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Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

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From Uninterruptible Power Supply to resilient smart micro grid: The case of T
a battery storage at telecommunication station

M. Ferraro, G. Brunaccini , F. Sergi, D. Aloisio, N. Randazzo, V. Antonucci
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia “Nicola Giordano” Via S. Lucia sopra Contesse, 5, Messina, Italy


Nowadays, resilient grids meet growing interest for their capability of supplying critical load even in case of power fault coming from grid disturbance and natural
disasters. To do this, such grids involve redundant apparatus and predictive control schemes.
For high value services, unexpected system unavailability is source of economic losses to the providers. Hence, beside the internal energy storage devices, such
plants had better to have redundancy of energy sources (e.g. electrical grid and natural gas network) and tailored power flows control strategies still valid even in the
case of energy shortage. On the other hand, distributed storage resources is attracting growing interest to support the power networks in terms of both resiliency and
flexibility facing the impact of generation from the Renewable Energy Sources.
In this work, a power supply system controller based on Artificial Intelligence was developed and simulated to wisely operate the storage resources to serve the ICT
equipment as Uninterruptible Power Supply (above all in case of emergency) as fundamental mission. Secondly, the investigation assessed the capability, to offer
ancillary services to the power network increasing its resiliency measured system response in terms of survival time during grid faults and restoration transient time
to recover initial service level.

1. Introduction management [3], and so turning the internal storage into a resource
even for power network services.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector compa- Consequently, the storage resources entirely dedicated to the
nies can offer their high value (telecommunications based) services, emergency when used as UPS could be wisely exploited to support
such as e-commerce, video broadcast, financial transactions, supply power grids preventing their State-of-Charge (SoC) from being too low
chain management, thanks to the wide territorial distribution of ICT just during the grid fault. In such scenario, a specific literature (dedi-
infrastructure (base transceiver stations, landline stations, data centers, cated to find a possible trade-off between the costs, the survival time,
and so on). However, the services quality and the related economic and potential additional services) is currently addressed to the so-called
income are closely linked to the continuity of the service itself, due to “resiliency” feature [4,5] of such kind of systems.
both (in case of downtime) loss of throughput (i.e. payload) and the For this reason, since the grid faults are inherently unexpected, a
contract penalties toward the customer. Beside equipment and software method to guarantee the energy storage dual use (UPS and Grid
failure, service downtime may originate in power supply fault, whose Service) must be implemented.
primary causes are weather related [1]. In this work, to address the system resiliency matter, starting from
To contrast this threat, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems weather forecast signals, electricity price variability over time, and a
are installed in the equipment site to let the apparatus survive during power load profile already analyzed in literature [6], a Fuzzy Logic
the absence of external (i.e. electric grid) power. based controller was developed to improve the energy storage resources
The role of internal UPS storage is fundamental to avoid payload utilization. Thanks to the absence of constraints linked to ICT field re-
loss and contract penalties to ICT providers, which are usually applied quirements, the developed controller based on AI may be extended to
in case of service interruptions. However, due to the limited time of grid any active (i.e. with internal generation and/or storage) grid tied
faults (70 to 130 min per user, on Italian average, according to [2]), its system application towards infrastructure resilience-oriented.
activity is too limited to the electricity supply during sporadic emer- Additionally, the potential benefit from adding a controllable in-
gency periods. ternal generator GEN-SET to the UPS aiming at reducing the power
Moreover, if adequately rewarded, the power exchange with the demand from grid and increasing the system flexibility while providing
Distribution System Operator (DSO) would reduce its effort in energy the grid with ancillary services was evaluated. In this latter case, the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Brunaccini).
Received 15 April 2019; Received in revised form 4 October 2019; Accepted 8 January 2020
Available online 16 January 2020
2352-152X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Abbreviations List of variables

RES renewable energy sources wind speed m/s

ICT information and communication technology weather signal /
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply rain height mm
DSO distribution system operator ambient pressure mbar
SoC state-of-charge battery capacity kWh
SOFC solid oxide fuel cell fuel cell power kW
AI artificial intelligence grid power kW
FL fuzzy logic battery power kW
SAIDI system average interruption duration index load power kW
SAIFI system average interruption frequency index SoC %
GMD geo-magnetic disturbance electricity price c€/kWh
FC fuel cell natural gas price €/m3
FLM fuzzy logic machine grid rate %
PBATT battery (electrical) power battery charge/discharge efficiency /
PLOAD load (electrical) consumption
PGEN fuel cell power generation

generator represents an additional power supply, which can contribute “membership function”.
to increase the security of the ICT load supply. With respect to other AI techniques in literature, such as neural
Since in a previous activity a hybrid battery/fuel cell system pro- networks [11–13], genetic algorithms [14, 15] or multi-agent systems
totype was developed [7] for a landline station power supply, in the [16, 17], FL:
evaluated plant a component was dedicated to model the electrical
characteristics of that generator. For the same reason, the weather - requires less computational effort [18],
conditions and electricity price data refer to that installation site (Pa- - deals with not unambiguous (i.e. not entirely categorized) set of
lermo, Italy). data,
- can be supported by a-priori rules (by defining its inference engine)
rooting in the human-like reasoning,
2. Materials and methods
- is already present in the electric microgrid control literature [19].

