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Society of PetroleLrn Engineers of A1ME

SPE 10255

Sucker Rod Pumping Systems Design - Another Look

by Paul M. Bommer, Bommer Engineering Co.


(c:Copyright 1981, Society of Petroleum Engineers of A1ME

This paper was presented at the 56th Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, held in
San Antonio, Texas, October 5·7, 1981. The material is subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of
not more than 300 words. Write: 6200 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas 75206.

ABSTRACT tajn boundary conditions. The data collected from

these simulations were represented in terms of
This paper presents a computer three polished rod dynamometer cards and then correlated
dimensional design profile of gear box torque, into design charts for practical use. This work
maximum rod stress, and peak beam load as a function was ·for conventional (Type 1) pumping units.
of pumping speed and pumping depth. This approach
can be used to quickly define the optimum operating The API approach and the classical methods of
limits of any beam pumping system. It can also be design for conventional (Type 1) pumping units con-
used to compare various design methods, operating sider all of the effects of the operational variables
conditions, and pumping system configurations. on the pumping system. The more important of these
variables are pumping speed, stroke length, fluid
The three dimensional profiles shown in this load, rod string type, net lift. and tubing elonga-
paper are accompanied by a comprehensive review of tion. Both methods also assume, among other things,
pumping unit types and design methods. A calcula- that the polished rod movement can be described in
tional technique is also suggested as an approximate terms of simple harmonic motion, that the unit has
guide to the use of new pumping unit geometries. 100% mechanical efficiency and perfect counterba1anc~
and that there is no gas interference at the pump
INTRODUCTION and no pump abnormalities. However, the API method
has included the effects of vibrational loads set
Sucker rod - beam pumping systems have his- up in the rod string during the pumping cycle and the
torically been the most popular, and cost effective, effects of damping. These two important considera-
method of artificial lift for oil reservoirs in the tions have been neglected in the classical methods.
United States and most of the world. The study of
these complex mechanical systems with the resulting PUMPING UNIT TYPES
design recommendations began before 1930. Early
researchers of the many problems associated with There are essentially two COmmon types of
sucker rod systems were GilbertI, who investigated pumping units. These types are shown in Figure 1.
pump dynagraphs in 1936, Rieniets 2 , who investigated Type T is a cunventional unit with the sampson post
pump plunger travel in 1937, and Slonneger 3 , who on the mid section of the beam, but not centered on
introduced techniques for evaluating vibrational the beam. and the equalizer arm at the rear of the
loads in pumping systems in 1937. One of the first beam, centered over the crank shaft of the gear box.
comprehensive treatments of what would today be Type II is an air balanced unit with the equalizer
considered modern beam pumping techniques was pre- arm centered over the crank shaft and located on
sented Coberly4 in 1938. The work of these and the front part of the beam. and with the sampson
many researchers lead to the acceptance of the post located at the rear of the beam.
classical methods of sucker rod pumping system de~
sign that have been presented by Craft, Holden, and As shown in Appendix A the Type II unit has some
Graves 5 , and Nind 6 , to name but a few. These methods definite lifting advantages over the Type I unit.
are outlined in Appendix A. The geometry of a Type I (conventional) unit causes
the maximum acceleration load to occur at the bottom
During the mid 1960's the API supported a re- of the downstroke. or at the sanlC' time that the
search effort that produced the current API recom- fluid load is transmitted to the rod string. A Type
mended practice for the design of sucker rod pumping II unit geometry avoids this combination of peak
systems, API RP 1IL7,8.9. This work, which extended loads by generating the maximum acceleration load at
work done by Gibbs lO , was based on computer solutions the top of the upstroke. The Type I unit in many
of the one dimensional wave equation subject to cer- cases is more durable that the Type II because of the

