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Problem 3.1.

calculation of the gas deviation factor for a dry- gas given molecular composition

the gas deviation tactor, also known as the super-compressibillity factor is a measure of the
deviation from ideal behavior of a real gas. The deviation factor “z” of most gases varies between.
7 and 1.5; a value of 1 representing ideal behavior.

1. Calculate the gas deviation factor of a dry gas given the following data:
Reservoir temperature 188°F
Intial reservoir pressure 3180 psia

#1 #2 #3 #4 atm #5 #6 #7 #8
componen Mole Mole Critical Critical 2X3 2X4 2x5
t fraction weight pressur temperature psia °R
e psia °R
methane 0.91 16.04 667.8 45.41 343.1 14.60 607.70 312.22
ethane 0.04 30.07 707.8 48.13 549.8 1.20 28.31 21.99
Propane 0.02 44.09 616.3 41.31 665.7 0.88 12.33 13.31
N-Butane 0.01 58.12 550.7 37.44 765.3 0.58 5.31 7.65
I-Pentane 0.005 72.15 490.4 33.38 828.8 0.36 2.45 4.14
CO2 0.015 44.01 1071.0 72.83 547.6 1.02 16.07 8.21
1.00 18.64 672.37 367.52
18.64 18.64
S .G .= = =0.64
M .W (air) 28.97

Column 2 is the mole fraction of each component, column 3, 4, and 5, the molecular weight,
critical temperature and pressure of each compound may be obtained from any table of physical
constants of compounds. (table 3.1-1)

The sum column 6 is the molecular weight of the gas mixture, the critical pressure of the mixture is
the sum of column 7 and the critical temperature of the mixture is the sum of column8.

The pseudo reduced pressure of this gas is:

P 3180
Pr = = =4.73
PC 672.37

The pseudo reduced temperature of this gas is:

T 188 / 460
T R= = =1.76
T C 367.52

Entering these values in Fig. 3.1-1 we obtain a value of “Z”=0.905

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