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!I!!.U!! ~!UHdl!if'~5JWiit~WJ
Nepal Upper Trishuli- Kathmandu 220kV Toosmission Line and f32kV Line Bay Extension Works
High VoltageJ::Ie~tJi~alEquipmentHandover Test Report
Installation positlon:l32kV UNE-1
SF6 circuit breaker
Model: ~ Ratedcurrent: 4. 4/4. 8 A

Manufacturer: Shandong Tai!cai lnstromnt Date of manufacture: Serial number of

TransformerCo,.ltd 2014.03 Year manufacture:J31000

Test item:
1. DC resistance check of opening and closing coils: (unit: !l)
Test date: 20. 8. 11. 23

I Component I Opening 1 Opening2 Closing

DC resistanee I 25.3 24.3 25

Test condition: Temperature: . 20 oc Relative

humidity: 54
2. Insulation resistance of control and auxiliary loop: (unit Mn)

Test date: 2o~ a. 11. 23

~p Closing Opening I Opening 2 Motor

Insulation resistarl<:e 3500 3000 500 7000
Test condition: Temperature: __1Q.__°C Relative humidity:~%
3. Conductive loop resistance test: (unit: )l!l)
Test date: 201.8. 11. 23

Phase sequellee A I B c Product technical


Loop resistance 34. 7 I 35.4 34.0 :::;60

Test condition: Temperature: 20 oc Relative

humidity: 54 -~
~ - -- - -~

4. Test for operating voltage and actuator of opening and closing coils:
Test date: 2018. Ll. 23

Ratio of operating
Operation coil tenninal voltage Operation Phase minimum
category and rated supply situation operating voltage
Closbng 110% Reliable Minimum operating Number of

Testing ~~gency;
Guangxi Transmiss\oll & Substation
Testing personnel:
Address· No. 28. Wuyi
I' Wimesscnginee~ ....
est Road, Postal Code: S~
Construction Co , Ltd. NMning City
Commissioning Bnmcb
Tel: 0771-5692930, :S692922 Fax:0771-4981736 E-mail:
!.r!!'!!!! l~liiltiiffRil!fH~ll\l\11ilt1}SJ
Nepal Upper Trishuli- Kathmandu 220kV Transrnjssion Line and l32kV Line Bay Extens[on ·works
- ~
High Voltag~J::lt!etJi~ll.Lgquipment Handover Test Report
~ -

100% operation voltage: .21_ V operations

80% 3 times for
Reliable .Mirumum operating
Opening 1 ()peration voltage: _.21_ V
30% Failure to accaate
Reliable Mirumum operating
Opening 2 ()peration voltage: _M_ V
30% Failure to actaate
sing& 1ooo;o Reliable operation
opening - .. ~ ----- ~ · ·---- -- -


Testing agency:
Guangxi Transmission & Substation
Construction Co., Ltd.
Testing per.>onnel:
Address: No. 28, W y
Nanning Ci~
~ •
'est Road,

Commissioning 811Jllch
Tel: 0771-~692930, 569'2922 Fax:07 7 1~981736 E-mail: sbdtss2009@vip.!63.oom
Nepal Upper Trishuli- KathmandlJ 220kV Transmission Line and 132kV Line Bay Extensic-n Works
High Voltage Electrical Equipment Handover Test Report
Installation position:
5. Breaker time parameter (opening, closing time and three-phase asynchronous) test:
Test date: 2C:!B. Jl . 23

Phase sequence A B c technical
reqiJ irements
Time (ms) 95.8 97. 0 95. 4 95 ± 15
Closing Three-phase
(ms) 1.6 ~5
Time (ms) 34.3 34. 1 34. 2 33±7
Opening t Three-phase
"'-- asynchronous
(m..<;) 0. 2 ~3

Time (ms) 35. 1 35. 0 35. 1 33±7

Opening2 Three-phase
(ms) 0. 1 ~3
- --

6. SF6 gas test

Test date: 2C l 8. ll. 22

Test item Measured value Test standard

Humidity v biUme
20.2 uL/L ~150
Purity (mass fraction)% 99.99 ~99

~~ ~
Before withstand After withstartd
voltage voltage

0' "
S02 1
Impurity 0

'--- component H2S ~ \ 0 \ f21k' ~

co -~ ., I '"' Y!:l~
HF 0 \ 0"' t.----- ~ -
When using SF6 qualitative leakage ~ter to detect eacJ{ sealing
L-eakage test
part. pipe joint, etc., the leak detector does not alarm.
Test condition: Temperature: _ _18_°C Relative humidity:_61_%
~- - - - - -- · --~