tendency of the air cylinder to require frequent al calculations would be necessary to include the
maintenance. operating limits of maximum rod stress and maximum
beam load.
The Type III unit shown in Figure 1 has a similar
geometry as a Type II unit. Consequently it enjoys In order to solve this problem a computer pro-
the same reduced acceleration loads when compared gram has been written that will calculate gear box
with a Type I (conventional) unit. However, the Type torque, maximum beam load, and maximum rod stress
III unit has the equalizer arm moved forward on the for a given pumping system over a given range of
beam and is no longer centered over the crank shaft pumping speed and pumping depth. The calculated
of the gear box. The counter weights are also out of values are then plotted as a three dimensional
phase with the cranks. As shown in Appendix B this surface of gear box torque as a function of pumping
has the additional advantage of further reducing the speed and pumping depth. The program can generate
acceleration loads on the upstroke and increasing a surface for any pumping system, using any of the
them on the downstroke. Thus, the maximum and the four types of pumping units, over any pumping speed
minimum beam loads are brought closer together. This and pumping depth range. Either the API or the
allows for more efficient counterbalance and conse- classical method can be used in the calculations.
quently for reduced gear box torque loads when com- Figure 4 is an example of the surface generated
pared to an equally loaded Type I (conventional) unit using the data in Table 1 and API method. The
or a Type II (air balanced) unit. torque limit for the data in Table 1 has been drawn
across the surface as well as the maximum stress
The Type IV unit shown in Figure 1 has a geometry limit for the rods and the maximum beam load. From
similar to a Type I unit except that it has the samp- Figure 1 it can be seen that the operating limit
son post centered on the beam and the equalizer arm, for the pumping system in Table 1 occurs at the
at the rear of the beam. is no longer centered over point where the beam load limit and the gear box
the crank shaft. The counter weights have been torque limit intersect. This occurs at a pumping
placed out of phase with the crank. These changes, speed of 10.5 strokes/min. and a pumping depth of
as shown in Appendix B. have given this unit 8600 feet. At deeper pumping depths or faster
acceleration loads that are similar to a Type III pumping speeds the pumping system would develop gear
unit except that the maximum acceleration load still box torques or beam loads that would exceed the
occurs at the bottom of the downstroke when the fluid operating limits of the system. For this particular
load is transmitted to the rod string, just as a Type set of data the maximum rod stresses that are
I (conventional) unit. Therefore, the Type IV unit developed do not limit the operating range of the
will experience loads and torques that are less than system.
an equivalently loaded Type I unit, but they will not
be as low as the loads and torques carried by the Figure 4 illustrates several interesting points
Type III unit. For most Type IV installations the concerning the API calculation method. The surface
loads and torques carried by the unit should be is irregular. There is a pronounced valley that
roughly the same as a Type II (air balanced) unit. runs diagonally across it from 6500 feet and 15 spm
to 9500 feet and 5 spm. This valley is formed by
The API design approach has been generally a leveling and in some areas a decrease in calculated
recognized as a superior design method for Type I gear box torque with increases in depth for the lower
(conventional) pumping units. Design methods for to medium pumping speeds. This calculational
Type II and Type III units have been presented by the phenomenon is illustrated for low pumping speeds in
manufacturers of these units ll • l2 and are generally Figure 2. The decrease in peak torque, using the
empirical variations and combinations of the API and API method, at low pumping speeds and deep pumping
the classical design approaches. No design approach depths is due to large damping effects. Damping
that satisfies the geometry of the Type IV unit has effects increase with increases in depth, if the
been presented. Appendix B presents a set of design pumping system is held constant, because the rod
equations that generate results that fit the geometry string becomes more flexible as pumping depth is
of this unit. These equations have been used in increased. Also, at low pumping speeds the dynamic
this paper to illustrate the results predicted by loads are very small and are quickly nullified by
the analysis of the Type IV unit geometry. The the damping effects at deep pumping depths. However,
equations have not been tested by field measurements. as the pumping speed is increased the dynamic loads
Until such data becomes available the equations become more important than the damping effects and
presented in Appendix B for the Type IV unit should the calculated gear box torque increases steadily
be used with caution. as pumping depth is increased. This feature of
the API method is illustrated in Figure 3.
The classical methods do not consider damping
Figures 2 and 3 show gear box torque versus effects. Thus, as Figures 2 and 3 indicate, the
pumping depth at a fixed pumping speed for the classical methods always predict increases in gear
pumping system shown in Table 1. The figures box torque with increases in pumping depth. Figure
present the gear box torque predicted for Type I 5 is a surface generated using the data in Table I
(conventional) units. using the API method and the and the classical method of design. This surface is
classical method. From these figures it is obvious smooth and always predicts an increasing torque with
that it is possible to predict the operating limit increases in pumping speed and pumping depth.
of a given pumping system operating at a given speed. Figure 5 predicts an operating limit of 10 spm and
However, many such graphs would be required in order 9170 feet using the classical method. This illu-
to determine the optimum combination of pumping speed strates the tendency of the classical methods to
and pumping depth for a given system. Then addition- predict smaller loads on the pumping system at

