iy U lel aid Pure ars oe ane) HEADQUARTERS Ea OPTION + Add Machine gun Section for +80 points ‘3 JINV4WONAZLNHDSYAZNVd 3 & The Sd Kf 251/1 half-mack in the Company HQ of a Panserchitzenbompanie may sce the Mounted Asiult special rule on page 95. CHUTZENKC EEG} ¥ fees enero “ : oa COMBAT PLATOONS E ‘ (rerio) PLATOON HQ Section with ear points 2 Schiitzen Squads foe OPTIONS + Replace Command MG ceam with a Command SMG team at no cost. + Add Anti-tank Rifle eam for +20 points. pen A an EEESaIes Pansersch joons may use the Mounted Asault special rule on page 95. at 25/1 hal track SCHUTZEN SQUAD AYAYR WRATA —_ NG team MGtwom SdKfe 251 halftrack SCHUTZEN SQUAD Leite Division had ewo companies of armoured try im Sd Kfv 251 half-tracks, while 15. Panzerdinision NESE - 69. ii Na pa pitas itihel pile ati BEL aTUG a TUNE MOTORCYCLE RIFLE COMPANY (MECHANISED COMPANY) Pott a Pee CE tk es: Prin tid Pree arg ror) eed Ere tay ad ‘OR ARTILLERY aaa ened - ey Cee eet ed Coron Coy roo Cr eer vo eee ted - ery tre Panzer Paton Pera ERE Ce RECONNAISSANCE rier eat es) Ce Ped errs bese Le tddd 3 did root bed or Paes Put pomerereer Pee rear Bud Pad poet eed raleboot) Zig Bat ee! Peete iy . 7a Pe A ear Sel IVN ates rye Cardy Leesan ened HEADQUARTERS Pera ig: JINVdWOMNIZLNHDSGyvuy In 1941 15. Pancerdivision had a Knudicbitzen, or Motorcycle Reconnaissance, batalion as part of 15. Scbilteen while both che 15. Poreerdivision and 21. Panzerdivision had Kradichitzenkompanies as part of thet respective Aufl in ahead, critical in che North African desert conditions, COMBAT PLATOONS Loerie PLATOON (iE HQ Section with 4 oor 2 Schiitzen Squads ies OPTIONS + Replace Command Motoreycle MG team with a ‘Command Motoreycle SMG team at no cost. + Add Motorcycle Ant-tank Rifle team for +20 points ee” : ry.) hough they would laver prove unsuitable in che deser con- ae Tic Buin aga natitcn wit att pote TT See aes acon rear ee © r 7 PLATOON. HQ Section with: J 2 Machine gun Sections 05 points ee ome ieors Command Motorcycle SMG team at no cost. Wie teire wt: Beda} Bi onl cack Tle war for +20 pies alt wl = Motoryele HAG team Motoeyele MG tom ot ot Motoreyele HG tom roreyele HME team RSE iray DR Dn an Ca rar ee ee er er bit WEAPONS PLATOONS | Fe an een Senn NSS Teese nae os PLATOON 1 Light Panzerspith Patrol OPTION + Replace up to one Sd Kfr 221 (MG) armoured car ‘other purposes, a Light Fite patrols at the same Wada eron PLATOON ery rn 2 Panzerspih Patrols ny ee) rd ‘or all Sd Kfz231 (8-rad) armoured cars ield armous increasing the Front armour tating to 2 for +15 points per Panzerspith patrol Heary Pancerspah Parrols operate a: separate platoon ach with their ow iehough its pasrols oons for all osher purpose, a Heavy |) ddeplys all of its patrals at the same plaioon. For example, thit means that ‘you teat the entire Hei mas a tingle ‘platoon whe toons held in uN ema A Heavy Panzerspah Platoon with Cy ei ee ec ea fears ae ae Command Sa Kt2 231 ad) 701 (Ba) DEM ro ee PUI PENN AINVdWONIZLOHDSayuy 3 & ‘: Pore Cornea INFANTRY BTS, oe ERT Wein xt Reon anld (INFANTRY COMPANY) © ite Mc ' See ee Pore ri Eine etry Peg Peed od who ratings, Lufewaffe Pl Aled Plasoon: (ee the Flames OF War rulebook), ic ered rd Sed ee CONSCRIFT. ‘CONFIDENT ‘as Confident Veteran, if \ a Raiol HEADQUARTERS PAN AANA MG te SuGteam ea canes MG-PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section and Heavy Section with: OPTION * Add an Anti-tank Rifle eam for +20 sites Command SMG team When 5. Leche Division atrived in North Afia is primary finery force came from MG-Bateilon 2 and MG-Bataillon hich elded companies of oops heavily equipped wid Peat eee aa aes 5 ri cent ec te COMPANY) Pott ST tht hn Poin ris Preto Peay Poet Cone Pre rs i 3 ey 3 (| A 5 MOTIVATION AND SKILL The Aftkahorps relied on sheir pi They cleared mines, wire and fil (pronounced les-er HEADQUARTERS OPTION + Replace Company Command SMG vam and motorcycle and sidecar with Company C Panzer I tank for +15 points. ‘onfident Veteran. CONSCRIPT a on 7 onierkompanie Command Motoreyele and sidecar COMBAT PLATOONS eT rod PLATOON HQ Section with OPTIONS + Replace Command Pioneer Rifle team with a ‘Command Pioneer SMG team for +5 points + Add second Kfz 70 truck to each squad at no cost. + Add Pioneer Supply truck for +25 points Replace up to one Pioneet Rifle team per Pioner Squad twit « Flame thrower team atthe start ofthe game before deplaymen. ‘he pioneers ofthe Deutsche Afrikakorp: are specialise assault Enginccts, who would prove particularly critical inthe 1941 Tobruk batls. Here the Tommies were able to use mine- Fields, mile of barbed wire and the fortifications previously bulleby the Italians to protec the veal port. To defeat these lements and to assist the infaneey in attacking the strong. Points that surrounded Tobruk, pioneers were needed, The 5. Leichte Division had three Pionier companies to undertake these tasks, whilst later the 15 and 21” Panzer divisions each had a Pancerpionierbataillon which each had two Leichte Pionier companies uN ia, A commana Pioneer il team andenbear Pioneor KfeiStielicar|1] —Ploneor Kf fall ca Aileen Rite team ATR gig a Pioneor—Kfe7Dtnuck Pinter Kir 7Otruck Rite teom Ale team Poneer Rite AAR HRY WAY Pioneer Riletsem Pioneer Rite team omg cp KfeiSfielé ear Kfe Duck Pioneer file teem Pyrenean PLATOON 4 eer 190 points a Socal ce wy penne or POE V5 Panzer 1C (ate) oes ke) Ponte koe) K OPTIONS Equip any or all Panzer I or Panzer Il (late) tanks with Demolition Charges for +10 points for the platoon, nd Replace up to halfof the Panzer I tanks with Panzer I (Flamm) tanks at no cost ition Platoons (pronounced wserr-shter-roongs Wook), : Abwrrfiorrichtung device cartied a 110 Ib. (50kg) charge x ‘armoured box suspended on an arm behind the tank. 5 Pogo ve es ae eran ne ice aa a lier litre + Ona rol of 4s, ab Wire Obstacle is re + Orherwice a Bunker is Pinned Dow OPTIONS * Replace Command Pioncer Rifle tea for +5 points, + Add Pioncer Supply truck for +25 points The HQ Section rides in one of the squad half-tracke Pancerpionierbatallon of 15. Panzer a third company which was equipped also had si “The pione _ $9 ait in engineering aT GERMAN 3 - » SINV¢WOMYFINOId LHD19T .