2.1. Theoretical approach

Fuzzy logic control was already adopted in hybrid generation (re-
newable and fuel cell) and storage (battery and electrolyzer) archi-
According to [8, 9], the most part of grid faults roots in natural
tecture, in literature, to regulate the hydrogen production/consumption
events. Among these, about 87% are weather related (mainly strong
[20]. On the contrary, in the present work, the effort is focused on
wind and heavy rain, but even due to lightning and ice storm), and the
exploiting the existing natural gas infrastructure, so that the SOFC
remaining to animals and fire. Currently, other minor causes are car
technology appears as a reasonable design choice despite being char-
accidents, intentional attacks, and planned maintenance. This state-
acterized by a very limited operating point variation dynamics.
ment leads to use weather forecast as a good option to base prediction
Therefore, almost always in the observation window (with limited ex-
algorithms to the UPS discharge/charge processes, as well as novel
ceptions in case of prolonged grid failure) the FC working point is
battery exploitation algorithms.
constant (steady state operation) and the FL controller operates the
Moreover, provided that the weather forecast gives indications
battery control and power flow through the grid.
about the probability of phenomena, such as rain intensity, wind speed,
Finally, concerning the “resiliency” goal, despite the absence of an
snowfall, sky clarity index and so on, the prediction algorithm must
official standardized definition, a characterization (as “list of features”)
complies with such kind of indications. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence
of resilient systems widely adopted is presented in [21, 22]. In the re-
(AI) techniques can be fruitfully applied to cope with non deterministic
ferred literature, some metric indicators (to compare different reactions
and only partially numerically defined phenomena.
to disaster events) are specified. Most of such indicators are based on
For instance, the wind speed is a variable characterized by an ex-
impacts of the system response during the disaster transient. Sometime
pected average value around which the actual values vary with dy-
those impacts are only qualitatively evaluable, since they are correlated
namics not reported in the weather forecast bulletin. Consequently, the
to the user perception of the service quality, e.g. the reduction of ser-
wind characterization can be expressed with intervals labeled as:
vice quality and restoration time. Moreover, due to their importance
“calm”, “light breeze”, “breeze”, “strong”, “storm”, and so on, like in
and contract penalties, current high value service systems are designed
addressing the service reliability. Hence, the design focuses to the
Similarly, it is possible to categorize the price (either as cost or as
survival against events characterized by high occurrence probability
payout) of a single kWh as “low”, “intermediate”, “high” or to express
but with moderate consequences. Therefore, indicators as SAIDI and
weather with equivalent terms. According to a set of conditions (i.e. an
SAIFI [23, 24] are adequate and well defined to characterize their re-
energy market set of rules, e.g. in a predetermined observation time
liability. On the contrary, resilience oriented design is addressed to
window of a selected grid node in a given time of the year), the algo-
react and survive to less frequent and highly impacting events, such as
rithm determines if it is convenient to sell (or buy) an “energy packet”
storms, Geo-Magnetic Disturbance (GMD), and anthropic correlated
or not. Clearly, each labeling term includes a range of values, and,
usually, the different ranges are partially superposed.
In this perspective, resilient systems take into account the points of
To cope with such kind of data, a well-known AI technique is Fuzzy
view of the both service customer and system operation. In particular,
Logic (FL). FL can associate not univocally (numerically) defined va-
according to dedicated literature, resiliency indicators involve the im-
lues, as in the everyday human language, to a set of probabilities (for
pacts of the disaster event on the service available to the customer [21]
each single variable considered) of affinity with value within a so called