medium to high pumping speeds than the API method. load that this unit can achieve when compared to any
At low speeds the API method predicts generally other unit type (see Appendix B). Had a heavier
smaller loads than the classical methods due to the beam been used with this unit it would be capable
effects of damping. of pumping from 9500 feet at a maximum pumping speed
of 14 strokes per minute. The equations used in the
Pumping unit designs tend to vary somewhat be- design of this unit are a blend of the API and the
tween manufacturers, even for the same type of unit. classical methods. The equation for gear box torque
Variations in the safety factors built into the de- comes from the classical approach. As was pointed
sign of unit components and variations in the way out earlier, the result is a smooth torque surface.
the high stress points of the units are held together
can cause large differences in the safe loads that Figure 11 shows a surface for a Type IV unit.
the units can carry. Thus, when units are being Again, the loads predicted for this unit are less
used that may have lower safety factors or somewhat than the Type I unit. However, the loads are still
weaker couplings than other brands of the same unit considerably larger than those predicted for a Type
type it is advantageous to use the design method III unit. Figure 11 was generated using,the equa-
that predicts the largest possible load on the unit. tions presented in Appendix B. These equations are
This practice causes a larger unit to be used than a blend of the API and the Classical methods and
would be required for units with larger safety fac- they predict loads that follow the trends suggested
tors or more heavily reinforced stress points. The by the theory of Appendix B. It must be pointed out
three dimensional presentation can be used to form that, unlike the equations for the other three types
a composite surface using the largest predicted loads of unit, the equations for the Type IV unit have not
from the API and the classical methods. Figure 6 been tested against measured data.
shows a composite surface using the largest predicted
values from both methods. This figure demonstrates Many operational effects can be examined using
that the API method calculates larger loads except the three dimensional surface. Perhaps the most
at medium to low speeds and deep pumping depths important operational consideration that is commonly
where the classical method predicts larger loads. If neglected is that of pump submergence. When a well
a machinery factor is used in the classical method has a fluid level in the annulus that is above the
then the classical method predicts larger loads than pump setting depth a U-tube effect oCCurs. Thus,
the API method except at lower speeds and shallower the net lift of the pumping system is from the
pumping depths. This is shown in Figure 7. The fluid level to the surface rather than from the pump
machinery factor, as described in Appendix A, is a depth to the surface. This effect can greatly re-
of crank and pitman arm length. This duce the loads on the pumping system because the
has been described as a correction for the fluid is actually being lifted from a depth shallower
crank angle of the pitman arm and for variations in than the pump depth. Figure 12 presents a surface
angular velocity of the crank that lead to increases for a Type I unit, using the data of Table 1. and
in the acceleration loads on the system. As shown 3000 feet of pump submergence at every depth. The
in Figure 7 using a machinery factor of 1.318, with loads carried by this system are much less than the
the data of Table 1, has decreased the area of safe loads on the same system without any pump submer-
operations across the surface when compared with gence (Figure 4). Unlike the system with no pump
the API method or the classical method with no submergence the maximum beam load and rod stress are
machinery factor. never reached and the gear box torque limit is
reached at a much deeper pumping depth and faster
The surface can be used to examine several pumping speed. Comparing the system with 3000 feet
torque limits over an operating range. Figure 8 of pump submergence (Figure 12) to the system with
shows a surface that was generated using the API no pump submergence (Figure 4) it can be shown that
method and the data in Table 1. The beam load and the same pumping unit operates at deeper depths and
rod stress limits have been drawn on the surface and at higher speeds if pump submergence exists and
a torque limit line for 228000 in-Lbs and 160000 where pump submergence exists a smaller pumping unit
in-Lbs has been constructed. This generates a series can be used to do the same amount of work.
of isotorque lines across the surface. These iso-
torque lines can be used to check at a glance the CONCLIJSIONS
operating limits of several sizes of pumping units.
A three dimensional surface of gear box torque,
A surface for a Type II (air balanced) unit is beam load, and rod stress as a function of pumping
shown in Figure 9. This surface is exactly the depth and speed has been presented for four types
same shape as the surface for the Type I (conven- of pumping units. The surface can be generated
tional) unit shown in Figure 4. However, the loads for any size pump, any sucker rod combination, any
carried by the Type II unit are not as large as those pumping unit type and size, and over any range of
calculated for the Type I unit. The surface is the pumping depth and pumping speed.
same shape for both unit types because the API method
has been used for both units. The Type II unit loads The surface can be used to quickly define the
are less than the Type I units because the API operating limits of a pumping system. It can also
equations for the Type II unit have been adjusted to be used to compare the importance of the many
account for the changes in the dynamic loads that are variables that make up a pumping system. Further-
brought about by the geometry of the Type II unit more, the surface can be used to examine the effects
(see Appendix A). of operational conditions such as pump submergence
and unanchored tubing.
Figure 10 presents a surface for a Type III unit.
This surface illustrates the dramatic reduction in The various pumping system design methods have