% (INFANTRY COMPANY) Pott vin ‘You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each. Cer Cee Prieur ror its eed freon Panzer Platoon etd Cee Corre CoG INFANTRY potency L edialiaiaal Bats carey eed rrr DIVISIONAL SUPPORT PLATOONS 7g ron mats DELy parang Cccaaiddaiaal cei ron ve" LUFTWAFFE & ITALIAN ALLIES J rit erg Pa Coed or the creation of the Afrike Division an infantry heavy force capable of aulting the fortified ity of Tobruk. Unlike the panzer sions, which typical motorised infantry bat ion zbV had seven infantry c 61 of the Afrika Division was made up of German ve F the French Foreign Fegion and was therefore not considered to be politically ble. iets seals 4 pete : abe Sel ts Z (CED) Wes CONFIDENT | TRAINED y= Gc Mo) Ft 2 p Pry W ely Cw ty 2 q ee INFANTERIEKOMPANIE HQ. Bs Zz HEADQUARTERS ra 5 —_ aS gor al pro es cadena ope aie fees JL and then renamed the 90. Leite Afrika Division on ‘November 1941. It was the only unit of the Deutche fikukorps that Relded leg-infantry regiments. NEMESIS) ZW aretcerod PLATOON HQ Section with: Scent ee OPTIONS + Replace Com ifle/ MG veam with a Coy UNTEROFFIZIER UNTEROFFIZIER SMG team at no cost St oe AVA ATAA APR ATTA ile/MG eam |] Rie tam Ril MG to rote UNTO Ma rete AYAY ATATA ENN (NizOiac enn naeoon B PLATOON HQ Section with: ET TS Infanterie Machine-gun Plaroons may make Combat tachments to Infamterie Platoons. infantry companies of the Affica Division 2bV were nits of the Deusche Aprikakorps, which went some way to king, up for the lack of ocher support units ic received in Feomparison vo the panzer divisions Ps fy} PLATOON BA 110 Section wth oa (ues ro eee 4 BB fir Ditton abv had tated cralcgy and no hey Begs a di Marte Platoon ob coh infu ta Boris Machine-qun Company with thir six cm GW34 Miers Gruner, or heary mortar, are incredibly Pp sauable ro the batalion commander. FWich more cubes chan their British equivalents, German jons-can dish out and take more damage, fem rT Tae OEE FARAS 7ARAD MGIHMG ‘634 HMG Tay Ale oom CE emGwas dem 7 HQ Section with: Tey eeu Pry points Ii iy ib dg di ‘The Afrika Division 2bV had limited artillery, including the 2*' Barealion of the 155% Amillery Regiment and Anillere Abteilung 361. Each had theee artillery bateries of 10.5em leF H18 howitzers. However, the division was well-supported by che heavy guns of the independent artillery regiments of Arzil Konimando 104, HEAVY ARTILLERY BATTERY PLATOON HQ Section with Tn is role in aking on the defences of Tobruk the Afoke | Disison zbV'was also supported by Aralerie Komando 104, ofien abbreviaed to Arko 104, which was an independent illsy command. spesally equipped. with large coastal AYR Command SME team atrat aN ‘Staftean Observer fle tam TOSem iF A18 Tithe. TO Sem FB cm oF HTB “Rite. Tem oH AYA Command SMG team ateh ax Sufism Observer Fie sam Fits 1m sFH18 gun Oa a a aL 5 i ? coy Petru WA Ela} Peto INFANTRY Rone Prue aon oud Prone ey EYaamin a Aen elnts D (INFANTRY COMPANY) A Suiuspunks is a Fortified Company and fo Placement rules on page 170. ery rests Bara Pr code reg ENS ria’ ng ig oir ar. OY Prout ae eran a Peru ee ravag BA ae ‘You must felé one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each end oe See) Peed Ded Peet ey Peed Peed id (443 (4d dd eee Co pred Pee MOTIVATION AND SKILL The men manning the Stitepunks (pronounced sutz-punt) postions onthe Libyen-Egyptian STUTZPUNKT HQ \ HEADQUARTERS Canna ‘After the Germans had recaptured Halfaya Pass on 27 May 1941 following British Operation Brevity, they set about reorganising and constructing defensive positions. In the forefront of their minds was the concept ofthe Seizzpunke ot Strongpoint. A Shisspunks defensive position is prepared for All-round defence intended to hold even if outflanked. BY 4 Siitepunk: HQ is a Fortified Company HQ, see page 170 STUTZPUNKT PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section, Weapons Squad and Fortifications with: Sects ne oe OPTIONS + Add Anti-tank Rifle eam for +20 points. + Add Minefields for +50 points per minefield, + Add Barbed Wire Entanglements for +10 points per ‘entanglement. Mh ASspunts Pron is «Forifed Paoon se page 170 “he objeciveof«Shispunie defence was to prove effective fie to wear down the enemy before lnanching a countrat Yack usally with supporting armoured troops. A Soapunkr | position was organised in depth which meant the postions sere able to hold and provide fie even when the enemy had Pushed inc it.The deprb alo allowed the fret be poured © eno the enemy’ ank if they broke through the poston When the Bish tacked he Libya roti during Operation Barexe they faced four Sritepunte postions. The Sttzpunte Dostions did eheirjob and blunted the Brishasaults around Hilfya Pass and the German panzer counterattack, Company Command SMG tam a 26 Command SMG oom | TRAINED | Trench Line WN Command MG team RX et ae _ A_ A TrenchLne TrenchUne CA WAY ATA, Geom MGteam AUR ATA MGwan_MGtoan ARR ATA Gian MGtoom i ell WMG Nest. "WMG Nes BUNKER A Seitepunts 8.8cm Net is either placed as a Fortified placed with it, counting as part ofthe Stiezpunkr Platoon for the purposes of the Helle and Ba Placement rales on page 170, A Saitspunts 8 80m Nes is a FlaK Nes and has an al rnd field offre (ee the Helle and Back Fortification section on pages 169 10173). cre con rn The Fortifications of a Seitcpunks Avilery Postion must bbe attached to a Schitzen Mortar Platoon, Light Infantry B Gun Platoon, Light Motorised Avillery Battery. Heavy Motorised Arsillery Cannon Battery or Italian Howitzer Ba The Sticazpunks Arillery Position must have at least as ‘many Gun Diss asthe Platoon has Gun tans A Platoon with a Seiaspunks Arcilery Postion attached is a Fortified Platoon, see page 170. All the Platoon’: Gun the end of deployment any wnoccupied gun pits are removed from the rable Tracking aur postions ot alta ord fa ct Ee exom in lng abla Me 208 7 po tok work Sethe sith 1 Sir a or cre ans pricy nating Bee sainege 2 pleas papel ofthe fact Rommel 2 Ha inenass of this Trench tine Gun Pt Gun Pt Cunt i i an Guna Gun Pt ‘GunPt ENE AR A Stitzpunks defence was best realised with the support of anillery. This could be provided by either the Germans’ own artillery or supporting batteries from their alles, che Italians. Te was positioned in range to provide support, but notin the defensive line ise pl eh Laat Nt ett ee ot ey ena Cr On a ORE Dre MOTIVATION AND SKILL The Germans always support their Schwerpunk (focus of effirt) with every weapon — ate and ensure thatthe supporting troops are as well rained as pouible. Unless otherwise stated, Divisional Support Platoons are rated as Confident Veteran, FEARLESS TANK-HUNTER PLATOON PLATOON ed era fellas pina whe: Bee er ee a erie pe sears oy UNTEROFFZIER paced on an old tank chassis, In this case a converted Panzer I Ausf B chassis was fited Wwith 2 Crech Skoda 4.7em anti-tank gun in a limited Traverse mount, with a gun shield wo procect the crew. Panaoripor The resulting vehicle was called the 4.7em PaK(s) (Sf) auf ES Prnzerkumpfioagen J Ausf B, ot Panserjiger I CUE OSes PLATOON ema HQ Section with: (uN Peer ers 7 A Peet sd Command Breouieus ae eee CE mE Option -wannn GIG |-onann Guinge '* Add motorcycle and sidecar and Kfz. 70 trucks to the ne _ platoon for +5 points Both ofthe panzer divisionsin North Africa in 1941 included & Pancerjager, ot anti-tank battalion, being Panzeriager Abieleng 33 and 39. They consisted of three mororised feompanies, each with «wo platoons of four 3,7cm PaK36 anti-tank guns and one platoon of three of the newer and As 1941 progressed more PaK38 guns came into service much more capable Sem PaK38, by September Panzerjager Abteilung 39's