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Praise the presence of Allah Almighty who has bestowed His mercy and
grace. So we can finish the history paper of nursing development of World and
Indonesia well and just in time. In the preparation of the paper there may be a
few obstacles. However, thanks to the support of friends and guidance from
supervisors. So we can finish this paper well.

With this paper, it is expected to help the learning process and can
increase knowledge for the readers. The author also does not forget to say thank
you to all parties, for his help, support and prayer.

Hopefully this paper can be useful for all parties who read this paper and
can know about the history of nursing development of the world and Indonesia.
This paper may be less than perfect, for which we expect criticism and
suggestions for the perfection of this paper.


FOREWORD............................................................................................... 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................. 2

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ....................................................................... 3

A. BACKGROUND.................................................................................. 3
B. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM................................................. 4
C. OBJECTIVES..................................................................................... 4
D. BENEFITS.......................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II THEORY REVIEW................................................................. 5


INDONESIA........................................................................................ 11
C. NURSING IN THE FUTURE................................................................ 11

CHAPTER III COVER................................................................................. 14

A. CONCLUSION.................................................................................... 14
B. SUGGESTION.................................................................................... 14

REFERENCES............................................................................................ 15



A. Background
History is any event or event in the past that is both pleasant and
heartbreaking. Nursing is a form of professional health care, which is an
integral part of health services based on nursing science and ethics.
Nursing is born simultaneously with the creation of man by God, so it
can’t be denied that everyone needs nursing care in his life. Initially the
nurse is considered as a provision of care, where the implementation is
done traditionally by groups, communities, or social agencies. The
development of nursing that we know today can’t be separated and
strongly influenced by the development of structure and progress of
human civilization. The belief in animism, the spread of the great religions,
the world and the socio-economic conditions of society, the occurrence of
war, renaissance and the reform movement participated in coloring the
development of nursing. From history we can know the experience for that
we use in the present and the future.
Nursing as an integral part of health services is a form of professional
service based on nursing science. In the development of nursing science
always follow the development of other science, given the science of
nursing is an applied science that always changes with the times.
Likewise, the nursing service in Indonesia, in the future is expected to be
able to provide services to the public in a professional manner in
accordance with the demands of society and technology are constantly
evolving field of health. The implementation of nursing care in most
Indonesian hospitals has generally adopted a scientific approach through
the nursing process.
The theory is a group of concepts that from a real pattern or a
statement describing a process, event or occurrence that is based on
facts that have been observed but less absolute or evidence. Nursing
theory is referred to attempts to describe or explain the phenomenon of
nursing. Nursing theory is used as a basis in constructing a concept
model in nursing, and nursing concept models are used in determining

nursing practice models. The following is a summary of some nursing
theories that professional nurses need to know to be able to apply nursing
practice based on beliefs and basic values of nursing.
B. Formulation of the problem
1. What is history and nursing?
2. What is the history of nursing in the world?
3. How is nursing developing in the UK?
4. What is the history of nursing in Indonesia?
C. Objectives
1. Knowing the nursing practice model and the purpose of the theory and
model of nursing.
2. Knowing the characteristics of the theory of nursing and the factors
that influence the theory of nursing.
3. Knowing the views of some experts on the concept model and the
theory of nursing.
D. Benefits
1. To know the history of the development of nursing and the purpose of
the theory and model of nursing.
2. Knowing the characteristics of the theory of nursing development and
the factors that influence the theory of nursing.
3. Knowing the views of some experts on the concept model and the
theory of nursing.



A. History of Nursing Development In Word

Treatment has been carried out since the existence of humans
and the target is human from birth until the arrival of death. In
Indonesia nurse work is done based on the instinct of motherly feeling
to care for her children (mother instinct). The history of nursing
development in Indonesia has been influenced by the invaders such
as Japan, the Netherlands and the UK. In development in Indonesia
divided into several parts including: ANY AGE. As in other countries,
nursing is handed over to women who care for their families. Diseases
are considered satanic acts of shaman, a way of treatment by using
leaves. Treatment in several nations and countries.
a. Egypt
The Egyptians of ancient times had worshiped many gods.
The famous gods include Isis. They assume that this god is
interested in the sick and provides help when the sick is
asleep. Founded the temple which is the first hospital in Egypt.
Science medicine especially surgery has been known by the
ancient Egyptians (± 4800 BC). In performing his duties as a
physician he used spikes, bandages, he has knowledge of
anatomy, general hygiene and medicine. In the books written
in the book of the Papyrus contains about 700 kinds of
prescription drugs from Egypt.
b. Babylon and Syria
The science of anatomy and herbs has been known to
Babylonians since the centuries BC. In one of the writings
stating that in 680 BC people already knew how to hold the
blood out of the nose and take care of the acne on the face.
The Babylonians worshiped the gods therefore the treatment
or treatment based on that belief.