been examined and compared using the surface. The 3. J. C., "Vibration Problems in Oil
equations of each method for each type of pumping API. New York (1937),
unit have been studied and a set of equations has p.
been for use with the new Type IV pumping
unit. 4. Coberly, C. J., "Problems in Modern Deep-Well
Pumping", Oil Gas J. (May 12, May 19, 1938), p. 126-
A composite surface has been constructed using 137, p. 88-95.
the various design methods. The composite surface
depj~ts the largest loads predicted by each method. 5. Craft, B. C., Holden, W. R., and Graves, E. D.,
This surface could be used in the design of pumping
units that had smaller manufacturers safety factors
or less heavily reinforced stress points. p. 280-367.

The most common types of pumping units have been 6. Nind, T.

examined. The merits of each type have been outlined Production, York
and the units have been compared using the three (1964), p. 245-297.
dimensional surface.
7. Griffin, F. D., "New API Design Calculations
Three dimensional surfaces, like dynamoter cards, for Sucker-rod Pumping Systems",
can be collected for any combination of pumping sys- API, New York (1968), p.
tems and operating ranges. Once compiled the surfaces
could be referred to as a guide for pumping unit de- 8. Midwest Research Institute. "Electric Analog
sign. Study of Sucker-rod Pumping
Practice, API, New York (1968),