establishment a8 had one platoon of three PaK38, with the remainder sumed wih the Jirklogfe or Doorkwocker Y SN eee : MOTORISED LIGHT ARTILLERY BATTERY t 3 PLATOON Cran HQ Section with: Han A ont se Sucteam Fite OPTIONS Add Kfr 15 field car, Ke 68 radio truck and Sd Kf wares 11 half-tracks for +5 points for the platoon. tnd scbest + Replace Motorcycle and Sidecar with Sd Kfe. 254 half-track for +10 points. Motorised Light Aviillery Batterie: may nor be deplyed in ee TOSem FH18 Tse oF HIB es Mullery battalion with three 4-gun light batteries. By mid = Be Desche Afar: was apport by two ailery finens Aviles Regine 33 0d 155 yin our ich] | MR || Sea Pons fora or of 48 105cm lFH18 bowiven = Heelhitn Unlike the rest of the German Army in Europe, these batteries Rel Samos, coring se bly pode nds ; ee Calpe es piynacocwing sco, rae AY oath ax Command Suffaam Observer SuBteom Filetsam HQ Section with: Peers En Prenat} ED coer) preety OPTIONS ‘Add KE 15 field car, Ke 68 radio truck and Sd Kfc7 Inalf-tracks for +5 points for the platoon, Replace Motorcycle and Sidecar with Sd Kf: 254 swhecl-and-teack for +10 points td tear Motorised Heavy Artillery Batteries may not be deployed in Ambush Bit addition to the leichve batteries exch Arillerie Regiment Blipporting the two panzer divisions in North Africa also had Bibtee ichwere or heavy batters equipped with the first-rate Sci sFH1S heavy howitzer and sl0cm K18 guns. Despite Howitzer Moca E A Peni ee beabAnlelhYPN Ce “2s 1ud0on Becasse of rivalry dan low the rue for Ales in the Flames Of Wat radebook, ‘OPTIONS + Add Kfs 15 field car and Sd Kfe 7 half-tracks for ple dla Moe Sis HaK36 pune wild we mare Etim sd iasoae tele ROP 3 fc poharter a s 98 AA eony cis-aitcraft crear the bes. cen th | Lafitvaffe have. In the desert they soon adapted 40 ground “ 7 7% ST | amit proving the Army wth hwy anu rover Cae Cs with great shill. Heauy Anti-airerae Platoons are rated as Confident Veteran. LEER Te was on the batt 8 RELUCTANT | CONSCRIPT F1aK36 fully established its legendary status as the dread ‘CONFIDENT | TRAINED ‘88’, although notin its designed role asa heavy anc-are gun, but as an anti-armour weapon. Dominating high rate of fire, la ea alone destroyed 80 British tanks “Soon crews of almost every dest ee eee ecbired ace wn orps mechanised forces needed self-propelled ani ‘weaponry thaccould keep up with and thus tidy addition 10 the more powerful bat also wie ‘-aireraft weapons avail- eA to the Germans in North Aftica and were also effective ground targets. SNS Fea res parrot AA a aon nN 1941 the Junker Ju 87B Stuka dive bomber second wind over the skies of the Balkans, Mediterancan and North Africa where few British BOUIE ae aN aaa all cee at RE oe ea) ei alrmelca ch S. a LAT 2 a ES a eel eRe i oer eID as eat a Rae © BUN Guy NLS Armour Name Mobily Front Side "Top._—_-Egalpment and Notes Weapon Range —-ROF—Antixenb Firepower TANKS Panzer | Halfrack vin MG Pye (Flamm) Halfrcks Goa MG. Pa fone crocer Sm lowe Panzer IC date) Fallyracked Coax MG, Protected ammo, 2m Kk gun 60m Hse UF ae) or Fallysracked 3 1 Coa MG) Hull MG, Proved amino, Sem KK gun 24 1600m Paver IH Fully rckad Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected amma Bias vo Fally-rcked 2 Coax MG, Hill MG, Protected am, 7.5 Kk gun 24em Sine ‘ring bomberdene wen Com MG, Hull MG, Protected amino. CAPTURED TANKS : Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Light nk 241600 Ne HE (Guiser Mi Vi Crusader Fally-cked Co-ac MG, Fst tank, Uelible, (OQF 2 pr gu 20" Kei Motil It Filly racked 2 Coax MG, Slow ik, Unreliable. Vann Fly-racked Coa MG Slow ine (OE 2 pa cu 241600 NoHE sTANK-HUNTERS Halfrack ARMOURED CARS Si Kf 22 (MG) Whesed AAMC BURG 222 acm, cx Whee Com MG on Kio gu 167m Siete ain SAKE 231 (cal, ly eep Coun MC ANTI-AIRCRAFT (SP) SUK 10/5 om) Haleaackes 2m FaK38 pon 16740 Anibeinaf VEHICLE MACHINE-GUNS Veh MG 164m wetpn fi Tin whic MG 167400 2 ROE 2 fer wap fi Range ROF.—Ant-tnk:Firspower Notes 100m ring bombardmens 40cm Bin aK 38 ou Medium ome Pc Fak 36 gn Immotile ——40°/100em BPS eFH18 how Tisai 26°%60em Fiing bombardments 72/80 ROF Anti-tank repower 16 4m 16°0cm £°/10cm 6 6 aa anor soot ING/AND) EQUIPMENT, Gon abill Sec ie bic ie Heany ant traf, Gun shield, Tarn un shih, Sa «bombardment. az Smo Notes Full ROF when moving Can fire oer fenly rams “Tank Avaul 3 Hitch: Move 2 Heavy Gu team ‘Armour Mobility rot Side Top TRUCKS Moree & Sidecar or KB 15 Bel ee E70 oe Opel Ble 3-00 rack (Ope Kf 68 radio tuck TRACTORS Sd Kf: 11 (30), oFSd KE 7 (8 bal ack ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIERS SKF: 2505 ball-tack ‘Gri ai cack SKE. 251/1 barack Hale SKE 25 halsrack Halfacked SUK 254 whee and wack Half racked RECOVERY VEHICLES SKE 9 (18) hla NESTS: Spunk #.8em Nes Tne 40°/100em [Sitpunks Sem Nest immobile 24°V60em Sttspunk 2om Net Immabike— 16°/40cm HG Nox immobile 24°¥60cm Equipment and Note fall Mc fied AA MG. ull MG, asener- fred AMG. full MG, HMG cart rssenget fred AA MG, Fence. Flaenest, naire ROF 2 when Pinned Down. A he | rg & De terete et eterna! Sea b e Met Ne deleid ee cried ahead ead heater eateries aedahd ed jolofeuy tii KAMPFGRUPPE Bite Kampforuppe, oF battle MGerman military operations. Leaders at every level form Pnision-speciic task forces from any troops available ‘up, is an important part of Before deploying our for Wap 10 af ofthe Section 0 the tart ofthe game, you may take Squads (eccluding the HQ Section) Pron: ony Comber or Weapons platoons in the company and place Hem in a special Kempferuppe Platoon. The eam becomes the Platoon Command team for this platoon Bsesng to be an Independen Bee 2iC Command team, Teams pla Platoon are na longer part of 21C Cammand team and no longer counting ed in the Kampferuppe cr original platoon fhe Kampferuppe Platoon counts as a platoon for all purposes Diiclucing deployment and Company Morale Check PMIssION TACTics Before battle, every soldier in the company is briefed on their fission and how ic Febmpromising securicy, this crust allows any soldier to take es tothe overall battle plan, Far from Piover when their superior is killed. Wf Platoon Command infanery tam is Destroyed, an Bakes over immediately Remove any orher fanery team in the 10 that is within Command Distance of the fam and replace it wich he original Platoon Command team. Platoon Command Tank tam is Destroyed, another tam ‘oer immediately. Nominate any other Tank team in the that is within Command Distance of the Destroyed tad team 1 be the new Plaron Corumand team Command Distance, then the Platoon Command team is Destrayed and he plarvon i Lf leader STORMTROOPERS German soldiers have inherited the Stormtrooper ethos from theit fathers inthe First World War. While other armies wait for orders, the Stormtroopers ace racing ahead to take theit objective Any German platoon with a Platoon Command team may attempt a Stormeronpers move in its Auauls Step. Rolla Skill Test for each