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nama : kiki patmala

nim : 1814201208

cleanesing enema

1. please find out the phrases are used in this video?

nursing action by inserting warm fluids into the ascending colon through the anus using
a rectal cannula. the cannula is inserted 15-20 cm into the rectal with an irrigator height
of 30 cm.

2. please find out the conversation is used by nurse during clensing enema procedure?
i’m lori, i’ll be your nurse today
i’m here to give your enema
i know, we’ll try to get it done quickly
i have to uncover you but i’m going to give you this blanket
keeping your legs straight just turn to your left side for me please
can you lift.
3. please find out the nursing instruction in this video?
to administer a cleansing enema, first provide privacy by closing the bedside
curtain or the door on the room.
with the side rail up lower the head of the bed. and then raise the bed to a height that’s
cover her with the bath blanket and pull the top linens to the foot of the bed.
have the patient turn into her left side with her right knee bent assist her as needed
after donning gloves and lowering the side rail nearest you place a waterproof pad under
her hips and buttocks.
ask the patient to lift her hips if she is able and tuck the pad under her
expose only the rectal area and make sure you can clearly visualize the anus
separate the patient’s buttocks and inspect the perianal area for abnormalities such as
hemorrhoids, anal fissures and rectal prolapse.
position the commode or a bedpan for easy accsess or if the patient will use the toilet
make sure that it’s available and that her slippers and robe are handy.
to administer a commercially prepared enema remove the plastic cap from it’s tip
apply more gel.
after expelling any air from the enema container separate the patient’s buttock and locate
the rectum
have her relax by breathing slowly through her mouth the gently insert it’s tip into the
anal canal angling toward the umbilicus

4. what kind of instruments are used for cleansing enema and the meaning in bahasa
a. kom : wadah
b. enema tube : pipa , untuk menghubungkan wadah ke selang rektum.
c. enema tube clamp : klem untuk menjepit pipa, untuk mengontrol aliran larutan ke
d. rectal canula : kanul rektal
e. gel : pelumas , yang digunakan untuk rectal tube sebelum dimasukkan.
f. thermometer : termometer untuk mengukur
suhu larutan.
g. soap/ jelly : sabun/jelly
h. water : air untuk campuran sabun
i underpad : perlak agar tempat tidur tidak basah
j. cotton nonsteril : kapas cebok
k. basin : baskom
5. please make your own conversation about the cleansing enema ?
nurse: good morning miss
patien: morning nurse
nurse: this morning i can give your enemato stimulate peristalsis of the colon so that it
can defecate
patient: yes sure , nurse
nurse : okey , lets try to get it done quickly
patient : okey nurse
nurse : to administer a cleasing enema first provide privacy by closing the bedside curtain
or the door to the room

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