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Level: Basic
Question Words
Conducted by: Amy

What = Apa Whom = Siapa * How + adj/adverb =

- Asking for information - Asking which/what person Berapa + kata sifat
- Asking for repitition/ (object) - Asking about extent or
confirmation Whose = Milik siapa degree
* What...for = Untuk apa/ - Asking about ownership * How far = Berapa jauh
kenapa Why = Kenapa - Asking for distance
- Asking for a reason - Asking for a reason, asking * How long = Berapa lama
When = Kapan what ... for - Asking length of time
- Asking about time * Why don’t = Kenapa tidak.. * How many = Berapa
Where = Dimana - Making a suggestion banyak
- Asking in or at what place How old = Berapa umur... - Asking about quantity
or position/location - Asking about age * How come = Kenapa
Which = Yang mana How = Bagaimana - Asking why (informal)
- Asking about choice - Asking about manner in
Who = Siapa which something is done
- Asking which/what person - Asking about condition/
(subject) quality

Fill in the blanks using the question words above.
Isilah kosong berikut dengan kata tanya di atas.

Submit your answer in the ‘discussion group’ with this format:

Kirim jawabanmu ke ‘discussion group’ dengan format ini:

1. ____________ is it from here to the grocery store?

2. ____________ you ask whether she needs help or not?
3. ____________ thinks we need to stop over to fill up on fuel?
4. ____________ cheap is the Rupiah against the US Dollar at the moment?
5. ____________ do you think we should do this weekend?
6. ____________ is the flight departing?
7. ____________ is your niece? Is she older than me?
8. ____________ one should I take with me?
9. ____________ apples are in the basket?
10. ____________ she isn’t coming with you to the cinema?
11. ____________ is the jigsaw puzzle ____________?

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