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

and the system response to restore (as soon as possible) the usually hardware configuration (battery only, FC only, hybrid) the electrical
provided service as the disaster did not occur [22]. energy tariff and/or the natural gas (to feed the FC generator) price
Once defined the control logic technique and the evaluable data, the have to be taken into account. According to tabled values in [25]
developed algorithm requires the definition of its effectiveness opera- (Italian average case for “industrial like” natural gas supply) the natural
tional range. In other words, due to physical, technical, economic gas price (raw material only, excluding indirect costs and taxes) is
limitations of the controlled system operation, the algorithm must be about 0.18 €/m3 (on average, in Italy, the raw material component
tuned to avoid crossing thresholds towards meaningless system states represents the 39% of the end user tariff).
and define threshold values that, if overcome, trigger corrective actions. To have a cost comparison with the extreme opposite case,i.e. in-
For this reason, beside the battery model already developed by the ternal generation only (without battery control), a simulation step fo-
authors in a previous activity [7], in the developed simulation tool, the cused on the insertion of a fuel cell generator without the batteries. This
boundary condition was the minimum acceptable selected storage ca- implied to assume that no grid faults occurred in the observation
pacity (i.e. SoC) at the end of the grid fault, as per an ordinary ICT windows. In that case, the gas consumption is compensated by the re-
infrastructure station. This can be reasonably used as a baseline to fix a duction of energy purchase from the grid. However, the performed
lowermost limit to the storage size design. evaluation did not include three additional costs sources:
Moreover, three main processes were carried out:
- Contract penalties due to the occurrence of grid faults (since these
(1) FL implementation of the control algorithm (to evaluate the eco- events cannot be supported due to the absence of batteries);
nomic impact of correct and wrong grid fault predictions); - Maintenance and performance degradation of the fuel cell generator
(2) Fuel Cell (FC) integration: this includes an internal energy source to and batteries;
evaluate its benefits (if any) in both configurations with UPS only - Capital cost difference between batteries and FC generator (that
and combined with FL. depends even on the future expectations about batteries and FC
(3) Assessment of the controller behavior: to verify if the system re- technologies development and mass production costs).
siliency was well addressed, by investigating the expected opera-
tion of the system during the running of main algorithm (i.e. fuzzy For these reasons, only an energy cost evaluation was carried out.
operation) and during the “out of bounds” (i.e. emergency and re-
covery periods) customized corrections. 2.3. Control system architecture

In the adopted approach, a two-layer Fuzzy Logic Machine (FLM)

2.2. Simulation data sources (load profile, electricity price, natural gas
architecture was implemented. This was done, as reported in Fig. 3, by
one FLM in the first stadium that, in each time step of the simulations,
elaborates data coming from weather signals to determine whether a
To assess the described algorithm in a field-like environment, the
grid fault occurrence has relevant probability or not. In details, the FLM
simulations were carried out basing the implementation on real data
is fed with wind speed and expected rain intensity in the time step, and
coming from open access databases for energy price and weather report
return a “defuzzyfied” boolean output variable (hereinafter referred as
signals (from weather stations around the prototype installation site).
“MODE” or “mode”) to select the appropriate FLM in the second sta-
On the other hand, to analyze the validity of the algorithm against
dium of the control architecture. The boolean first layer output variable
different weather and price conditions, 12 daily load profiles (one per
assumes either “normal” or “resilient” value whether the grid fault
each month in a year) have been simulated. Starting from the above
probability is considered negligible or relevant, respectively.
referred literature paper [6], the adopted power profile in each day was
After this, in the latter layer of the control system, the either acti-
a re-scaling of a single week whose samples (3 min time slots) were
vated FLM (“normal” or “resilient” in each single step) by the mode
averaged according to the monthly power load (in each time slot)
value determines the battery power (indeed the fraction of the load
measured from energy billing of the prototype installation site, reported
request supplied by the battery) and, thus, how to distribute the in-
in Fig. 1.
ternal load power demand between power network and battery. To do
Therefore, both weather conditions and energy prices (Fig. 2) were
this, two main topics must be discussed to clarify the control system
sampled in each time slot of the 13th (arbitrarily selected) day in each
In this work, different configurations were analyzed to determine
(1) The two second layer FLMs differ from each other since the
the economic effect (with respect to the UPS only function) of the
“normal” mode FLM uses load power, battery SoC, and electricity
storage resource exploitation to convert the ICT station into an active
price as input variables; on the contrary, the “resilient” mode FLM,
user (so called “prosumer”). The prosumer can buy or sell power in the
due to the relevant risk of grid fault, does not include the energy
“day-ahead market” (so called “mercato del giorno prima”, in Italy),
price as an input variable;
whose selling prices have regional validity and 1-h time slot basis.
(2) In the system architecture addressed to assess the potential benefits
From the economic evaluation point of view, depending on the

Fig. 1. Load power profile. 12 days, each representing a month on the base of the daily average energy consumption according to the installation site electricity bills.

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 2. Electricity price profile (hourly tariff) of the (arbitrarily chosen to synchronize weather conditions) day 13th of each month (year 2017).

