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Rabu, 5 Agustus 2020

A. Expression of Congratulating
Expression of Congratulations is an expression that we use give the congratulation utterance
when he or she be succeed in doing someone.

Congratulations dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah ucapan yang diberikan kepada seseorang
yang sedang mendapatkan kebahagiaan. Dengan kata lain congratulation adalah suatu
ungkapan pujian karena adanya suatu pencapaian atau prestasi kepada seseorang.

Contoh Expressions of Congratulation

• Congratulation
• Congratulations on your succeeds
• Happy Birthday
• Happy New Year
• Happy Anniversary
• Let me congratulate you on ….
• That’s great!
• Pretty Good
• I’d be the first to congratulate you on ….
• I’d like to congratulate you on ….
• Please accept my warmest congratulations.
• May I congratulate you on ….
• I must congratulate you on ….
• It was great to hear about ….
• Well done
• Nice one
• Fantastic!
• So on (dan lain-lain)
Expression of congratulating and responds

Congratulating Responding

I’d be the first to congratulate you on…. It’s very good of you to say so

I’d like to congratulate you on….. How nice of you to say so

Please accept my warmest congratulations Thank you very much for saying so

May I congratulate you on…. I’m glad you think so

Well done! / Fantastic! Oh, thank’s

The dialogue in Expression of Congratulating

Dialogue 1
Roy : Who won the football match yesterday?
Tom : Our team did. We won three to one.
Roy : Congratulation. I’m glad to hear it.
Tom : Thank you.

Dialog 2
Riski : Is it true what the newspaper’s headline said?
Anton : What news?
Jodi : The news about you winning the national novel writing competition. Is it really
Anton : Yeah. It is me.
Riski : Congratulations! We’re happy for you.
Anton : Thanks a lot guys.
Jodi : It’s a terrific job, Anton.
Anton : Oh, no, I guess it’s just my luck.

Dialoge 3
Santy : Happy birthday, santy. Many happy return of the day.
Essy : Thank you, Santy. You are the first me who congratulates me.
Santy : Oh realy? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it. .
Essy : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.
B. Expressions of Complimenting

Expression of compliment is an expression that we use to appreciate/ give praise to someone

else. We express compliment when someone has done his/ her best, when we see something
new about someone’s appearance etc. (Expressiion of Compliment adalah ungkapan yang
kita gunakan untuk memberikan pujian kepada orang lain ketika seseorang melakukan suatu
hal tebaik atau ketika kita melihat penampilan baru seseorang dan lain-lain)

Complimenting Responding

Your gown is very beautiful Thanks

Her computing skill is highly proffesional Do you really think so?

He has a really charming smile I really need it

What a beautiful flowers Thanks a lot

They work with a genuine heart It is nice of you to say so

Contoh dialog Expression of Complimenting

Harsya : What a great motorcycle you have Pandu

Pandu : Thank you Harsya, I just finished modifying it
Harsya : You mean this is the old motorcycle you used to drive to school?
Pandu : yes it is
Harsya : It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Pandu : Not much, I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories
Harsya : Great job
Pandu : Thanks

Secara singkat, perbedaan congratulation dan compliment terletak pada makna dan fungsinya
dalam kalimat. Congratulation merupakan ucapan selamat, sedangkan compliment merupakan
kata kerja yang berarti memuji atau memberikan pujian. Kedua ungkapan ini dapat diucapkan
secara beriringan dengan memberi selamat atas pencapaian seseorang sekaligus memuji
keahliannya dalam mendapatkan pencapaian tersebut.

Note: Bahan ajar ini bisa anda copy atau catat di buku tulis, menjelamg mid semester akan
saya minta untuk dikumpul dan diperiksa.

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