c. Ancient Jews
The knowledge of the Jewish nation is widely obtained
from the Egyptians. For example: the ways of giving people
the famous treatment are Moses. He is also known as a
hygiene expert. Under his leadership the Jewish developed
his great interest in general cleanliness and personal hygiene.
The Jewish health legislation forms the basis for modern
hygiene in which the ways and regulations are consistent with
bacteriology today, for example:
1. Check and select the foodstuff to be eaten
2. Held the way of human waste disposal
3. Prohibition of eating pork because it can cause a disease
4. Notify the authorities if there is a dangerous disease, so
action can be taken.
d. India
The Indians (Hindu) in ancient times had embraced the
Brahmin religion, in addition to worshiping and asking for help
to the god (in the temple) to heal the sick. In India there have
been hospitals, especially in the North, during the reign of King
Asoka, ± 8 hospital where some were later made into schools
of treatment and care.
e. China
The Chinese have known venereal disease such as
gonorrhea and syphilis. Dating has also been done since 1000
BC of massage science and psychotherapy. The famous
people in medicine.
1. Seng Lung
Known as “The Father of Medicine, who is an
expert in internal medicine and has used medicines from
plants and minerals (salt-salaman). The famous motto is
Look, Listen, Ask, taste.
2. Chang Chung Ching ± 200 BC has been working on
lavement using bamboo.

3. Dutch colonial period in 1596
Cornelis De Houtman was the first Dutchman to
come to Indonesia during the colonial period. The VOC
Period, (1602-1799) The Dutch came to Indonesia for the
first time in order to trade. In the trading business it was in
the form of VOC. In connection with the presence of staff
and soldiers then two health efforts. The first hospital was
named “Binnen Hospital” was established in 1641 located
in Batavia (now Jakarta) the care workers are taken from
the indigenous population (bumi putera) named Zieken
oppaser (sick guard) this hospital under the supervision of
a doctor military.
In (1724-1744) out of town was established the second
hospital named: Buiten Hospital replaced Binnen Hospital
which was closed in the year 1808. Since the VOC was
dissolved in 1799, the Dutch government handed over to
the Indonesian government which later formed the state
organization of the Netherlands Indies.
4. British Colonial Age of (1811-1816)
Governor General Raffles is very concerned about
people’s health. The efforts in the field of health are
expressed in the words “health is human property”. His
 Conduct general vaccination
 Improve the care of sick people (soul)
 Improve the care of detainees
5. Dutch Colonial Period II (1816-1942)
After the rejuvenation of government to the
Netherlands, health efforts appear to advance. Prof. Dr.
Reinwardt drafted health legislation, including medical
practice, obstetrics, medication and other for the area
around Batavia in 1819 by Resident V Pabst established a
public hospital in Jakarta, among Stadsverban hospital in
Glodok. This hospital has simple equipment. In 1919 tha