platoon + Uf the testis pased, the platoon treats the Assault Step as a Movement Sip in which itcan move upto another 41cm regardless ofits normal movement dinance, + Ifthe tert i filed, the platoon cannot move any further thir Either way a platoon that attempts to make a Stormtroopers ‘move cannot Launch an Asiaule inthe same turn Although it ii not the Movement Step, teams making a Starmaroopers move may mount and dismount as if it was a Movement Step Platoons cannot make Stormeroopers mover if they moved At she Double, Bogged Down or Bailed Out Stormireopers moves, icles cannot make Only Armoured vebicls can make Stormroopers moves sobile they are Pinned Down. Other ‘pes of teams cannos make Stormroopers moves f they are Pinned Down. Gun reams shat shot earlier in the turn cannot make a Stormiroopers move. Teams of any type that have fred an ari ery bombardment cannot make a Stormtroopers move. eer ye en ame A PN ARMOURED INFANTRY MOUNTED ASSAULT Whereas most armoured infantry use theie half-tacks as are taxis to get them close to the enemy, then dism and assaule oF position sill mounted in cheirhalf-ra ort team ‘mally Charge into Contac. However. a German Transport team from a platoon that is capable of making a Mounted Assault may do wo. A Transport team making « mounted assault must not have mounted or ism passengers earlier inthe turn Pret) Palla ciled On Tank team tracks utd dhl 4 Counteratiacl, whereupon they rid Infnry reams that started the Assan Step dismounted fii alongside the alfrack-mounted teams using the nomi sasoul rales As the platoon isnot made up entirely of Armonred Tank it wil fall back if Pinned Down by Defensive Fire, even i ‘vehicle armour protects the platoon from casualties. ayy ayy Falls a cashlll Set asl iad cod lc ca sea eee ASANO ENBERESIECENDERADIT Pde ety APSE rer So yd Oy Abe) NOFA OPERATION ORT SADER p [roy Coreen in June 1940 the had just 36,000 men in Egype. The Armoured sn_was the only complete formation available for ~ tw enter combat in June 1940, "By the time the Italians invaded Egype 4° Indian Division was also ready. September the_ eae k into Liby entered combat. The other di assembling, but com Africa and the Mediterranean drained off the Commons i he untener alesis the Germans ‘The British were soon back in action trying ‘The 7 Armoured Division and 4 Indian Divis ¢ more in action during operations Brevity and (See page 54). COMMAND AND THE EIGHTH ARMY After the failure of Operation Baceaxein june 1941, Wavell was replaced as commander in the Middle eral Claude Auchinleck. Ihe Brie organised, Lieutenant Gene Ea Afi wa glen command of the now Ea Afi Tighth Army nu ede op af 18 Compal 0 all commanded the 7 Armoured Division, South 4 Division, and 22! Guards Brigade, the Eighth Army. OPERATION CRUSADER With the new Ei ae i launched Operation Crusade “The armoured brigades of 30 Conps advanced through the |) desert to the south coward Gabr Saleh hoping they could lure the Afitaorpr inco bare. 13 Corps moved up to the Axis onter positions ready for ther part in the attack, Both of ig them was Rommel’ expanded Panzer 13 Comp division pushed brigade each int the desert Beafporaing the Dexacher Afikakorps and civee ‘Italian secure their anks, while che rest of ther troops rurned na Alivsions to attack the lank of the Axis frontline postions. b ithdraw west. ‘The final aalled for the Tobruk garrison to sally forth to meet e retreating enemy and jin the rest ofthe Eighth Army. Rommel did not take the bait and told his armoy ‘commanders to remain in their postions and not to engage 198’ move in the south 4 1 Crt a ERC | Ss fat in che bale for Sidi Revegh, Campbell Following day the British were hesitant about what © ddo next, che Germans had noe reacted a expected and no plans were in place for 30 Corps ifthe Germans had not oime our to fight them. They eventually decided ta push on towards Tobruk. The 7% Armoured Brigude was sent ahead (of 30 Coeps and capeuted the airfield at Sidi Rezegh. (On the left flank the new 22% Armoured Brigade was sent towards Bir el Gubi where it clashed with the Italian Ariete ‘Armoured Division. Though the Brish Crusader tanks quickly brushed aside the alia tanks they were halted by a strong Italian gun line dug-in behind, The inexperienced British brigade sent its dhrce batalions into che fray in succession where they were halted one after the other. 20 TO 21 NOVEMBER 20 November 30 Corps’ push. towards. Tobruk ly provoked Rommel to react. A kampferuppe of enivsion formally 5. Leichie Division) was sen 10 ffthe thrust. They clashed with the 4* Armoured Saleh, which was not intention of the plan, they had expected 10 have all chee armoured brigades fal Rommels panzer forces. The 4” Armoured Brigade gae severcly mauled in the exchange. However, the 70 Division had managed to crv a cori through the Aus line 22 TO 27 NOVEMBER A switling tank battle developed berween Gabr Seleh Sidi Reaegh on 22 and 23 Nov heavy loses on both sides, but the Germans came out top. On 24 November Rommel, having thought he hail finished off the British armour, snc his armoured free 4 mad dish forthe border to relieve his Frontier frees attack from the British 13 Corps. Cunningham was stunn by Rommels move and considered withdrawing the wi of the Eighth Army. Confused fighting continued on dil frontier as Rommels panzer troops arved and conduct series of uncoordinated acacs. The German attacks 9 ‘not be sustained due to a lack of uel positions along the coast on 22 November, evenly able to ake presure off the situation, By 26 Novemb 13 Corps! New Zealand Division had cleared cor between Tobrukand 30 Corps. The New Zeaandersadvang along the escarpment neat Sidi Rezegh and mee up with Tobruk garrison. In che meantime 30 Comps concentrated tank forces in the absence of the German tank Auchinleck replaced Cunningham with Major-General el Ficki dic w Gonngeninena! ecm [Aihinleck and Richie's dieton the Brida onal tn iking Sidi Rosh andthe eff Tob, Roma a forced 10 move his panzer foros back from te oi attack 30 Corps epun, “The baitle for Sidi Revegh continued between 28 December bog vere reirng to Gazal. Axis ils pave ground only at their own pace, determined not to give British an casy time. Tobruk was ofially eieved on AO December afer an eight-month siege as the four Italian it withdrew towards Gazala. The Eighth ding Geemans and Taalans. As the bulk of Rommel’ forces Withdrew, many of the frontier posts remained and these Capitana Sergio Pallet (ie page shumously avarded the Med wlor militare (Gold Medal for ut) for his acti Miliary during “The British attacked Rommel’s new positions at Gazala on 15 December. A frontal assault on the positions by New Zealanders, Poles, Indians, and Jock Campbells 7* Armoured: jon Support Group vas followed up by a flanking move by the 4® Armoured Brigade, south through the desert. flanking move was enough to prompt Rommel co withdr Despite