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(Week 3-4 – Core Competencies and Career Opportunity in Entrep)

Name: KEEFE P. MENTINO Grade Level: 12-ABM


Describe the kind of factor that affected decision-making in each situation. Limit
your answer in at least 5 sentences.

Michael rejected the offer of a new supplier because he knew that the
supply manager was a longtime rival.

In this particular case, the factor that affected the decision-making of

Michael was the affect infusion. He was affected by his personal mood
or feelings in making the decision since the supplier was his longtime
rival. He did not base his decisions on his gut feel, attribution, after
thought, over confidence, data, experimentation, nor on a scientific
process. Due to his feelings towards the supplier, he immediately
neglected it without knowing facts or going through a proper process.
Briskly, Michael’s decision was affected by his current mood or feeling
to the particular supplier.

Monica decided to sell her company’s computer system because she

thinks this is causing the poor performance of her company.

Attribution style was the kind of factor that affected the decision-
making process in this particular scenario. She used her self-serving bias
to blame her computer for the negative outcome of her company. She
did not base her decision on a scientific process nor her mood, as well
as on her guts, creativeness, after thought, data and facts, plus over-
confidence. It was all her bias of attributing the negative performance
of the company to an external cause upon which in this case, is her
computer system. Concisely, her decision was affected by her self-
serving bias.

Teddy decided not yet to pursue the poultry business because he first
wanted to see a valid information or data if this type of business would
succeed or not.

Teddy in this particular situation, used the knowing style factor in his
decision-making process. He would first like to see facts and data before
making a conclusive decision. He did not use his creativeness, over-
confidence, nor after thought. He also did not use a systematic process
as he just want the facts and no extra alternatives or problem
identifying. He used a combination of analytical and conceptual
thinking, making it a knowing style factor that affected his decision.
Go to this site and accomplish the Career Interest Survey (you may print it
for easy access and use)

Evaluate your career by following the instructions

1. Count the number of the times you encircled letter and record each
number in the chart below.

A: 3 D: 1 G: 8 J: 3 M: 7 P: 8
B: 6 E: 5 H: 3 K: 6 N: 8 Q: 2
C: 5 F: 4 I: 6 L: 4 O: 1 R: 5

2. Now that you have the results from your career interest assessment, it’s
time to learn about specific career fields that match your interests.

3. Write down the two letters with the most response. These are your top
two areas of career interest. If you have tie list three.

G, N, P

4. After you find the result share your insight on how it will help you
choosing your career in the future. Answer at least 5 sentences in
paragraph form.

This survey is helpful especially to students who are yet to be able to

know their path to take in life. This will introduce them to their
potential in various aspects of life. In my personal case, I was not
surprised of the top choices that stood out. It helped me in confirming
what path I really want to take on my life, specifically my career. It
made me more confident to myself that I can do whatever I can in
terms of my career together with the faith on God. This also helped me
in knowing the other careers that are out there which might also
interest me. It also made me more informed of what are certain factors
and roles to be played in the career of my choice based on the survey.


Date Accomplished: Jan. 28, 2021 Date Submitted: Feb. 2, 2021

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