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7/9/2018 Tips on effective use of tables and figures in research papers

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Several studies, journal guidelines, and discourses on scientific writing1-10 affirm the critical role that tables, figures, and graphs (or
Scientific tables and graphs can be utilized to represent
display items) play in enhancing the quality of manuscripts.
sizeable numerical or statistical data in a time- and space-effective manner. Readers are often drawn
towards tables and figures, because they perceive it as easy-reading, as compared to reading a verbose
account of the same content. They rightly assume that these display items will provide them with a larger
amount of information in a shorter time span. At the manuscript screening stage, these display items offer reviewers and
journal editors a quick overview of the study findings, and once the paper is published, they do the same for readers (some of
However, tables and figures only add
whom look only at these display items and not at the rest of the manuscript ).
value to the format of a research report, if they are brief yet sufficiently informative.

These visual elements help authors present detailed results and complex relationships, patterns, and trends clearly and concisely;1-
8,11,13,14 reduce the length of the manuscript;3,5,13,15 and enhance readers’ understanding of the study
Therefore, these tools are integral to the format of a research paper because, if clear and well-
organized, they speed up the comprehension and interpretation of the study’s findings. But while well-
presented tables and figures in research papers can efficiently capture and present information, poorly crafted tables and figures can
confuse readers and impair the effectiveness of a paper.16 To help authors get the balance right, this article presents some essential
guidelines to the effective use of tables and figures in research papers.

Planning your paper: When to use tables and figures in scientific papers

Producing effective tables and figures requires careful planning that begins at the manuscript writing stage itself. Here’s how to go 1/11
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about it:

First, check out what your target journal has to say on the issue. Some journals limit the number of tables and figures and
also have specific guidelines on the design aspects of these display items.

Next, decide whether to use tables and figures or text to put across key information.(Refer to Table 1 below for help on making
this decision.)

After you’ve decided to use a display item, choose the display item that best fits your purpose based on what you wish readers
to focus on and what you want to present.(Refer to Table 1 below for more information.)

Finally, follow the best-practice guidelines outlined in section 3 and review the examples presented in section 4 of this paper to
ensure that your tables and figures are well-designed.

Table 1: How to choose between tables, figures, and text to present data 2/11
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Best practices for presentation of tables and figures in scientific papers

General guidelines:

1. Ensure that display items are self-explanatory: Some readers (and certainly reviewers and journal editors) turn their attention to

the tables and figures before they read the entire text, so these display items should be self-contained.
6,8,9,12,16,20 3/11
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2. Refer, but don’t repeat: Use the text to draw the reader’s attention to the significance and key points of the table/figure, but don’t

repeat details.5,12,16,19,21,22 So for example, you could highlight your main finding (e.g., “We found that the treatment was
effective in only 24% of the cases, as shown in Figure 1”), but don’t repeat exact values (e.g., “As Table 2 shows, 32% of the
subjects chose Option 1, 12% chose Option 2, 10% chose Option 3, and 46% chose Option 4”). This defeats the very purpose
(efficiency and clarity) of having a table or figure.

3. Be consistent:
6,9,12,17 Ensure consistency between values or details in a table (e.g., abbreviations, group names, treatment
names) and those in the text.

4. Give clear, informative titles:16,17 Table and figure titles should not be vague9,19 but should concisely describe the purpose or

contents of the table/figure and should ideally draw the reader’s attention to what you want him/her to notice17 (e.g., Advantages
and disadvantages of using sleep therapy with patients suffering from schizophrenia). Also ensure that column heads, axis labels,
figure labels, etc., are clearly and appropriately labelled.

5. Adhere to journal guidelines: Check what your target journal has to say about issues like the number of tables and figures, the

style of numbering, titles, image resolution, file formats, etc., and follow these instructions carefully.

Guidelines for tables:

1. Combine repetitive tables: Tables and figures that present repetitive information will impair communication rather than enhance

it.8,12 Examine the titles of all your tables and figures and check if they talk about the same or similar things.8 If they do, rethink
the presentation and combine or delete the tables/graphs.

Do you have any questions related to scientific writing? Ask your question now [1]

2. Divide the data:

7 When presenting large amounts of information, divide the data into clear and appropriate categories and
present them in columns titled accurately and descriptively.

3. Watch the extent of data in your tables: If the data you have to present is extensive and would make the tables too cluttered or

long, consider making the tables a part of the Appendix or supplemental material.
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4. De-clutter your table: Ensure that there is sufficient spacing between columns and rows
7 and that the layout does not make the
table look too messy or crowded.

Guidelines for figures:

1. Ensure image clarity: Make sure that all the parts of the figure are clear:
18 Use standard font; check that labels are legible

against the figure background; and ensure that images are sharp.

2. Use legends to explain the key message:

25 Figure legends are pivotal to the effectiveness of a figure. Use them to draw
attention to the central message as well as to explain abbreviations and symbols.

3. Label all important parts: Label the key sections and parts of schematic diagrams and photographs, and all axes, curves, and

data sets in graphs and data plots.


4. Give specifics: Include scale bars in images and maps; specify units wherever quantities are listed; include legends in maps and

schematics; and specify latitudes and longitudes on maps.7,18

Examples of well-prepared tables and figures

This section presents one example each of a well-prepared table and a well-designed figure.