9. API, "Recommended Practice for Design Cal-

a Maximum dimensionless acceleration culations for Sucker Rod Pumping Systems (Conven-
tional Units)", API RPIIL, API, Dallas (1977).
a . Minimum dimensionless acceleration
10. Gibbs, S. G., "Predicting the Behavior of
Crank length m (ft) Sucker-rod Pumping
Counter Balance Load N (Lb) Vol. 228. SPE of AIME, Dallas
Upstroke acceleration (dimensionless)
11. Lufkin Industries, "Pumping Unit Design
Downstroke acceleration (dimensionless) Calculations", Lufkin Industries F-989-C, Lufkin
API maximum beam load factor (dimen-
sionless) 12. Lufkin Industries, "Lufkin Pumping Units",
F2 API minimum beam load factor (dimen- Lufkin Industries CAT 80-81 (1981).
h Pitman arm length m (ft)
MPRL Minimum polished rod load N (ft)
N Pumping speed strokes/s (strokes/min) Consider the crank and pitman arm assembly of
PPRL Peak (maximum) polished rod load Figure 13 presented by Nind 6 in his treatment of
N (Lbs) Type I pumping units. An expression for the
PT Peak (maximum) gear box torque acceleration of the equalizer arm (point B) can be
N~m (in-Lb) derived as follows:
S Stroke length m (in)
SKR Load required to stretch rods an amount The triangle OAB can be described using the Law of
equal to the stroke length N (Lb) Cosines. In reduced form this is represented by
time s equation (A1).
Constant angular velocity of crank rad/s
Weight of fluid lifted by the pump from 2
x -2x[h+c(1-cosCwt»J+
the working fluid level N (Lb)
Weight of rods in air N (Lb) 2c(h+c)(l-cos(wt» 0 . (AI

Weight of rods in well fluid N (Lb) Here w is the constant angular velocity of the
crank. Using the quadratic formula the displacement
x Displacement of pitman arm from highest of the equalizer arm (x) can be obtained
point of travel m (ft)
z Pumping unit geometry factor (dimen- x = h+c(l-cos(wt» +
2 k
(wt) + (h ] 2 . (A2

When x 0, wt == 0 so cos(wt) 1. Thus, the

1. Gilbert, W. E., "An Oil-Well negative root must be taken.
Drill. Prod. Practice, API, New York

2. R. W., "Plunger Travel of Oil-vJell

API, New York (1937),
x = h+c(l-cos(wt» 70560 [l-c/h] • • • (A8)

2 2 2 2
[c cos (wt)+(h -c ) . . . (A3) Equations (An and (AS) when multiplied by the
weight that is supported by the polished rod at
An expression for the acceleration of the equalizer the appropriate crank angle will predict the
arm (point B) can be obtained by taking the second maximum and the minimum force due to acceleration.
derivative of displacement with respect to time in
equation (A3). Type II (air balanced) units have the crank
and pitman assembly placed in front of the sampson
2 2 2 post. as shown in Figure 1. For Type II units
d x/dt cw cos (wt) +
angle wt is zero or an even multiple of Pi, again
when the equalizer arm is at the highest point of
2 2 2 2 -3/2
~[c cos (wt)+(h -c )] travel. However, since the crank assembly is in
front of the sampson post the highest point of
travel occurs at the end of the upstrok~ rather
than the end of the downstroke as with a Type I
unit. Thus, the maximum acceleration load occurs
2 2 2 2 -~
~[c cos (wt)+(h -c )] at the end of the upstroke with a Type II unit
and the minimum acceleration load occurs at the
2 2 end of the downstroke. A Type II unit experiences
c 2w cos(2wt) • (A4)
the minimum acceleration load at the time when the
fluid load is transferred to the rod string. When
The maximum acceleration of the equalizer arm occurs
compared with a Type I unit the maximum polished
for wt equal to zero or any even multiple of Pi.
rod load for a Type II unit is reduced and the
The cos(wt) for wt equal to zero or any even
minimum polished rod load is increased. Therefore,
multiple of Pi is a positive one. Thus. the ex-
the counterbalance for a Type II unit is more
pression for the maximum acceleration of a Type I
effective in balancing the loads and the gear box
pumping unit is torque is reduced as a result.

