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Intermost intercostal
 Correspond to transverse
1. Sternum
abdominis (both)
 Manubrium, Sternal body,
Xiphoid process Primary Inspiration Muscle
 Sternal angle (Angle of Louis):
1. Diaphragm
T4, T5
 Dome-shaped
 Xiphisternal joint: T9
 Most important muscle of
 Xiphoid process: T10
2. Ribs
 Innervation: Phrenic nerve
 True ribs: 1st – 7th
(C3, C4, C5; T12)
 False ribs: 8th – 10th
 Inspiration: downward,
 Floating ribs: 11th – 12th
 Typical tibs: 1st, 10th – 12th
 Expiration: upward, inward
JOINTS OF THE CHEST WALL 2. Levatores costarum
3. Serratus posterior superior
Joints of the Sternum 4. Serratus posterior inferior
 Manubriosternal joint Secondary Inspiration Muscle
 Xiphisternal joint
1. Sternocleidomastroid
Joints of the Ribs 2. Upper Trapezius
 Joints of the Head of Ribs 3. Pectoralis Muscles
 Joints of the Tubercles of Ribs 4. Scalenes
 Joints of the Ribs and Costal cartilages Abdominopelvic Wall (Superfacial – Deep)
 Joints of the Costal cartilages with the
Sternum 1. Skin
 Joints of the Interchondra joints 2. Superfacila fascia
3. Deep fascia
Joints of the Ribs 4. Muscles
5. Extraperitoneal fascia
 Costovertebral joint
6. Peritoneum
 Costotransverse joint
Abdominopelvic Muscles

1. External Oblique
 A: ipsilateral flexion, contra
Intercostal Muscles rotation
 O: outer surface of the lower 8
1. External intercostal
 Fibers downward, forward
 I: xiphoid process, linea alba,
pubic crest, pubic tubercle and
2. Internal intercostal
anterior half of iliac crest
 Fibers downward, backward
2. Internal Oblique
 A: ipsilateral flexion; ipsi
 O: lumbar fascia
3. Transverse Abdominis
 Corset Muscle
 A: tenses the abdomen
4. Rectus Abdominis
 Trunks flexion (sit-ups)
5. Pyramidalis

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