of the internal power generation (FC generator), the FC design weather bulletin (rain probability, wind gust, expected pressure, re-
power was selected to entirely satisfy the annual energy request at ported in Error! Reference source not found.) by a weighted sum to
steady state (for efficiency maximization matter). This is equivalent synthetize in a single number the following parameters:
to use grid and battery as energy buffers to negotiate the power
injection/draining. - Rain intensity: “dry/no rain”, “light”, “moderate”, “heavy”, “violent”.
This was made by mapping the Rr index into a 0 to 1 interval, where:
To test the validity of the selected fuzzy logic approach, two grid
actual rain height
fault periods were artificially inserted in the simulated system. Rr =
According to the occurrence of grid faults phenomena correlation with maximum rain height (1)
weather forecast in the installation site, the above mentioned artificial
faults were triggered in the two days that represent the period of year - Wind gust to wind average speed ratio: due to the potential impact
more affected by high speed wind (January) and raindrops (November). of wind gust on electric infrastructure, this parameters was ac-
Beside this, to have numerical indicators of the importance of correct counted for additional severity of damage causes. Done by mapping
weather forecast, in the second phase of the development procedure, the Wr index into a 0 to 1 interval, where:
the grid faults were forced in time slots characterized by very low
probability of “real” occurrence (i.e. sunny weather and/or low wind Wr =
maximum wind speed in the sampling interval
speed) to estimate the impact of erroneous fault predictions. overall maximum wind speed (2)
An alternative representation, with more details, can be done by
Indeed, due to the behavior of the “ratio” function, this parameter
flowcharts (reported in Fig. 3b and 3c), to describe the internal logic to
was added only if the daily average wind speed was higher than the
average yearly wind speed;
- The expected pressure was treated by considering the difference
- the fuzzy logic operation intervals (i.e. constraints),
between the room pressure (1013 mbar) and the tabled values, to
- the corrections in case of extended emergency periods (red and blue
have a normalization of the overall pressure values span. Done by
blocks in Fig. 3a),
mapping Pr scaled in a 0 to 1 interval, where:
- the two separate pathways triggered by the normal/resilient com-
mutation (orange block in Fig. 3a), actual pressure − 1013
- the SoC (iterative) calculation. Pr =
actual pressure − maximum pressure (3)

2.4. Simulated control system implementation: data source, raw data pre-
processing The combination of the above mentioned raw signals was performed
by a weighted average. The adopted weights were correlated to the
The FL controller implementation was developed in MATLAB/ typical climatic conditions of the investigation site. Thus, wind (i.e.
Simulink environment, by using the dedicated toolbox. To make the pressure gradients around the standard atmospheric value) has higher
wind speed and rain intensity signals coherent with the fuzzy logic impact with respect of rainfall (it is a Mediterranean climate with
controller, their variation intervals were divided into (partially super- sporadic heavy rain days, as visible in the table data of the Italian
posing) sub-intervals labeled as in Table 1. National Institute of Statistics [26]) and wind gust (rare in the site,
To determine the membership intervals widths, the inclusion of all visible as statistical data in [27] and [28]). For this reason, pressure had
the recorded values highlighted that only in few periods (i.e. time weight 0.4, and 0.25 the both wind gust and rainfall intensity. Despite
steps), for example, the wind speed was greater than 15 m/s, despite being (strictly speaking) arbitrary, to consider that, in case of rainfall, a
reaching very rare peak values of about 35 m/s, as visible in Fig. 4. strong wind gust could generate spray over the apparatus (and outdoor
For this reason, the distribution of the membership intervals, as connections), it was considered as an educated guess imposing the sum
visible in Fig. 5, is quite biased toward the low speed values with re- of the two weaker contributions as more impacting than the pressure
spect to the usual intervals assignment in the Beaufort scale. In other gradient only. This allowed reducing the fuzzy logic machine com-
words, despite the 35 m/s speed peak, there is only one interval plexity (i.e. the number of combinations of the input variables) and the
(“high”) to collect wind speed samples over 18 m/s, since the high wind number of Boolean rules of the inference engine [29].
speed only (i.e. in absence of intense rain) is uncommonly sufficient to The weighted sum was normalized to give similar contribution to all
cause grid faults. This allows to have better resolution at low wind the 3 factors and the result (in an overall span from 0 to 7) and dis-
speed values (which are most common in the selected site), to distin- tributed with two (external) triangular membership functions and one
guish (without increasing too much the number of intervals) values that trapezoidal (inner) membership function, as visible in Fig. 7.
can cause a grid disconnection if supported by heavy rain (Fig. 6 and These two signals (i.e. wind speed and weather) allowed to determine
Table 3). the working mode of the second layer FLM by elaboration in a Mamdani
The weather signal was calculated by the raw indications of the inference engine [30], whose rules are addressed to categorize each

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 3. (a) Block diagram of the simulation algorithm, consisting of: the two layer FLM section, SoC updating block (light green), restoration action after power
network recovery (dark green)), emergency state “out-of-bounds” interventions (red, light blue), and grid fault generator (orange). (b) and (c) detailed representation
of the internal logic by means of flow charts (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Table 1 and with the fuel cell generator:

