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National Service Scheme

Date: 31 January 2021


Objective: Analysis of conducted events and future planning of nss svnit

( Duration :8:15 pm to 9:00 pm(Sunday))

1-Analysis of Edutrek  event was done and following suggestions were put forward:

A)-Frequency of such events should increase.

B)-A personalize approach for publicity should be adopted.

2-discussion (Status of pending assigned task):


B) Website :(will finalize by end of feb)
C)MAGAZINE (will be completed by march)

3-Also on the basis of proposed suggestion by team members the idea of village camp and
nss parade is put forward and a dedicated team for that purpose has been made that will
keep track of every aspect of it and will very shortly put forward their plans for the same.

Conclusion :

Meet is concluded with a resolution of finalizing some of our most important works which includes
Official registration of nss svnit with NSS Headquarters government of india,nss camp with unnat bharat
abhiyaan ,nss website,parade planning , etc. and with a promise of making brand NSS SVNIT for
empowering every individual volunteers to explore "Nss” not just as a student chapter but rather a place
for overall development for the betterment of society.

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