2 2 2 The classical design equations for a Type I

= w dl+c/h] (m/s or ft/s ) . • . (AS)
and a Type II unit are as follows 5 • 6 :
PPRL W + W (lH'l) (A9)
f r
This occurs when the equalizer arm (point B) is at
the highest point of travel (z). At point z the MPRL W .127G)
= (AlO)
pumping unit is at the end of the downstroke where r
the fluid load is being transferred to the rod
string. Therefore, a Type I unit, because of its CBL 0.5 (PPRL + MPRL) (All)
geometry. must carry a maximum load equal to the
fluid load plus the rod load plus the maximum PT ~ (PPRL
:= CBL) (Al2)
acceleration load. 2

The minimum acceleration load occurs for wt is the upstroke acceleration term (Equa. CA7)
equal to Pi or any odd multiple of Pi. At these Type I units and Equa. (AB) for Type II units).
points the cos(wt) is equal to a negative one.
F is the downstroke acceleration term (Equa. (AB)
for Type I units and Equa. CA7) for Type II units).
2 2 2
= w c[l-c/h] (m/s or ft/s ) . . . (A6)

Type III pumping units are similar to Type II

The minimum acceleration occurs at the lowest point units in appearance and Type III units enjoy the
of travel of the equalizer arm. For a Type I pumping same load advantages as a Type II unit. Moreover.
unit this occurs at the end of the up stroke. a Type III unit has the equalizer arm shifted
forward on the beam such that it is no longer
The term [l+c/h] in equation (AS) for the centered over the crankshaft and the counterweights
maximum acceleration and [l-c/h] in equation (A6) are placed out of phase with the crank. Figure 14
for the minimum acceleration is defined as the illustrates the effects of these changes. The up-
machinery factor. stroke requires 195 degrees of crank rotation and
the downstroke requires 165 degrees of crank ro-
The maximum acceleration load of equation (AS) tation. Furthermore, the transition from upstroke
placed in practical units. translated to the to downstroke and downstroke to upstroke is quite
polished rod and made dimensionless by dividing by slow. This is brought about by moving the equalizer
the acceleration of gravity can be expressed by arm forward on the beam. This makes the upstroke
much slower than the downstroke which further
a [l+c/hl (Al) decreases the upstroke acceleration loads and
max increases the downstroke acceleration loads. This
causes more effective counterbalancing and reduced
Similarly. the mlnlmum acceleration in a Type I unit gear box torque. Since the up and downstroke
can be expressed by transitions are slow the shock loads due to these

reversals are minimal. The counterweights are unit. This is necessary due to the increased
placed 7.5 degrees out of phase with the crank so acceleration loads during the downstroke of a
that the counterweight effect will be in phase Type IV unit.
195 degree upstroke and 165 degree down-
CBL 0.5 (PPRL + MPRL) (B3)

Type IV units have the equalizer arm shifted

forward on the beam and the counterweights out of
PT = 1 (PPRL MPRL) (B4)

phase just like a Type III unit. This gives the

Equation (B4) can be derived from equations (All)
Type IV unit the same slow upstroke and fast down-
and (A12).
stroke as a Type III unit. However, the Type IV
unit has the same general geometry of a Type I unit
so the maximum acceleration loads still occur at This set of design equations predicts loads that
the end of the downstroke. Therefore, the Type IV are less than a Type I unit, but they do not pre-
dict the load reductions achieved by the Type II
unit is not as efficient as a Type III unit, but
or Type III units. This is consistent with the
it is more efficient than a Type I unit.
theory presented earlier for a Type IV pumping
Examples of the beam loads carried by each
pumping unit type are shown in Figure 15. Figure
15 illustrates the mechanical advantage that is
achieved by the Type III unit where the equalizer
arm is shifted forward on the beam. The Type II
unit achieves somewhat similar results over the
part of the stroke that is supported by the air
cylinder. However, the portion of the stroke that
is supported by the crank, because of the posi-
tioning of the equalizer arm on the beam, produces
higher loads. Overall, the Type II
unit generates loads that are roughly 16% less
than a Type I unit. The Type IV unit carries an
average beam load that is 7% less than a Type I
unit. The Type IV unit cannot achieve the load
reductions of a Type II or a Type III unit because
of the geometry of the Type IV unit. The sampson
post of a Type IV unit cannot be shifted forward
in order to gain additional mechanical advantage
and still maintain a usable stroke length.

A set of design equations for a Type IV unit

have been devised. These equations take on the
same form as those presented in Appendix A.
However, as with the currently design
equations for Type II and III units ,the equations
for the Type IV unit employ parts of the API method.