The table below is taken from a dietary study on chick-rearing macaroni penguins
26 and is an example of an effective table for the
following reasons: 5/11
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1. The title clearly describes what the table is about.

2. The column heads are descriptive and clearly indicate the nature of the data presented.

3. The data is divided into categories for clarity.

4. It is self-contained and can be understood quite well even without reference to the entire paper.

5. Superscript letters and notes are used to offer additional, clarifying information.

6. Sufficient spacing is present between columns and rows; the layout is clean; and the font is legible.

Examples of an effective figure (graph)

The figure below from a paper on the efficacy of oyster reefs as natural breakwaters
27, scores on several counts: 6/11
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1. The informative title that immediately tells the reader what to expect in the graph.

2. The axes are labeled clearly.

3. The key clearly identifies what each element in the graph stands for.

4. A figure legend at the bottom draws the reader’s attention to the graph's key points.

5. A note at the bottom acknowledges the source. 7/11
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6. The graph is 2-dimensional, with no clutter.


Figures and tables, or display items, are powerful communication tools—they give your manuscript a professional feel, attract and
sustain the interest of readers, and efficiently present large amounts of complex information.
7 Moreover, as most journals editors and
reviewers will glance at these display items before they begin a full reading of your paper, their importance cannot be


1. Council of Science Editors. Journal Style and Format. In Council of Science Editors(Eds.), Scientific Style and Format: The CSE
Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 7th Edition (p. 460). Reston, VA: Rockefeller University Press, 2006.

2. American Psychological Association. APA Editorial Style. In Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,5th
Edition (pp. 147–201). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2001.

3. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:
Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available from: [2].
4. Cooper RJ, Schriger DL, Wallace RC, Mikulich VJ, Wilkes MS. The Quantity and Quality of Scientific Graphs in Pharmaceutical
Advertisements. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2003; 18: 294–297.

5. Durbin CG Jr. Effective Use of Tables and Figures in Abstracts, Presentations, and Papers. Respiratory Care, 2004; 49(10):

6. EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research. Reporting Results in Tables and Figures. In Guidelines in the Analysis Phase
(pp. 14–16). [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [3].
7. Springer. The Importance of Figures and Tables. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [4].
8. Clark JC. Effective Tables and Figures. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [5]. 8/11
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9. McMillan VE. Using Tables and Figures. In Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences (pp. 30–50). New York: St. Martin’s Press,

10. Smith LD, Best LA, Stubbs DA, Archibald AB, Roberson-Nay R. Constructing Knowledge: The Role of Graphs and Tables in
Hard and Soft Psychology. American Psychologist, 2002; 57(10): 749–761.

11. Purdue Online Writing Lab. APA Tables and Figures 1. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [6].
12. SAGE Publications. How to Get Your Journal Article Published. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [7].
13. Paradise C. How to Record and Present Your Data Graphically Using Excel. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [8]
/Lab/Exercise_1.pdf [8].

14. Schriger DL, Sinha R, Schroter S, Liu P, Altman D. From Submission to Publication: A Retrospective Review of the Tables and
Figures in a Cohort of Randomized Controlled Trials Submitted to the British Medical Journal. Annals of Emergency Medicine,
2006; 48(6): 750–756.

15. Institute of Food Technologists. Author Guidelines. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
Corner/Author-Guidelines.aspx [9].
16. The University of ReadingStatistical Services Centre. Informative Presentation of Tables, Graphs and Statistics. [Accessed:
Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [10].
17. Hoagland N. Using Tables and Figures in an Academic Research Paper. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [11].
18. Author Aid Resource Library. Tables and Figures: Some Basic Advice. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
2011/Nepal-RM_01a-Tables%20and%20Figures-minus%20photos.ppt/at_download/file [12].
19. Northwestern’s Online Writing Resources. Visual Communication: Document Design, Figures, and Tables. [Accessed: Aug 8,
2011] Available from:
communication-principles-and-practice/chapter_20.pdf. [13] 9/11
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20. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Guidelines for MEPS Authors. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available from: [14].
21. BMJ Publishing Group. The Essentials of BMJ Style. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [15].

22. The Geological Society of America. Geology Guidelines. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [16].
23. Wiley-Blackwell. Author Services: Electronic Artwork Guidelines. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [17].
24. Wiley-Blackwell. Electronic Artwork—An Introduction. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [18].
25. PLOS Biology. PLOS Biology Guidelines for Authors. [Accessed: Aug 8, 2011] Available
from: [19].
26. Deagle BE, Gales NJ, Evans K, Jarman SN, Robinson S, et al. Studying Seabird Diet through Genetic Analysis of Faeces: A
Case Study on Macaroni Penguins (Eudypteschrysolophus). PLoS ONE 2007; 2(9): e831.

27. Cyphers SB, Powers SP, Heck KL Jr, Byron D. Oyster Reefs as Natural Breakwaters Mitigate Shoreline Loss and Facilitate
Fisheries.PLoS ONE2011; 6(8): e22396.

Recommended reading:

Referring to tables and figures in text [20]

Avoid instruc ons such as "See Table 2" and "Refer to Figure 6" [21]

Quick ps on wri ng tles for tables and figures in scien fic papers [22]

Presen ng your tables effec vely [23]

The complete guide to wri ng a brilliant research paper [24]

Source URL: 10/11
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[24] 11/11

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