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The Deiseal Ritual

Looking at the variety of ways the concept of the deiseal can be found in lore that has been
preserved, it might be useful as a Scottish or Irish Reconstructionist to create a ‘generic’ sort of
devotional ritual that can be performed either in a group or as a solitary practitioner. Conceivably, it
could be performed on its own as and when it’s felt necessary or appropriate, or as an opener to
more formal ritual celebrations (as and when).
While there are many different forms of rituals/devotions that involve the deiseal, or sunwise turn,
in looking at them all, several common elements can be seen:
• The use of fire – either as the focus around which the ritual is enacted, or as the ‘tool’ with
which the ritual is performed.
• The use of water/liquid – either in addition to the fire (e.g. Water that has been heated and
then is sprinkled around), or on its own (e.g. In the case of the sop seile).
• The importance of the number three – usually involving walking around the property, place
or person three times.
• Sharing of food or drink – in blessing or celebration of bounty, and/or as a means to clear the
throat (in the case of the Juniper and Water Rite).
• The blessing or Good Wish.
Taking these elements as a basis for a reconstructionist ritual, we might get something like the
following. I’m not suggesting it’s historically accurate… more something to fill in a much needed
gap for people who feel they don’t necessarily have the knowledge to construct something
themselves, but want to start practising as they learn, that can be adapted to taste or practised until
something more appropriate can be reconstructed.
This ritual assumes that some sort of altar or shrine has been set up, but in the absence of a more
formal space, facing west would be appropriate since this is generally perceived to be the direction
associated with the ancestors. Since many believe the Tuatha Dé Danann to be their progenitors,
this direction would be the appropriate direction to face in that light, as well as to honour your more
recent ancestors… However, traditionally the east is where prayers were begun, being the natural
starting point when incorporating the course of the sun in practice since the east is where it rises.
Either cardinal point would be appropriate to start with in this light, depending on your personal
preference, although personally I would choose the east.
I admit my bias is towards Scottish practice, so that’s the cultural focus of the ritual (i.e. The Gaelic
provided). The sentiment is the same for Scottish or Irish, but for those who focus on Irish culture
might want to get Irish equivalents to the proverbs used, or simply stick to the English. Whatever
you do, you’ll need a candle at least (indoors), or else a hearth or bonfire, to light. Conceivably, in
this day and age, a lamp will do if a naked flame isn’t possible.

An deiseal (solitary)
“The Caledonians paid a superstitious reverence to the sun, and practically every
religious festival began with the ceremony of walking thrice deiseil, that is, in a sunwise
direction, round the circle, cairn, altar or bonfire that marked the site, the object of the
rite being to aid the sun by virtue of mimetic magic.”1

This can be done as a devotional on its own, or as an opening to a larger ritual. It helps to have a
focal point for your devotions, either a hearth, altar or specially prepared space to put your candle,
offerings and libations on.
Begin with paying your respects to the ancestors, spirits of the place and the gods. Light the
candle/fire saying something like:
“I light this flame in welcome:
For the gods and ungods, noble and honoured;
For the ancestors, beloved dead;
For the spirits of this place, peace be to you.”

Give an offering and a libation, a sign of your devotion, saying something like:
“Mar a bha,
Mar a tha,
Mar a bhitheas…

(As it was,
As it is,
As it shall be).2

A blessing of blessings
Upon all three.”

Taking a quaich or glass of milk (or whatever else) raise it before the gods, spirits and ancestors and
take a drink. Make the sunwise turn and a Good Wish, going round three times, saying:

Gliocas beithir dhubh, Wisdom of serpent be yours,

Gliocas fithich dhuibh, Wisdom of raven be your,
Gliocas fiolar euchdaich. Wisdom of valiant eagle.
Guth na h-eala dhuibh, Voice of swan be yours,
Guth na meala dhuibh, Voice of honey be yours,
Guth mhic na reula. Voice of the son of the stars.
Tacar mara dhuibh, Bounty of sea be yours,
Tacar talamh dhuibh, Bounty of land be yours,
Tacar nèimhe. Bounty of skies.3
Some quiet contemplation and meditation can follow before finishing with some words of thanks
and a final offering. Alternatively, a saining of the space can also be performed (a protective
warding, performed especially on the Quarter Days, usually with water or the smoke from burning
juniper), before feasting and further ritual, or whatever you feel is appropriate.

