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Topic Number 1

The effectiveness of the technology integration and novice teachers performance audio
visual aids on the performance of students at secondary level

Teachers are always paying attention to the kind of activities and things which are used as an
efficient tool of learning. This research will gives importance to the views of novice teacher on
the technological aids which includes charts, maps, pictures, recordings, film stripes. The
targeted population for this research will be the novice teachers of the government and private
educational institutions of District Rawalpindi.

Topic Number 2

Improving the Student’s ability in reading comprehension of narrative text through

Socratic Method at secondary level.

This study will aim to find out the improvement of students’ ability in reading the
comprehension by using Socratic methods in grade 9th and 10 th. This research will be Apply by
class room action research. The population of this study will be the students of Secondary
school level at district Rawalpindi.

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