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1. What is your full name? How old are you?

Where and when were

you born?
1. My name is Laura Lara I am 23 years old, she was born in Sincelejo on
August 20, 1997

2. How is your family conformed? Who are your immediate family

members? How many siblings do you have? What do they do? Do you
have any kids of your own? Tell me age and gender
2.My family is made up of my mom, dad, my sister, my brother, they study,
I don't have children
3. Where are you from? If you are from Sincelejo, Where do you live
If you are not from Sincelejo, where are do you live recently? Who do you
live with?
3.I am from after Sucre, I live with my parentsI am from after Sucre, I live
with my parents
4. What are you studying? What semester are you in? Was this career
what you wanted to study in first place? If not, what happened?
4.She studied public accounting and I'm in the eighth semester, it was the
career I wanted
5. What is the name of your old high school? Where is it located? Who
was your favorite teacher and subject? Why?
5.My school is called Mariscal, it is located in Sampues, my favorite
teacher was Eris Martínez and mathematics, the class was interesting
6. How has your experience learning English been? Has it been
difficult or easy for you? Frustrating or enjoyable? Choose three
adjectives to describe your experience and explain the reasons why you
chose them.
6.something complicated by time in certain things I find it difficult,
different, simple prepared, are the words that describe my classes
7. Is there any event, situation or decision from the past you regretted
afterwards? If you have the opportunity to change something from the
past or now in the present, what would it be? Why?
8. What would you do if you had super powers? What would you like
them to be? What would you use them for?
8.teleportation, to go to places fast
9. Were you, at least once, in a strange or unusual place? Where was
it? How was it? What made you feel uncomfortable?

10. What do you look like? Describe your hair, eyes color, skin,
complexion and height.
10.medium height long brown hair eye color brown skin

11.Help you a little with my knowledge of my two careers and have a

11. What would you like to do for helping people in the near and distant
12. Have you ever met a famous person? If not, who would you like to
meet? Why?
12. I would like to meet Marc Anthony, for his simplicity, I like his voice
13. How will you change this country if you were president for a day?
13.I would start by reducing the salary of people who earn more, and
share with those who really need, equal treatment
14. How are you going to help tomorrow´s society and this world from
your career and/or profession?
14 . With my career you can do many, I would start by creating companies
which help people in need, and seek support from the government in the
economic sector
15. How have you been affected in this Covid- 19 pandemic? Mention
how your life, family, studies and anything else have been affected in this
2020 by all what Covid- 19 has caused.
15.My mother was unemployed.

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