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Reading Comprehension Worksheet


Read the text below and complete the following tasks:

So, it’s the end of the holiday once again, and here we are back at school. (1)____. They don’t
have very modern ideas. In fact, they’re really behind the times.
Every year we go to a boring hotel at the seaside and spend a boring holiday lying in the sun.
So, when my parents began discussing the holidays this year, I suggested doing something different
and exciting, like climbing Mount Everest or crossing the Atlantic in a small boat.
“ An adventure holiday! (2)____. And every day we’ll go hiking* or fishing. We’ll have the times of
our lives. (3)____my father said, to my surprise.
Camping! What a good idea! But Mum wasn’t so sure. She needed a rest too.
“Don’t worry,” said my father. “ We’ll help you, won’t we son? We’ll go fishing every day.”
“Yes, and hunting,” I added.
“That will be a great help,” said my mother. (4)____.

* taking long walks

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap
in the text.
A. It made my day when Mum finally agreed to go.
B. What a great idea!
C. Why don’t we go camping again?”
D. I must admit, I normally enjoy the school holidays, but I really wish I didn’t have to spend them
with my parents.

2. Match the words in the text to their definitions given below. There is one extra definition
which you do not need to use.

A. boring 1. the activity of living in a tent, usually for fun

B. adventure holiday 2. type of organized holiday in which people do
new and exciting things
C. camping 3. not interesting, and making you feel impatient
or dissatisfied
D. fishing 4. the activity or sport of catching wild animals
E. 5. the sport or business of catching fish

3. For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
1. The boy said:”Every year we go” ____
A. dancing C. visiting interesting museums
B. to a boring hotel at the seaside D. skiing in the mountains
2. So, when my parents began discussing this holiday this year, I suggested____
A. going to my grandparents C. going to Bahamas
B. going to Disney Land D. climbing Mount Everest
3. But Mum wasn’t so sure. She needed_____
A. some money C. a rest too
B. a ticket D. some friends
4. So, it’s the end of the holiday once again, _____
A. and here we are back at school. C. and we are sorry for that
B. and we don’t want to go to school again D. and we would still want to stay home

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