Iulian protests Rommel withdrew again, this ime all ia (western Libya). ‘he Fighth Army chased Rommels Poncerruppe Aiea south. The Desert Fox avoided every British attempt to bring _ his disorganised forces vo bate, Rommel was determined t0 ‘withdraw a5 much of his force intact as possible. ORIS AWE DAES EMBER ecseoates ae oy (OTITIS eat {o Tipolitania. Rommel finally gave his two panzer divisions petmission to counterattack on 28 December. They drove back the British 22%! Armoured Brigade at Mersa Brega and then again with another counterattack on 30 December Finally, afier his panzers had bought some time for the infantry, he widhdrew again w EI Aghelia on the bord of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica. The British had won a great Victory against Rommels forces. How taken its roll on the Brvsh armoured 600 Cruiser tanks lost during the fighting to enemy breakdowns. The Axis had lost in comparison 220 tanks and 120 lian can sects . oe BEGINNING 1942 Unlike Operation Compass, the British victory during: ‘Operation Crusader had nor destroyed the Axis army. The’ battle had left the Fighth Army in a worn down state. Their supply lines were of the divisions were in severe need of ret 6 nearer is supplies he lll in fighting immediately after the Cyrenaica the Germansand Italians began to January new equipment and supplies arivedin’Tepoli, Rommel immediately considered going back on the offensive. Ie was just « couple of weeks later, on 21 Jatuary 1942, chat he was once more driving his panzers back inco Cyrenaca, taking British field commander, Richie totally by surprise. Richie had expected the Germang to take months before they would atack again - vic gir ide tee ic oe back. British forces withdrew ahead of Rommel’ thrust until they made a stand on the Gazala line in February 1942, 9 SS 5 Wim cata ee Soa Rent et ane a er aT Fa PT a a a 1938, as a result of the escalating hostilities in Europe, Britain formed Mobile Division (Egypt) to help protec jerests in Egypt, namely the Suez Canal. Major General Percy Hobart (later to, command the 79% Armoured Division) ion of battalions into shape, organising them into two tank brigades and the support y and artillery. On 16 February 1940 the division became the 7 Armouired Division under Major General (Michael Creagh. Creagh also introduced the famous Jerboa symbol which led co their nick-name, The Desert Rats, Armoured Brigades, Later as Bore troops were moved to Egyp they were joined by the regiments ofthe 22» Armoured Be hgh oni Beh resi id boca operating in Eaype since 1938, Beis Tile caccics were sill undergoing a transformaion from the srange theories of te 1930's BO Gate ceil iba petence: Daring tl pete of chat they are rated Caaf Tein ky "ARMOURED CARS - a Bete cet Feats oe F Aroowred Dien reg oo arr BEF croopers of the 11° Huss, These veterans were one ofthe original regiments of the Bpegressvely patrolled and raided along the Libyan border before leading the Western Desert Force ta victory over the Italian feTench Army ac Beda Fomm. The cavalrymen of che armoured car regiments are rated Confident Vetera The Rif f the British Army h k d dh Figh th I tect Divo apport group wee the I= Ballon of th King Royal Rifle Corp Bie he 2 Baralon of te Rie Bide. Thx eclniy tnd ronal sles Beatie nbd ar Yok Cola lg tic aro heey A olin nia eT irs a ea BeForce or Eighth Army. Whether manning artillery, anti-tank or anti-aircraft guns these elite Pat We iroops fought with great tenacity and daring, often fighting the enemy off from the very oh ab a ee INFANTRY TANK SQUADRONS From the very start of the desert campaign the Infantry or ‘’ eanks were in the thick of the fighting. The 4° and 7® Bactalions of the Royal Tank Regiment (4 RTR and 7* TR) were the fist co arrive and were quickly cucting a swath through she Italians during Operation Compass. They proved unstoppable until the arrival of the German ‘88 These newly équipped infantry tank units are rated Confident Trained. RELUCTANT | CONSCRIPT RIFLE COMPANIES AND ROYAL ARTILLERY ‘The professional soldier of che British Army fights in the desert with great skill. Initially they are few in number, fighting with the 4 Indian Division, Later the 70* Division defended Tobruk and broke out during Operation Crusader. Fighting alongside them are the men of the Royal Artillery, highly skilled gunners always on hand wo give devastating fire support. These professional troops are rated Confident Veteran. An Fighth Army Rifle Compeny may have an Eighth Army or Indian Rifle Platoon as its Infontry support choice. Scots regiments no longer wear their kilts on active service, however they sul have their bagpipes. Although the sé bagpipes on the field of battle was banned between the wars, numerous pipets ignored orders and piped the atcack hol bfien wearing ther kilt An Eighth Army Scots Rifle Company may have an Eighth Army or Indian Rifle Platoon as its Infantry support choice Sens forces use al of the British special rules on pages 156 to 157. bn addivion they have their own Bagpipes special rule. BAGPIPES Bagpipers have piped Scots regiments into bande for ‘eenturics, The tales of pipers walking through a hail of fire pipes wailing, abound. Even the death of the officer they are + Ona roll of 4, the piper music inspires the surviving team members ta heep going and the tam isresurned 19 play immediatly + Otherwise te piper and his ofcer meet a heroié end. per 2iC Command Y d team is Destroyed by ‘Scots Rifle Companies bave a Ba seam. If a Bagp enemy shooting, roll a die er 2iC Comm Any bits om the Bagpiper 2iC Command team do not ‘count towards Pinning Down the platoon “he five Regiments of Foot Guards are the most presi imall respects. Their most outstanding quality on the field of bate is thelr steadiness. UNFLAPPABLE ‘The Guards are the senior regiments in the British: Army, “They are well known as being ‘unflappable’, retaining theit discipline when things go wrong, Under circumstances where fother units might get themselves in a ‘Rap’ and become unsettled. Guards Plazoonsfgh othe lst and may reroll any fale Platoon Morale Checks. Your Company Command team ‘may reroll Company Mone Checks Coan Conn British Army: Ie has ics own officers, ks, and traditions dating back 10 the ff ‘John, Company’, the Honourable fst India Company, a British company tha grew to dominate the Indian subcontinent. Within one incred years of is creation in the early 1600's, the John ral wars against French (oops. 1857, the John Company controlled much of India, er directly or through puppet ulrs. However, in this year Bssacsfaction with Brivsh rule boiled over into open war Byith the Indian Mariny. Inthe wake of the Mutiny, Queen BYicori dissolved the Honourable Fast India Company and Basumed direct rule over India. The Companys armed forces came the Indian Army. Although prior ro the Mutiny iting had been widespread across Indias many culur