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Crystal Academy, located in Chicago is a private high school for students aged 15-19.
The School equips students to be critical thinkers, compassionate leaders, ability to work with
others and clear communication skills. It has a few rules to obey by the students. One of the
most important rules is to avoid bullying. Crystal Academy beliefs besides the successful career,
an awesome attitude is also needed by the students.. It affords the best quality facilities which
can support the learning system. It also offers a variety of lessons and non-academic activities
for students to choose from.

Decisions typically not only care about the average level of educational goods that
students acquire, but also about how these goods distributed across the children. Their
evaluation will depend on how the policy affects the overall distribution of educational goods.

Crystal Academy has three routine activity. Each school day begins at 7.45 am, starts
with morning devotion. All students and teachers will sit quietly at the class while listening to the
prayers read from the central. It will last 15 minutes and students must be ready to prepare for
classes. Weekly school meeting is also held on every Friday in each class with the homeroom
teacher. Weekly school meeting is also held on every Friday in each class with the homeroom
teacher. Each class will assess their performance within a week. Everyone requires to be
actively engaged. It aims to develop communication skills. Crystal Academy cultivates the self-
reliance and the ability to work with others by holding a picket line after school. The student will
take turns to do this duty based on the picket list.

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