PPRL + +

. . . (Bl)


= API peak polished rod load factor

=Load required to stretch rods an
amount equal to stroke length
Z Dimensionless geometry coefficient

Since the Type IV unit has an average static load

reduction of 7% over a Type I unit and the current
design technique for a Type III unit uses an addi-
tional 10% load reduction for the reduced accelera-
tion loads, Z has been chosen as .83. This repre-
sents a load reduction of 17% for a Type IV unit.

MPRL PPRL - (Fl+F2)SKR . . (B2)

where API minimum load factor.

This equation predicts larger minimum loads for

a Type IV unit than the API method for a Type I


Torque Limit 228000 in-1b (25760.5 N-m)

Beam Load Limit 21300 1b (94,747.1 N)

Rod Stress Limit 40000 psi (27,579.028. Pa)

Stroke Length 86 in (2.18 m)

Plunger Diameter 1. 25 in (0.032 m)

Fluid Specific Gravity 1.0

Rod Type Number 76

Pumping Speed Range 5.0 - 15.0 spm (0.83 - .25 sps)

Pumping Depth Range 6500. - 9500. ft (1981.2 - 2895.6m )

Type I Type II

Type III Type IV

Fig. 1 - Pumping unit types



Ln I

+ m
95 ~


MF 1. 318
95 C)

95 C) Classical.
Mi' 1.0

Z 95 C)

(\J /
(') I
('i C)
W ::r
("\J Cl

6 50

DE TH (F T x 1 0 3)
Fig. 2 - Gear box torque vs_ pumping depth at 5 spm




+ (\J
UJ (!j

(') Clas:sic.31
HF 1.318
/ C)
aJ (') ;('i C)
(J'j C)
Z /
MF 1.0


W (') C)
0 C)

er:: CD

f- (\J ----L__
6.50 7. 10 7.70 .so
DEPT (F T X 1 0+3 )

Fig. 3 - Gear box torque vs. pumping depth at 15 spm



W IBq168


21300 L6 aERM
_ l~RgU< LIMIT

Fig, 4 - API method - Type I unit



':lI 2S09B2

w 173908

21300 La aERM

Fig. 5 - Classical method - Type I unit


co 276282

w le~188


~ 9209~

228 CONVENTIONAL f>u. 6'$00

~~ 3i~ ~~R~~~M f1t,o.ltVc


Fig, 6 - API and classical method composite surface - machinery factor =1.0

a:l 309079

w 206053


21300 LB BEAM
•. ~oooo PSI ~oo STRESS LIMIT
_ _ BEAM LlMlT

Fig. 7 - API and classical method composite surface - machinery factor =1.318


UJ la~la8


~~~o~e~~E~~~~NAL "'U/.tp ~soo


Fig. 8 -Isotorque lines for Type I unit - API method


a:l 265231
UJ 176620


21300 LB BEAM
TYpe '76 Rn05

Fig. 9 - Type II unit


lI.J U3Y66



21300 LB BEAM
66 IN STRClk:E

Fig. 12 - Type I unit with 3000 It pump submergence - API method

Fig. 13 - Crank
and Pitman arm
assembly - Ty·
pe I unit

J._ Dovml:iLrokc

Hid u p;~; t roke S ta rt: downs t roke Mid downs t roke Start upst roke

Fig. 14-Type III unit pumping cycle

Type I
9.2.') ,

Type II
a = 4.67' 20075 Ib
6.25' 35075 Ib
crank supports F3 15000 Ib

11. 46 1b
a ~ 7.29' F ~ 22 1.79 Ib
)13 15000 Ib
ail;: cylinder suppot'ts

F 2903 Ib
,~ 1
'" F 2 = 18624 Ib

J !C: 1
1 F
F) ~ 15000 1b

Type I V
b 8. I ' F 15741 Ib
I I I 1
8.5' ~ :JQ741 Ib
15000 Ib

Fig. 15 - Beam loads for 228D - 213 - 86 units

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