Wheatear conditions and wind speed intervals definition.
Pnet _ load = Pbatt (7.2)
Weather signal clear variable bad
By following the signals path in the block diagram, after this com-
Wind speed low low interm. average high interm. high putation, the two green blocks determine the updated values of the
battery SoC. The formula used, taking into account the power dis-
crepancy compensated by the battery in a time slot (whose duration is
time step as resilient” or “normal”, depending on the expectation of a T), the actual power “injected to” / “extracted from” the battery de-
grid fault or not, respectively. Generally speaking, “resilient” time steps pends on the charge/discharge efficiency [31]
are characterized by “high” or “high intermediate” wind speed values and
“heavy rain” or the uppermost slot of the “low rain” set, or the combi- Pbatt *T
SoCkT = SoC(k − 1) T + *η
nation (Boolean “AND”) of the two both. Battery energy ch . (8.1)
On the other hand, (depending on the time step mode) the inference Pbatt *T
engine of the second layer FLM converts the input variables (SoC, SoCkT = SoC(k − 1) T − /η
Battery energy dis . (8.2)
electricity price, and required power) membership probability (each in
its own membership intervals) into a grid/battery power ratio. This where ηch.and ηdis..are the efficiency of the battery in charge and dis-
process consists of two steps operating sequentially to determine the charge phase, respectively.
output variable:
3. Implemented simulations and results
(1) Selection of the most probable membership interval (labeled as
“BBg”, “bbg”, “bbgg”, “bgg”, “bGG” from the most battery biased to 3.1. Normal and resilient modes simulation in selected configurations
the most grid biased);
(2) Defuzzyfication: the conversion of the output variable membership 3.1.1. Current context architecture (benchmark cases) and novel
probabilities (in different intervals) into a numerical value. implementations
Since, to try to improve the energy utilization and economic system
The two steps are graphically reported in Fig. 8, identifying the five results, two actions were undertaken (energy market exploitation and
output intervals and the “GridRate” reconstruction plots. FL control), two were the benchmark cases as well:

2.5. Analytical section of the control algorithm - The current electrical energy storage (i.e. UPS function only) –
Benchmark A
Beside the AI control capability of the FLM blocks in the diagram in - The storage utilization for the market exploitation without FL con-
Fig. 3a, the developed algorithm is based on the power flows equili- trol – Benchmark B.
brium at the delivery node (system to grid interface). This means that
the compensation of the discrepancy between the load power con- Starting from these two basic configurations and the ideal case (no
sumption and the internal (FC) and external (grid) generation is oper- grid faults and internal generation), different hardware and control
ated by the battery: algorithm configurations were implemented (summarized in Table 2) to
achieve an economic (net energy cost only) evaluation.
Pload = Pgrid + Pbatt + PFC (4)

Once defined the net load as the difference between internal load 3.1.2. Batteries used as UPS system – Benchmark A simulation
and internal generation from the FC system: To evaluate the benefits coming from the battery exploitation for
grid services and (additionally) integration of a fuel cell generator, the
Pload − PFC = Pnetload (5) benchmark case was firstly evaluated in terms of system surviving
and the Eq. (4) becomes: margin (remaining SoC after grid restoration) and energy cost for the
whole 12 days period.
Pnetload = Pgrid + Pbatt (6) In this case, the load is always supplied by the grid (batteries are
Eq. (6) is used to calculate the two separated contributions (grid and idle) except for the “emergency” state (i.e. grid fault), during which the
battery are discharged by supplying the load; after grid restoration,
storage) after the FL machine (normal and resilient cases) define the
fraction of the net load power provided by the battery. batteries are charged up to 80% SoC. Indeed, this threshold was
adopted to make this benchmark system comparable to the developed/
Special cases of this equation are the load following operated by the
battery in case of emergency (grid fault), both without internal gen- analyzed cases, since the expected storage services must include also a
reserved (i.e. dedicated to the grid) capacity to provide energy ab-
eration (configuration #2 and #4 in later paragraphs)
sorption when required due to the aggregated demand is lower than the
Pload = Pbatt (7.1) expected load (demand response / peak smoothing).

Fig. 4. Wind speed recording (on three-minute base sampling and averaging) from a weather station close to the prototype installation site.

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 5. Representation of the wind speed distribution toward FL membership function subdivision.

