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NAME: Emnas, Ivan Jorge T.


NAME OF TEACHER: Ms. Charmie Lynn N. Seno SCORE

I. Have you had a miscommunication problem with any of the people close to you?

a. lf yes, narrate briefly when and how it happened.

Identify the barriers that prevented you from having a successful communication. If you
could fix the problem, then what solution or strategy would you adopt?

b. lf no, cite a scene from a movie which shows the characters confronting a problem which
stems from miscommunication. Is it solved easily or does it remain problem? What solution
or strategy would you adopt if you were one of the characters?


This past few weeks I had no miscommunication problem with any of the people close to me,
yet I remembered this scene from the movie “Four Sisters and a Wedding” It has a scene
wherein they are arguing of something about family matters but every one of them was loudly
speaking simultaneously that’s why they cannot understand the point of view of the other
person. It is solved when their mother came into the scenario. The solution or strategy that I
would adopt if I were one of the characters is that we should speak one by one for us to
understand each other clearly.

Il. Interview some foreign friends or classmates about the practices or customs in their country
with regards to:
a. making requests
b. giving apologizes
c. placing an order
d. greeting someone
e. congratulating someone

I interviewed my aunt who is citizen in Italy and these are her answers:
a. in making requests we usually say “Potete per favore aiutarmi” which means in English
“Can you please help me”
b. in giving apologizes we usually say “Mie scuse” it means “My Apologies”
c. we place order saying “posso avere questa pasta” which means “Can I have this Pasta”
d. when seeing someone we usually greet them like this “Ciao, come stai” It is “Hello, how are
e. we usually say “complimenti per la tua realizzazione” to congratulate someone on her
We usually say these phrases with respect to the person were talking about.

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