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My Class Syllabus


Classroom rules:
-​Sit quietly criss-cross applesauce on the carpet.
-Bubble in your mouth (no talking)
-Raise your hand if you have any questions
-If you get in trouble you must move your clip down
-Only eat snacks at snack time
-NO talking when someone is talking
-Stand in a single file line in the hallways.

-Wait on carpet everyday until I give instructions
-When im giving instructions you must be in your seat all eyes on me
-When it time for snack time we will go by color group
-ONLY 4-5 people at a group
-We will work on our math book 20 minutes EVERYDAY
-On our way to lunch we will line up in a single file line with our hands
behind our back and bubble in your mouth.
-At 12:50 you will go to your reading class.

-You get threw warnings before you move your clip
-If your clip is ​green​ all day you get something out of the treasure
-If you move your clip to ​yellow​ that's a warning
-If you move your clip to ​orange​ thats a note se nt home to mom
-If you move your clip to ​RED​ thats a phone call home
-EVERYTHING you do results in your clip.

-EVERYTHING is participation!
-If you do the work that's a 100 automatically
-On Tests and Quizes we grade by accuracy or if youre on the right
- If the work is done but a few problems arent, the
amount you didn´t do is the amount of points taken off.

-Water Bottles
-Composition books


Visual interests:
-They should be able to know how to add all numbers to each other.
-Learning to count fractions off as whole numbers.
-Being able to tell you when it's a multiplication, Addition, or
subtraction situation.

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