On the other hand, the choice of the battery energy content was benchmark) a controller whose target is to maintain the battery SoC
based to limit the SoC minimum value at the end of the grid fault (to around a selected value, 60% (i.e. the center of the 30% - 90% opera-
limit the lifetime reduction effects due to potential deep discharge) to tional bend) in the performed simulation. This value allows to have a
25%. Under these conditions, the algorithm simulated two grid faults large capacity span both in energy absorption and delivery (i.e. charge
(corresponding to the most rainy and the most windy month, January and discharge, respectively) as appropriate to provide energy service
and November, respectively).The former (to test the system surviva- like capacity reserve. In this simulation, in each time step of the si-
bility) was triggered while the batteries were under the usual end-of- mulation, the net load (difference between FC generation and load
recharge threshold (60% in the initial part of the profile in Fig. 9). This power request) is distributed between grid and battery, as either surplus
is comparable to a second grid fault before the expected re-charge of the or deficit. Once set two allowed SoC extreme values and two battery
storage system, after a previous interruption. From the above-men- power limits (SoCmin, SoCmax, Pmin, and Pmax, in Fig. 10, respectively),
tioned conditions, the required (as benchmark case) storage capacity the actual battery power value will be determined according to the
was 50kWh. following rules:
Once completed such setup phase and according to the electricity
price profile, the cost of electrical energy was calculated to supply the (1) Net load > 0 (FC power exceeds load request, red line in Fig. 10):
simulated load profile, and it resulted in 45.93 €. the higher is the SoC, the lower is the battery charge and the higher
is the power injected into the grid;
(2) Net load < 0 (FC power is lower than the load request, blue line in
3.1.3. Non-fuzzy control algorithm of a self-sustaining system – Benchmark
Fig. 10): the higher is the SoC, the higher is the battery discharge
B simulation
and the lower is the power drained from the grid;
Before analyzing and compare different FL based control config-
urations, a basic controller (in terms of economic benefit, i.e. the
The FC generator nominal power was set close to the average value
average daily cost of the energy component) was done by simulating (as

Fig. 6. Raw signals collection from weather station (wind gust, ambient pressure, rainfall) and their weighted combination to synthetize a global FLM input variable.

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 7. Representation of the membership function for the "weather" variable to determine the controller operational mode (“normal/resilient” from the first layer

of the load (2.66kW), to use the battery as a buffer to “smooth” the grid power (system tailored on self consumption), so that the grid
delay between the power production and load demand. This hypothesis service will be unburden in the most of the runtime. Secondly, the total
appears not restrictive to the general validity of the algorithm, since the span of the battery SoC appears limited to ± 20%, letting the battery
expected load behavior (at least on average) is known at system design capable of providing reserve capacity in case of appropriate economic
time. As a main consequence, this will result in a reduced utilization of contracts. Moreover, among the benefits for the electric grid, the local

Fig. 8. representation of the “grid/battery” power subdivision as controller output variable to satisfy the load (in pure battery configurations) or to compensate for
the discrepancy between load and FC generation (in FC and hybrid configurations).

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Table 2
Summary of the simulated scenarios: ideal (no faults), non-fuzzy (benchmark), fuzzy control variations (for fault prediction and economic assessment).
Scenario (Configuration #) Fuel cell Battery control logic Faults (weather effect)

Ideal (1) Yes UPS No

Benchmark A (2) No UPS Yes
Benchmark B (3) Yes Non-fuzzy (SoC based) Yes
No HW modifications (4) No Fuzzy (price/SoC/weather) Yes
Ideal fuzzy (5) Yes Fuzzy No
Conservative (6) Yes Fuzzy / resilient recharge No
Pessimistic (7) Yes Fuzzy, low sensitivity Yes, 2 bad predictions
Optimistic (8) Yes Fuzzy, low sensitivity Yes, 2 good predictions
High sensitivity (9) Yes Fuzzy, high sensitivity Yes, 2 good predictions

Table 3
summary of the expected income values and the percentage loss with respect to the ideal case without grid failures.
Scenario Base No fault Conservative Pessimistic Optimistic Optimistic + mod. exchange

12 days income / € (energy component only) 11.76 11.04 10.97 11.15 11.52
Income variation percentage / -6.12% -6.72% -5.19% -2.04%

Fig. 9. Simulation of the ordinary system (i.e. battery as UPS, Benchmark A) against a prolonged grid fault even starting before the full UPS batteries re-charge.

power production limits the line losses and reduces the line overloading
(power peaks), with a high conversion efficiency plant.
With the described power subdivision function, the battery recharge
current/power is as higher as the battery SoC is lower (if net load < 0),
by injecting less power into the grid. On the other hand, the battery
discharge current/power increases with SoC and more power will be
injected into the power network. A dual behavior will occur when the
instantaneous load exceeds the FC generation (as in Fig. 11).
Concerning with the limitation of the selected scheme, the adopted
criterion is based on a linear correlation between SoC and power
through the battery, but different curves (e.g. sigmoidal, stepwise)
could correlate the battery utilization algorithm.
In this case, the energy expenditure consisted of the sum of natural
Fig. 10. Scheme of the non-fuzzy power distribution relation between batteries gas cost to feed the FC generator and the difference of the sold and
and grid of the discrepancy between FC generation and load, for the Benchmark purchased electricity from the grid. By exploiting the enhanced flex-
B configuration. ibility of the systems with respect to the electricity cost profile, it was

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 11. Simulation result of the Benchmark B configuration. Non-fuzzy algorithm let the SoC oscillate around the 60% value regardless the possibility of exploiting
favorable electricity price variations over time.