1 F. Marian McNeill, The Silver Bough Volume 1, 1957, p53-54. Brief note: My original intent for
putting this together was to give a ritual that would give a good framework for devotional work. As
such, the wording I used was somewhat derivative from other sources, and I hoped that it would
provide a springboard for me to put things into my own words (and the same for anyone else who
wanted to use it). I’ve updated the ritual now according to how I’ve developed it in my own
practices since I first put it together a few years ago. Mostly I’ve put it more in my own words,
though I’ve kept a few bits inspired by the Carmina Gadelica because I still feel these work well.
The focus of the Good Wish has changed as it seemed more natural to give it to those being
addressed, than bestow it on oneself.
2 Taken from song ‘Fragment’, number 216 found in volume 2 of Carmina Gadelica. I have to
admit strong inspiration from Patricia Kennealy-Morrison’s Keltiad series for her use of it as well…
3 Liberally adapted from song 288, Good Wish, in volume 3 of Carmina Gadelica.

Festival Outline
I’ve detailed some rituals in this section, which I perform either on their own or all together for the
festivals. On their own, on various pages, they don’t necessarily give much sense of how I put them
together as a whole. This page is intended to help remedy that, for when I celebrate the festivals; but
of course, these rituals are very personal to my own circumstances and outlook, with a focus on the
hearth and home, and generally they’re solitary in nature, which means they won’t be of use to
everyone. You’re more than welcome to try them out, if you wish.
I find it helps to have some set pieces of liturgy that I can perform again and again, but there are
parts of ritual that I prefer to take a more improvised approach to. For this reason, I’ve yet to write
down any formalised rituals specific to the festivals, although I do tend to plan what I’m going to
do, and in what order, ahead of time.
With a young family, it’s sometimes necessary to move things around and adapt as best I can.
Generally, I aim to keep to the order outlined below:
• The Deiseal
• Saining
• Rowan Charms
• Feasting and Festivities
But this is an ideal, and sometimes you just have to work with what you’ve got and go with the
It helps to have a focal point, either a hearth, altar or specially prepared space to put your candle,
offerings and libations on, etc. It will also help to have everything prepared – at the least, you will
• A candle (or fire) and lighter
• Offerings and libations
• Spring water or the skim of the well
• Silver or gold penny
• Sticks of rowan (cut to size)
• Red thread (cut to size)
You can also decorate the house or living area as appropriate for the festival, and don’t forget
anything else you might need for the festivities.

An Deiseal
This can be done as a devotional on its own, or as an opening to a larger ritual. It helps to have a
focal point for your devotions, either a hearth, altar or specially prepared space to put your candle,
offerings and libations on.
Begin with paying your respects to the ancestors, spirits of the place and the gods. Light the
candle/fire saying something like:
“I light this flame in welcome:
For the gods and ungods, noble and honoured;
For the ancestors, beloved dead;
For the spirits of this place, peace be to you.”

Give an offering and a libation, a sign of your devotion, saying something like:
“Mar a bha,
Mar a tha,
Mar a bhitheas…

(As it was,
As it is,
As it shall be).

A blessing of blessings
Upon all three.”

Taking a quaich or glass of milk (or whatever else) raise it before the gods, spirits and ancestors and
take a drink. Make the sunwise turn and a Good Wish, going round three times, saying:

Gliocas beithir dhuibh, Wisdom of serpent be yours,

Gliocas fithich dhuibh, Wisdom of raven be your,
Gliocas fiolar euchdaich. Wisdom of valiant eagle.
Guth na h-eala dhuibh, Voice of swan be yours,
Guth na meala dhuibh, Voice of honey be yours,
Guth mhic na reula. Voice of the son of the stars.
Tacar mara dhuibh, Bounty of sea be yours,
Tacar talamh dhuibh, Bounty of land be yours,
Tacar nèimhe. Bounty of skies.
Some quiet contemplation and meditation can follow before finishing with some words of thanks
and a final offering. Alternatively, a saining of the space can also be performed (a protective
warding, performed especially on the Quarter Days, usually with water or the smoke from burning
juniper), before feasting and further ritual, or whatever you feel is appropriate.

Go to the hearth or the designated centre of the house (if you have no hearth, the stove in the
kitchen will do, or wherever you keep an altar or shrine if you keep one). Using some of the water
skimmed at Bealltainn, or fresh spring water if you don’t have any, put something gold or silver into
it with the words:
Toradh, airgead, uisge,
(Produce, silver, water,)
Blessings of An Trì Naomh on this water.

