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Grammar Revision 27

Reading Comprehension

Read the poem below and answer the questions.

_____ ________ by Candy Canon

1 She taught me how to tie my shoes.

She taught me how to talk,
And though I can't remember,
I think she taught me how to walk.

5 And sometimes there were days I'd cry

Or hide my head in shame.
But Grandma took it all in stride
And loved me all the same.

She'd wrap her arms around me

10 And ________ me on the head.
She'd tell me that she loved me
When she tucked me into bed.

And when I went off to college,

I met the love of my life.
15 It was Grandma who was the first I told
That I planned to make her my wife.

Soon after I'd become a father,

For that I could hardly wait.
To have a child of my very own,
20 And to make my Grandma a "Great".

As time passed and life grew short

I hoped my Grandma knew
That it was her love and her support
That always got me through.
25 If I could tell her one more thing,
"Thanks Grandma," is what I'd say,
"For loving me and making me
The man I am today."

1. In line 1, who does ‘she’ refer to? _______________Writer's_Grandma

2. Find a pair of rhyme in stanza 1. ________________Talk and walk_

3. In line 6, “hide my head in shame” shows that the speaker was

A. excited B. scared
C. down D. angry C

4. In line 10, one word is missing, which of the following words is the most suitable?
A. hit B. hand
C. grab D. kiss D

5. In stanza 5, what is the tone of the speaker?

A. excited B. scared
C. down D. angry A

6. In line 20, the speaker described his grandma as “Great”. What are the two meanings? Write your
answer in complete sentences. Make sure your answer is grammatically correct. __The two meanings
are Grandma is excellent and is an important person._____________________________________

7. Complete the following sentence by filling in each of the blank with ONE word. The first letter of
each word has been given.

According to stanzas 6 and 7, the speaker was very thankful___________ for grandma’s love and care and he
felt proud_____ to be the man he was today.

8. Which of the following titles is the most suitable for the poem?

A. My school life B. My childhood

C. My grandma D. My home C

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