Fig. 12. Base configuration: representation of the theoretical performance limit (i.e. energy market exploitation without grid faults) of the combined (internal
generation and fuzzy control) actions.

possible to sell energy at (on average) higher price than the purchasing included, so that the expected benefit roots in the exploitation of the
price, so that the overall transaction (for 12 days), even thanks to the FC battery capacity to delay the load request towards time steps with low
high conversion efficiency, resulted in a gain of 1.82€. energy price. Therefore, the expected result is a reduction of total en-
ergy cost along the 12 (typical averaged) days profile.
3.1.4. Fuzzy logic control based configurations After assessing the basic case, to envisage if the weather forecast
To assess the FL effects, different configurations were simulated. As contribution has impacts to the storage utilization logic, an ideal (no
basic intervention, the first simulated controller, by only exploiting grid fault) case and three different prediction effectiveness scenarios
information coming from weather bulletin and electricity price, de- were simulated by artificially adding the two expected grid faults in
termined the battery/grid power flow distribution to supply the load properly selected periods:
and, simultaneously, injecting power into the grid, if the scenario of
electricity price / fault probability / SoC is favorable (i.e. it does not affect - Ideal scenario (Configuration 5): free from grid faults to be used as
the system survivability in the evaluated time step). reference case for economic evaluation (reported in Fig. 13);
In such “Configuration 4”, no hardware modifications were - Conservative scenario (Configuration 6): in “resilient” steps the

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 13. Ideal case (Configuration 5) – basic case without weather effects (i.e. no faults). Thanks to the FC generator, the battery utilization is extremely reduced (i.e.
to anticipate or delay load peak toward a low price time step). The SoC span is contained in a quite narrow band. This help to maximize the battery lifetime.

Fig. 14. Conservative case (configuration 6): each resilient

step triggers the battery recharge. The storage acts as a UPS
system that prepares itself for the expected grid fault. The
heavily indented period at the beginning is due to the first
battery charge to the 80% SoC threshold during the quite ra-
pidly intermittent wind speed measuring.

system re-charge the battery regardless the energy price up to 80% However, from the storage exploitation point of view, this choice ap-
(visible in Fig. 14); pears quite conservative with respect to the energy trading capability of
- Pessimistic scenario (Configuration 7): two grid faults in two the system. This is because, excluding the energy price from the charge/
“normal” time steps, this means that the grid fault prediction fails (as discharge algorithm, the system will not be able to benefit from price
in the plots of Fig. 15); variations in the power exchange through the grid.
- Optimistic scenario (Configuration 8): two grid faults in two “re- Such scenario is reported in Fig. 12, in which the power through the
silient” time steps, this means that the grid fault prediction succeeds grid equals the load to FC generation discrepancy.
(presented in Fig. 16). The overall effect of such hybrid combination determined a natural
gas (overall) cost of about 47 €, that (by trading the exceeding/required
Initially, to isolate the weather prediction contribution, the price power through the grid) determines an overall gain of 1.82 € in the 12
variation influence was excluded by imposing that, during the resilient days considered.
time steps, the control system acts to re-charge the batteries up to a SoC
value threshold (70% in the simulated logic, to target a sufficient ca-
pacity margin to provide grid services during “normal” time steps). 3.1.5. Optimized FL control and FC integration (Configuration 9)
Finally, to determine the potential combined effect of the two

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 15. Pessimistic case (Configuration 7): the fault events were artificially set in two “normal” periods to emphasize the importance of fault prediction rooting in
weather conditions. The expected income from energy market is reduced by 6.72% with respect to the ideal (i.e. no grid faults) case.

Fig. 16. Optimistic case (Configuration 8): the fault events were artificially set in two “resilient” periods to emphasize the importance of fault prediction rooting in
weather conditions. The expected income from energy market is reduced by 5.19% with respect to the ideal (i.e. no grid faults) case.

contributions (i.e. FC generator and FL), the last simulation was char- the sensitivity of the inference engine to the “weather” signal in the first
acterized by the right prediction of the two events and the additional layer FLM, whose direct implication is an increment of the “resilient”
effect of price variation. Under the right prediction hypothesis, a more time step occurrences.
daring exploitation (whose behavior is reported in Fig. 17) in the “re- In other words, this is equivalent to change the weights of the
silient” state steps, the battery was operated, in comparison with the weather components (i.e. the first layer FLM input variables), and so
“normal” state steps: reducing the number of “resilient” steps. Rigorously, this assumption
depends on the plant installation site, since it is equivalent to claim that
- Reducing the discharging rate, if the “normal” FLM output results in the grid faults are mostly (or more often) determined by the wind in-
a discharging flow; tensity instead of the rain intensity (or vice versa).
- Increasing the charging rate, if the “normal” FLM output results in a However, to compensate this more dynamic logic, once restored the
charging flow. grid after fault, the battery was re-charged to a higher value (80% in the
simulated case) to help the plant survival in case of a second grid in-
Due to the fuzzy logic process, this was implemented by increasing terruption in the short term.