7. AC withstand voltage:
Test date: 2CI 9 . 01. 12

Phase-to-ground (breaker Between open contacts

Test part
closing state) (breaker opening state)
.? ~
Tc:sting 11gcncy: Testjngperso1111el: P~.n Witnesseng~
·neer: l "'"""f._....
Guangxi Transmission & Substation Address: No. 28. Wuyi \\bt Road. Postal Code: ~3 ~ ,
Construction Co. , Ltd. Nannint City
Commissioning Br2.nch
Tel: 0771-5692930, 5692922 Fax: ~7~ 1 -4 981736 E-mail: sbdtss2009@vip. !
N·~H.!P.per Ttishl!li- Katt.i!ii'Mdu 220kV Ttansm~n Line and 132kV kine Bay ExtensiQn Wott,~~
__ High YS".rtage Electrical Equipment Handover Test Report
- - --,
(MO) 10000 10000
'Fest voltage
- -----------~-----------------·
220 220
Duration (mjn)
Jnsulation after.
(MO) 10000 10000
withstand voltage
ResuJt Qualified I Qualitied
Test condition: Temperature: --.!7_°C Relati\>~ humidity:_6s_o/J
(The above test results are in line with thli Standard for Hand··Over Test of Ele<:ti'Ue
Equipment - :Electric Equipment Installadou Engineering (GD!:OtS0-2016) and tke
produd techoi(:al requirements).


Tes.~-;g;;ncy: Testing pmonnel: f'

Guangxj Transmission & Subs~tiiDn Address: No. 28. V/1.1yi est Road,
Co11Siru.t:tion Co., LW. Nannirg City
Commissioning Brandl
Tel: on 1-S692930, 56'92922 Fax:0~71-498l736 E-mail: ~hdtss2009@vip
Nepal UpperTrishuli- Kathmandu 220kV Transmission Line and 132kV Line Bay Extension Works
High Voltage Electrical Equipment Handover Test Report
Installation position:132kV UNE-2
SF6 circuit breaker
Model: QIM Ratedcurrent: 4. 4/4. 8 A

Manufacturer: Shandong Tail@i lnSJOJment Date of manufacture: Serial number of

Transformer Co.,Lt!! 20 I 4.03 Year manufacture: !30999

Test item:
1. DC resistance check of opening and closing coils: (unit: 0)
Test date: 20 18. 11. 23
~ mponent Opening 1 Opening 2 Closing


st condition:
22. 8

Temperature: _1Q_°C
22. 4
humidity: 54


- ~ - -·-

2. Insulation resistance of control and auxiliary loop: (unit: MO)

Test date: Z0 18. 11.23
------l&_op Closing Opening 1 Opening 2 I
Insulation resistance 3000 3500 200 ~ 7000
Test condition: Temperature: 20 oc Relative humidity:___iL%
-- --~ - ----- - - - --------- -· -· - - ---

3. Conductive loop resistance test: (unit: j.l!l)

Test date: 2018. l l. 23

Product technical

Phase sequen::e

Loop resistallCe

34. 7


oc Relative
Test condition: Temperature: 2_0
humidity: 54 %
4. Test for operating voltage and actuator of opening and closing coils:
Test date: 20l 8. 11. 23
Ratio of operating
Operation I coil terminal voltage I Operation Phase minimum
category and rated supply situation operating voltage
110% Mini mum operating
Closing 1- 100% 1 Reliable
Testing personnel:
voltage: _32..__ V
Number of