Stadverban hospital became the CBZ (Central Burgerlijke
Ziekeninrichting) which was then transferred at
Salembang. bosch who was very concerned
about the health of establishing a Javanese physician
school (1852), which later developed into STOVIA (1898)
and finally GHS (1927). He also made preparation s for
midwifery education in 1852. In 1875 this midwifery
education was closed again. Private (private) hospital were
held by Zending. Muhammadiyah, reinforcements. One of
the most famous is the hospital in Gang Paal which is now
the Cikini Hospital, founded in 1879. Other skit houses are:
St. Carolus Hospital in Jakarta, St. Borromeus Hospital in
Bandung and Elizabeth Hospital in Semarang. A nursing
education has been started that started in Cikini Hospital in
1900. Nursing education began in 1906 at Glodok Hospital
in 1912.
6. The Japanese Colonial Era ( 1942 – 1945 )
In the Japanese colonial era of nursing in Indonesia
may be said to resign. The Leaders of hospitals that used
to be Dutch people were taken over by Japanese and
partly by the Indonesian people. Drugs are very poor,
therefore outbreaks disease everywhere. Materials are
very less bandage, until the use of banana leaves and
banana lining.
7. The Age of Independence ( 1945 - 1961 )
The state of hospitals and care suffered from
deficiencies, especially drugs. Since 1949 the government
began to build and reconstruct improvements in the health
field. Year 1962-present Care began to grow rapidly, with
the etablisment of nursing academy education ( AKPER )
and in 1962 and Nursing Study Program ( PSIK ) Faculty of
Medicine University of Indonesia in Jakarta ( 1985 ), which
brings a positive impact on care services. The care

approach uses a process of care based on the needs of
the whole person.
8. The treatment of mental illness in Indonesian
The treatment of mental illness in Indonesia is not
the same. Some are gently treated, others are rough. This
depends on the progress of the people in each region.
Treatment is not done at the hospital but outside the
hospital, because there is no conviction and pengertain
people about mental illness. It was not until 1800 that
people suffering from mental illness were collected in
wards but whose care was only custodial.
New psychiatric hospitals were founded in 1875 in
Cilendek, Bogor which is the first mental hospital in
Indonesia with capacity 400. The second mental hospitals
is a mental hospital in Lawang founded in 1894 which now
consist of a source of porong, Pasuruan, Sumpyuh, so it is
the largest mental hospital in Southeast Asia with a
capacity of 3300. The third mental hospital is located in
Magelang, founded in 1923 with a capacity of 1400. The
other is established in Grogol, Jakarta, Padang,
Palembang, Banjarmasin, Menado, each with a capacity of
1.k.60 Treatment is done by nurse-nurses and cares of the
sick under the supervision of Indonesian nurses.
The new soul nurse education opened in
September 1940 in Cilandek, Bogor. This education is in
the form of “Course“. In the beginning, only Dutchand Indo
Dutch people, in 1951, was opened course for nurses of
the nation of Indonesia. Follow many who come from
outside Java, for example : Sumatra, Kalimantan and so
Currently mental illness treatment is done in a
modern and no longer placed in a closed room, but
dibangsal-ward free. They get freedom, entertained and
mingle with polite so finally insyaf and conscious.

Treatment by way of being shocked or shocked. In
the Middle Ages in a way scared or dropped into the well.
Also used Hydro-therapie by using hot water or cold water.
Treatment of this kind is still done today.
In modern times treatment is now done by using
sleeping pills, entertained with music, sports, dancing and
others. Shock therapie is still done mainly with the flow of
electricity ( ECT ).
The development of nursing in Indonesia is
influenced by the social and economic conditions of
colonial rule of the Netherlands, Britain and Japan and the
situation of Indonesian government after Indonesian
independence Differentiated upon:

The period before independence

Dutch colonial period in this period the nurse came

from a native population called VELPLEGEK Called zieken
oppaser as the guardian of the hospital. The Dutch
government’s efforts in health are :

 Established the hospital I Binnen Hospital in

Jakarta in 1799
 Establish the hospital II Butten Hospital
 Establish military health service ( Burgerlijke
gezandherds dients )

9. British Colonial Period

Governor-General Rafles takes great care of the
people of the motto : Health is human property. His efforts
in health :
 General dating
 Fixed the way the treatment of patients with mental
 Paying attention to the health of the prisoners

