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A measurement used to quantify the degree to which a customer is happy with a product, service , or
experience.Customer Satisfaction
2. When a customer returns to a business Repeat business
3. The amount of time and effort a buyer invests in the search, evaluation, and decision process of
customer behaviour Involvement
4. The customer’s preference for a business; usually expressed in regular purchases from the business.
Customer loyalty
5. The practice of keeping customers by building a long term relationships customer retention
6. The current number of customers who have used or are expected to use the service each year
customer base
7. Spread news by people telling each other word-of-mouth
8. To satisfy the customer’s wishes and goals To meet expectations
9. To fail to satisfy the customers wishes and goal To fall below expectation
10. A performance assessment in which companies identify which customers are leaving and measure
the rate at which they are leaving customer detection
11. To go beyond, as in measure, quality, value, action, power and skill Exceed
12. These documents need to reviewed and updated to ensure the content is accurate Document Control
13. It represents continual improvement to the process of converting inputs into outputs and customer
satisfaction. Continuous improvement
14. It needs to be identifiable (labeled), stored, protected (uncorrupted), retrievable (you need to use the
data), retained (backed-up), but disposed of when obsolete. Record Control
15. It translate customer preferences into specific product characteristics Quality Function Deployment

16. The ability to produce products uniformity regardless of manufacturing conditions Quality
17. A group of 6-12 3mployees from same work area Quality Circles
18. Information is used to support an effective and efficient organization operation Document
19. Tools for generating ideas, tools to organize the data, and tools for identifying problems are the
Tools of TQM
20. It is generated in the “do” phase of PDCA Record

4 Cycle of the process approach

6 TQM Principles and Strategies

1. Service Quality
2. Customer Delight
3. Kano Model
4. Agreed Customer Requirements
5. Customer Perceived Quality
6. Customer Feedback and complaints resolution

10 Features of Services
1. Speed
2. Delivery Schedule
3. Care in Handling
4. Each Service Offering is Different
5. Customer Requirements are Difficult to Comprehend
6. Difficulty in Estimating Cost
7. Difficulty in Measuring Performance of Services
8. Difficulty in Marketing Services
9. Difficulty in Measuring Customer Satisfaction
10. Psychology of Customers

**********GOOD LUCK ********

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