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 17. Optimistic case with daring control logic

(Configuration 9) - beside the right prediction of grid faults, to
emphasize the importance of accurate forecast (i.e. reduced
number of false positive alert) to have enough confidence to
use the battery to exchange power through the grid (with rates
biased toward the battery capacity conservation) even during
the “resilient” steps.

Fig. 18. Expected system behavior (battery only supplied net load) during the emergency state (grid failure): the battery fruitfully operates a load following function,
so that the fuel cell generator can be operated at its nominal working point (2.66kW).

3.1.6. Energy cost comparison: expected reduction of income loss To implement the simulation with consistent data, some public
At the end of each simulation, the energy transition/transaction was Italian databases were consulted:
accounted to determine (i.e. sum) the total cost/gain over 12 (monthly-
typical) days. Indeed, since the electrical energy unit price (c€/kWh) to - [32] to retrieve weather conditions with hourly (or sub-hourly) re-
the end user includes both the energy price, indirect costs (i.e. con- cording frequency (close to the prototype installation site);
tractual commitments, dispatch service cost, and so on), and taxes, only - [33] as Italian energy (day-ahead) market Authority for national
the (net) electricity cost was considered. This is because the other price and regional (hourly based) price;
components depend on the agreement/contract between the DSO (or - [34] to evaluate the disconnection time over the year (65 h in total,
energy authority) and the “active user”. 2 h the maximum duration on the transmission line; 199 min over

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

Fig. 19. (a): Forced grid failure and restoration time observation. Due to the high SoC in emergency state, the controller triggers a slow limitation of the FC power
generation to avoid system lock due to battery saturation/overcharge. Once grid recovery, the controller forces the battery to reach the preset SoC value (70%) to
restore the usual service level as energy reserve. (b): the fuel cell power generation and its modulation during in case of persisting grid fault during low power load
period; to appreciate the limited dynamics of the power generation variation (SOFC system), the plot highlights a portion of the overall observation window only.

the LV distribution lines on the average of the last 10 years in Si- 3.2. System response to grid fault: emergency state verification
To verify the correct implementation of the desired behavior from
However, since Sicily ranks the 2nd place among Italian regions the disruptive event to the complete service recovery (after the grid
about “bad served users” (i.e. about 30% of the users have LV grid restoration), a 40 min long disconnection was simulated. To avoid too
disconnection time above the national average), so that to apply a optimistic working conditions, that disconnection was forced in a
caution margin to the carried out study, the total grid time interruption “normal” time step, while both grid, fuel cell, and battery were sup-
was doubled in the simulations. Moreover, despite needing for re- plying the load; so that (without grid contribution) the battery only had
presenting 6.4 events (average South Italy scenario, 2017 for long and to support the load following service. After the forced event, as reported
short supply interruption), due to the interest focused only on weather in Fig. 18, the battery power matches net load profile. Thus, when the
correlated disconnections, the disruptive events were concentrated in load power demand is greater (lower) than the internal generation, the
two of the simulated “typical day” profiles, characterized by higher battery SoC decreases (increases). In particular, in the reported case,
wind speed and rain fall rate values. when the net load power crosses the 0W, it is possible to envisage the
Under these hypotheses, the numerical simulations were used to minimum SoC value occurred in the simulation.
determine the loss with respect to the base (i.e. no grid faults) case. Analogously, to study the restoration time of the system, a very long
disconnection was simulated. In particular, along the real net load
profile, the disconnection was forced in a low load period and trig-
gering the event with a high SoC value. This choice implies two results:

M. Ferraro, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 28 (2020) 101207

- Verifying the FC generator modulation in the emergency state (once Declaration of Competing Interest
intersecting 80% SoC, with hysteresis down to 70%), as visible in
the green dashed section in Fig. 19. This avoided that the SoC in- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
creasing rate did not add risk of system block due to the battery interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
saturation; ence the work reported in this paper.
- Measuring the expected service restoration time when the battery
has quite high SoC, so that the battery must be discharged before Acknowledgments
being again ready to operate as a distribution system operator re-
serve (with a sufficient intervention band, i.e. available capacity). The presented research activity has been supported by the “Fondo
As visible in Fig. 17, with a prolonged low load power profile and per il finanziamento delle attività di ricerca e di sviluppo di interesse
80% SoC at the end of the grid fault, the restoration time was about generale per il sistema elettrico nazionale - Accordo di Programma
4.5 h. CNR-Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – Piano Triennale 2015-
Furthermore, the system controller may act an opposite intervention
(light blue block in Fig. 3 not simulated in this work) to react in the Supplementary materials
inverse case i.e. SoC reaches very low values (during the emergency
state), so that the cooling system switches off until overcome the grid Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
disconnection, to further reduce IT equipment out-of-service state. the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.est.2020.101207.

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