Indian Army provided troops for many of the Empire's lonial wars, acquitting itself well in the process. The best tes from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst led for positions in the Indian Army where pay was higher el batcle more likely. BYIS battalions serving overseas, fighting in every theatre of thar war from France to Gallipoli, Palestine, and Persia. Min the Second World Wa er sty oo million soldiers in arms. 4 and F5> Indian Divisions defeated the Italians in the Western Desert Somalig in 1940, chen foghtin Syria, Iran ai he Indian contribution was even. vce a a Eni ike Indian forces use all ofthe British special rules ‘am pages 156 to 157 except the British Bulldog special rule, in addition they have their own War Cry and North-west Frontier special rues Coa ion "An Indian Rifle Company may bave an Indian or Eighth Army Rifle Platoon, ar an Australian Commonwealth Rifle Platoon as its infantry support choice WAR CRY Indians always charge shouting war cries to gain the blessings ‘of the gods and intimidate their enemies. Weak-hearted foes hearing this fearsome cry will ce without a fight. Indian platoons do not ute the British Bulldog special rule Instead, enerny plaoons must reroll ther frst succesful Motivation Tett to Counteraeack an Indian plato Lawnched an Ava against them. NORTH-WEST FRONTIER The Indian Army fought continuous wars against rebellious Patan ctbes on the famous (and mountainous) North-west Frontier. At the same time they fought the Nga cibes of the equally mountainous (but less wellknown) North-east Frontier. As a result they were specialists at mountain warfate All Indian Infancry and Man-packed Gun teams are Macaiaineer Mow Terrain (they can move At the Double across them) and mowonans as Diffiule Going srs treat steep hilliides as normal Cros-country Mountaineers can cross impassable clifi and_ similar st start the Movement St ‘adjacent ta the obstacle and not be Pinned Dawn (sce she Flames OF War rulebook). Roll a Skill Test for each seam ‘nwead of moving in the Movement Step. obrtactes. To do s0 the + If they succeed, the team croses the obstacle, halting at toll they fail, the team remains where isis PAA te thas astm ie eveross an impassable obstacle cannot shor shen, aldrough ivan as Australia responded to Britain's declaration of war on jcrmany by promising five new divisions for Imperial service: As th fist Australian Imperial Force (AIF) for the First World War aso had five divisions, the five new divisions in che second ‘were numbered 6" to 9" and 1” Armoured Australian forces use all of the British special rules on pages 156 to 157 except the British Bulldog special rule. In addition t ‘have heir own Disorderly Conduct special rule DISORDERLY CONDUCT ‘Australian soldiers have a strong distespect for authority They'll do what they are wold if it makes sense co them, but if not, they'll do their own thing instead. In one incident a Private greeted a Colonel with “Hows it going Bill?” much co the surprise of British officers presen. Tr turned out that the Private had been the Colonel’ boss een The first into bactle was the 6% Australian Division, who destroyed the Italian Army in Libya in 1940, then fought in Gresce. The P*Auscralian Division chen fought briefly oe Te was the 9 Australian Division thac ‘would carn ever-asting fame, Not only halting Rommel fist offensive in 1941 and holding ‘Tobruk for six months againse the Afrikatorps, but then halting his second major offensive and saving che day at El Alamein in 1942. By 1942, the Australians had inthe W ‘CONFIDENT established an enviable record a Desert, so when they were called to the froat fo stop the German Aftikakorps at EL Alamein, they were Sgr) ° waiting in the Nile Delta, che Australian General, Merciles’ Morshead, was as willing as his men to fight hi and keep fighting until they won, regardless of cost. Australian Platoons do mot use the British Bulldog special le Instead, if Platoon Command Infantry team is Destroyed, another team takes over immediasely. Remove any 0 Infantry team in the platoon that is within Command Diitance of the Command team and replace it with the original Platoon Command team, If'a Platoon Command Tank team ie Destroyed, another ream taker over immediately. Nominate any other Tank team in the platoon that is within Command Disance of the Destroyed Command tear. 10 be she new Riguggn Command tea Ufebere is no team of an appropriate rype wishin Command Distance, then the Platoon: Coniand tcam te Destroyed. ‘atid the platoon is left eaderls, fiom the Japanese Sm Natio Morel] tuecvuco el voll yueger aro) confident of theie ability to do. s0, cries in thac batde only increased: morale even further. As the only completely experienced divis in the field, and with plenty of replacers MWhen New Zealand went to war alongside PBrisain, ic raised its Second New Zealand peditionary Force (2 NZEF). ‘he first F had served with distinction.» in poli and with the ANZAC Corps in nce in the First World Wat. ‘The new division became he New Zealand Division (renamed the 2°! New Zealind Mision in June 1942) B18 to 28 following on from chose of the verricoral battalions PP dlefending New Zealand. nd the battalions were numbered Bthe New Zealand Division fist taste of bartle was the il-fared intervention in Greece and Crece in April 1941, After Birebuilding, the division went inco battle again in December, Bart of the disorganised chaos of Operation Cruiader, the ish slit of Tobruk. The New Zealand Division occupied: vital Sidi Rezegh airfield. Then, surrounded, they broke Petirough to the Tobruk garrison. The cost was enormous, but fommel was forced to reteat for the frst time. 1e New Zealanders fought through the desere campaigns in 942, and then into Tunisia in 1943 and helped see to the defeat. The division went on to Taly at the BEd of 1943, and fouphe there uni was vewrious : BI New Zeilnd Gommimecath Rife Company may have « BBB Zeclond or New Zerland Maori Commonseath Rife Prono Ifory mppore ce ‘New Zealand forces use all of the British special rules ou pages 156 to 157. In addition they have their own 4 by 2 and No. 8 Wire special rule. 4 BY 2 AND NO. 8 WIRE New 2 to leam to make do or do without while they were growing up-As they say in New Zealand, they could make anything with a bit of 4 by 2 timber and some No. 8 fencing wie! This independence'carred over to their military operations Everyone was rold the plan before each attack, and if an officer was killed, chered always be someone to work out what to do next aland is a small cemote country and its soldiers had Ifa Platoon Command Infantry team is Destroyed, another team takes ever immediately. Remove any ather Infantry team in the platoon that is within Command Distance of she Command team and replace it with the original Platoon Command team If Platoon Command Tank tam is Destroyed, another Tank team in the platoon that is