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_______ _______ are the least important aspect of

profitable trading.

2. Trading Mistake Number 1 is “ _____-___ fixes.”

3. The 3 elements of any trading system are:

a. ______ Rules
b. _____ Rules
c. _____ Rules

4. You can apply the ​Juice Test​ to ​any​ entry strategy by seeing
how far the market goes after ______ ______ or _____
number of candles you choose.

5. The ​most important characteristics​ of your trading system

a. __________________
b. __________________
c. __________________

6. All things being equal, ____ frequency is better.

7. Your equity curve is a function of ______ volume.
8. More trades is better, but more _________ is even better.

9. Many traders make the mistake of focusing on ________


10. Trading Mistake Number 2 is the “ ____ Rule.”

11. You can do a similar test to the ​Juice Test​ with your system

12. A bi-modal distribution tells you your system is probably

capturing __ __________ types of trades.

13. A system with a bi-modal distribution is a great candidate for

a _______ _____.

14. Many times a lower ___ ____ will lead to higher _____.

15. In trading, the uncomfortable thing is often the more

_______ thing.

16. The compounding problem: it takes a _____ ____ to see


17. Different risk rules = a completely _________ outcome.

18. Mistake Number 3 = No _____________ medicines.
19. The ONE REASON why most traders quit is a lack of
_____________ ___________.

20. Until you master __________, you will always stop short.

21. The 5 Resiliency Hacks are:

a. You are ______ and _______.
b. You ____ yourself.
c. You maintain a ______ ______ and don’t fall victim to
_________ _________.
d. You learn from ______________.
e. _____________________________________
(check your email)

22. Trading is ​NOT​:

a. Finding the _____ system.
b. Avoiding ______.
c. Piling on ______ when it’s “obvious.”

23. Trading ​IS:

a. Learning how to ____.
b. Finding __________ when things get ____.
c. Focus on _______.
d. Using _____ to achieve your ____.

24. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet agree that the single most
important element of their success is their ability ___ ______.

25. When Colin started trading a massive account, it made it

difficult for him to _____ on what matters.
26. To get what you want from your trading you want to focus on
the _______ path and the _______ path.

27. Information will not get you ____________________.

28. Banks use stop losses.

29. Who said ​“Risk comes from not knowing what you are
doing”​?? ________ _________.

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