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Explicitement pour VALENTINE :P

Hello sir | Hello m’am

Welcome to : (Alamo, Enterprise, ou bien NATIONAL) selon le logo sur ton contrat/tablette.

Let me see what cars are available in the category you booked (sir/m’am), you can follow me to the
office, it’s a fresh room with air conditioning.

Okay, so you have the choice between (choice 1), or (choise 2) they’re both (automatic/manual) with
an included GPS.

Pour faire ton upsell, tu peux enchainer avec:

We have an interesting offer today on the premium cars if you need more comfort. for (ton prix,
exemple) 20EUROS MORE A DAY, you can have the latest model of the Mercedes (CLA OR C OR E
CLASS OR BMW, selon le client) It’s a full option car with the GPS.

Do you need some help to carry the luggage?

Partie explication:
On commence toujours par le coffre :

Alright (sir/mam), let’s start by checking the trunk (Right here (et tu pointe avec le doigt)) you have
the triangle of security if you ever have to stop in the highway; in the glovebox you have the yellow
security vest, and underneath, you have a spare wheel. (si c’est une merco ou une BM ou une
twingo, tu dis:) you have the inflation-KIT instead of the spare wheel.

Now I’ll start checking the car using this tool here (tu pointe tjrs avec le doigt le e-tool)

If there’s a scratch on the bumpers, it must be bigger than the whole rectangle here, for the dents, it
must be bigger than the big circle.

For the rest of the body, scratches and dents combined must be bigger than the circle to be charged.
If they’re smaller, then obviously the company doesn’t charge you.

And finally, you are responsible for the tires, if you have a flat tire, but not the rims, which mean if
there’s a scratch on the rims, the company doesn’t charge you for it (POUR LES MERCO ET BMS ils
sont responsible pour les ROUE PLUS JANTE)

(après tu fais ton tour tranquil, tu rentre dans la caisse tu prends le KMtrage le niveau du caburant
tu sors et tu enchaine  :)

Here’s the key for you (m’am/sir), the car is given with full tank, and you have to bring it back full
unless you pre payed it. You also have a sticker saying if it’s either petrol or diesel on the tank.
I should remind you that you still have an excess with our company which is (1000€ or 1500€) selon
la caté et tu enchaine partie assurance: You have two option, you can either take the car and you
have the risk of 1000€ excess per sinister, or you can take the protections to have 0 excess whatever
happens to the car. (Tu donne les prix selon les catés, oublie pas les prix que tu vois c hors tax, 4
devient 5 15 devient 19 et 20.83 devient 25 etc)

Partie signature du bail :

Après tu dis  : (sur tablette)

In order to finalize the contract, I need your initials twice on the first page, in the yellow part, with
your finger,

And on the second page, I need your full signature twice for the terms and conditions of the contract

And finally, I have to double check the email address with you to make sure that you’ll receive the
contract (is that correct?) perfect, si c pas le cas,  Oh, let’s edit this together

Do you have any more questions about the car (sir/mam?)

Handshake obligatoire à la fin, Thanks once again for trusting (ALAMO, ENTERPRISE, OU NATIONAL
SELON SON CONTRAT) enjoy your trip, and hope to see you soon

J’espère que cela va t’aider pour un début,

n’hésite pas à m’écrire si t’as besoin de quoi que
ce soit Valentine, bon courage pour ton début de
carrière, rends nous fiers <3 :P

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