Dip your fingers (or a small bundle of straw) into the water and sprinkle it liberally over yourself,

Ta mise for dhìonadh I am under the shielding

Na Brìghde gach latha; Of Brigid each day;
Ta mise for dhìonadh I am under the shielding
Na Brìghde gach oidhche. Of Brigid each night.
If you are in a group, repeat for everyone present. Now go deiseil (sunwise) around the house,
sprinkling the water around. Concentrate on the thresholds and windows especially, and as you do
so repeat:

Dìon Brìghde air gach uinneig, The protection of Brigid upon each window,
Dìon Brìghde air gach doras, The protection of Brigid on each door,
Dìon Brìghde gach toll a leigeas solas, The protection of Brigid on each hole that lets light in,
Air ceithir oiseannan mo thaighe, Upon the four corners of my house,
Air ceithir oiseannan mo leaba, Upon the four corners of my bed,
Air ceithir oiseannan mo thaighe, Upon the four corners of my house,
Air ceithir oiseannan mo leaba. Upon the four corners of my bed.
You can keep reciting this as you go around your home sprinkling the water. You should ideally
finish where you started, making a complete circuit of the house.
Once you are back at the hearth (or wherever you started), sprinkle some water over it (or process
round the outside of the house, if you can, but either way sprinkle deiseil), saying:

A Bhrìghde, beannaich an taigh, Brigid, bless the house,

Bho steidh gu staidh, From site to stay,
Bho chrann gu fraigh, From beam to wall,
Bho cheann gu saidh, From end to end,
Bho dhronn gu traigh, From ridge to basement,
Bho sgonn gu sgaith, From balk to roof-tree,
Eadar bhonn agus bhraighe, From found to summit,
Bhonn agus bhraighe. Found and summit.
When you have finished, return to your hearth or shrine and give prayers of heartfelt thanks and
offerings to Brigid for her assistance. Take some time to contemplate and decompress so you come
back to yourself properly.

Rowan charm
As you make the charm:
I make this charm for the threshold,
With the name of belovéd Bride on my lips,
A charm between this house and harm.

Then go to the place where it will be hung and secure it in place, saying:
I place the rowan and red thread before the door,
With the name of belovéd Bride on my lips,
A charm between this house and harm;

Against eye,
Against envy,
Against withering glance,
Against malice,
Against lightning,
Against storm,
Against flood,
Against disaster,
Against disease.

A charm between this house and harm,

Charm of subduing and averting,
Under sky, over sea, across land,
With the name of belovéd Bride on my lips.

Feasting and Festive Rites

Now is the time for the feasting and the appropriate festive rites for the occasion (suggestions are
given in the Celebrations section). Further offerings should be given at the end of the evening, and
omens can be looked for to see if they have been accepted.
In the morning, as the sun rises, I might perform the frìth, and make the bannocks if I haven’t
already done so.

An Fheile Bheag
A group ritual by Gaol Naofa Founder, Tomás Flannabhra

An Fheile Bheag (by Tomás Flannabhra)

“The Little Feast” – this ritual is an adaption of the Beltane ritual described in George Henderson’s
Survivals in Belief Amongst the Celts (pg. 262).
Each person participating in the rite should bring something to contribute to the feast afterwards.
Cut a square trench into the earth and in it light a small fire of turf or wood.
Begin with recognition of the Three Realms:
The blue sky above,
the grey sea about,
the green earth below,
their blessings here today.

Offer a prayer to the local goddess or to Anu. You may say something like:
A Mháthair Mhór Éireannach,
Great mother of the people,
from who the gods descend,
flame of sustaining,
may you look upon our rite kindly,
Shining Anu.

Give welcome to the ancestors, gods, and good-folk to the place:

We welcome the Mighty Three,
Excellent Patrons, Hosts, and Ancestors,
to our warm fire here today.

After extending invitations to the Three, offer a libation of caudle or ale to the earth beside the fire.
A basket or plate of oatmeal cakes or small bannocks is then brought out with each participant
taking one for themselves. Facing the fire, each person breaks a piece of cake off and throws it over
the shoulders or into the fire accompanied with a prayer to the ancestors, then the gods, then the
Good Folk, followed by six more deities or spirits one wishes to honor (nine in total). You may say
something like:
This I give to thee, a dheithe, may your blessings be upon my roads.

After all have made their offerings and prayers, partake in a small feast, perhaps leaving some more
food aside for the spirits of the place.

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