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Ratheesh R.

 It is the failure of the right side of the heart
caused by prolonged high blood pressure in the
pulmonary artery and right ventricle of the

 Pulmonary hypertension is usually a pre-

existing condition in the individual with cor

 It is also known as right side heart failure.

 develops in response to acute or chronic
changes in the pulmonary vasculature

 Changes that are sufficient to cause

pulmonary hypertension

 Once patients with chronic pulmonary or

pulmonary vascular disease develop cor-
pulmonale, their prognosis worsens
 Several pathophysiologic mechanisms can lead to pulmonary
hypertension and subsequently to cor- pulmonale.
 These pathogenic conditions include,
1. Pulmonary vasoconstriction due to alveolar hypoxia.
2. Anatomic compromise of the pulmonary vascular bed
secondary to lung disorder such as emphysema and
pulmonary thromboembolism.
3. Increased blood viscosity in case of sickle cell anemia.
4. Pulmonary hypertension

Hypoxia Anatomic changes


Pulmonary Vessel
Viscosity Pulmonary thrombo-

Chronic Cor Pulmonale

Rt. Ventricular Failure

 Dyspnea, the most common symptom:
 usually the result of the increased work of
breathing secondary to changes in elastic
recoil of the lung (fibrosing lung diseases) or
altered respiratory mechanics

 Orthopnea and nocturnal dyspnea are

rare symptoms of right HF
 reflect the increased work of breathing in
the supine position that results from
compromised excursion of the diaphragm
 Tussive or effort-related syncope

 because of the inability of the RV to deliver blood

adequately to the left side of the heart

 Abdominal pain and ascites

 Lower extremity edema

 Shortness of breath

 wheezing
 tachypnea

 elevated jugular venous pressures

 hepatomegaly

 lower-extremity edema

 Cyanosis is a late finding

 Chronic wet cough

 Chest discomfort

 Bluish discoloration of skin

 Distention of neck veins

 Enlargement of liver
 History collection

 Physical examination

 ECG ( prominent R wave and inverted T wave)

 Chest X Ray

– enlargement of the main pulmonary artery and the

descending right pulmonary artery andRt ventricular

 Echocardiogram: rt ventricular dialation and
tricuspid regurgitation

 Cardiac catheterization
 Doppler echocardiography
 assess pulmonary artery pressures

 MRI scan
 assessing RV structure and function, particularly
in patients who are difficult to image with
echocardiography because of severe lung disease
– Adequate oxygenation (oxygen saturation 90–92%) will
also decrease pulmonary vascular resistance and reduce
the demands on the RV.
 Instruct the patient to take all medicines on
prescribed time.
 Encourage to use low sodium diet
 Instruct to drink more water
 Instruct the patient to maintain proper body weight
 Teach the patient to balance activity and rest
 Instruct the patient to avoid vigorous activities and
 Encourage to perform stress reduction
 Teach about breathing and coughing exercise
 Suggest the family members to learn about
 Check the oxygen saturation level inbetween
 Provide nebulization and chest physiotherapy.
 Maintain proper blood pressure
 Obtain the lipid profile frequently
 Provide psychological support to the patient
and relatives.
 Decreased cardiac output related to
restricted cardiac muscle contractility as
evidenced by echocardiographic finding

 Impaired gas exchange related to expiratory

airflow obstruction as evidenced by
decreased oxygen saturation levels
 Impaired tissue perfusion related to decreased
cardiac contractility and expiratory airflow
obstruction as evidenced by increased capillary
refilling time >3 seconds
 Activity intolerance related to decreased cardiac
activity and laboured respirations as evidenced
by difficulty in performing activities of daily
 Fatigue related to decreased cardiac
activity and laboured respirations as
evidenced by difficulty in performing
activities of daily living

 Anxiety related to breathlessness as

evidenced by patient`s verbalization and
facial expressions
 Imbalanced nutrition :less than body
requirement related to breathlessness as
evidenced by weight loss

 Disturbed sleep pattern related to

shortness of breath as evidenced by
presence of dark circles around the eyes.

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