The Japanese colonial period Cause the
development of nursing decline which is also the age of
darkness of the world of nursing in Indonesia. These
setbacks are seen on
 Nursing work done by uneducated people,
 Hospital leadership is taken over by Japanese people,
The development of nursing inIndonesia is influenced by the social
and economic conditions of colonial rule of the Netherlands, Britain
and Japan and the situation of Indonesian government after
Indonesia’s Independence is differentiated :
1. The period before independence
Dutch colonial period in this period the nurse came from a
native population called VELPLEGEK Called zieken oppaser as
the guardian of the hospital. The Dutch government’s efforts in
health are :
o Established the hospital I Binnen Hospital in Jakarta in 1799
o Establish the hospital II Butten Hospital
o Establish military health service ( military gezond herds dients )
o Defining Public Health Service ( Burgerlijke gezandherds dients )
2. The Age of Independence
Efforts in the field of health in 1949 began to be built hospitals
and health centers. In 1952 began to be established nurse school
of nursing school teachers and nursery school at junior level
starting in 1962 established professional nursing education.
Nursing is an open and dynamic system, meaning that nursing will
always adjust to the changes that occur either in the field of science
and technology. The following is the opinion of some experts on the
development of nursing in the future.
1) Virginia Henderson
a. It has a legal foundation that will govern nursing services
universally available.

b. The nurse will perform most of its functions in primary care.
Doctors and other health workers are move involved as
consultants. Health services combine modern medicine with
traditional medicine.
c. The nursing model will take precedence over the treatment
d. The emphasis of nursing care is health education with the aim
of helping clients to be self-reliant and better utilize health
e. The services provided will be moreemphasis on disease
prevention efforts.
f. Available funds will be allocated more for the health care
provider at home.
g. The hospital will only serve patients with acute pain and
patients who require major surgery.
h. The field of nursing will be more in demand, especially by
i. To obtain a practice license, the nurse must earn a bachelor’s
j. The nurse’s salary will be larger than the more professional
and quality nursing service.
k. More nurses who understand health practices.
2) Fuerst Wolf And Wetzil
a. Work towards interdependence based on partnership with
other professional groups in providing comprehensive health
care to the community.
b. Seek to determine his own role in practice and determine
responsible responsibilities and actions.
c. Improved knowledge and skills facilitated through nursing
d. The development of nursing long with developments in other
e. Seeking rewards that are commensurate with status and role
in nursing.

3) Prof. Marifin Husin
a. In the field of nursing care from assistance based on skills and
procedures merely turns into assistance with the foundation of
science and scientific methods, nursing care standarts, and nursing
professional etchics.
b. The original services was changed into self-service.
c. Procedural skills transform into a science-based skills and nursing
process with a sense of responsibility for the implementation of
nursing care, and professional attitudes and behavior.
d. Nursing education that was originally vocational changed into higher
education both D3 and S1.
e. Research.
f. From almost nothing at all turns into existing and established,
because the undergraduate ( S1, S2 ) has enough.
g. In professional organizations, the focus is on organizational
consolidation programs, and welfare transformed into a broad and
active professional knowledge development.
h. Nursing as a profession is accepted as an independent profession.
i. In addition to the opinions of the experts above, developments in the
field of treatment can be predicted based on the facts that occur in
j. With the increasing population of elderly then gerontik nursing needs
to be developed.
k. Increased degenerative diseases, AIDS, mental illness, and
increasing maternal and infant mortality require specific services
related to these problems.
l. Seeing the culture that clients prefer to be treated in the middle of the
family and the rising cost of care in the hospital then in the future will
nurse home helath organizers will get an important position.
Therefore, the specialization of family helath nursing needs to be


A. Conclusion
Nursing is a science and profession that provide health
services in order to improve health for the community. Nursing has
been around since humans exist and until how the nursing
profession is growing rapidly. The history of nursing development
in Indonesia does not only take place in the order of practice, in
this case the nursing service, but also in the world of nursing
education. Not foreign, nursing education has a great influence on
the quality of nursing services. Therefore nurses must continue to
increase their potential, one of them thorugh continuing nursing
B. Suggestions
From the conclusion that we have as a prospective nurse
must continue to improve his competence, one of them through
continuous nursing education, so we do not experience the
backwardness of international nursing. In addition, as a
prospective nurse we should learn how the history of the
development of nursing world that exist, so we are more familiar
with how the profession of nursing and through it we can learn to
appreciate the profession we live.


Ali, Z. (2001). Fundamentals of Professional Nursing. Jakarta: Widya Medika.

Asmadi. (2008). Basic Concepts of Nursing. Jarkata: EGC.

Book of Professional Organization of Indonesia National Nurses. (2006). East

Java: Board of Provinces PPNI.

Samba, S. (2009). Travel Nursing Indonesia . Bandung: Yayasan Nusantara



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