within Command Distance team takes over immediately. Nominate any othe of the Destroyed Camimand team to be the new Platoon | Command ram If here is no team of an appropriate type within Command. Distance, then the Platoon Command team is Destroyed and the platoon is efi leaderes. Popilesod) at Nev Zoland Sect be ya aa ace was formed with regional compan. [New Zealand special rules In addition ‘A Company was from the Far North and Aeotibetr oo AG ees gained the nickname Nge Kiri Kapia (nah kee-ree kah-pee- HAKA ah), ‘the Gumdigger’. B Company came from theeentral The Maori offen performed « hala or War dance wii North Island (famous for che Roworua Lakes, a tourist earshot of the enemy before launching an attack, Thig destination) and was known as Nge Rukukapa (nah rruh- combined with their feerome reputation, would ai kuh-kah-pah), ‘the Penny Divers’, C Company from the East their foes quaking in their boots. Maori soldiers frequent Coast became Nga Kaupoi (nah kow-poy), ‘the Cowboys. D swapped their issue rifles for German submachine-guns (0 Company came from a mixture of South Island tribes and By their way of thinking their rifles dida't malke ena was cilled ‘Ngati Walkabout. noise, and the more noise the better when charging! Hike Maori Battalion was an_extra battalion in the New Enemy plaroons must reroll der frst succesful Motivation Zealand Division, not pare of any brigade, and cendet! to | Tess so Counteratack a Maori platoon that Launched a Be assigned where it was most needed, The battalion it most | Assn against shor Famous for its many dating assaults and its rather casual attitude co weapons and equipment acquired from the enemy. At one point members of the Maori Bacalion were seen racing around the rar areas witha German saff car and an 88" and its tractor! Pore ‘ANew Zealand ase Career a for New Platoon as A Maori platoon muse make a Breakthrough Ascaul if it ir able to. = South Alia found itself in a dificul Afcer a succesful. cainpaien against the Position atthe start of the war. The Union Julians in East Aiea in 1940 and 1941 they ‘of South Africa was founded after the end th Afiican divisions were sene to Libya OF the Boer War (1899 to 1902}. The new toffee Rommel, Het they met with dsastat country combined the Bish Cape Colonies alee disaster, / ‘with the recently conquered Boer (Afiikaans) Transvaal and Orange Fee State. Sinee Germany had helped the Boers against the Brcsh, many Afikaans fle more loyalty eo them than Britain. As a result, South Afiiea fielded a relatively Small volunecer army in the Second World War, keeping the dissenting soldirs in South fica for home defence Most of the problem can be blamed on poor Bal generalship. In November 1941, the 1* South Af Division fought in Operation Crusader, The British plan hail brigades being scattered al over the desertand a South Africa Ea Brigade was ovcirin by the German 15. Panzendvition angie the Italian Aviete Division, ‘ South African forces use all of the British special rules on pages 156 to 157. They do not have any additional special rules eu Poe he joined the Royal Hore Arley Mn 1940 he was in gype with the 7 Armoured Division, SPemmanding the atlery. Campbell was put in 1¢ Anillery unies of the division ahead of the tanks, He joined the armoured cars of Rand «: Bpthe 11 Hussars near Beda Fomm and ousflanked the retreat ig Iaians. Campbells men held the roadblock, pouring fire Bano the Taian, which cventually led to the destruction of BB etn, 10" Army Fo his partin the bate Campbell was Bc the Distinguished Service Onder (DSO), BF) Scpicmber 1941 Campbell took command of the di Bes rcpport group (all the nonrtank unit) as acting Bp peaticc On 21 November, during Operation Crusader the BP Armoured Division was attacked by two panver div Bslons while defending the airfield ac Sidi Rezeph. Campbells Bpainners and riflemen held their ground unde Backs. Wherever th fete encouaging troopsand directing the defence. He would repeated ighting was hardest Campbell was his guns, even lending a hand manning them, directing ire againse panzer ateacks. On one aceasion he was heard to B) “Here they come, let them have i” as another volley of BS pr shells yas sent cowards the attacking Germans tanks, The following Bupport, set off in his car co ren ithe 4 Armoured Brigade making theit way towards the f He led the 3° Royal Tank Regiment’s ‘Honey’ Stuare tanks Biinto the fray in his Ford car. During the day's fighting he was Bounded, but he refused ro he evacuated. However, Campbell Pies forced co finally withdraw his men on 23 November afer the at Sidi Rezegh Campbell was awarded the Victoria Cross unpbell, impatient with the lck of tank sy the situation. He found Fermans had destroyed nearby brigades. For his actions lin February 1942 Campbell was promoted to command the CHARACTERISTICS Brigadier Jock Campbell sa Warriorand a Higher Command. Transport eam rated as Fearless Veteran. He is mounsed in cut-down Ford Station Wagon car You may field Jock Campbell in any Jock Column or other British force containing a Royal Horse Anillery Battery for +60 points ——— ee SPECIAL RULES Where Are Those Reserves? round up reserves himeclf Jock Campbell would ofter «them quickly into bale Once per game Jock Campbell may be removed from the table at the beginning of a turn after Reseroer dice are rolled. Inthe fallowing tern no Reserves dice are rolled, instead Jock Campbell turns tothe table wish one Reserve platoon, which is placed om the table at if it bad arrived from Reserves There's the Enemy, Therels Jock Campbell wasachome inbhis field car racing forward to discover the enemys positions Jock Campbell uses the Byes and Ears rules (ee the rulebook) a Incredibly Brave: Jock Campbell led his men from the front, with no concern for his own life, racing forward with the tanks, in his car, while bullets were whizzing about him, Jock Campbell and any platoon he joins paues Movioation Tas Gunner of the RHA: Jock Campbell is a man of the Royal Horse Artillery and lends a hand with the guns when needed: Wf Jock Campbell joins any Rayal Horse Artillery Batery shar did riot move in the Movement Step the battery may r-rall filed’ ‘rolls To Hit when shooting their OQE 18/25 pdr or OQF 25 pd guns at teams up 10 16°!40cm away. This ral does not apply to Anilery Bombardment Johit Plurst Edmondson) atk to his thates, was born in Wagga Wagga, Australia in 1914. Asa young man he worked 45a farm worker and was an active member of the 4 Militia Battalion in Liverpool, New South Wales. In May 1940 he joined the 2/17 Battalion and was soon promoted to Corporal. After training, his battalion left for the Middle East on 19 October 1940 as reinforcements for the 9! Australian Division. After another petiod of taining in the desere Edmondson's division replaced the 6 Australian Division at Mersa Brega in Libys on 9 March 1941. On 31 March the Germans attacked the Australian