Testing agency;
Guang~i Tmnsmissi on & Suhstation Address: No. 28, WOyi
Cons1roction Co., Ltd. Nanning Cil)'
Commissioning Branch
Tel: 0771-S692930, :5692922 Fax:071 J-4981736 E-mail: sbdtss2009@viP'.l6
!1!!.1i.Y.! iS9lURfi111Uifffi'~-iit~~
~ llp~r Trishuli- Kathmandu 220kV Transm~n Line <Utd 132~ V Line Bay Extension Wort1
High VoJta.geElectrical Equipment Handove~ Test Report
Installation position:
5. Breaker time parameter (opening, closing time and three-phase asynchronous) test:
Test date: 2018. 11. 2a

I -
Phase sequence

Time (ms)

96. 7

97 2
Closing Three-phase
(ms) 0. 5 ~5
Ttme (ms) 34.9 35 0 :15.3 33±7
Opening 1 Three-phase
"" (ms) 0. •1 ~3
- Time (ms) 32.2 32. 6 32.8 33±7
Opening 2 Three-phase
(ms) 0.6 ~3
- ----
6. Sf6 gas test
Test date: 2C i 8. 11. 22

Test item M¢asured value Test standard

Hurnidity volume
'32. 0 uL/L ~150
~ -------------~-
Purity (mass fraction)% 99.99 ~99

.Before withstand
_ voltage voltage
Impurity . ___...,.·_o__-t--~----t-+ ..... ___
'---- component · H2S l__'""'-'1;-o--~t--.....>r-----:r-Hr-- f"...._--"'.

1'~I 9.
I~ HF I ~0 \ I 0\
..--- L k When usi;;g SF6 qual-ita-t-iv_e_l_ea_ka_~_e.._e.,.te"""r'-t-o_d_e-te_c_t-ea-c+h-sealing
ea age test . JOint,
part. p1pe ~'· detector does not a Iarm..
. . etc., t he Iea.A
r---- 1 -
~::_~?clition: Temperature: _18_°C Relative humidity:_61 ~
7. AC withstand voltage:

L -· . , . , est part
Phase-to-ground (breaker
. state )
Test date:
Between open contacts
(brea ker opemng
· state)

Tes1ing agency: Testing l,lersonnel: (

Guangxi Transmission & Substation Address: No. 28. Wuyi 'est RoOO,
Constrtll;tion Co.. Ltd. NIIIUiini Cjty
Commissioning Brsnch
Tel: 0771~S692930, 5692922 Fax:0771~981736 E-mail:
N~paj Vpper Trishuli- Kathmandu 220kV Tran~on kine and 132kV Line pay Extension Works
Hig}l V~ftage Electrical Equipment Handover Test Rep<>t.t
80% 3 times for
llO'Yo each
Reliable Minimum operating
Opening I operadon voltage: __4!_ V
300/o Failure to actuate
Reliable Minimum operating
Opening 2 operation voltage: _.2L V
30% Failure to actuate
sing& J(}()Qio Reliable operation
" opening i
'---· -


T~ting agency: Testing personnel: J'-a;}

Guangxi Transmission & Suh~-tation Address: No.. 28, Wuyi West Road,
Construction Co., Ltd. Nanning City
CPm!lli.ssloning Branch
Tefj 0771-5692930,5692922 Fax: 0771-4981736 E·m!ilil: .sbdtss2009@vip.!63. com
Nepal Upper Trishu li~ Kathmandu 220kV Transmission Line and l32kV Line Bay Extension Works
High Voltage El~~tt:ical_ ~_g_uipment Handover Test Report
- -~
.... · --~- -

Insulation before
(MQ) 10000 10000
withstand vol1age
Test voltage (kV) 220 220
Duration (min) 1 1
Insulation after
(MQ) 10000 10000
\vithstand voltage
Result Qualified Qualified
Test condition: Temperature: _ 17
oc Relative humidity:_65 _%

(The above test rftults are in line with the Standard for Hand-Over Test of Electric
Equipment - E!ec:tric Equipment Installation Engineering (GB50150-2016) and the
product technical requirements) .


Testing ageocy: Testing ~r.;.onnel: ~ Witness engino:er:y

Guangxi Transmission & Substation Address No. 28. W~yi\v1st Road, Postal Code: 530031
Construction Co.. Ltd. Nannin@ Cicy
Commissioning Brll\clJ
Tel: 0771-~692930, 5692922 Fax: 0771-4981736 E-mail: sbdtss2009@vip.J63 .oom

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