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I. Answer the following questions.

1. What were the reasons prompted Rizal to migrate to France and Germany?
 Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology. He chose this branch
because he wanted to cure his mother's eye ailment and improve his skills in this field.

2. Why Rizal forced to live a frugal life while in Berlin?

 To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology
 To further his studies of science and languages
 To observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation
 To associate with famous German scientists and scholars
 To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere

3. What did Rizal appreciate about the German Women?

 Rizal appreciated the German woman as they are serious, studious and diligent, and they do not
pay much attention to their clothes nor to jewels.

Points to Ponder (Reflection)

Rizal gave an advice to her sister, Trinidad, you as a brother or as a sister what advice would give to
your sister or brother regarding the current situation that we are experiencing.
 As a brother, I would advice my sister to keep her faith in our Lord and don’t lose hope amidst
the current situation. Be strong and courageous to face every problem that may come and just
continue to conquering your dreams.

1. What are the significant learning that you experience during the pandemic period those had experience
too? Why?
 During this pandemic, I learned to be adaptive in the situations where everything is stressful in
the new normal but as life goes on in the pandemic I must adapt a new way of living. I
experienced breakdowns during pandemic that ‘cause me a lot of stress but that experienced
taught on how I can change myself and be adaptive in such situations.

2. If Rizal is still alive today what could be the message of Rizal to the Filipina Women of Today?
 If Rizal is still alive today, I believe that he would advice the Filipina women today to become a
strong independent woman who can carry herself. Speak and let your voice be heard in that
way you can have an equal stand as man. Learn to be modest in nature.

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