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Topic 4: Percents: Quick Test B1-B3

Entrance Quick Test ticket:

Using our understanding and knowledge that…

For each of the four problems, scholars must apply strong reasoning and
logic of background and newly acquired knowledge to solve the problem

On the following pages, processing logic, applied reasoning and

problem-solving were used in solving problems 1-4.
Problem 1
Using two different strategies:
Strategy 1 (S1):

Strategy 2 (S2):
Problem 2
Using one strategy and logic to verify beyond the TofR (test of reasonableness/the check):
Problem 3
Using two different strategies:
Key notes:

Strategy 1 (S1):

Strategy 2 (S2):
Problem 4
Using two different strategies:
Key notes:

Strategy 1 (S1):

Strategy 2 (S2):

While the actual strategy is not given here, it is important to note that the expectation
remains constant. See Problem 3 S2 for example of how to create a simple Ratio Box, two rows
and two columns (these boxes can, and often do have, more than two rows and two columns).

Scholars would be expected to be able to set up a Ratio Box (a ratio box is a relationship box
relates the numerators & denominators as well as the columns into logical relationships.
Scholars then complete the work through the TorR (the test of reasonableness/check work).

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