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Group 03: How do you recognize sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is sometimes difficult to recognize because certain behavior and language are
normalized in our society, but the important things for us to remember that whatever makes you
feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, offended, or intimidated is not Ok.
So how we recognize sexual harassment:
 Non-verbal:
- Looking at a person up and down or staring at them: it’s okay to look or stare at someone
but if your stare make the other party feel uncomfortable is the problem
- Stalking or following someone without their conscience
- Insist on giving personal gift when the other party refuse to have
- Making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements or making an
inappropriate facial expression (winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips) toward the
- Sending sexual images to a person who doesn’t ask for or want them
 Verbal
- Using inappropriate words ( calling a girl hunk, babe, doll, or honey)
- Making sexual comments about a person’s body or joking about it
- Asking a person about their personal privacy regarding sexual ( eg. In a work place or in
school when a teacher asking about a student’s dating relationships, etc.).
- Asking a personal detail: if a friend sharing about their personal privacy is okay, but
when a stranger try to ask them regarding their personal detail is inappropriate that make
the other feel uncomfortable.
- Repeatedly asking personal question related to a person who doesn’t want to answer
- Spreading sexual rumors: telling or spreading sexual rumors about someone else is not
Ok. It could damage their public images or reputation in society.
 Physical
- Special attention (eg. When a supervisor massaging an employee’s shoulders that make
them feel uncomfortable).
- Inappropriately touching someone in a sexually provocative manner such as hugging,
kissing, patting, or stroking
- Standing close or brushing up against another person or touching oneself sexually around
another person especially when travelling by bus or train

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