and British positions and. pushed them back. ‘The 9* positions around the port of Tobruk. Litele did Edmondson know this would be the start of an epic struggle for this important supply point. On 11 April the siege began. Austeaian Division established new Fidmondson was in the thick of the action right from the ‘onset. On the night of 13/14 April Edmondson’s battalion Was under attack. The Germans had broken chrough the Wire and established a position amongst the Australians Eidmondson’s section counterattacked. Accompanied by the ne Austin Mackell, Edmondson and. five of his mea charged. the enemy positions. A ferocious platoon officer, Licuten melee ensued Tidmondson was hic in the neck and stomach during the assaul, bur despite his wounds he foughton, disparching one German with his bayonet. Nearby his officer was struggling with a German. The officer had his bayonet in the enemy, but was grasped around the legs, restricting his movement, A second German was about to attack the office from behind, ‘The officer yelled out for help and Edmondson was quickly fn the scene. In spite of his wounds Edmondson bayaneted both Germans and saved his office’ life Thecounveratack secesflly pushed the Germans out ofthe Australian posicions. However, once Fdmondson returned aie Australlan renghes hip condition deteriorate reinforcements to this sector, weakening their main dh which ultimately filed chat night. Ie was noted afierwards chat throughout the battle he displayed through his leadership and_ bravery. batalion for a Victoria Cross and posthumously aan) ik. His Victoria Cross was presented to his mothee by (98 Australian Governor-General on 27 September 1941. actions outstanding resolutaiil He was recommended by CHARACTERISTICS Corporal John Edmondson is a Warrior and a RiflelM team rated as Fearless Veteran, SPECIAL RULES jcwous Bravery: With no fear for his own safety and ao thought of his ovn injuries, Corporal Edmonds quickly dispatched the Germans attacking his Officer Edmandon bits ona rll of 2+ in Assaule combat, Resolution and Leadershi leadership and resolution during the establishment of Tobruk defence was noted in his Victoria Cross citation, Ectmondioni platoon may reroll failed Movivation Tes proce) You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each Pn! Pree rrr) cael pote Cie oe Petal ore Promo reefer) om ees cee reer revi A9 CRUISER MK A10 CRUISER MK 11K Armament oo a et SEnvevatoes ereteria ee cn an camo MOTIVATION AND SKILL The Armoured Regiments ofthe Brit ofthe of the inf Trained. ny 10 take on the enemy alone irmy carried with them the tradition and honours i horsed cavalry How they foughe often reflected their past, with them racing abead An Armoured Regiment is nated Se erly Cyne Peet ete Replace any or all A9 Cruiser Ml [tanks with A10 Cruiser Mk A tanks for +15 points per tank, or A13 Cruiser Mle IVA tanks for +20 points per tank. Remember, all AD, AIO, and AI3 Cruiser tanks use the A Tally Hol and Broadside special rules on page 156. CHARGE! British armoured regiments displayed a distincr ‘cavalry uttiude, even on occasion launching charges in trad ional cavalry style. Due to their light armour and inabil ity to successfully engage anti-tank regiments fighting in the Desert lost large numbers of tanks in their attacks. In the true ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ tradition, chey were still ken to fight on EEE ove: 5°/20em Crore PR Svs 95 Moves 24°16 A the Double ou; Mone 16/4 A the Double 30cm rosecounty, Moves 328m i Double eeortenia Company Command Viewories against the Iealians in late 1940 and early 194M using old A9 and A10 Cruiser tanks considered too outdated for use in France against the Germans. Despite chis handicafs they out-marched and outfough« the Italians at every step Ofien this was because, unlike theie Ialian opponents; tf Bricish tanks were all fcced with radios, which created muita better cohesion whilst manoeuvring, The ALO Cruiser Mk IIA and A13 Cruiser Mk TVA remained the best tanks available to the Desert Rats until the arrival of the AIS Cruiser Mk VI Crasader tank in North Aftiguil in the middle of 1941. For the petiod chey had greac speed a and were considered well armouted and well armed, having an OQF 2 pounder gun chat was still capable of penetra any German tank. ‘OQF 2 pr gun, Co-ax MG, and ‘Optional Decktare MG IF a Bopge Dowa Uneible vehicle roll 1om any Skil ta Fe tlh the weil Leeks dow Ips Unable aide ree BR Hesy &+ Light C TP NAR ena weaken COMPANY HQ Platoon of: PENT) Ey NC Kenroy r WNC oteenaet) Conte aT Noy Renee with Combat Platoons with A10 Cruiser Mk IIA tanks: 4 Armoured Platoons sree 3 Armoured Platoons ey ‘OPTION © Replace any or all ALO Cruiser Mic IIA tanks with A13 Cruiser Mk IVA tanks for +5 points per tank. ec fon ) points ee ae kod COMPANY HQ Platoon of pe Creren are) Crete a Tey 1 A9 Cruiser Mk I and pr cronies Ker coon aro with Combat Platoons with A9 Cruiser Mk I tanks: 4 Armoured Plaroons ene eee es ‘OPTION + Replace any or all A9 Cruiser Mk I tanks with A10 Cruiser Mk ILA tanks for +15 points per tank Heavy Cruiser Armoured Companies and Light Cruiser Armoured Companies are all organised as shown in the Armoured Company diagram. The HQand Armoured Platoons of Heavy Cruiser Armou Companies, Light Cruiser Armoured Companies, Light Armoured Companies and Captured Armoured Companie laioons, each with their own Platoon The HQ Platoon is a name ony. It operates the same as any ot operate as sepa Command tear. platoon led by is normal Platoon Command team. Bays Anti-tank Rifle ull AD, A9CS,A10, AIOCS, and AL tanks use the Tilly Hol and Broadtide special rules on page 156. Remembe riser British Cruiser tanks were designed, as cheir naval title implied. to be able to manocuvre around the battlefield, ‘operating completely independent of the infantry, who had their own tanks to support them. With their speed, Cruiser Squadrons could quickly react to opportunities present in battle and punch through gaps in the enemy's lines. In many ways their tactical doctrine represented the glory days of che British heavy cavalry, and hence theit design emphasised spead over armour. These decisions meant that British tankers bravely went imta brace knowing that they were fighting better armoured ope ponents, Initially A9 Cruiser tanks buile before the war made up the bulk ofthe armoured regiments, but newer ALO and) 13. Cruisessanks eventually ceplaced them, Moire Reo hd COMPANY HQ Platoon of: Cres rT) rot ena) 110 points Command, ight RVI Lght MRVIB ght with Combat Platoons with Light Mk VI B tanks: eV Sain ee en +330 points Eee ere 2 ic scinn conic cayiarame ee Be ke eal dcy acd saline Best a However, the British Army’ lack of armoured fighting J | Commons uareon vie Command Light Mk VIB SIs in Nord Ate meant share Mk VLE th Tanks wer ofen ese int services batle ants eng ||

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